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Chapter 306 I'm betting against the devil

According to Aamir Khan, the king of Vijayanagar was an extremely cruel slave owner. Of course, since they were neighboring countries with bad relations, there must be some exaggeration.

However, based on the previous conditions, the Vijayanagar Kingdom should indeed be a country with very serious slavery, with distinct racial classes and severe oppression. The low-level slaves in the country lived a life of hunger.

Being oppressed for a long time has no humanity at all.

But this only strengthened Zhu Zhanzhen's idea of ​​​​going to Vijayanagara Kingdom.

"Your Highness, I did not explain clearly to you just now. The king of Vijayanagar is a very shameless person. They have no credibility or honesty."

"Prince Amir Khan, can you speak their language?"

Aamir Khan was embarrassed for a while but answered honestly: "The languages ​​of the two countries are very similar, and everyone knows them well."

"Then if possible, please ask Prince Amir Khan to come with me and help me translate."

Aamir Khan didn't dare to refuse, so he had no choice but to agree.

Then he came to Zhu Zhanzhen and said, "Your Highness the King of the Sea, I dare to ask, what is the purpose of this trip?"

Zhu Zhanzhen slowly turned his head, and Amir Khan instantly had goosebumps on his back, and his cold eyes made him tremble.

The legend says that the Prince of Ming Dynasty is very miraculous. The admiration in his heart coupled with the slightly angry eyes that Zhu Zhanxang always has now make him feel uncontrollably scared.

"Your Highness, Sea King, forgive me. I was just thinking of where I could help His Highness."

The young prince of the Ming Dynasty slowly spoke: "Your Kingdom of Ceylon has good relations with the Ming Dynasty. There has been frequent trade between the two parties in recent years. I think the Kingdom of Ceylon has also developed well in these years. Naturally, I have my purpose in coming to the West this time, and one of them is to expand

Shipping trade, the Kingdom of Ceylon is a friendly neighbor on the left and right, I hope it will continue, and the Ming Dynasty will not treat its allies badly."

"Yes, yes, thank you very much, Your Majesty." Amir Khan lowered his head repeatedly. This strong and dark-skinned man lowered his posture very low.

The huge fleet sailed past the Kingdom of Ceylon and came to the Kingdom of Vijayanagar. Following the guidance of the sea chart and Prince Amir Khan, it arrived at the Port of Kochi.

At this time, the Vijayanagar Kingdom had already noticed the arrival of the Ming Dynasty's navy and deployed a defense line along the coast. They did not know the purpose of the Ming Dynasty's coming here, and the trade between the two countries was not very good before.

Although the Vijayanagar kingdom is backward, it is very conceited and unwilling to trade with the Ming Dynasty. Even if there is trade with the Ming Dynasty, it is only a small amount of trade, and it has to charge very high taxes on merchant ships. Therefore, apart from some tricky business, there is very little

Few merchant ships come here, and there are also many pirates in this area who rob merchant ships.

The merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty would choose the Kingdom of Ceylon, where taxes are relatively low and safer.

A huge fleet lay across the sea, and everyone at the port of Kochi in Vijayanagar was in danger, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

The owner of Kochi Port is named Singh. He is a fat man with fair skin. He belongs to the Kshatriya caste and is a high-class person. Unlike a group of skinny slaves around him, he weighs more than 200 kilograms and is less than a pound.

The height of Mi Qi.

At this time, Singer was looking anxiously at the sea, unable to see clearly, and saw a steel warship sailing towards the port from a distance.

"What does Ming Dynasty want to do with its warships?" Singer asked the people around him anxiously and fearfully.

When the steel behemoth approached the shore, Singer immediately ordered all troops and weapons to be on standby and ready to attack the opponent at any time.

However, its backward artillery was dismantled from the obsolete warships of the Kingdom of Ceylon. Their own productivity is only one artillery factory, which was only built in the past two years. The firearms manufactured have a high failure rate and backward performance.

Therefore, the main deterrent comes from the crossbows and spears and swords held by the soldiers, but these weapons look so ridiculous in front of the Ming Dynasty's steel steam warships.

Two rows of fully armed soldiers came down from the warship. Without saying anything, they stood in two rows. The uniform posture of the Ming Dynasty's majestic battle armor had already frightened these people to death. They had never seen it before.

Such a scene.

Amir Khan walked down from the warship. Seeing such a tense scene, Amir Khan felt a little nervous. After all, his relationship with Singh from Port Kochi was not very good, and there had been frictions.

Seeing that it was Aamir Khan, Singh stretched out his hand to indicate that his army was more prepared and prepared for battle. He did not know what Aamir Khan wanted to do.

