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Chapter 95 Shuttle Loom

On the second day, a steaming ship was parked at the ferry, but everyone around was surprised. Some people thought it was on fire and wanted to go up to put out the fire. It was not until Zhang San and others persuaded them and the fire was extinguished that everyone realized that this ship was on fire.

The boat actually has no oars.

Zhang San took three craftsmen with him, and they were the ones selected with more flexible minds. After getting off the ship, they followed Zhu Zhanzhen to the Cao family's textile factory.

"I came to see you today to see the working processes of these female textile workers, to see where they can be improved, and whether there is any place where a steam engine can be used."

Zhu Zhanzhen wanted to directly develop the Jenny loom, also known as the shuttle loom, but it was a bit strange for a person who grew up in the palace to suddenly make something.

The principle of a steam engine is to boil water, which makes sense when you think about it, but he has never seen weaving in his life, so he just pretended to find a few people to discuss it.

Zhu Zhanchang also read about the principles of the flying shuttle loom on Bilibili. I don’t know if Bilibili has the ability to select time travellers. They only recommended these things to him.

But he is originally a senior audience who is deeply involved in the dance area and technology section.

After walking around, I found that the Cao family's weaving workshop is already the best in Huzhou Prefecture. There are no less than 200 female workers in it. The finest silk is not produced here, only silkworms are raised, silk is made, and defective cocoons are produced during silk weaving.

, waste silk is processed into yarn, spun silk and ordinary cotton silk are made here.

Textile tools are relatively backward and production efficiency is low.

Zhu Zhanzhen estimated that if there were shuttle looms, at least in terms of weaving, the efficiency could be increased tenfold.

Improving efficiency and increasing production capacity can also reduce production costs. When costs are reduced, selling prices are also reduced. At the same time, profits are not reduced, and people can buy clothes at lower prices.

Zhang San and others asked the workers in detail whether there was anything that could be improved in weaving. The demand points had to be found first.

Finding Zhu Zhanzhen's free time, Cao Xinyue asked in confusion: "That steaming boat just now really didn't use oars?"

Zhu Zhanchen nodded: "Yes, I can take you to the boat to try it out later."

"What do you want to do by bringing so many people to the weaving workshop?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Cao Xinyue nodded, and Zhu Zhanchen said helplessly: "Obviously he is trying to improve the weaving process."

"Why should we improve it? The current one is not very good."

"You don't understand this. Only by improving technology can we increase production capacity, and by improving production capacity can we reduce prices."

When she heard that the price was lowered, Cao Xinyue became anxious: "If the price is lowered, my family will not lose money."

"You'd better stop doing business in the future and find someone to marry as soon as possible."

Cao Xinyue was ashamed and angry, and wished she could punch Zhu Zhanchen again.

Zhang San's mind is the most active. After observing a circle, he said: "Your Highness, I just looked around and found that the weaving process is almost always a cycle of several movements. It may be possible to create a machine to replace it.

Part of the job.”

Part? That must be most of it. Zhu Zhanzhen still agrees with Zhang San’s idea.

After looking at the existing looms, Zhang San and others moved one over and started trying it.

Zhang San's idea was to use a steam engine to drive the thread to increase the speed of the thread, but he immediately shook his head: "It speeds up the thread, but the speed of the workers cannot keep up with the machinery, which is dangerous and cannot improve efficiency."

Zhu Zhanzhen took a shuttle, walked to the edge of the loom and said: "I just saw the operation of the female workers. Weaving is nothing more than the intersection of longitudinal and transverse silk threads. If there are multiple cotton spindles in the longitudinal direction, then

Is it ok if this shuttle keeps carrying the horizontal threads back and forth?"

Zhang San suddenly felt enlightened and began to play with the cotton spindles on the loom.

Arranged up and down, a shuttle was placed horizontally with a silk thread, and then he stretched out his hand to signal his subordinates to pass the shuttle through the vertical silk thread, and then tightened it.

I tried several times, but this required the cotton spindles to be placed in an orderly manner, and then the textile machine needed to be run rhythmically.

Machines can only operate mechanically, and people need to set the rules, and what Zhang San and others are doing now is thinking of this rule.

After the shuttle passed through once, Zhang San laughed happily: "Your Highness, it can be done. This method is feasible."

Zhu Zhanzhen poured cold water on him: "But if it is operated quickly, it is impossible to artificially pass through the shuttle, otherwise it will still not work."

The shuttle must be allowed to pass through the longitudinal wire according to the set route, time node, and fixed speed. This problem requires time to try, and we cannot rush it. At least we have thought of a way.

As for this crudely improved loom, Chen Xuan asked a female worker to try it out. When passing through the shuttle, people need to operate it. When the silk comes out, just turn the wheel. The skilled female worker said that this can at least triple the loom.

Weaving efficiency.

A group of female workers gathered around a group of people. These people came and tinkered for a day and built a strange loom, which was really efficient.

Chattering began.

"This young master is so handsome."

"Which young master is this?"

"Why would a few grown men care about my weaving?"

"That strange loom seems to be quite useful."

"I heard that they brought over a white-gas boat. The boat didn't need oars and could move by itself."

"so smart?!"

"It seems that we want to make our looms automatic."

"Ah? Can the loom be automatic? Then we won't have no work to do."

"Why do you like automatic everything?"

The female workers were noisy and laughing. There were three women performing a show, but there were about two hundred of them here.

Despite the noisy sound, Zhang San and others were still studying carefully until evening: "Your Highness, this shuttle method still needs us to try many times. The tools here are limited. We will go back to the workshop first and use the workshop to

The conditions should be able to make better ones.”

Zhu Zhanzhen had great trust in Zhang San's craftsmanship: "I'll bother you, I'll come to the workshop in a few days to take a look at the flying shuttle loom."

"Hey, Your Highness, you've offended me by saying that."

"Do it well. When this thing is done, I will show it to Your Majesty. Your Majesty has promulgated the purple and gold stone tablet. These things can participate in the competition."

Zhang San said excitedly: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Chen Xuan has been following him around all day these days. He has become more curious about this Fifth Highness. He does have fantastic ideas and is perverse, but what surprises him even more is that this Highness seems to be laughing and joking.

He knows how to attack the mind quite well.

The proposed method is to use reputation to suppress wealthy businessmen and businessmen, and to use conspiracy to suppress people. When speaking to subordinates, he has a feeling of treating others as equals. He is eccentric and can be eccentric, but in reality he has little airs and is extremely easy to negotiate. His behavior has the benevolent style of a prince.

Such a young grandson of the emperor is extraordinary.

This chapter has been completed!
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