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Chapter 1018 Three Eyes Judgment

"Your Highness has decided to go to Luoyang?" Li Mi asked as soon as he entered the door.

Li Ye nodded, "The imperial court moved the capital and the political situation changed drastically. At this critical moment, I should go to Luoyang to get what I want and stabilize the relationship with the imperial court."

"How can His Highness's safety be ensured?"

Li Ye smiled and said: "I will lead 10,000 cavalry to protect me. In addition, I have deployed 100,000 troops in Liang County, Ruzhou. I believe Li Heng does not have the courage to kill me, unless someone fishes in troubled waters and wants to take the opportunity to assassinate me, such as the gang in Fan Town."

Guys, they want to stir up a bloody storm and let the Helong army and the imperial court fight, and they will benefit from it, but I won't give them a chance."

Li Mi nodded silently, "When will your Highness set out?"

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said: "As soon as possible, the day after tomorrow!"

Two days later, Li Ye said goodbye to his family and embarked on a journey to Luoyang. Guarded by 10,000 elite cavalry, flags fluttering, he headed toward Guanzhong.

The imperial court's move to the eastern capital of Luoyang was like an alarm, shocking all the vassal towns. Li Huaixian and Li Baochen, who were far away, were slightly better, but Weibo's Jiedu envoy Tian Chengsi, Ziqing's Jiedu envoy Li Zhengji and Huai were very close to Luoyang.

Western Jiedushi Li Xilie was very nervous, especially Tian Chengsi and Li Xilie, who were the first to bear the brunt.

Yuancheng County, Weizhou, was the vassal capital of Wei Bo Jiedu envoy Tian Chengsi, and it became his own territory. Tian Chengsi also began to strictly control military discipline, and there were no more tragic scenes of massacres and killings. Although taxes were heavy, the social economy was still slow.

Start recovering slowly.

Tian Chengsi's Jiedushi Mansion is a huge mansion covering an area of ​​120 acres. It is half an official residence and half his back house. It is currently being expanded on a large scale and is preparing to build a palace complex covering an area of ​​500 acres.

At this time in the official room, Tian Chengsi looked at the map nervously. He heard the news at the beginning of the year that the imperial court was going to move the capital. He thought it would take at least two or three years before the capital could be moved. He never expected that the capital move would be implemented only a few months later.

Tian Chengsi suspected that the emperor's purpose in moving the capital was to reduce the vassal state, and that the target was himself first.

Tian Chengsi's worries were actually justified. The year before last, he expanded without authorization and forcibly occupied Dezhou, Beizhou and Jizhou. The imperial court sent envoys to strictly demand that he withdraw from the occupied land, but he ignored it.

The matter seemed not serious, and it was completely incomparable with Li Ye's occupation of the entire Bashu at every turn, but Tian Chengsi knew very well that his occupation of three states was completely different from Li Ye's occupation of three states. What Li Ye occupied was Li Lin.

He occupied the territory of the imperial court. Li Ye reached an agreement through negotiations with the imperial court, but he paid no attention to the imperial court at all.

Therefore, the imperial court will not and does not dare to punish Li Ye, but it will definitely punish itself. The imperial court's rapid move of the capital this time is probably aimed at itself.

Wei Yunzhong, an aide next to him, noticed his lord's nervousness, smiled and consoled him: "Your Majesty, you don't have to be so nervous. The imperial court's relocation of the capital has nothing to do with you."

"Why do you say that?"

"Your Majesty, this relocation of the capital is not the same as Wu Zetian's relocation. Wu Zetian wanted to build a palace and designate Luoyang as the divine capital, which required a lot of sacrifices and a long time of preparation.

But now we are not moving the capital, we are just moving from one capital to another, so once the decision is made to move the capital, it will be very fast.

But the real reason why the imperial court moved the capital was related to Li Ye. Li Ye's separatist rule at Longyou was too great a threat to the emperor's throne. In order to avoid the threat from Longyou, the emperor had to move the capital to Luoyang."