Amir Khan said: "Singh, order your troops to put down their weapons. This is the third and fourth fleets of the South China Sea of ​​the Ming Dynasty. His Royal Highness the Sea King of the Ming Dynasty is here in person. If you are disrespectful, you will be responsible for the consequences."

After finishing a sentence in a pretentious manner, Aamir Khan actually wanted Singer to contradict Zhu Zhanxing, so that when Zhu Zhanshen brought out his army this time, he could destroy them in one fell swoop, and he could also benefit from it, but he did not dare to act recklessly.


When Zhu Zhanzhen came out, he must have brought people who were proficient in the languages ​​​​of various Western countries. Ming Dynasty specially trained such officials. Now asking him to negotiate may also be a test for himself. If he talks nonsense, he will be easily blamed later, so he is very

of restraint.

Upon hearing that the legendary Sea King was coming in person, Singer immediately ordered all the troops to step back and put away their appearance of attacking.

Zhu Zhanzhen's reputation has long been resounding throughout this sea, even in a backward country like Vijayanagar. His reputation is resounding.

The Sea King of the Ming Dynasty came in person and brought so many battleships. Singer was already beating the drum in his heart. He didn't know what Zhu Zhanzhen was here for now, but if the Sea King of the Ming Dynasty made up his mind to capture their territory, he would

Can these people withstand their powerful ships and cannons?

The answer is obviously no.

"Foreign Minister Singer respectfully welcomes His Highness the King of the Sea, and also asks His Highness to show up to see you." Singer shouted loudly.

The translator beside Zhu Zhanyi translated Singer's words for him, and Zhu Zhanyi was ready to meet him.

At this time, Amir Khan said: "Singh, the way you have so many soldiers standing ready is not to welcome His Highness the King of the Sea."

Singh hesitated for a while, then waved his hand, and all the soldiers canceled their fighting postures. The soldiers of Vijayanagar were all wearing thin clothes. In such a tropical place, such clothes are indeed much more convenient, but the posture

They are far different from the army of the Ming Dynasty, and they are so thin that there are not many strong ones.

Of course, most of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty wore single clothes on the warships. Now is the time of tension, so they wear armor.

Zhu Zhanyi stepped down from the warship, and the two rows of soldiers took a step back and shouted loudly: "Welcome to the Ming Dynasty King of the Sea!"

"Welcome, King of the Sea of ​​Ming Dynasty!"

The sound was as powerful as the sky, and any young person would be frightened out of their wits by these powerful voices.

Singer was also surprised when he saw Zhu Zhanchen coming. The clear young man in front of him was the legendary King of the Sea of ​​Ming Dynasty. Although he was fat and had difficulty moving, he stepped forward.

"The foreign minister didn't know that His Highness was here in person, so I hope His Highness won't be surprised."

The translator was beside Zhu Zhanzhen and immediately translated Singer's words. Zhu Zhanzhen nodded and looked around. The location and geographical conditions of this old and simple port were indeed very good. On the warship, he had already understood that this was a place where

Very good deep water harbor.

"Singh, it is rumored that you are from the royal family of Vijayanagar. Is this true?"

"I am the king's brother. I wonder why His Highness the Sea King is in our country? If you want to see our King, I can introduce him to you."

Zhu Zhanchen waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter whether the king sees you or not. I have a business I want to discuss with you."

"Your Highness, let's come into my house to talk. I will prepare good wine and food for Your Highness."

Zhu Zhancheng refused again: "No, I'm pressed for time. I want to ask you whether this Kochi Port belongs to you."

When Singh heard Zhu Zhanzhen's words, he became vigilant and thought for a while before replying: "Your Highness, Port Kochi is within my territory and is the most important port in our kingdom."

"I want to buy this port from you." Zhu Zhanzhen stated his purpose very straightforwardly.

Singer was a little stunned by Zhu Zhanzhen's straightforwardness, but said: "Port Kochi is our country's port, and I alone cannot make the decision."

"Sir Singh, I'm not asking for your opinion." Zhu Zhanchen ordered his people to bring up the written contract, with the attitude of taking over the port by force.

Singer frowned. He didn't expect that the legendary King of the Sea of ​​Ming Dynasty would aggressively want to buy the port just after meeting him. Moreover, this was not buying, this was clearly robbing.

It is rumored that the Ming Dynasty's navy is extremely powerful, but it will not seize the resources of other countries.

But after what he saw today, Singer couldn't help but doubt the rumors. This Zhu Zhanzhen was completely different from the rumors.

On the other hand, Aamir Khan was secretly delighted. He was happy to see this situation.

