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Chapter 105 Taoist metaphysics?

Li Ye quickly poured her a cup of tea, and Lie Feng asked with a smile: "Have you gained anything from practicing the Suzaku Mind Technique?"

"Junior feels a little stagnant recently, and I always feel like I'm practicing wrong."

"Oh? Which aspect does it feel like you practiced wrong?"

"Junior feels that the resistance of the water is getting bigger and bigger, and it is becoming more and more difficult to swing the sword. I used to swing at least twenty-five or six swords at a time, but now I can only swing five swords at most."

Liefeng thought for a moment and said, "I have never encountered such a situation, but you may not have practiced wrongly."

"Juniors don't understand what auntie means!"

Lie Feng sighed, "The Suzaku Mind Technique is a martial art created by my ancestor Pei Xingyan. Pei Xingyan was a fierce general on the battlefield. His martial arts was originally a vigorous line, which was more vigorous than delicate.

In order to overcome the rough and loose defects in martial arts, his ancestor's master Ziyang Zhenren tailored the Suzaku Mental Technique for him. Its function is to remove the strong edges and corners, and polish the rough and loose parts into fine and delicate parts, which shows control and precision.


However, the descendants of the Pei family lacked the strength of their ancestors, and their martial arts became more delicate than strong."

Li Ye was about to interrupt, but he saw Lie Feng was immersed in reminiscing about the past, so he swallowed back the question on his lips."

Liefeng was still speaking slowly, full of memories of the past.

"I am a woman, and I have used my subtlety to the extreme, but I have strayed far away from the fierceness, causing Suzaku's mind to take another path.

Pei Min was also deeply influenced by me, and his pursuit of precision made him the most brilliant swordsman in the Tang Dynasty, but he could not become a powerful general in the world.

When Pei Min was in his twenties, I finally realized this problem. We all stayed away from the martial arts line of our ancestor Pei Xingyan, but it was already too late.

Pei Min made up for it in your body. He started cultivating your muscles, bones and strength from the moment you were born. However, he continued my method in training the Suzaku Mind Technique, which focused on precision, denseness, and long flow, rather than the training of his ancestor Pei Xingyan.

Strong and strong.”

Liefeng let out a long sigh: "After saying so much, do you understand what I mean?"

"Auntie, you mean that I might go back to the martial arts of my ancestor Pei Xingyan?"

Lie Feng nodded, "I can't give you any advice, but my ancestors once left a saying that Suzaku's mind is to embroider with a thousand-jin needle. Go and understand this sentence! Feilong said that you are an extraordinary person, and it is very likely that you will meet by chance.

Appear in you."

Li Ye bowed and said: "Junior understands!"

Lie Feng glanced at him, then smiled lightly and said, "You are here to save your father today, right?"


"Your father's situation is indeed very dangerous. I just received news that his wife Yu Wenluo and son Li Huai provided testimony to Dali Temple, saying that your father is extremely obsessed with illusions."

Li Ye's heart felt like a heavy weight, and the thing he was most worried about had come true.

"Auntie, is there anything you can do?"

Lie Feng looked at him for a moment and said: "Come with me, I will take you to see Fei Long!"

There is a Guantian Pavilion on the side of Dajiao Temple, which is more than ten feet high. It is one of the tallest buildings in Daming Palace and is used for observing stars at night. It was specially built by Emperor Li Longji for Zhenren Feilong.

Liefeng brought Li Ye to the courtyard of Guantian Pavilion. Liefeng whispered: "This is my senior brother's place of cultivation. As long as you are sincere, he will realize it!"

The two came to the wooden house next to Guantian Pavilion. Liefeng motioned for him to sit down under the eaves, and she walked into the wooden house herself.

Li Ye was sitting cross-legged. Pei Min said that flying dragons were like peeping into the sky. Li Ye had always wanted to visit him and ask if his soul could be reincarnated and whether he could go back.

Shi Jingzhong is just a liar, cheating everywhere, but Feilong is the real master and will never reveal secrets easily.

Lie Feng came out with a sad expression. She sat cross-legged next to Li Ye and whispered: "My senior brother's time is running out!"

Li Ye was startled and said quickly: "Can you? Can you let me see him? I have many things to ask him."

"He knows what you want to ask, but now is not the time. He said that God will provide it, and he will definitely meet you in the end, very soon."

Li Ye was silent. He was almost certain that Feilong knew his secret.

"Tell me about your father!"

Li Ye nodded, his father's affairs suddenly became less important in his heart.

"The only person who can save your father is the imperial concubine. She will come here tomorrow morning and ask, you happened to be here today. Senior brother said, this is God's will and it is destined."

Lie Feng slowly said again: "My senior brother can help you, but he has a condition!"

"Please say!"

Lie Feng shook his head, "He didn't tell me, he only wanted you to agree."

"I promise!" Li Ye said without hesitation.

"let's go!"

Liefeng stood up and said with a smile: "My senior brother really got it right!"

The next morning, the fire case in the Hubu warehouse took a turn for the worse. Li Dai's wife Yu Wenluo and son Li Huai presented evidence to Dali Temple, accusing Li Dai of being extremely obsessed with illusions and having close contacts with many alchemists in Chang'an. There was also a report letter from the Li clan.

Proved this.

With the most powerful witness, the physical evidence found under Li Dai's desk, and the magic fire dragon that appeared at the scene of the fire, Li Dai's case is almost certain.

Even Wang Gong couldn't cover up for Li Dai, so he had to try his best to soften his words so as not to implicate Prime Minister Li Linfu. However, it was a certainty that Li Dai would be thrown out of office and held accountable.

