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Chapter 1030 Farewell to Jincheng

In Jincheng County, the government and various government offices have been very busy these days. Almost everyone is full of expectations. Of course, they are very much looking forward to it. Everyone will move to Chang'an soon. Many people will wake up laughing in their dreams.

The first thing to go was food supplies and wealth. A large amount of food supplies and copper coins were first transported to Longxi County in Weizhou by camels and carts, and then transported from the Wei River to Chang'an on large leather rafts.

The flat official road was filled with an endless stream of camel teams and large convoys, transporting grain and grass supplies in a mighty manner.

Prince Qi's palace was also busy, and Dugu Xinyue also received a letter from her husband, asking them to pack their things and set off for Chang'an in half a month.

That afternoon, Dugu Xinyue received the latest letter from her husband and hurried to Qingyu's room. Qingyu was sitting next to the cradle, gently shaking the basket. The child was sleeping soundly.

"How is cleaning up?" Dugu Xinyue sat aside and asked.

Qingyu smiled bitterly and said: "I have nothing to deal with, just some clothes and jewelry. Sister, I have a problem now."

"What's wrong?"

"My maids basically don't want to go to Chang'an, and I can't even talk to them. They don't want to leave their hometown."

Dugu Xinyue smiled and said: "This is normal. Every time we move, there are only a few domestic servants with us. Basically, they are maids, wet nurses, and housekeepers. Others are given a sum of money to send them away. You just need to send them away."

Just keep the wet nurse and the maid, give me the list, and I'll let the housekeeper take care of the rest."

"This is best. It will make me worry in vain. But isn't it too early to pack up now? Isn't it going to take more than ten days to set off?"

"That's why I came to you. The plan has changed. We will be the first batch to set off. A group of two thousand stone passenger ships and cargo ships are coming from Chang'an and are waiting for us in Weizhou. We and all the family members of the executives will be there.

Depart in three days."

"Ah! What about my master and senior sister?"

"They will also leave together. I have sent someone to notify them. They will gather at the palace in three days and then leave together. Third Sister and Ke'er will also set off with us."

At dawn the next day, a team of two thousand cavalry guards slowly set off from the palace with thousands of carts. The carts were filled with the personal property of King Qi, packed in large boxes, and each cart

Four large boxes were placed in the car, covered with oilcloth and wrapped tightly. The team walked for two days to reach Longxi County and transported them to Chang'an by cargo ship.

In a small courtyard, Dugu Xinyue is helping Aunt Mu pack her things. Aunt Mu is almost sixty years old, thin and small, but her body is still very strong, but her back is a little rickety. She is the prince's grandmother and has a high status in the mansion.

, everyone respects her very much.

Aunt Mu is very quiet and religious. She spends most of her time chanting sutras and worshiping Buddha. She also likes a few children and tells them some folk stories when she has time.

Aunt Mu has very few things of her own. She only has a white jade Guanyin and a golden Buddha that Li Ye gave her, as well as some rosary beads, futons, wooden fish, incense burners, etc., which can fit into a box.

Aunt Mu also has a special wooden box, which contains items from Li Ye's childhood, which she has always kept.

Dugu Xinyue saw that the quilts and mattresses were half old, so she smiled and said: "Auntie, don't take these quilts! I will prepare new ones for you when we get to Chang'an."

"These are quilts and they are very breathable. It would be a pity to throw them away."

Dugu Xinyue thought for a while and said with a smile: "Why don't you donate it to the poor!"

Aunt Mu nodded, "Just give it to the maid Xiao Ping! She also has a grandmother who is the same age as me."

"Okay! I'll make the arrangements. You have to get up and clean up at five o'clock tomorrow. Then I'll ask the housekeeper to wake you up."

"No need, I can get up. I always get up at midnight. I'm used to it. Xinyue, go ahead and do your work!"

Dugu nodded, gave some instructions to the two maids, and then went to the front yard. Today was her busiest day.

Yang Yuhuan was also packing her things, and she also had a lot of personal belongings. Among the thousands of large boxes of property seized in Chengdu, Li Ye found more than 300 boxes of Yang Yuhuan's personal property. Without even unpacking, Li Ye took these belongings

Yang Yuhuan was also very generous and divided the wealth into three parts, keeping one for himself and giving the other two to his elder sisters Dugu Xinyue and Qingyu.

However, these wealth are stored in Baoji Cabinet, and Baoji Cabinet will be responsible for transporting them back to Chang'an.

Yang Yuhuan only has some personal jewelry, jewelry and jade, a few boxes of clothing, and of course, some specialized daily necessities.

"Mom, is Chang'an very big?" daughter Qiu He asked, lying on her mother's lap.

Yang Yuhuan gently stroked her daughter's hair and said with a smile: "Chang'an is very big, many times larger than our current county, and very prosperous. Then mother will take you shopping and eat the best delicacies to ensure our autumn."

River likes it.”

"I heard from my sister that our new home is very big, and we can raise small animals and ride ponies. Is this true?"

"It should be there. You can also climb mountains there. There are various small animals on the mountain, such as squirrels, rabbits, and hedgehogs. There is also a large lake where you can row boats. In winter, the lake freezes and you can also skate.

There is also an island, and we can still live on the island."

Qiu He clapped his hands with joy, "Then when will we move there?"

Yang Yuhuan held her daughter on his lap and smiled: "We set off in the morning. We took a carriage for two days, and then took a boat for seven or eight days to reach Chang'an. It will be very fast. By the way, your things

Have you packed it up?"

Qiu He nodded heavily, "I only have a small bag to put the gifts my father gave me."

At this time, the housekeeper smiled at the door and said, "Second Madam, the items need to be loaded into the car first."

Yang Yuhuan stood up and took her daughter to the main courtyard, while two personal maids and wet nurses followed behind carrying packages.

They will leave before dawn tomorrow. They will live together tonight and other belongings must be loaded onto the cart in advance.

Yang Yupei also came with her daughter in her arms. Her daughter is Yang Wenjing, nicknamed Ke'er. She is only one year old this year. She also has a wet nurse and two maids. Of course, Yang Yupei's property was also transported to Chang'an through Baoji Cabinet. She went to Longyou

The manors and properties will also be sold by others.

Just after the fifth watch the next day, the lights were turned on, and everyone got up, washed, tidied up, and had breakfast. After finishing their work, at dawn, the family got into two large carriages, including the wet nurse and the maid.

There were several carriages, accompanied by Aunt Mu, who was an elder. Dugu Xinyue prepared a carriage specially for her, and two maids followed her.

There were more than a hundred carts filled with luggage behind. Li Tengkong followed with a dozen apprentices on horseback. Forty female guards rode beside the two main carriages, and there were also a thousand personal cavalry for protection.

The leading general was Zhang Yun, Li Ye's deputy commander of the army. Zhang Yun stepped forward and clasped his fists to ask for instructions: "Princess Qi, we are ready and ready to go at any time!"

Dugu Xinyue nodded, "Let's go!"

Zhang Yun shouted: "Let's go!"

The three hundred cavalry in front started up, and the carriage also started slowly, heading towards the south gate in a mighty manner. The family bid farewell to Jincheng County, where they had lived for many years, and set off for Chang'an.

(End of chapter)

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