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Chapter 1084: Hate cannot last overnight

Li Ye ordered an interrogation overnight, and by the fourth watch, all thirty Goguryeo people had completed the interrogation.

The interrogation was simple, but also extremely bloody and cruel. Thirty people stood in a row, and the tallest man was pulled out for interrogation. This man refused to say anything.

The soldiers cut the man into more than a dozen pieces in front of everyone, and brought in a few hungry wild dogs to eat up the flesh and blood, leaving only the bones.

Everyone else was paralyzed with fear, and they explained everything honestly and verbatim. Moreover, most of these people could speak Chinese, and only a few of them needed translation.

After gathering everyone's confessions, the truth came out.

The person behind the scenes is the master of Youzhou. His subordinates call him Junshang. He is tall and fat, with dark skin and protruding eyes like crabs. He has a counselor named Liu.

Li Ye immediately took out Youzhou's intelligence information from the box.

Li Ye immediately targeted the people behind the scenes, Zhu Tao, the deputy envoy of Youzhou Jiedu, and Liu Bu, the counselor.

Li Ye paced back and forth in the camp with his hands behind his hands, and his entire train of thought gradually became clear.

Li Fuguo borrowed Tian Chengsi's men to assassinate Li Shi, and then framed it for Li Xilie. He tasted the sweetness of the assassination.

While the emperor was seriously ill, Li Fuguo reached some kind of agreement with Zhu Tao, most likely to assassinate the prime minister. Zhu Tao borrowed a hundred assassins from the Khitans, so that even if they were caught, they could be framed by the Khitans.

The assassination of Du Hongjian was most likely the first case they committed.

If the Du Hongjian case was really their fault, then their target was most likely the prime minister or other leaders of the civil service group, such as Wei Jiansu, Xiao Hua, Zhang Hao and others.

It was just because of their arrival that they changed their plans.

So Wang Siyi leading the Plum Blossom Guard to Yongtai Fang was most likely Li Fuguo's instruction. After all, Li Fuguo controlled the Plum Blossom Guard, and Quan Nansheng was an insider.

If he were Zhu Tao and found out that Wang Siyi had captured thirty Goguryeo assassins who might know his details, what would he decide?

We must try to leave Luoyang City as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Li Ye asked: "What time is it now?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it's almost the fifth update!"

Li Ye nodded, "Pass my order, the first and second battalions will assemble immediately!"

Two thousand cavalry quickly gathered. A quarter of an hour later, Li Ye led two thousand cavalry to leave the military camp and galloped toward the northeast.

At dawn, the city gates slowly opened. The Plum Blossom Guards have been particularly strict in interrogating people in the past few days. Everyone entering and leaving the city must be searched. Of course, there are exceptions. There are some people they dare not search.

Going up to the east gate, there was a fierce sound of horse hoofbeats, and a cavalry team of more than a hundred people was rushing towards them. They were carrying the banner of Youzhou Jiedufu, and a big red character was written on a big flag.

This is the arrival of Zhu Tao, the deputy envoy of Youzhou Jiedu. Although Zhu Tao does not have as much power as Li Ye and can enter and leave the city gates at any time day and night, he also has an exemption order. No one is allowed to interrogate him when he comes in or out of Luoyang.

The Meihua Guards who were checking the people at the city gate were startled and quickly moved out of the way. More than a hundred people guarded Zhu Tao, rushing out of the city gate like lightning and running eastward along the official road like a gust of wind.

Not long after Zhu Tao's team rushed out of the city gate, two gunpowder arrows shot into the sky.

The defenders on the top of the city were really frightened. This was a gunpowder arrow that was only found on the battlefield. Something was going to happen. The defenders were really uneasy. They didn't know what would happen next.

Zhu Tao ran all the way, less than a mile away, when suddenly countless cavalrymen, two thousand in number, shot out from the woods on both sides. They surrounded Zhu Tao and more than a hundred cavalrymen. They swept the ground and raised their crossbows at Zhu Tao and

his men.

Zhu Tao was shocked and shouted: "I am Zhu Tao, deputy envoy of Youzhou Jiedu, you must not be rude!"

At this time, Li Ye slowly came out of the team. He looked at the men behind Zhu Tao. One group was tall and strong, while the other group was short and strong. They wore different armors, and several of them also wore masks.


Li Ye sneered and said, "Shijun Zhu, those sixty Khitan warriors are right behind you!"

Zhu Tao's expression changed drastically and he shouted loudly, "Your Highness, Prince Qi, I have no enmity with you, why are you like this?"

Li Ye chuckled and said, "Guess, why am I able to block you here?"

"I don't know, please make it clear, Your Highness!"

Li Ye's face darkened, "Go and ask the King of Hell for the answer!"

When Zhu Tao saw that the other party had already made murderous intentions, he felt anxious and immediately ordered: "Break out!"

Everyone shouted to break out. At this time, arrows were fired from all around, and there was a sudden scream. Zhu Tao fired dozens of arrows, but there were too many arrows, and he could not resist them. In just a moment, he was hit by hundreds of arrows.

He shot him and his horse into a hedgehog, killing him on the spot.

More than a hundred soldiers behind him, together with the counselor Liu Bu, were all shot to death by random arrows, and no one survived.

The news that Zhu Tao and his men were killed by King Qi's random arrows quickly spread throughout the city. The government and the public were shocked, and the whole city was shocked. Various gossips spread throughout the city.

Some people say that this is a precursor to the King of Qi preparing to seize Youzhou, some say that Zhu Tao was rude to the princess, and others say that Zhu Tao attempted to assassinate the King of Qi, but the news was leaked and he was killed.

In short, various gossips are flooding the market, and major restaurants and teahouses are talking about this incident. After all, more than a hundred people were killed in the street, and hundreds of farmers watched from a distance. Very few people can handle such a shocking event.


However, as an investigation report by Peng Haiyan, minister of Dali Temple, was submitted to the court, the murder of King Qi was declassified. It turned out that King Qi was assassinated by Zhu Tao's men two days ago. Zhu Tao fled in fear of the crime, but was blocked by King Qi.

Another secret was revealed. A month ago, Prime Minister Du Hongjian was assassinated, and the assassin was none other than Zhu Tao.

"Zhu Tao was killed, what does it have to do with me?"

Li Fuguo put down the tea cup and said coldly to Wang Siyi: "The dignified Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was actually killed by this barbarian from the feudal town. Fortunately, it was exposed in time, otherwise our family would have taken the blame for him."

Wang Siyi had no choice but to clasp his fists and say: "I understand, but this King of Qi is so cruel and cruel that he dares to kill people on our territory. Are we just indifferent? Or should we do something?"

Li Fuguo snorted, "You can prepare a coffin for yourself and choose a good cemetery!"

"This... Xiangguo's words are so chilling!"

Li Fuguo said coldly: "You want to die yourself, what can I say?"

"The humble position means that I can ask the Queen to issue an order to send the King of Qi away from Luoyang?"

Li Fuguo said slowly: "I'm going to ask when Mrs. Dugu's coffin will leave for Chang'an? The day the coffin leaves is the day Li Ye returns to the west."

"I'll go and inquire about it right now!"

Wang Siyi left in a hurry. Li Fuguo picked up the tea cup, but his hands shook violently involuntarily.

He saw how ruthless and ruthless the King of Qi Li Ye was, and he was determined to avenge himself. And since he was involved in the planning of this matter, would Li Ye kill him?

At this moment, Li Fugui was filled with fear.


This chapter has been completed!
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