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Chapter 33 Monetary Economics

Zhu Zhanzhen's knowledge of economics is very limited. After all, he did not study this. He only knows that the amount of currency issuance is determined by national productivity, but this is a very empty concept. How to calculate the current productivity.

Excessive currency issuance will inevitably cause currency depreciation. You cannot issue more currency, but you cannot issue less currency. For the Ming Dynasty, the financial pressure of more currency issuance will be less.

Send more within a reasonable range.

Zhu Zhanzhen took the book from the warehouse first. At this time, the palace's warehouse contained 600 shi of rice. The converted value of other meat and vegetables was approximately 1,100 shi of rice.

Because food stamps have redemption properties, the food stamps issued must be considered to be redeemable for items of corresponding value from the warehouse.

Once they cannot be exchanged, people will no longer trust food stamps, the promotion of food stamps will fail, and the social and economic system will collapse, even triggering public dissatisfaction and uprisings.

Food is the first priority for the people, and money and food are the foundation of the country. This is also the reason why Zhu Zhanzhen did not negotiate terms with Zhu Di on the matter of food stamps.

Zhu Zhanzhen thought for a while and said: "As an insurance company, two thousand shi of food stamps are issued. The denominations used in the palace are large denominations of 1,500 shi, and other small denominations." Because the denominations used in the palace are relatively small.


Wang An hurriedly said: "Your Highness, the total amount of the warehouse is only 1,700 dan, and the food stamps issued for 2,000 dan are excessive."

"Two thousand stones have been issued, but not everyone will exchange it for grain at the same time. The grain in the warehouse will be replenished every half month. At that time, the calculation will be based on the new total warehouse volume and the unrecovered food stamps to determine whether to increase or reduce the issuance."

"What does shrinking issuance mean?" Wang An asked puzzledly.

"Every month, the supply of various departments in the palace is issued in food stamps. Our goal is to replace the treasure banknotes with food stamps. Then not only the supplies are issued in food stamps, but the salaries of the palace maids and eunuchs are also issued in food stamps, so that the food stamps have the function of circulation and transactions.


Zhu Zhanzhen felt tired, so he took a sip of water and continued: "Suppose we issue two thousand shi of food stamps now, and after half a month we exchange 1,000 shi, and the inventory is replenished with 1,200 shi, what should we do?"

Several people scratched their heads, but the good eldest brother Zhu Zhanji spoke: "After the food stamps are recovered, they will be stored in the grain depot. After the grain depot is replenished next month, these recovered food stamps can continue to be used as supplies for various departments and as salaries for palace maids and eunuchs. However,

Because only 1,000 shi were recovered, the palace people still have 1,000 shi on hand. After the warehouse is replenished, there will be a total of 1,900 shi in stock. Because there will definitely be some left in people's hands, we can actually issue an additional few hundred shi in food stamps next time."

"Big brother is still awesome."

"Taishun Shengming."

"Taishun Shengming."

Zhu Zhanji knocked on the table: "When discussing things, avoid all these false etiquettes. Don't delay things."

Zhu Zhanzhen couldn't help but take a higher look at his good elder brother. He was indeed a man of work. No wonder Zhu Di liked him so much. He was serious and responsible.

A few people discussed it. If the food stamps were successful, the amount of food left in the market without being redeemed would be very large. However, there was no data basis for anything and they could only make rough estimates. The calculations were very inaccurate. For safety reasons, they only issued more than the existing ones.

Stock 10-20% of the amount of food stamps.

After the discussion, several people felt like they had been given chicken blood. The more the three officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs thought about it, the more they thought it was feasible. This was a great opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune. Not to mention not sleeping for a day, several of them didn't plan to sleep in the next few days.

I woke up and worked overtime to get the food stamps done.

Only Zhu Zhanyi couldn't help but fell asleep. Zhu Zhanji asked Chu'er to take Zhu Zhanyi to the side hall to avoid disturbing him.

He touched Zhu Zhanzhen's head and said, "My fifth brother has grown so big without me realizing it. I always feel that he is still the kid who followed me around the Royal Garden a few years ago."

We grew up together, and the relationship between brothers from the same mother is very good.

Zhu Zhanchen didn't get up until three o'clock in the morning. Because he was busy with food stamps, it was recently decided that he didn't need to go to school, which gave him a rare and peaceful sleep.

At this time, Zhu Zhanji was looking at the handwritten sample of food stamps and drinking porridge. He had just slept for a while.

"Zhan Zhen, come over and eat together."

At this time, three officials from the Ministry of Revenue had already left to rush for the seals and printing molds needed to make the food stamps.

"Brother, what are the plans for today?"

"Let's go to Grandpa Huang to report the results of yesterday's discussion first. If Grandpa Huang agrees, he will go to Hu Shang Palace again. After all, food stamps need to be distributed in the palace. Hu Shang Palace is in charge of the internal affairs of the palace, so he has to say hello to her.

, I’m going to look for my mother again and ask for her help. Eat quickly and come with me."

Zhu Zhanzhen was just about to find an excuse to run away, but his good brother had already included him in the plan. This day's schedule was probably quite busy.

In desperation, Zhu Zhanzhen had to follow Zhu Zhanji to report to Zhu Di first.

In the main hall, Zhu Zhanji explained all the things that were discussed and decided by several people yesterday based on the key points recorded in the notebook. This alone took almost an hour.

Zhu Di listened attentively, and Zhu Zhanji spoke more carefully. The grandfather and grandson became more and more enthusiastic. When he finally finished speaking, Zhu Di couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded.

"Okay, it's a good way to prevent fake food stamps."

"It was Zhan Zhan's idea." Zhu Zhanji was not greedy for merit.

"You two are both very good. As for the total amount of issuance, you are right in considering it. Do it at the safest level first. I will order everyone in the palace to fully support you. Anyone who dares to disobey or violates the law will be reported directly.

Give it to me."

"Thank you, Grandpa Huang."

Zhu Di continued energetically: "From now on, you will report your progress to me every day, and you must not hide any problems you encounter. The issuance of food stamps is a major event and cannot be careless."

"My grandson understands."

After Zhu Di finished speaking, he walked around for two minutes and made up his mind: "Can we make a printing sample of the food stamps today?"

"It should be ready in time before tonight, but it may need to be revised to some extent before it is actually released."

"It doesn't matter, you two will come to the court tomorrow morning. Zhanji, in front of all the ministers, explain the matter of food stamps as you did today. Of course, it must be simplified. The morning meeting is tight."

Talking about this matter in front of all the civil and military officials in the morning was proof of the emperor's determination to do this. As the executor, Zhu Zhanji was involved in a national policy of the Ming Dynasty, and it was his job to do a good job.

Reputation can be greatly improved.

Zhu Zhanji was a little excited: "Thank you, Grandpa Huang."

But Zhu Zhanzhen beside him could not see any excitement.

Zhu Di looked at his expressionless and even distressed face and asked, "Zhan Zhan, what's wrong with you?"

"Grandpa Huang, what time is the morning meeting?"

Hey, it delays my sleep again, it’s all hard work.

This chapter has been completed!
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