"Your Highness the Sea King, although we are a small country, we are not cowards who allow others to bully us."

"I will not bully you. I have 200,000 taels of silver and 20% of the port's annual revenue. Moreover, I will station troops at Port Kochi. If anyone dares to harm you, I will send troops to protect you. I have the Ming Navy here.

Therefore, no one can pose any threat to you."

Amir Khan was shocked by the condition Zhu Zhanzhen suddenly said. It was only 200,000 taels of silver. The annual tax revenue of the Vijayanagar Kingdom was close to 400,000 taels of silver. This was obtained by exploiting slaves.

Zhan Zhen paid for it with two hundred thousand taels of silver, how rich he was.

Moreover, the money was given to Singer. It would be a lie for Singer to say that he was not tempted by such money.

With this money, how could he live a life of fine clothing and fine food, and with a person like Zhu Zhanyi, what would he have to fear? Zhu Zhanyi also said that the Ming Dynasty's navy would be stationed here to protect them.

It's just that this condition is so good that it makes him doubt Zhu Zhanzhen's purpose.

"Your Highness Neptune, I'm sorry to have to obey you. This is not a decision I can make alone." Singer tried his best to express respect in his tone.

"You can't or you don't want to. Since you don't want to, there's no need to waste any more words." Zhu Zhanzhen turned around and walked towards the warship, and then said loudly: "The first squadron of the third fleet of the Ming Navy is ready. The whole army is ready."

Attack and capture Port Kochi."

Hearing this, Singh instantly broke into a cold sweat and repeatedly checked with the Mingyu translator beside him to see if there was anything wrong with Zhu Zhanzhen's words that he had just translated.

The translator was almost scared to death. No one expected that this Ming Sea King would start a war if they disagreed.

Singer had no time to react. The group of rotten fish and shrimps on his side were unable to resist in front of the Ming Navy, so they immediately chased after them.

It is not good for a fat man to run. As he ran, he said: "His Royal Highness Neptune, His Highness Neptune, please wait a moment."

After just a few steps, he was out of breath. When he came to Zhu Zhanchen, a group of guards drew their swords and stopped him.

"Your Highness the King of the Sea, please listen to what the foreign minister has to say."

But Zhu Zhanyi ignored him and continued to walk alone.

"Your Highness Neptune, I sell, I sell!" Singer shouted loudly.

Zhu Zhanzhen finally stopped and said, "Then please invite Mr. Singer to come with me to the warship."

Zhu Zhanzhen canceled the attack order and took Singer back to the warship. Singer looked at the new artillery on the warship. Although he had never seen it fire, just looking at it made people feel frightened and panicked.

I feel lucky to have compromised. Otherwise, if there really was a fight, I might not have been able to save my life. How could I stop Ming's guns?

"I agree to the prince's conditions, but the prince must also promise that Ming's army will protect me." Singer said flatteringly.

"The conditions have changed. One hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver, to be paid in ten years, with a 15% return." Zhu Zhanzhen lowered the conditions even lower.

Singer was naturally dissatisfied, but he did not dare to say anything, and he agreed for fear of offending Zhu Zhanchen again.

The other people in Kochi Port were dumbfounded. Those low-caste people did not understand why Singh, who could beat and scold them at will and treat them like pigs and dogs, actually acted like a fawning dog in front of the handsome young man.

When Singer signed the contract, he looked at Zhu Zhan. It seemed that he was not signing a contract for the port sale, but making a pledge with the devil. He knew that there was no doubt that his brother, who was also the king of this country, would go to war, but compared to being stupid,

The incompetent brother, he is even more afraid of the elusive demon in front of him who controls the powerful fleet.

Zhu Zhanchen did things cleanly and neatly this time, without any hesitation or scruple.

"By the way, Mr. Singer, I heard that you have many people, and I also want to make a deal with you."

"Your Highness, are you talking about those untouchables who are like pigs and dogs? Your Highness can kill them at any time if he likes. My favorite thing is to make them dress up like dogs and kill them with arrows. If the women among them are more beautiful,

It can be used at any time and they will be grateful."

Looking at Singer who said these words with a smile in front of him, Zhu Zhanchen felt extremely disgusted from the bottom of his heart. His whole body was full of dirty smell and greedy guy.

Isn't he making a pledge with the devil?

"I will have a big project to dig a canal. These people...these untouchables can be sent there at that time. Mr. Singh will be responsible for managing it. As long as the canal is successfully dug, each person will be paid two taels and one piece of silver."

"Really?" Singer was overjoyed.

Seeing his delighted expression, Zhu Zhanzhen knew that his bid was high. Yes, the life of an untouchable was worth two cents.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this.




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