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Chapter 36 Zhao Wangye

At the entrance of the palace, a carriage passed by, accompanied by several fully armed soldiers riding tall horses to escort it. The Prince of Han was even more impressive than the Crown Prince.

Inside the car were Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Zhanzhen.

"Zhan Yu, have you been to the flower boat on the Qinhuai River?"

Zhu Zhanchen shook his head: "Second uncle, I heard that that place is full of food, drink, prostitution and gambling. As a royal family, I'm afraid it would be bad to go there."

Zhu Gaoxu said nonchalantly: "Don't be like your father. Men have to relax, drink some wine and listen to music. There are some things that your father can't teach you. My second uncle will teach you. And what I told your father today is to come out and pick you up."

Third uncle, I didn’t say I was going to Qinhuai River, so don’t worry.”

"By the way, Second Uncle, how is the Security Department doing?"

"Everything went well, very smoothly. All the ministers in Beijing were equipped with guards. After the guards were assigned, they all came to the Security Department to rent guards. The monthly rent alone was very high." Zhu Gaoxu looked rosy and was very happy.

"That's good, has the matter of the second uncle's imperial ship been settled?"

"Ha...haha, nothing's wrong." Zhu Gaoxu said haha.

"Second uncle, it's time to cut it off. The sooner it's done, the better, so as not to find out a lot of messy things later."

"I know, I know, you kid is not interesting at all, you do a lot of things when you come out to play."

The carriage left the city first and got off the carriage at the city gate. Zhu Zhanzhen saw the eunuch in the palace waiting beside him holding an imperial edict.

"Second uncle, what are you doing here?" Zhu Zhanzhen asked in a low voice.

"Come to give an order."

"What's the purpose?"

"How do I know? It's for your third uncle. Can your third uncle come out tonight and read what is written in the decree? But I think there is a high probability that he will not be summoned to the palace. The emperor has a lot of things today, and you three

Uncle did a good job on this errand, I guess we still have to discuss how to reward him."

Zhu Zhanzhen was confused: "What did Third Uncle do?"

"Inspection of Huguang. The emperor likes the Northern Expedition but doesn't like inspections. It's really boring to deal with a bunch of local officials who are sneaky and cunning, so you often ask me and your third uncle to go on inspections."

Zhu Zhanzhen nodded. An inspection is equivalent to going down to inspect. Of course, many people who go to inspect take the opportunity to make money. If the second uncle and the third uncle go on inspection, they will definitely make a lot of money.

Could Zhu Di not know? But it is different who is sent there. Those stupid young people would be honest if they went there, but the local officials below joined forces to deceive him so that he could not see the actual situation below.

You can still get some real information by sending someone like the third and second uncles there. The old man has a way of dealing with the old man. As for making money, anyone can make money, so it's better to go with your own son.

"Zhan Chen, come and have a piece of watermelon." Zhu Gaoxu sat down on the tower of the city gate. The generals guarding the city moved out of the way. Zhu Zhan Chen took advantage of the time and took a nap.

I slept until dusk when I woke up when there was movement below the tower.

"You are such a blessed boy. He sleeps better than me. Come on, come on. Your third uncle is here."

Looking down from the city tower, I saw a group of armored soldiers not far away, roughly estimated to be around 500 people, approaching in a mighty manner.

If there are more than a hundred people, the official road is fully occupied, so don't believe the nonsense in those novels about hundreds of thousands of troops going out to fight. Hundreds of thousands of troops would have to fill the surrounding mountains.

The governor of Tiantian only brought three to five hundred soldiers. When the defensive soldiers arrived at the local area, it would be better to use local supplies. Otherwise, the food, grass and baggage alone would consume much.

Under the city tower, the huge chariot arrived, and the third uncle Zhu Gaosui stepped out of the carriage, high-spirited. He was not as tall as Zhu Di and Zhu Gaoxu, only of average height, but he had a good appearance and a heroic spirit.

Although these three brothers are very different in body shape, they still have some similarities in their facial features.

