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Chapter 318 GOD is a girl

I thought there would be a big war, and Zhu Zhanzhen was very puzzled that Joan of Arc appeared on the south coast of France so quickly. However, what was unexpected was that Joan of Arc did not come to fight, but followed God's instructions.

He came to seek help from Zhu Zhanyi.

Zhu Zhanchen led her into the Ming Dynasty's position. She came in alone, which shocked the other French people behind.

Seeing that they were about to follow, Joan of Arc turned around and asked them to stop: "No one is allowed to come forward or conflict with the troops of the Eastern Empire."

The Duke of Marseille and other French soldiers could only watch Joan of Arc enter Zhu Zhanzhen's camp.

The Duke of Marseille was worried because it was his most precious white horse.

"What is Joan of Arc doing? How can she give knighthood to an intruder?" The Duke of Marseille was extremely angry.

Joan's soldier looked embarrassed and said: "Your Excellency Joan of Arc accepted the guidance of God and came here. God's guidance is not wrong, just like the Eastern Empire did come here according to God's instructions. Maybe they are not enemies.

." He said this with a guilty conscience, but he could only act in this way to understand Joan of Arc.

"It's best that this is the case. If Joan of Arc colludes with the Ming Dynasty, I will report the truth to the king." The Duke of Marseille threatened.

The soldier glared angrily: "The saint is not that kind of person."

The Duke of Marseille was startled by his momentum and backed away angrily, but he was determined to report the matter to the police.

As we all know, the relationship between Joan of Arc and the King of France is not good. The King of France does not like such a woman to be in the limelight and compete for his honor, but he has to rely on Joan to win the war. He even thinks that Joan of Arc is a princeling.

He came to kill his own people, so he put Joan of Arc and the prince into the same party. He was very afraid, but he had nothing to do.

What would happen if news spread that Joan of Arc was colluding with the Ming people and insulted her reputation as a saint?

Joan of Arc also understood her intention to follow Zhu Zhanzhen into the camp alone, but she had to go. This was related to the future of the French people, and God's will was unmistakable.

Zhu Zhanzhen motioned Joan to sit down in the tent, and then asked someone to make tea. He said in a standard Parisian accent: "You can try our country's tea. If you are not used to it, just say so."

Joan of Arc took off her helmet, had messy short hair, and a somewhat dirty face, but she was as energetic and capable as any man.

"Your Excellency Neptune, your French is perfect, but I'm not used to drinking this water."

"You'll get used to it if you drink more in the future."

Zhu Zhanzhen continued to ask: "Your Excellency is a saint of France. I'm afraid it would be bad for other people to see you knighting me just now."

"I have received guidance from God. Your Excellency can solve France's problems, so when you come here, you are the person chosen by God. It is appropriate for me to give you the knighthood."

Zhu Zhanzhen was stunned. He was so miraculous that he gradually fell into endless confusion.

If you say that Joan of Arc is talking nonsense, then she should be on the northern line of France. How could she reach the vicinity of Marseille in such a short period of time?

It would have been impossible to rush here so quickly if the Duke of Marseille requested help.

There is only one possibility, that is, Joan of Arc was already nearby, but why did she come nearby? Is it true that she had received God's will as she said?

Is there really a god?

Zhu Zhanzhen doesn't believe in these things. Before time travel, he was 99.9% a staunch materialist. The remaining 0.1% was reserved for the God of Wealth, which was the only thing he knelt down to. god.

"Your Excellency Joan of Arc is joking, why would you make up such a reason to deceive me?"

Joan of Arc looked at Zhu Zhanxi very seriously and said: "Are you the husband of seven women?"

Zhu Zhanzhen looked puzzled, because he was not good at mathematics. After careful calculation, Chen Xinyue, Hu Shanwei, Li Xiaozhu, Li Xianyu, Zara, and Aliya, there were only six.

He immediately shook his head: "I only have six wives."

"God said you will have seven wives."

"Then thank him for me."

Joan of Arc was unsure about one thing and continued: "Your Excellency, you must not be from this world."

Zhu Zhanzhen's scalp felt numb when he heard this, but he suppressed his panic and said calmly: "Why did you say that?"

"This is an instruction given by God. An outsider from this world will lead the army of the Eastern Canglong across the boundless sea, repel the army of Ingeland, and save the people of France, with fire against fire and blood. Blood exchange." Joan of Arc said this, but she deliberately concealed the last sentence of God's Domain, [He will save you, my child].

An outsider in this world!!

