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Chapter 58 Radiators

After Hu Shanwei left Zhu Zhanzhen's yard, he felt his face flush and hot, and his heartbeat was very fast.

The impact of Sun Ruowei's incident in the palace was quite large. Even though the Crown Princess suppressed it in the end, because Hu Shanwei did not deliberately conceal what happened, many people present knew about it.

Youyou can't stop everyone from talking, Sun Ruowei's experience will make her forever despise Hu Shanxiang, the grandson concubine in the future.

Of course, if the final history is the same, Zhu Zhanji will depose Hu Shanxiang and make Sun Ruowei the queen. Who knows the story behind this, whether it is right or wrong.

The matter passed quickly, and no one mentioned Sun Ruowei's incident again the next day, but in the future, this story will be spread by word of mouth, and even become more and more outrageous.

Anyone who is good at talking behind people's backs is an excellent fantasy novelist.

Two days later, it was time for Zhu Zhanzhen to go to Zheng He's house again. This time Li Xiaozhu didn't come with him. How about spending half a day to warm up to Li Xianyu?

As soon as I arrived at the door of Zheng He's house, I saw an unexpected person. A middle-aged, fat man was Zhao Quan, the shopkeeper of Jiangjia Bank.

Zhao Quan was waiting at the door of Zheng He's house. He knew from Prince Zhao that Zhu Zhanchang would come to Zheng He's house every once in a while. Zheng He was also a client of Jiangjia Bank, so the two knew each other.

However, Zheng He didn't know whether Zhu Zhanyi knew Zhao Quan. After Zhao Quan explained it himself, Zheng He allowed him to wait for Zhu Zhanyi outside, and if Zhu Zhanyi agreed, they would enter the mansion together.

When Zhao Quan saw Zhu Zhanchen, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute. He came to surrender and recognize his eldest brother, so he should not behave in a lower manner.

"Your Highness, it has been more than ten days since we said goodbye that day, but I still remember the common people."

"Shopkeeper Zhao, why are you here?"

"The common people came here specially to meet His Highness. When they talked with His Highness that day, they were suddenly enlightened and enlightened. After returning home, the common people compiled what they had seen and heard throughout their lives into this book [Basic Currency Circulation Policy] and wanted to dedicate it to His Highness. I also hope that His Highness will read it.


Zhu Zhanzhen took the book and flipped through it. The first item that came to his mind was to keep gold and silver in the inventory. A quick glance at Zhao Quan meant that no matter how many food stamps the country issued, gold and silver would still be used to keep the inventory.

You can even take advantage of food stamps to collect large amounts of gold and silver from the private sector into the national treasury.

Later, I looked at some of the knowledge and skills on saving and lending that he had summarized himself.

It is impossible for an ordinary businessman to write this kind of thing. Even if he writes it, he will only leave it to his son to read. This is his experience and the skill he relies on to survive.

But now Zhao Quan has to show his sincerity in order to recommend himself.

After Zhu Zhanzhen saw it, he was quite satisfied, so he said, "Come in with me, and I will talk to you in detail after my work is completed."

"Yes, yes." Zhao Qian looked happy.

He did not show his sophistication and calmness in front of the child Zhu Zhanzhen, but nodded and bowed like a servant, humble enough to express his loyalty to Zhu Zhanzhen.

Zhao Quan took him to the steam engine workshop with him. When he saw these novel things, Zhao Quan was stunned. No one explained that he had no idea what the steam engine was used for.

I can't even understand it.

It wasn't until he saw the steamship sailing on the water that he seemed to have opened the door to a new world. He had greater confidence in the bank. His trust in Zhu Zhanyi made him subtly believe that Zhu Zhanyi could succeed in anything he did.

He understands that the world is changing rapidly, and he is even more eager to board this giant ship of the times.

Zheng He explained the current problem of the steam engine: "Your Highness, we recently tested the steam engine and it started running without any problem. However, after running for a quarter of an hour, the steam engine will get very hot and become very dangerous."

Both high temperature and high pressure are dangerous.

At this time, a cooling system is needed.

It is air-cooled and water-cooled. As an excellent car mechanic, Zhu Zhanzhen has replaced 80 of the 100 water tanks in a year, and countless water pipes.

But all he knew were the cooling systems of internal combustion engines. He was very familiar with the cooling systems of several commonly used models. He just didn't know if the cooling systems of internal combustion engines could be used on steam engines.

The principle is actually very simple. Water cools down, air cools down, and the water pipe is connected to the engine. It contains antifreeze liquid, which is accurately called antifreeze coolant. The high-temperature liquid flows from the water pipe into the auxiliary kettle and then into the water tank for air cooling. The water tank is actually called a radiator.


The radiator is made of densely packed metal sheets to increase the contact area with the air. During driving, the cooling liquid is cooled and then flows back into the water pipe to cool the engine.

Air cooling liquid, liquid cooling machine.

This allows the engine to stabilize its temperature within an operable range for a long time.

The coolant needs to have properties that are not easy to evaporate, not easy to boil, and not easy to solidify. Now he can't make a coolant. His chemical knowledge is relatively lacking, so he can only use water instead.

Zhu Zhanzhen had no choice but to work with the craftsmen to find a way to create pipes in the iron body of the steam engine through which liquid could flow, and add water to it from time to time for cooling.

However, because water has a low boiling point, it is consumed quickly and is highly dangerous. High temperatures cause water to evaporate and the pressure in the water pipes will increase, so it is necessary to find a substitute for coolant as soon as possible.

This task fell on Zhang San and others again, but Zhang San and others were full of energy. As long as Zhu Zhanzhen ordered them, they would work hard to do it.

Since Zheng He taught them Zhu Zhanyang's power to move all things, these people have admired Zhu Zhanyang even more. Now they have to spend at least half an hour every day to learn and share the knowledge on the principles of the movement of all things.

I am a person who is good at practice. After several practices, I very much recognized the knowledge in the book.

Now in their eyes, whatever Zhu Zhanzhen said is what he said.

After adjusting the details, Zhu Zhanzhen discovered that although the principle of a steam engine is simple, it is not a problem for people like him to make a rough one, but it is still a huge and long-term project to actually build a steam engine that can meet the long-term use.


It requires the cooperation of various industries and according to their progress, it may be possible to build the first steam engine that can run and be used within the scheduled time, but it will be completed by the end of the year at the earliest.

When Zhao Quan saw that Zhu Zhanzhen's matter had come to an end, he interjected: "Your Highness, this steam engine is so ingenious that even gods would not dare to imagine a world without horses."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about you. What you wrote is good. I will discuss it with the elder brother. If the elder brother agrees, I will use you. You can go home and wait for the news." Zhu Zhanzhen was like a

HR who makes people go home and wait for news.

Taking Zhao Quan to see the steam engine was to let him see his own strength.

Zhao Quan knelt down excitedly: "Zhao Quan, a common man, is willing to work hard for His Highness."

Zhu Zhanzhen was still not used to people kneeling in front of him, so he asked him to get up quickly and go home first.

After sending her away, Zhu Zhanchen finally had time to meet his distressed princess of Goryeo.

Zheng He walked away knowingly, and Zhu Zhanzhen walked to Li Xianyu's small yard alone.

Pushing the door open, Li Xianyu was sitting in the small courtyard. There was a swing set up here. The lovely girl was sitting on the swing and rocking gently, welcoming his arrival with a bright and bright smile.

He likes such a girl, whose love requires no guessing.

This chapter has been completed!
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