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Chapter 291 The words of a man

The two of them were chatting with helpless expressions. Zhu Zhanchen suddenly said as if he had realized something: "I'm just talking about why the second uncle hasn't taken action yet. According to the second uncle's ability, how could my eldest brother be his opponent?"

Only when the emperor was alive could he compare with his second uncle in fighting wars. It turns out that the emperor made his second uncle swear the same oath as me. The emperor's profound plans for his children and grandchildren are really admirable."

What do you mean, just go down the slope and push the boat along with the current.

Zhu Gaoxu also went on to say: "Father is really far-sighted. The third child wrote me a letter and also advised me. He said that father also told him this and made him swear an oath that he did not want us to have a relationship between brothers."

There was a dispute."

When he heard about his third uncle Zhu Gaosui, Zhu Zhanyi couldn't help but laugh. Zhu Zhanyi could accurately understand Zhu Gaoxu's status and the situation in Hangzhou, and his third uncle was indispensable. As for whether Zhu Di said these words or not, he and his second uncle as

A filial son and a virtuous grandson can't pull him into a confrontation.

"Second uncle, in fact, our family has broken bones and connected tendons. Now a bunch of people just want to watch us make trouble. We are making trouble to the death. These people will reward each other based on their merits. Isn't this a joke?

Taking advantage is not okay."

Zhu Zhanzhen said excitedly, slapping the table and standing up: "I have to write to the emperor to tell my father. I can't just listen to the talk of those civil servants. These people have never fought in a war, and have never seen anyone die.

Talking about benevolence, righteousness and morality does not mean that they are framing the benevolence, righteousness and morality of others so that they can get promoted and make money themselves, no, this will not work."

Zhu Gaoxu seemed to have met his confidant and said emotionally: "Zhan Xing, it's better for you to wake up. You are looking more and more like a prince now. It's our ancestor's blessing that our Zhu family can have children and grandchildren like you."

"Second uncle is so complimentary. I'm still young and inexperienced. I just watched a few uncles imitate them." Zhu Zhanzhen said "I'm sorry" on his face.

Yu Qian watched as the two people suddenly began to flatter each other, and the flattery was too straightforward.

But he also understood that although Zhu Zhanzhen seemed to be praising Zhu Gaoxu in every sentence, he told Zhu Gaoxu openly and secretly that he would speak for Zhu Gaoxu in the court.

Zhu Zhanzhen's words still have weight, how much weight? The weight of the Ming Dynasty King of the Sea, the weight of one-third of the Ming Dynasty's economic voice.

Zhu Zhanchen took a sip of tea and continued: "Second uncle, we are actually thinking about the country. We blame Chen Yun, the spy, and those people in the court who yelled and killed. Second uncle is a sensible person."

Man, I think it would be nice if we could sit down and have a good talk with Uncle Er, and find a way to let him go through this matter."

"How can you get along with things like this? Can you get by with your father or your elder brother?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Qian understood that Zhu Gaoxu had intended to surrender.

"Second Uncle, don't worry, our family's affairs can still lead to death and death. I will vouch for Second Uncle with my life."

Zhu Gaoxu patted Zhu Zhanzhen on the shoulder happily: "I still think it is most suitable for you to be the emperor."

"Second uncle, I don't want to say this."

"People, the best choice is to have the initiative in your own hands. Then it is up to you no matter what choice you make." Zhu Gaoxu said something meaningful.

"Second uncle, why don't you surrender? I'll go talk to my father and you will still be your Prince of Han."

"Prince of the Han Dynasty? I'm afraid I won't be able to become one. I'm afraid it's just a dream to think about glory and wealth after all this fuss." Zhu Gaoxu lay back on the backrest of the mahogany chair, speaking leisurely but with a very solemn expression.

"The imperial court asked you to persuade me to surrender. What conditions did you use?"