Zhu Zhanzhen was stunned when he heard this prophecy. Is there really a god in this world? Joan of Arc couldn't make up such words randomly, but she couldn't reveal the truth.

"Your Excellency Joan of Arc is really joking. What do you mean by an outsider in this world? Can I still be a person from other worlds?"

Joan of Arc looked at Zhu Zhanyi with firm eyes: "I believe that you are sent by God to save the French people."

Zhu Zhanzhen was stunned. It turns out that Joan of Arc understood the outsiders in this world in this way. She came down from the sky. Doesn't that mean she became an angel?

I have to say that she knows how to read and understand.

No wonder I always feel cold and have cold feet from time to time. It turns out that it’s because boys with cold hands were angels with broken wings in their previous lives. QQ Space does not deceive me.

She didn't have to worry about her identity as a time traveler being exposed, and her mood calmed down a bit. However, Zhu Zhanzhen became more convinced that she had received a prophecy from God. Is there really a god in this world?

"Your Majesty is joking, I am not here to save the French people, but I am here to ask you my friends for justice in France."

"Your Excellency, King Neptune, has any issues with France?" Joan of Arc did not understand Zheng He's affairs, and there was no such content in God's will.

She was still young when Zheng He came to France.

"My best friend's name is Zheng He. He came all the way from our Ming Dynasty, but your king used cunning to capture him, stripped him naked, put him in a cage and paraded him through the streets, allowing everyone to laugh at him, tease him, and chop him Cut off his arms and legs, causing his death. Ever since your king did this, we have been in a fight to the death." Zhu Zhanzhen slowly explained the past.

Joan of Arc was shocked. She didn't know this, but it was like something their king could do. She wanted to say something but her defense seemed pale.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Joan of Arc swallowed her saliva and involuntarily took a sip of the tea that she found unpleasant: "Your Excellency Neptune, so you want to seek revenge against our king? Not the French people."

I just said that she knows how to read and understand.

Zhu Zhanzhen asked with a slight smile: "Are you still willing to hand over your king to me? If so, we can cooperate."

Joan of Arc fell into deep thought.

France is already full of complaints about King Charles VI. Because of his mental illness, he has been elusive and is also known as the lovely Charles. Being called cute is not a compliment for a king.

Specifically, you can refer to the following: When someone says to you that you are such a cute little girl, is that a compliment to you?

The French Duke of Burgundy, John the Fearless, openly allied with the British. King Henry V of England used archers to destroy the French army with absolutely superior strength at Agincourt, and the French commander, the Duke of Orleans, was captured.

After a series of defeats, the entire north of France was occupied by the British army. Charles VI was captured by the Duke of Burgundy, an ally of the British, and was forced to sign a treaty with Henry V in Troyes. According to the treaty, Charles VI

His son Charles, Prince of France, was deprived of his inheritance. Once Charles VI dies, he will give way to Henry V.

If it hadn't been for the emergence of Joan of Arc, France would have been in a state of doom.

In addition to his influence on France at the national level, Charles VI was also very chaotic in his own family.

He always imagined that he was a glass man, and anyone who came close to him would break him. In order to prevent himself from being broken, he also sewed iron bars on himself.

Otherwise, it's not like the whole family doesn't enter the same house. His wife is a person with a very strange mind.

Queen Isabella of Charles VI was very worried about her husband's condition. In order to treat her husband's illness, she not only turned to medicine, but also to witchcraft, using supernatural powers to treat her husband. She firmly believed that beauty could help Charles VI.

To treat illnesses in the world, he selected several beauties to serve Charles VI at the same time every day. Of course, the process was very happy, but the final result also ended in failure.

Joan of Arc felt deeply that France would be doomed if this continued. The king was obviously unable to govern the country well, and none of the three regents was a good person.

As the only capable, ambitious and ambitious prince in the royal family, Prince Charles lost his inheritance rights due to the treaty signed between Charles VI and the King of England.

It is well known that Joan of Arc is a member of the prince's party. Historically, Joan of Arc also escorted him to Reims Cathedral for his coronation. Facts have proved that Joan of Arc did not choose the wrong person. Prince Charles, the future Charles VII, will end the war between England and France in the future.

After the Hundred Years' War, France was rebuilt from the mud.

But the French king whom she firmly chose turned a blind eye to the suffering she would suffer in the future, and did not even think about saving this poor rural girl from the sea of ​​fire.

Judging from the current domestic situation in France, King Charles VI is the source of all chaos. The French people need a new, wise monarch to lead them, and Joan of Arc firmly believes that Prince Charles can be this person.

