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Chapter 361: Tomb Raiding Notes of Captain Mojin Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 361: Grave robbing notes of Captain Zhu Gaoxu

"Second uncle is also interested in internal combustion engines?" Zhu Zhanzhen was surprised by Zhu Gaoxu's keen insight. It seemed that he had noticed the future of internal combustion engines. However, only the academic group responsible for the project at Nanhai University knew about the internal combustion engine project and it had not yet been formed.

, if Zhu Gaoxu can be so keenly aware of the future of internal combustion engines, then his vision is indeed amazing.

"Why aren't you interested?"

"Second uncle, do you know what this thing does?"

"have no idea."

"Then why is the second uncle interested?"

"Those things you tinkered with are very easy to use. The steam engine has made great contributions to the Ming Dynasty over the years. Although I have never seen an internal combustion engine, I just feel that there will definitely be a future in the future."

Zhu Zhanzhen smiled bitterly: "Second uncle, are you too blindly confident in me?"

"You have a good idea. My second uncle is getting old, so it is the right way to follow you young people." Zhu Gaoxu laughed.

"Second uncle, this thing hasn't been made yet. We'll talk about it later."

Zhu Zhanxu declined casually, and Zhu Gaoxu did not ask further questions but said: "Zhanxu, I am also very interested in Nanhai University. You see that you have built another Yenching University in Shuntian Prefecture, and it is doing very well.

Let’s do this, you come to my Western Kingdom to open a university, and I will provide all the funds and materials. You can rest assured that the money will be taken care of, and the treatment will definitely be the same.”

It seems that although Zhu Gaoxu is talking with a smile, he is very serious and must have carefully planned it. And it has to be said that although the second uncle is usually more violent, he can always grasp the most critical points in important matters.


It's no wonder, history says that Zhu Di wanted to pass the throne to Zhu Gaoxu. Maybe he could be a good emperor as emperor. At least he paid attention to the key points in development.

Over the years in the Western Kingdom, he has not wasted any of the facilities left over from previous battles. He will develop whatever can be developed. Now he is optimistic about the future of the internal combustion engine.

Although he didn't understand what this was, he could tell from the information and his own observation that Zhu Zhanzhen was continuously investing in this project on a large scale, and he was keenly aware that Zhu Gaochi and even Zhu Zhanji were more sensitive than him.

It's a bit worse.

If you want a university, you want talents. Even if Zhu Zhanzhen doesn't send people to help him build the university this time, I believe he will definitely try his best to build the university himself and learn from the model of Nanhai University to cultivate talents.

"Second uncle, I went back to discuss the university affairs. I sent a group of people to Shuntian Prefecture before. Nanhai University has not been cultivating talents so quickly in recent years. It is difficult for young teachers to take on such a big responsibility for a while."

"It's okay. I'm already building the school. When the time comes, you can just send some people to support it. I'll give you a high salary, absolutely a high salary."

Don't hit the smiling man, and Zhu Zhanzhen is not willing to break up with Zhu Gaoxu because of this little time. Although there are certain hidden dangers, they are not big. After the United Nations is established, the disputes within the Ming Dynasty will be much smaller in the future, and they will contain each other.

, even if the second uncle has any idea, it is difficult to act.

"Okay, Second Uncle, I will send a group of people there when the time comes, but Second Uncle has something that we should talk about first."

"What happened?"

"The school is a place for the study of knowledge. As the king of the Western Regions, Second Uncle, you can participate in some, but you cannot interfere too much. You cannot force students to do bad things, especially in politics. If the students graduate and join the Western Regions Kingdom,

Naturally, becoming a civil servant and general under the second uncle’s command is another matter, but as a student, the second uncle is not allowed to interfere too much, otherwise I will withdraw all the people."

Zhu Gaoxu frowned deeply, then nodded: "Okay, that's it, it's a deal, it's a puppy to go back on it."

Zhu Gaoxu laughed happily.

"Zhan Zhen, sometimes I really don't understand why you are not the emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

"Second uncle, we don't have this life."

"You kid, you're telling me there's something in your words again."

The two chatted happily, toasted and drank. After three rounds of wine, Zhu Gaoxu said again: "Look, sir, a large tomb was excavated in the Kingdom of the Western Regions some time ago."

"Second uncle, why are you still engaged in this business? As far as I know, the Western Kingdom's treasury should be sufficient now. As the middle point of the trade routes between the Ming Dynasty and the Timurid Empire, the Western Kingdom's trade is prosperous. Why do you still have to rob tombs?