"One tael of gold, the entire Western Region, let my second uncle rule the Western Region and establish a king system. The officials of Honglu Temple will explain this system to you in detail. It is probably just like the feudal khanate in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty."

Zhu Gaoxu smiled disdainfully: "How can I allow others to snore next to the bed? I'm afraid this king has many restrictions and few military powers."

"I'll let people from Honglu Temple come and discuss the details with you."

Zhu Gaoxu's attitude became very relaxed, beckoning and saying: "Let the people from Honglu Temple come."

Zhu Zhanyi ordered people to pick up the people from Honglu Temple on the warship he came on. They needed to tell them the details, and they also needed to record some of the needs of the Han princes. Zhu Zhanyi had the authority to respond to the next part.

If the request was too high, Zhu Zhanzhen could not agree to it privately. He had to register these people in the register.

On the way to pick him up, Yu Qian asked Zhu Zhanyang curiously: "Your Highness seems to be very sure that Prince Han wants to negotiate peace with you. How do you have such confidence?"

He really didn't understand why Zhu Gaoxu agreed to the peace talks just after Zhu Zhanzhen said a few words.

"I know my second uncle well. He has wanted to talk to us since we first arrived. I deliberately held off. As long as he wants to talk, we have the initiative." Zhu Zhanyi smiled slightly.

Yu Qian looked at Zhu Zhanzhen very seriously: "Your Highness, Wei Chen feels that this should not be the case. You can completely control the behavior of the King of Han just by relying on His Highness's understanding of the King of Han. It is really unbelievable that Wei Chen does not trust His Highness."

"It seems I can't fool you." Zhu Zhanzhen laughed and threw a letter to Yu Qian.

Yu Qian opened it and saw that it was a letter from none other than Prince Zhao Zhu Gaosui.

A person's confidence comes from a detailed grasp of the whole picture of things.

Everyone knows that Zhu Gaosui belongs to the faction of the Prince of Han, the iron-clad Second Master Party.

But for my third uncle, saying that he is a grass on the wall is really a compliment to the grass on the wall. He basically rides on the wall and observes the wind direction at any time. Before the wind comes, he has already moved first.

Naturally, he flirted with Zhu Gaoxu at first, but he was by no means firmly on Zhu Gaoxu's side, but he was more inclined.

Later, he gradually realized that Zhu Gaojiu was obviously getting worse and worse, so he immediately turned the gun. Knowing that his identity was sensitive, he went directly to Zhu Gaochi or Zhu Zhanji, and might be suspected by others. After thinking about it, Zhu Gaoji

Zhan Chen seemed to be the best buffer zone, so he sent all the information he said he had to Zhu Zhan Chen.

It is definitely unclear to clarify the relationship, but he knows Zhu Zhanyi, and he has helped. Zhu Zhanyi will definitely speak to him and will not intensify the conflict between him and Zhu Gaochi, and he himself and Zhu Zhan

Although our relationship cannot be said to be very good, there is no conflict, and Zhu Zhanxi will never deliberately target him.

Yu Qian looked at Zhu Gaosui's letter. After reading it, he suddenly realized that Prince Zhao had a very detailed grasp of the situation on the King of Han's side. The most important information in it was that the Han King's generals did not want to fight.

Most of the most important generals under the King of Han had their families in the capital. Because of the sudden incident of the false edict, it was impossible to bring them all out, so they had worries in their hearts.

In the beginning, the intention was to work with the Prince of Han. If the Prince of Han inherited the throne, a few people would be able to be granted the titles of marquises, nobles, and wives. However, as time went by, everyone's confidence was not enough.

Disagreement among people is a taboo in war.

Those who led the troops to fight under the Han Dynasty naturally knew the consequences of disunity in the hearts of the people. There was already a huge gap in the strength of their own troops. If the people's hearts and minds were divided, they would have no chance of winning.

There is another very important reason: Prince Han has no money.

Of course, this lack of money does not mean that Prince Han himself has no money, but that the accounts of the two vassals have no money.

