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Chapter 1040 Between choices

Li Tengkong smiled and said: "The prescription is very simple. It is a medicinal decoction of Bupleurum, Ephedra, Guizhi and Licorice. Drink it three times a day. It will usually take effect in three days. The main thing is to stop vomiting and then continue to drink medicine for recovery.

We have already used tens of thousands of kilograms of medicinal materials, and we hope the government will take over as soon as possible."

Li Dai frowned and said, "Where did eldest sister get so many medicinal materials?"

"Your son gave me one hundred thousand dollars, and we bought medicinal materials from Jiangnan and Jingxiang."

"I see!"

Li Dai nodded and asked: "Are isatis root and honeysuckle useful? We have a lot."

"Of course it is useful. It can be used to make soup, and people who are not infected can drink it every day. It has a certain preventive effect. Also, drink boiled water, wash hands frequently with lime water, and it is best to wear a mask. The most necessary thing is a mask."

"I have arranged for people to sew the masks, and they will be delivered in large quantities in two days. Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"There are also isolation camps. There are too few observation camps and health camps. Especially the observation camps. There are more than 200,000 people going to observe in batches and hundreds of thousands of people. When will it be their turn?"

"I understand, I will increase my efforts now."

Li Dai immediately ordered the establishment of more observation camps and health camps, and healthy people were sent to Chenzhou.

The epidemic prevention in the Central Plains is in full swing. This time the epidemic was discovered early, and the court responded promptly. More importantly, Chang'an's full support ensured sufficient medicinal materials. In addition, many doctors and patients have experienced the great epidemic in Tianbao's 12th year.

We all have experience. Every county, township, and village has organized militia groups to intercept people on official roads and not allow anyone to enter.

Although it is a bit excessive, it is indeed a summary of the lessons learned from blood and tears. The response was very effective, so the epidemic did not spread. It mainly occurred in Yingzhou, Bozhou and Chenzhou, and it mainly occurred sporadically in the south and did not spread over a large area.

At this time, the court's attention turned to Hebei. The war in Hebei was coming to an end. The armies of Tian Chengsi and Li Baochen advanced rapidly and completely occupied Xiangzhou, Mingzhou and Xingzhou. In the end, only Ji County was left in Weizhou, which was surrounded by four

Wan Tian Li's army surrounded them.

Tian Chengsi now ignored the court's attitude at all, which made him angry. Next time, he would also capture Huaizhou.

At this time, Emperor Li Heng could only wait eagerly for Li Ye to send troops. Currently, he had no news about where Li Ye had sent troops, which made him really anxious.

Li Ye personally led an army of 80,000 people and advanced equally quickly. The army had already entered Huaizhou. Food logistics supplies were supplied from the Yellow River using 500 thousand-stone vehicles and ships.

Of course, the chariots and ships were transferred from Longyou. When Li Ye's army set off from Longyou to Chang'an, five hundred chariots and ships also set off from Jincheng County along the Yellow River.

That evening, Li Ye led his army to Wen County. From a distance, he saw a large camp set up by the Yellow River. The fleet arrived in Wen County one day in advance. The five thousand soldiers on board transported tents and food ashore and set up camp.

After Li Ye's army arrived, they directly stationed in the military camp to rest, so there was no need to be busy setting up tents.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Li Ye stood in front of the sand table and discussed the military situation with more than a dozen generals. Bai Xiaode was not around. He became the governor of Anxi and commanded the troops of the four towns. Li Fei Shouyu became the governor of Beiting. Xu Jian, who was the first to follow Li Ye

He was appointed as the governor of Hezhong. He was previously the governor of Guazhou and now led 10,000 troops to garrison in Suiye.

Pei Xiu is appointed as the governor of Ganliang, Li Xiyue, the governor of Shazhou, is appointed as the governor of Shasu, the governor of Shuofang is Xu Zongran, also known as Black Spear, the eight thousand Modao army is currently led by Tian Zhen, Xin Yunjing is appointed as the governor of Longyou, Lai Qi is appointed as the governor of Longnan, and Li Baozhen

He was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of Jiannan, and Wang Xiaoru was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

The general guarding Tongguan was Wei Boyu, and the remaining guard in Chang'an was concurrently held by Privy Councilor Duan Xiushi. He commanded 50,000 troops and was responsible for the outer perimeter of Chang'an. There was also Li Chenghua, the commander of the inner guard, who led 30,000 inner guards and was responsible for the inner city of Chang'an. They had the authority


During this expedition, Lei Wanchun and Nan Jiyun served as the left and right deputy generals, as well as the former army commander Li Fei Yuanli, the rear army commander Yu Chiguang, and the accompanying ship commander Yu Changyang. In addition, a group of young generals also began to stand out.