"What is tomb robbing? You can't speak anymore. This is protective excavation and scientific coffin opening."

"Second uncle, did you light the lamp in the southeast corner when you went to the tomb?"

"Don't worry, you can't touch gold until the rooster crows. This is a rule handed down from our ancestors. Do you know that I don't know? No, don't talk nonsense. I didn't go down. My lieutenants did."

"So, second uncle, are you so familiar with the world?"

"Don't interrupt, let's talk about serious business."

"Second uncle, tell me."

Zhu Gaoxu's face was red, he was drunk, and he said dizzily: "Guess whose tomb it is?"

"Looking at what my second uncle means, he must be a celebrity. If it's a celebrity related to the Western Regions, could it be the Ghost Cave Clan, Queen Jingjue?"

Zhu Gaoxu glanced at Zhu Zhanzhen with disdain: "What a menopausal queen? What's so good about the tomb of such an old queen? And I don't know who this person is. Guess again, she is a celebrity anyway. She is so old."


Zhu Zhanzhen thought about it and got goosebumps: "Could it be...could it be the tomb of Genghis Khan and Temujin?"

Even now, no one has found this big tomb. If it is his tomb, it is really worth exploring. There may be some rare treasures.

"No...yes! Guess again."

Zhu Zhanzhen was speechless and had no time to play this kind of guessing game with Zhu Gaoxu: "Second uncle, just tell me. If you don't tell me, I can leave."

"It's Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian's tomb."

"Is that Zhang Qian who was sent as envoy to the Western Regions during the Western Han Dynasty?"

"Yes, it's his tomb. You'd never imagine what's inside."

"What else can there be, other than gold, silver, jade, and bronze ritual vessels? Can there be beautiful women?"

"Yes, there really is one, and she is a peerless beauty. According to Captain Mo Jin who went to the tomb, when they came to the main coffin, they saw a lifelike beauty and a winged creature on the left and right sides.


As he spoke, Zhu Gaoxu began to describe: "The two were so lifelike that a few people boldly stepped forward and saw clearly that they were made of metal."

"Made of metal? Engraved? Aren't they usually made of stone tigers and stone sheep?" Zhu Zhanxu was a little confused about Zhu Gaoxu's words. He couldn't think of what kind of lifelike beauty and a long-haired girl were in his mind.

Pegasus with wings.

This seems a bit bizarre, like telling a story about tomb robbing.

"The winged Pegasus was made entirely of steel, so the captains touched it. Don't worry, the horse moved that day."

"Hey, second uncle, do you think I am a three-year-old child? You are making up a story to deceive me." When Zhu Zhanzhen heard this, his eyes were speechless and he was no longer interested.

"I'm not lying to you, the captains told me this after they came up from the tomb."

"Then I'm going to lie to you by touching Colonel Jin. Captain Jin is the best at lying, especially the fat ones who can talk a lot."

Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly explained: "He brought me a piece of pure white iron plate. He said it came from the Pegasus. The Pegasus is made of steel. The armor on its body is like dragon scales. It is said that the Pegasus is

When it moves, white steam spurts out from its hind legs, a bit like a steam engine."

"Dragon scale iron? Steam-driven? Second uncle, why don't you write a novel? People who write novels have made a lot of money in the past two years. I think your subject matter is okay. How about you write 20,000 words and an outline?

Let me check it out for you first, and if it’s popular, I’ll start a daily report for you.”

"I'm not kidding you. That thing is in my palace. It must be too precious, so I didn't bring it out."

"Even if it does exist, it's just an iron piece in the shape of dragon scales."

Zhu Gaoxu immediately shook his head: "No, no, no, that's not an ordinary piece of iron. I tried it. It's very strong, and the craftsmanship is very fine. I showed it to the last craftsman under my command. He said that according to the existing

Level is difficult to create.”

"Oh?" Zhu Zhanzhen couldn't help but feel a little stir in his heart when he heard Zhu Gaoxu's serious expression.

You must know that the level of craftsmen in the Ming Dynasty is very high, especially with the development of steam engines in recent years. The skills of the craftsmen in the Ming Dynasty are very good. If we rule out the possibility that Zhu Gaoxu deliberately deceived Zhu Zhanchang, then this thing is magical.