Zhejiang and Fujian have a lot of tax revenue, especially Zhejiang. The tax revenue is only lower than that of the two capitals and the Guangdong vassal. Half of the richest places in the world are Jiangnan. Before the rise of the Guangdong vassal, Zhejiang and Yingtian were the richest places.

But because the Prince of Han spends money without restraint, and from time to time he even makes up his own name to charge it to his own account, the generals who follow him naturally make a lot of money, but when money is really needed, especially now, there is a lot of overspending.

When the time came, it was obvious that there was not enough money in the financial accounts.

Does Prince Han’s family still have money? Of course they do, and there is a lot of it, but Prince Han pays more attention to personal interests. How is this possible if he is asked to take out the money he brings in?

There are not enough people, not enough money, and his imperial edict has been deemed false by public opinion. Does he not know whether it is true or false?

When Chen Yun came up to him and offered him the imperial edict to help him act as an internal agent in the capital, could he not understand that there was something wrong with it? How could he not want to fight for the throne if he had a chance? It was not impossible to learn from his father.

When everything goes against him, he doesn't want to fight. The chance of winning is too small, but when things happen like this, there must be a reasonable transition. He also has to preserve his glory, wealth, and military power.

, otherwise he knew that he would definitely be liquidated. If Zhu Gaochi didn't liquidate him, Zhu Zhanji would too.

After all, in the past few years since the Ming Dynasty, internal fighting between uncles and nephews has almost become a traditional event.

After reading the letter, Yu Qian asked: "Since Your Highness already knew that Prince Han wanted to surrender, why didn't you talk to him earlier?"

"You have to give people steps to go downstairs. My second uncle has always been a pushover. If I were in a hurry to negotiate peace with him, he would definitely make some undue demands. For example, he asked me to be the emperor before.

Give him steps, but don’t give them too early, otherwise he won’t be able to go downstairs.”

"Even if Prince Han does not step down, the court will not be afraid of him." Yu Qian felt that the court was powerful.

Zhu Zhanzhen shook his head and sighed: "Well, you, like the people in the court, are too radical in everything. If the second uncle died in the hands of his father, even though his father did not personally order the execution, once the two armies fought, the Ming Dynasty would be destroyed.

The generals all wanted to take the head of the King of Han to claim the merits, so they killed their second uncle. How will the history books write about my father in the future? My father values ​​​​people with great reputations. You, Yu Qian, helped him bear the record of killing brothers in the history books.

But the people in the cabinet can handle it."

"But Prince Han really rebelled."

"Rebellion? Where did Prince Han rebel?"

"Ah?" Yu Qian was confused by Zhu Zhanzhen's words.

Zhu Zhanzhen said with a relaxed face: "How can any rebel prince call himself the king? Prince Han did not overstep his bounds in words and deeds. He was just deceived by the bastard Chen Yun and asked for an explanation with a fake edict."

, now that Chen Yun’s matter has come to light, Prince Han will be fine, and the two sides didn’t start a fight, right?”

Yu Qian suddenly realized that Zhu Gaoxu had raised his troops in the name of the imperial edict from the beginning. Zhu Gaochi had already ascended the throne, and he had not made any other movements. If he really rebelled, he would have to ascend the throne himself.

Lord Han, this is a typical middle-aged man. Give it a try first, and if it works, continue. If it doesn’t work, you’ll just go to bed if you’re not feeling well today.

If he really wants to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, then the two sides will have to fight even if they don't.

Both Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaochi were very restrained in this matter.

From the very beginning, Prince Han had planned his way out. I, Zhu Gaoxu, was not a rebel; I, Zhu Gaoxu, did not rebel.

I tried it, but no one supported it, and I didn’t think it would work, so forget it. I understand Zhu Gaoxu clearly and Prince Han clearly.

If it weren't for the fact that Prince Han himself had too many minor flaws, his overall view would indeed be very good.