Xi Yuanqing's son Xi Wanli, Li Fei Yuanli's nephew Li Feilei, Tian Zhen's son Tian Weiguo, Xin Yunjing's son Xin Shao'an, Wei Boyu's son Wei Ran, Li Siye's son Li Zuoguo were also members of the Modao generals, and now Tian

Jane's lieutenant.

Li Ye pointed to the Ji County Road on the sand table: "Ji County is the starting point of the Yongji Canal. It blocks Ji County and no fleet from the hinterland of Hebei can enter the Yellow River. It is extremely important to both Tian Chengsi and Li Baochen. They are important to

Ji County is bound to be won, but it is not easy to capture Ji County. The moat here is eight feet wide and is directly connected to the Yongji Canal. The city wall is tall and strong, and Xue Song's six thousand elite guards are there.

I estimate that Tian and Li's army cannot capture the city by storm, but can only rely on siege. After a few months of siege, the food in the city will be cut off, and Xue Song will have no choice but to surrender without a fight. But at the same time, Tian and Li's army will also have to rely on siege.

We will besiege the city to bring reinforcements, and fight with the imperial court until the end."

At this time, Lei Wanchun asked: "Your Highness, will Tian Chengsi know about our arrival?"

Li Ye shook his head, "I'm not sure. Logically speaking, they shouldn't know, but if they collude with the imperial eunuchs, they might know. But for us, no matter whether they know or not, we must be cautious.

Be especially careful of being attacked by enemy troops."

Speaking of this, Li Ye said to Li Feiyuan, the former army chief: "From now on, the front army does not have to go first and must march together with the main army. I estimate that they will set up an ambush at the junction of Weizhou and Huaizhou. Then

The surrounding mountains are undulating and the terrain is complex, making it easier for the army to hide."

Li Fei Yuanli quickly clasped his fists and saluted, "I humbly obey my orders!"

The night was already deep, and Li Ye was still meditating alone in front of the sand table.

He has 500 chariots and ships, which can attack by water, and become a surprise force. Each ship carries fifty people, that is, 25,000 people. The logistics and baggage are all left in Wen County, and the chariots and ships become warships.

Li Ye had two targets in mind. The first target was Weizhou, Yuancheng County, Tian Chengsi's hometown.

Tian Chengsi had a total of 50,000 troops. He took 30,000 with him to fight, and 20,000 stayed in the mainland. They could not all be in Weizhou, as well as Beizhou, Dezhou, Cangzhou, especially Cangzhou, which is the land of Lulong Jiedu Prefecture

, will Zhu Tao watch Cangzhou being robbed?

Tian Chengsi must also hoard heavy troops to defend Cangzhou, at least more than 10,000 people. Maybe Weizhou, his home base, will be empty with only a few thousand people guarding it.

But the problem is that Li Ye doesn't want to annihilate the three towns in Hebei yet. Only with them to contain the imperial court can he have strategic opportunities. Li Heng in history did not live long. He probably died in the past two years. He must wait until Li Heng dies.

Have the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Li Ye denied the Weizhou goal. Although it was a rare opportunity, he still had to give up.

Another target of Li Ye was Liyangcang. Li Ye knew that Liyangcang did not have much food, and most of the food was shipped to support Guanzhong in the past two years.

But Liyangcang is not only a granary, but also a famous material warehouse. There is one material in it that Li Ye wants very much, and that is old weapons and armor. After the failure of An Lushan and Shi Siming, they left behind millions of old weapons and armor.

The old armor, as well as the armor captured by the imperial army during the tragic defeat of Xiangzhou, were all hoarded in Liyangcang.

It is said that a large number of crudely refined copper ingots and iron nuggets are also stored in Liyang warehouse.

Li Ye liked to seize spoils of war when he went on expeditions, and thus he accumulated a huge amount of wealth. During this expedition, he did not ask the court for any money, food or materials. He actually came here just to seize the spoils of war.

If you don't attack Weizhou, then seize Liyangcang first.

At this moment, Li Ye made up his mind and sent warships and surprise troops to attack Liyang.

Li Ye immediately ordered: "Go and find Lei Wanchun for me!"


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