Therefore, the idea of ​​how wonderful it would be if Charles VI died has appeared in Joan of Arc's mind more than once, and the man from the east in the prophecy is here to seek revenge on Charles VI. Is this a coincidence, or is everything the same?

It was arranged by God.

She could not say that she wished the King of France to die, although she wished it so in her heart.

"The King of France represents the dignity of France. How can we hand it over to Your Excellency?" Joan of Arc said this in an understatement, as if saying hello to you.

Listening to Joan of Arc's tone, Zhu Zhanzhen smiled knowingly: "My best friend was treated humiliatingly in France and England, which resulted in his death. The King of France, the King of England, and all the other

I will not let go of anyone whose close friends are harmed. Anyone who stands in front of me is my enemy, the enemy of the Ming Dynasty's army."

Zhu Zhanzhen expressed a more determined attitude.

Joan of Arc sighed and said: "Your Majesty the King of the Sea, can you lend me your army to help me resist Ingeland." Although she knew that there was little hope, Joan of Arc still firmly believed that she had received the will from heaven and that the Orientals would help her.

Defend against enemies.

"Do you think I will send troops? Or what exchange conditions do you think you can give me in exchange for my sending troops?"

Joan of Arc could not think of any reason to ask Zhu Zhanchen to send troops.

Zhu Zhanzhen himself said: "I am very curious, how did the Holy Lady obtain the will of God? Did you perform some kind of ritual or some strange way?"

"Can I tell you the truth in exchange for your help?"

Zhu Zhanzhen wanted to figure this out, but it was impossible to ask him to help. He waved a guard over: "If you tell the truth, I can support you with some weapons. This is our latest weapon."

I can give you five of the improved version of Card 47."

"God is silent to me, don't say it, don't say it, can't say it."

Zhu Zhanzhen listened to her talkative words and impatiently asked the soldiers to put ten firearms and fifteen grenades on the table: "Is this okay?"

As soon as Joan of Arc was about to speak, Zhu Zhanzhen immediately said: "If it doesn't work, forget it. It means that your god has no connection with me, and it means that it is not me who will save France in the prophecy you made."

Joan of Arc was in a dilemma. She firmly believed in prophecies and God's prophecies were never missed.

Looking at the weapons on the table and Zhu Zhanzhen, the chosen one, she thought that maybe this was one of the ways Zhu Zhanzhen came to help her.

"make a deal."

"Then please tell me."

Joan of Arc touched her shoulder, and there was still a dull pain under the armor: "On the first day of every month, I will accept God's will in my sleep, and God will tell me the battle that will happen next, and how to win.

The way to fight, but at the same time if I want to win the battle I have to pay a certain price."

"What price?"

"We won the siege of Orleans, but an arrow pierced our shoulder. This was the price."

Trade your life for it!

The way she obtained the prophecy was not complicated, but there were conditions. Zhu Zhanzhen asked: "What conditions are needed for France to achieve final victory?"

Joan of Arc's eyes were firm, but slightly sad: "I will give my soul, my body, my life, everything I have. As long as France can win the final victory, I am willing to give everything I have."

"Your god, I need some conditions to help you. I don't have enough magic power."

"Your Majesty the King of the Sea, are you blaspheming our God?" Joan of Arc suddenly pulled out her sword, and the soldiers around Zhu Zhanchen stood in front of him.

Zhu Zhanzhen waved his hand to let them go down, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Joan of Arc, you believe in God so much. God has given you prophecies, but wants to deprive you of your health and life. Has God really given you a gift? You are God's.

Messenger? Are you really a saint as your followers say?"

Joan of Arc looked stern and spoke firmly: "If he has not given me a gift, I hope he will give it to me. If I have received his gift, I hope he can still give it to me. I never consider myself a saint, I just

She is just a country woman who has heard the sighs of God, but for the sake of France, I am willing to die."

At this moment, Zhu Zhanzhen admired Joan of Arc from the bottom of his heart, at this moment, godisagirl.

God is unfair.

Zhu Zhanzhen looked at Joan of Arc: "I can help you drive away the English and regain the land of France. Believe me, I can."

"But you have conditions, right? If you ask me to hand over the king, I'm sorry, but I can't do it."

Zhu Zhanzhen shook his head: "You always hold your flag high and replace your flag with the military flag of the Ming Dynasty. No matter when and where this flag is, it will be where the sword of the Ming Dynasty's Iron Army is pointing."

This chapter has been completed!
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