Tian Chengsi shook his head, "You still take the problem too lightly. Although the emperor moved the capital to escape Li Ye, his real purpose was to reduce the vassal state. Li Xilie separatist Huaixi, which happened to cut off the money and food in Jiangnan. This was the imperial court's

Lifeline, if Li Guangbi hadn't died of illness, the war would have started long ago. Although it may not be me who bears the brunt, after Li Xilie is eliminated, it will definitely be my turn."

At this moment, a soldier came to report, "Your Majesty, Huaixi Jiedushi Li Xilie sent an envoy to see you!"

Wei Yunzhong smiled and said: "What a coincidence, he came as soon as the prince mentioned him!"

"What do you think Li Xilie's intention is?"

"I guess he wants to form an alliance with the prince. It is said that he is also seeking to form an alliance with Li Zheng to fight against the imperial court together."

Tian Chengsi thought for a while and said, "Let's meet first and then talk!"

Not long after, a middle-aged Taoist priest was brought to the hall. Tian Chengsi, who was wearing royal robes, walked out of the hall. The middle-aged Taoist priest smiled and saluted, "Infinite Heavenly Lord, poor Taoist Zhang Luanzi, worship the Huaixi Festival."

I have entrusted Li Shijun to come and visit the prince."

Tian Chengsi was shocked. This Zhang Luanzi is very famous in Huaixi. He is known as the three-eyed judge. It is said that he is a master of Taoism and can judge people very accurately."

He did not dare to neglect, and quickly waved his hand and said: "Master Zhang, please come and sit in the hall!"

Zhang Luanzi was not polite and followed Tian Chengsi to sit down in the hall. He smiled at Tian Chengsi and said, "Pindao just came from Linzi County and has reached a consensus with Li Zheng. At this time, the situation is like the six countries fighting against Qin, and Li Xilie is fighting for Chu."

, Li Zheng is already Qi, the prince is Wei, Li Baochen is Han, Li Huaixian is Yan, and Tian Shengong is Zhao. If they can unite to resist the imperial court, the six countries will coexist. If they fight each other and do not trust each other, they will inevitably be punished by the imperial court.

Once defeated, I believe that the prince will agree with Pindao’s idea.”

Tian Chengsi said slowly: "One chopstick is easy to break, but ten chopsticks are difficult to break. I understand this truth. Li Xilie wants to form an alliance with me. I don't know what the specific regulations are?"

"In fact, it is a military linkage, only for the imperial army. For example, the agreement reached by Li Zhengyi and Li Xilie is that if the imperial court sends troops to Huaixi or Ziqing, then the armies of both sides must quickly assemble in large numbers to surround Wei and save Zhao.

The troops pointed at Luoyang, so that the imperial army did not dare to act rashly."

Tian Chengsi nodded, meaning that if Li Xilie and I form a military linkage, once the imperial court decides to attack Weizhou, then Li Xilie will send troops to Yingzhou, and the number of troops must not be small, that's what he means!"

Zhang Luanzi smiled and nodded, "That's right. Li Xilie and Li Zheng have agreed on a troop strength of no less than 50,000. I hope the prince will do the same."

At this time, Wei Yunzhong next to him asked: "What does it mean to only target the imperial army?"

"This is mainly because there are still some small local armies, such as Zhang Boyi's Biansong Army, Li Lingyao's Huapu Army, Li Xiyan's Huainan Army, Xue Song's Xiangwei Army, etc., and fighting these local armies does not require the use of companies.

To activate the relationship and prevent being attacked by the main force of the imperial court."

Tian Chengsi nodded, what he said made sense. In fact, he did not pay attention to the guards of Prime Minister Xue Song and the Hua Pu Army of Li Lingyao who threatened him. He was only worried about the court's main army of 200,000.

Speaking of this, Tian Chengsi smiled and said: "The Celestial Master is known as the three-eyed judge, can you show me your physiognomy?"

(End of chapter)

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