A lifelike steel Pegasus, dragon scale armor and steam drive are all impossible no matter how you think of it. Even with all the power Zhu Zhanyi has now, he doesn't think he can create it.

And the tombs of the Han Dynasty at that time can still be moved after more than a thousand years?

"Then uncle, why don't you bring Pegasus and the beauty out?"

"Well, I suffered heavy losses that time. The captains woke up the Iron Pegasus. The one who came out alive said that the Iron Pegasus walked exactly like an ordinary horse. As long as you don't look at its steel body, it is just an ordinary horse.

, so others are thinking about activating the beauty made of steel."

"Is it started?"


According to Zhu Gaoxu, this is a steam robot. Not to mention that it cannot be built now, even if it is pushed back hundreds of years, modern technology may not be able to build it.

"Steam-driven too?"

"Yes, exhaust on the head..."

Zhu Zhanzhen shook his head again: "Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible. How can there be a steam robot with exhaust gas on its head? Second uncle, you have to make it within a reasonable range when you write a story like this.

Even kids 2 years old don’t believe it.”

Zhu Gaoxu held down Zhu Zhanzhen who was about to leave: "Don't leave yet. Listen to what I have to say. After the woman woke up, she told everyone that anyone who violated the tomb of Bowang Hou will die!"

"Shaanxi accent." Zhu Gaoxu added.

"Second uncle, you're not in there, so why do you say it as if it's true?"

"Although I didn't go in, the last movement was too big. What I saw outside was really real." Zhu Gaoxu had a frightened expression on his face, which made people feel that his words were more true.

"What happened in the end?" Zhu Zhanchen asked immediately.

Zhu Gaoxu continued: "After the beauty woke up, she seemed like a real person. The captains were all frightened and wanted to run out quickly with the things they had obtained before."

"According to what the captains said, the steel beauty lifted up the board of Zhang Qian's coffin and started hitting people."

Zhu Zhanzhen was speechless again. He had already made up ghost things like steam robots. Why not make up the fighting method? Just use some lasers or the like. But it is probably his imagination that limits Zhu Gaoxu's performance. He

All I can think about is lifting up the coffin boards and hitting people.

"What happened later?" Zhu Zhanzhen planned to listen to him finish telling this outrageous story.

"Later, the captains didn't care anymore and started running. Most of them died. Only two of them ran to the entrance of the robbery cave. I was waiting for them outside the cave."

"Looking at their panicked expressions like their dead mothers, I didn't think much of it at first. After pulling the first person up, the second person couldn't be pulled out."

"He said something was grabbing him. I looked down and saw that everything was dark, but I could see a pair of red eyes. They were definitely not human eyes. A group of people were trying to pull him out. Gradually I

I also saw the man with red eyes, I couldn’t see clearly, but I could see a pair of hands made of steel gripping the man’s calf, and the entire calf was deformed.”

"Everyone was frightened, and the person holding him was so frightened that he let go, causing him to be pulled back into the underground palace by that person."

Zhu Gaoxu was still frightened when he talked about this matter.

Zhu Zhanzhen asked curiously: "Second uncle, did you really see it?"

"Really, it really can't be true anymore." Zhu Gaoxu said with unusual certainty.

"The man came out and ran like crazy, so I led people to chase him. Unexpectedly, after running a little distance, there was a loud thunder-like sound behind me, coming from the ground, and then there was a second sound. This

I didn't dare to stay there any longer, so I immediately ran away with the others. When the third explosion sounded, a big hole was made in the whole ground, and the surrounding mountains fell into it. If I hadn't run fast, I would have

This life must be handed down there."

Zhu Zhanzhen didn't know whether to change his faith or not to believe this. He felt that it was really happening, but he still felt that this thing was too bizarre and a liar.

"Second uncle, what about the dragon scale iron piece you mentioned?"

"It's in my palace. Go back to my palace this time. I'll take it out and show it to you. It's a treasure."

"Haha, uncle, why don't you send it to Nanhai University, and I'll let the best biologists study it." Zhu Zhanzhen will not be fooled, he will not go to the Western Kingdom.

"That won't work, this thing is very precious."

"Send it over."


"I ordered the Thousand Guards to lead the team."

"That won't work either."

The uncle and nephew were noisy, and it was a groggy night. When he woke up again, Zhu Zhanzhen didn't know how much of what Zhu Gaoxu said was true or false.

(End of chapter)

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