In the official room, Li Linfu looked depressed and gradually despaired. Although his grandson said that he could go to Lie Feng for help, Li Linfu did not expect Lie Feng to change the outcome at this time.

He now only hopes that his son's case will not be connected with Yang Shenjin's case, and he does not want the case to implicate himself.

At this time, a eunuch said at the door: "Li Xiangguo, the Holy One has called you!"

Li Linfu sighed secretly and had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the imperial study room.

After a while, Li Linfu was led into the imperial study, and he saw the emperor Li Longji standing in front of the window with his hands behind his hands, seeming to be thinking about something?

"Old minister, see your Majesty!"

Li Longji sighed and asked: "Li Xiangguo, what do you think of Yang Shenjin?"

Li Linfu was secretly surprised. He reacted very quickly and said quickly: "As a high-ranking official of the imperial court, Yang Shenjin is obsessed with witchcraft, behaves absurdly, and has lost official ethics. The ministers suggested that he be demoted to Guangzhou as the city's envoy."

Li Linfu was indeed Li Longji's most trusted prime minister. He really figured out Li Longji's thoughts. Li Longji wanted to kill Yang Shenjin, but he was a little jealous of his talent. Especially Yang Shenjin was good at managing money and was a rare talent.

Li Longji was a little hesitant, but Li Linfu's suggestion was just right. He demoted Lingnan and wanted to kill Yang Shenjin. It would be too easy for anyone to contract the miasma and die from the acclimatization.

If you want to make use of your talents, then serving as a merchant envoy in Guangzhou can give full play to your financial management role.

This plan is very good, and Li Longji is very satisfied. Li Longji nodded, "Just follow the Prime Minister's plan!"

"What does the Prime Minister think of Yang Wei, the young eunuch of the palace, being appointed as the Minister of Household Affairs?" Li Longji asked again.

Li Linfu thought that this must be the suggestion of Mrs. Guo Guo. The deception of Yang Guozhong and his son in the polo appointment caused dissatisfaction with Mrs. Guo Guo.

His grandson's plan of killing three soldiers with two peaches was indeed successful. Yang Guozhong was cooled down and became Yang Mao, who was as stupid as a pig. Not only was this person easier to deal with, but more importantly, he successfully provoked infighting within the Yang family.

Li Linfu quickly bowed and said: "Wei Chen firmly supports your Majesty's appointment!"

Li Longji waved his hand and said: "You don't have to please me like this, I want to hear the truth from you!"

"Reporting to your majesty, Yang Sui has both advantages and disadvantages. His biggest weakness is his lack of experience, but his biggest advantage is humility, knowing his own shortcomings, and being willing to listen to other people's opinions. In this regard, he is more dignified than Yang Shen, and having him as his household

Minister of the Ministry, he will better implement His Majesty's intentions and the resolutions of the Political Hall, so the ministers support him more."

Li Linfu also said it more implicitly. In fact, he meant that Yang Zheng was incompetent and that he had no ability, so he could only accept the arrangements of the emperor or the political affairs hall.

Li Longji understood what Li Linfu meant. This topic was brought to an end and there was no need to go on.

Li Longji changed the subject. He glanced at Li Linfu and asked, "Yesterday, Yu Wenjing came to visit the Prime Minister?"

Li Linfu smiled bitterly and said: "Yu Wenjing came to divorce his daughter yesterday. His attitude was very firm. He threw down the marriage certificate and left. This morning he returned the gift and his daughter's dowry was also taken away. According to Xianbei tradition, this marriage is considered

it's over."

"Where is your grandson?"

Li Linfu shook his head, "He was also taken away. Yu Wenjing regards him as his grandson, so he will probably change his surname to Yuwen! He can do whatever he wants, and the veteran will not keep him."

"No wonder they are so heartless!"

Li Longji knew the truth about the fire in the Hubu warehouse, but since he decided not to touch Li Linfu for the time being, he would still appease Li Linfu appropriately after beating Li Linfu. The way to control ministers is to use both soft and hard methods.

"I asked Gao Lishi to investigate Li Dai. He has very good official ethics. He is diligent in official duties and never slacks off. It is not easy to get a high-level evaluation for ten years. This time he has been wronged. I will compensate him and promote him to Jin.

Among the doctors of the Ministry, the official rank will be promoted at the same time."

Li Linfu was so excited that he almost burst into tears. He knelt down and choked with sobs: "Your Majesty is so generous and kind, and I have no way to repay you. I can only repay Your Majesty with all my heart and soul!"

This is the art of the emperor. He will torture you to death, but then turn around and say a few words of comfort to make you feel grateful and willing to repay him with his life.

Coming out of the imperial study, Gao Lishi caught up with him. Li Linfu stopped and asked, "Can Gao Weng reveal something?"

Seeing no one around him, Gao Lishi whispered: "It's the imperial concubine who interceded with Li Dai!"

Li Linfu suddenly realized that Lie Feng had worked.

Gao Lishi added: "The date of spring hunting is getting closer and closer, and the Prime Minister's preparations must be stepped up!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Gao. I have already sent down to Jingzhao Prefecture and Wugong County to ask the prefecture and county to clear the place. It should be almost done. I will send someone to verify it today."

"It needs to be verified!"

Gao Lishi smiled again and said: "Li Xiangguo, go back and have a good rest! Fortunately, you gave birth to a good grandson, and you can actually invite the flying dragon, which is unexpected!"

Li Linfu was speechless for a long time. He originally thought it was Lie Feng who helped, but he didn't expect that he actually asked the higher-ranking Master Fei Long. It is said that he had already practiced closed-mouth meditation. How did Ye'er do it?

This chapter has been completed!
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