You must know that Zhu Gaochi had a group of cabinets around him to help him make suggestions. Because the King of Han didn't think much of Shang Wenren, he had to rely on him to think of many things.

Yu Qian was shocked by the King of Han's actions. He was still a vassal king who was seeking his own benefit. What he did today was ultimately for his own benefit, but he was really careful, and people should not be judged by their appearance.

But what shocked him even more was the young man in front of him. The King of Han and the Emperor were understandably cunning.

The young man in front of him could see this matter so thoroughly. He was clear and open-minded in every word. He had an air of maturity even though he was a teenager, but he also had a good skin, which made people feel that he was not like the fireworks of the world.


After interacting with him for a long time, I feel that he is not a cunning and cunning person. He has the power to plan the city and the government, and he also has the heart to serve the people. He has many methods and various plans, but in the end he still has his innocent heart.

There are such people in the world.

Maybe what Prince Han said is right, and this His Highness will be a better emperor.

For a moment, Yu Qian was a little confused, and he actually had the same idea as the Prince of Han, and felt that Zhu Zhanyi should be the emperor.

Zhu Zhanchen took over the people from Honglu Temple, and the people from Prince Han also sat down, and the two sides talked face to face.

Now that Prince Han is willing to negotiate peace, it’s time to negotiate terms. There is no doubt that Prince Han will open his mouth, but these people are also experienced in the battlefield. They will not agree to everything. Those who can agree will shirk first, and those who cannot agree will not agree.

of direct veto, peace talks will not happen in a day.

The King of Han didn't like to talk to such formal people. He spoke slowly and slowly. The King of Han had a headache. On the second day of the peace talks, he felt unhappy and led his troops to the outside of Yingtian Mansion. He scolded him again before returning.

Poor Zhu Zhanji, even though he got the news that the peace talks had begun, he still had to be scolded, and he had no place to vent his anger, so he was holding back his anger.

On the evening of the fourth day of the peace talks, Zhu Gaoxu came to see Zhu Zhanchen, still on the West Lake cruise ship.

"Zhan Zhan, the peace talks are almost over. If nothing else goes wrong, your second uncle and I will be sent to the border of the Western Regions, and we will have to live in the wind and sand from now on." Zhu Gaoxu shook his head and sighed.

He wanted to stay in the land south of the Yangtze River, but the imperial court insisted on it, which was absolutely unacceptable. The Prince of Han also understood the bottom line between the two sides, and the imperial court would not let him occupy such a good place again.

"Second Uncle, now that the road to the Western Region is open, business will be more frequent in the future, and it won't be any worse than Jiangnan in the future."

"Except for beauties and raisins, what else in the Western Regions can compare with Jiangnan?"

Zhu Zhanzhen was eating raisins from the bowl. This was Zhu Gaoxu’s request to familiarize himself with the local food in advance.

"Second Uncle, I don't think this is a bad thing for you. The Western Regions are so big. The re-established Western Regions Kingdom will be several times larger than your current vassal territory. It's not impossible to go further west."

Zhu Gaoxu looked at Zhu Zhanzhen with some doubts: "Further west? That is your uncle's territory."

"It's not good for my uncle to really be our family in the future." Zhu Zhanchen chuckled.

"You kid said that you are very ambitious, but you are really very ambitious. Even if you say that you have no ambition, the emperor will not argue with you. He really can't understand you." Zhu Gaoxu's face was complicated: "It seems that you have some plans?"

"Second uncle, do you still remember Zheng He?"

"How could you not remember? You deceived me into saying that the earth is round, and now I don't know where I am."

"Second Uncle, over the years, merchant ships have been sailing to the South and West. We have discovered that after Tianzhu, there is the Timurid Empire. There is still a lot of land to the west. Why don't we develop these places?"

Zhu Gaoxu squinted his eyes slightly and smiled: "So I will take the land route and you will take the sea route?"

"It's easier to talk to my second uncle."

This chapter has been completed!
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