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Chapter 45 The Pharmaceuticals of Everything

It was the day to go to Zheng He's mansion again. As soon as I walked out of the small courtyard, I saw Sun Ruowei and his North Korean princess daughter-in-law Li Xiaozhu walking in the vast palace walkway.

Because Zhu Zhanzhen always wakes up late, and others have been up for a long time.

"Hello, sister-in-law. Why do you feel that your complexion is getting better and better recently?"

Sun Ruowei subconsciously touched his face. In the past few days, his face had indeed become rosy and shiny, so tender that he could squeeze out water. Zhu Zhanzhen was not the only one to say so.

After all, she is a real woman now and becomes more and more beautiful.

And for young people, once they have the first time, they will do it again, and again, and again, and she feels that her energy is getting better and better, but Zhu Zhanji, who is usually diligent in government affairs, has often been in trouble recently.

Got sleepy.

"Sister-in-law, are you here to see me?" Zhu Zhanzhen was worried because he had something going on.

"The Crown Princess knows that today is the day to go to your Lord Zheng He's house, so she asked Xiaozhu to come over and accompany you today."

This was to let them cultivate their relationship. After all, she was his child bride. Zhu Zhanzhen was speechless. Is there another woman in Zheng He's house? According to the background of these two women, they are not allowed to fight?

Then Zhu Zhanzhen appeared and teased: "Then wife, please come with me."

I originally wanted to make Lee Hyo Joo shy and embarrassed with her verbal teasing, but I didn’t expect that Lee Hyo Joo followed her without a blushing face or a heartbeat.

Zhu Zhanchen was anxious but couldn't think of a way. As expected, as long as you are thick-skinned, others will not be able to do anything to you.

Sun Ruowei looked at the backs of the two children and thought of her childhood. She and Zhu Zhanji were also childhood sweethearts, but Zhu Zhanji was not as perverse as Zhu Zhanzhen, and she was not in a state of mind like Li Xiaozhu who did not feel embarrassed at all when being called a daughter-in-law.


Zhu Zhanzong on the carriage was extremely anxious, but there was nothing he could do. Li Xiaozhu just sat aside, minding her own business, and she would remain silent if you didn't talk to her.

When they were approaching Zheng He's house, Zhu Zhanzhen said: "When I get to Lord Zheng's house later, I have to see the steam engines. They are all dirty and messy places where smelting and forging are done. So don't follow me. You are at Lord Zheng He's house."

Let’s rest in the middle hall.”

"No, Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess has said that I must follow you."

"It's not fun."

"Then you have to follow."

Zhu Zhanyi was helpless. The carriage had already arrived at the door of Zheng He's mansion. Inside the door stood a beauty who was eagerly looking forward to it. Because it was a woman, she did not go out to greet him. Instead, when Zheng He and the craftsmen welcomed Zhu Zhanyi, they stood there.

Inside the door, he saluted Zhu Zhanzhen.

Li Xianyu was thinking about when Zhu Zhanchun would come every day. When he saw Zhu Zhanchang, he also saw two women behind him. One of them she knew was Zhu Zhanchang's maid whom she had met in the restaurant before, but the other

Haven't seen one yet.

With the sensitivity in a woman's heart, Lee Hyo-joo asked: "Who is this?"

Zhu Zhanzhen hesitated and couldn't answer for a while, so Zheng He hurriedly said: "This is my niece."

He didn't dare to talk to Li Xianyu anymore. With a glance, he went to see the progress of the steam engine with the craftsmen.

Li Xianyu was obviously angry and ran back to his yard alone.

Zheng He took Zhu Zhanzhen to see the newly made propeller. They should have improved it several times. Now it seems that the propeller is still good.

Zheng He said proudly: "Your Highness, the propeller has been put into the water and tested."

"Can it run?"

"Yes." Zheng He's reply was very firm, and this time they tried running on the water for an hour, and it was very smooth. On calm water, the steam engine driving the propeller can be much faster than normal human rowing.

Shipbuilding is their specialty, and after experiments, they have begun to build new ships that can better carry steam engines.

Zhu Zhanzhen didn't have any special suggestions on the matter of shipbuilding. After all, he didn't know much about shipbuilding.

"Sir Zheng He, ships need to be built, but steam engines need to be continuously improved. This is the basis of everything. It must be improved so that at least its service life can be longer."

"Understood, sir, we have ordered people to divide the craftsmen into several departments. Those who study steam engines are the largest and most skilled. Now there are more than a dozen people studying how to improve them every day."

Zhu Zhanchen was relieved now.

Seeing that everything was in order, Zhu Zhanzhen asked Chu'er to take out a book. The cover of the book said the principles of how everything works.

"This book is called The Principle of the Movement of All Things. It is a book summarized based on some phenomena that can be observed in life. It can be printed for all craftsmen to learn together."

Zheng He took the book and recited silently: "The principles of the operation of all things."

My scalp feels numb in an instant, and everything works for its own reason.

The craftsmen also gathered around and opened the first page of the book, which showed a person sitting in a water tank and a stone.

Zhu Zhanzhen explained: "This is the principle of the floating of all things. A foreigner named Aki and Meade thought of it while taking a bath. As long as we learn this theory, it will be very useful for our shipbuilding."

Zheng He casually flipped through two pages, his face already full of excitement: "What a strange book, what a strange book. I want to frame it to pass it on to future generations."

In fact, it is the buoyancy, gravity, and lever principle that Zhu Zhanyi still remembers from junior high school physics. Many of them are things that everyone can vaguely describe in daily life but have no specific description or summary.

"Master Zheng, instead of framing it, print it so that everyone can learn from it."

"Your Highness, this is a great good deed."

If these things are not taught, how can the country continue to develop?

Zhu Zhanzhen thought about letting these students who studied hard in their humble beginnings learn these things. They were all the smartest people in the Ming Dynasty, but then he thought that those people would definitely not learn it, because they would not be able to take the imperial examination, and there was no way for him to be short-term.

Change the content of the imperial examination within a certain period of time.

Then let the craftsmen learn, apply what they learn to practice, and then continue to study and develop it.

After all, Zhu Zhanzhen could only remember these junior high school physics, and he only recalled some of them after thinking hard for a few nights. He even forgot almost everything about magnetism and did not write on it.

I can only help Daming this far, you have to continue to study the rest on your own.

The craftsmen felt as if they had found a treasure, and when they heard that Zhu Zhanyi was going to print a handbook for them to study, they were very grateful.

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, industry is only ahead of commerce. In this era, if you can study, you must have studied. Only those who cannot study learn a craft to make a living.

Knowledge in this era is very expensive. It is more expensive than a poor family for ten years, and it is even more expensive than being polite to the common people. Generally, even in big families, they will only leave the opportunity to study to the smartest heirs, and the resources are skewed.

These people don't have the opportunity to learn the knowledge that comes from being a scholar-bureaucrat or an official.

But starting today, they have the opportunity to learn knowledge.

The door to the real world is opened to see how this world works.

When Zhu Zhanzhen was intoxicated and told the craftsmen about the principles of the operation of all things, Li Xiaozhu was watching from the side. For the first time, she discovered that this perverse boy was full of charm.

She sat aside and took out her brush and started painting. She was a talented painter. She captured the smiles on the dark faces of the craftsmen and rendered Zhu Zhanzhen's passion on the painting paper.

This chapter has been completed!
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