"Second brother."

"Third brother."

Zhu Gaosui jumped down from the chariot and rushed towards Zhu Gaoxu. Zhu Gaoxu opened his arms and the two of them hugged each other lovingly.

The eunuch next to him coughed: "Prince Zhao, your Majesty has a decree."

King Zhao smiled heartily: "Second brother, I will take the order first."

"Zhu Gaosui, King of Zhao, accepted the order."

Zhu Gaosui knelt down together with a group of patrolling soldiers.

"By God's blessing, the emperor issued an edict: Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui inspected Huguang, worked conscientiously and fulfilled his duties. I am deeply gratified. I have been tired from running around for days. I will go home to rest today and come to see me tomorrow. I appreciate this."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness. Long live, long live, long live."

"Second uncle, this imperial edict really doesn't mention any rewards at all." Zhu Zhanchen muttered.

"You don't understand this. The purpose of spreading the imperial edict in public is to let people know that the emperor is satisfied with his mission. Naturally, the reward will be in the palace. Your grandpa is very generous to those who can do things."

After receiving the order, Zhu Gaosui rewarded the eunuch with some silver taels with a wave of his hand, and the eunuch was also happy. Eunuchs love to spread good news and are often rewarded.

"Second brother, what do you say, you have to treat me to a drink tonight." The two brothers have a very good relationship.

"That's natural. The Qinhuai River has packed a boat. It's the Penglai Pavilion boat you like."

Only then did King Zhao notice Zhu Zhanyi's presence: "Second brother, why did you bring Zhanyi out?"

It is indeed strange that one's own son does not take care of other people's sons.

"A lot of things happened during your absence. I'll tell you slowly on the way. I'll show this boy tonight and show him a lot of things."

Zhu Gaosui looked troubled: "Second brother, what's wrong? Zhan Yi is in his teens..."

"How old were you when you started eating meat?"

"You can't compare with me, how can ordinary people compare with me?" Zhu Gaosui smiled brightly.

Zhu Gaoxu urged: "Stop the ink stains and let's go."

"Second brother, you go first. I have such a big team here and we have to disperse it first. We can't block it at the city gate all the time. I have to send someone to notify my family. I will be here in a quarter of an hour at most."

Zhu Gaoxu laughed happily: "Okay, you know the place. I'll take Zhan Yi there first. I specially picked up some old wine today. I won't come home until I'm drunk tonight."

Zhu Gaoxu grabbed Zhu Zhanchen and left.

Looking at the back of the carriage, the smile on Zhu Gaosui's face disappeared, and he whispered to his men: "Take my token and go to the East Palace before it gets dark to ask if the prince knows about the King of Han bringing Zhan Yi out."


"It's the prince."

Zhu Gaosui looked deeply and murmured: "Second brother is too straightforward and reckless in his actions. It's better to be careful."

The Qinhuai River at night was full of lights and feasting, and the flower boats on the river were rowing in an orderly manner. Countless melodious songs came from it. Zhu Zhanchang, who followed Zhu Gaoxu to the bridge, couldn't help but swallow his saliva while looking at the flower boats below.

Zhu Gaoxu put his hand on Zhu Zhanzhen's shoulder: "It can be said that there are hundreds of battles here, and the one who strives first is the first."

Zhu Zhanzhen was speechless: "Isn't this what Second Uncle meant?"

"Oh, really? I always thought it was about the Qinhuai River. I used to aspire to be a pioneer."

At this time, a large and extremely bright ship came. Zhu Gaoxu pointed to the ship and said: "That is the Xianyin ship of Penglai Pavilion. Come on, boy, I will take you up to see it."

"Second Uncle, this boat has to find a place to park." Zhu Zhanchen looked at the relatively disorderly boats on the water. It was not easy for this big boat to dock.

"I've chartered the boat, and it will stop wherever it stops."

While talking, the big boat sailed under the bridge, and a rope was thrown from the boat to the bridge.

This chapter has been completed!
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