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Chapter 1100 Missed opportunity

Han Zaiyu suppressed the nervousness in his heart and said: "An Lushan and Shi Siming massacred Hebei. All the people with fancy fists and embroidered legs have died long ago. If you want to survive, you must be stronger. I'm sorry, all the bows sold in Cangzhou shops are like this."


The captain looked at it for a moment and returned the bow to him, "This bow of yours is a prohibited weapon, but since you are a scholar from Hebei, I will not pursue you for the time being. Register it this afternoon and we will file it!"

After saying that, the captain waved his hand and led his men away. At this time, there was a loud bang in the distance, which startled Han Zaiyu. He quickly asked the man, "What is this sound?"

The waiter smiled and said: "This is the demolition of the walls of Chang'an. The first batch of demolition of the walls of twenty-seven workshops. We are among the first batch."

Han Zaiyu wondered: "Why should we demolish the wall? It's not safe!"

The waiter laughed dissatisfiedly and said: "You said something is unsafe. The enemy army is advancing into Chang'an. Can a mere square wall stop it? This is the earliest means of restricting the people. Go and see the notice written by King Qi. The square wall is imprisoned."

To improve people's hearts, tear down the walls and let everyone's hearts grow wings. Not only the common people will welcome it, but even the powerful are willing to tear down the walls."

Han Zaiyu became a little interested, so he walked out of the inn to check it out. He saw a huge crowd of people in the distance, and all the people in the house came to watch the fun.

He squeezed into the crowd and saw dozens of soldiers driving strong oxen to pull ropes. Sections of walls were pulled down, and dust flew into the air.

At this time, Han Zaiyu suddenly saw a hundred steps away from him, a young official wearing a golden crown, guarded by countless soldiers, standing on a high place to inspect the demolition of the wall.

Han Zaiyu's heart moved and he quickly asked the elder next to him, "Who is the one wearing the golden crown?"

The people in question looked back at him and said, "You don't even know His Highness King Qi?"

Han Zaiyu's heart suddenly started beating fast. He was not prepared at all. The opportunity appeared.

Demolishing the square wall was Li Ye's long-cherished wish, but he did not have the decision-making power before. Now that he has this power, he did not hesitate to order the demolition of the Chang'an Ministry square wall in three batches.

The purpose of the square wall was to protect the safety of the palace. In order to imprison the hearts of the people, the rulers of the Tang Dynasty used curfews to stifle the commercial night markets of the Tang Dynasty, which seriously restricted the commercial and urban development of Chang'an.

Bianliang in the Song Dynasty had squares but no walls, which enabled the Song Dynasty's commerce to develop to the extreme, making the Song Dynasty the most tolerant and prosperous dynasty in history, and civilian society was born.

Previously, he stipulated that the curfew should be lifted and the gates and city gates were not allowed to be closed. Now he went all out and demolished all the walls within two months. Chang'an's business has thus entered a glorious and prosperous era.

Li Ye personally urged Shengyefang to demolish the walls, but he never dreamed that just seventy steps behind him, a pair of wolf-like eyes stared at him.

The walls of the square fell down, and the dust covered the sky and the sun. The soldiers advised: "The dust is too big, Your Highness, please go back!"

Li Ye nodded, he just came over symbolically to supervise.

Then he turned around and returned to Qi Palace. Han Zaiyu finally squeezed forward, but Qi King Li Ye had disappeared and returned to Qi Palace.

Han Zaiyu was filled with hatred because he had lost an opportunity in vain.

When Li Ye returned to the official room, he saw a report on the table. Du You said at the side: "It was sent by Chen Sima. The copper and iron report that His Highness asked for!"

Li Ye quickly picked up the report and took a closer look. The report stated that there were 9.6 million jins of iron, 3 million jins of refined iron, and 8 million jins of copper. Are these quantities large?

It's not much at all. The iron calculation is only a little over 6,000 tons, and the copper can only be minted for more than one million guan. Last year, there were 20 million jins of iron, and this year there are only 12.6 million jins left.

The consumption is too large, and the annual output is only a few million kilograms, mainly produced in Longyou Chitie Mountain and Shuofang Tongtie Mountain, as well as Linqiong County in Yizhou.

If consumption continues at this level, pig iron stocks will bottom out in two years.

At this moment, Li Ye made up his mind and could not delay it any longer.

Li Ye immediately summoned Li Mi and seven other senior officials from the third rank and above to come to discuss the matter. They were actually Li Ye's seven prime ministers.

Including Li Mi, the Prime Minister of the King of Qi, Liu Yan, the Chief Secretary, Chen Huan, the Sima Chen Huan, Duan Xiushi, the privy envoy, Qiu Xuan, the supervisory envoy, Cui Guangyuan, the general judge, and Wang Wei, the chief official officer.

"I have called you here to discuss the issue of copper and iron. I have just discovered that our pig iron consumption is too fast, with only 12.6 million jins left. Copper is about the same, but the output in our territory is too small. I

Consider carrying out a copper and iron recycling campaign, exchanging food for the scraps of copper and iron in the hands of the people. Basically every household has scraps of weapons and the like, and then collect all the copper and iron stocks of local governments.

It is still a temple. Temples are the largest users of copper. We will not destroy the Dharma, but each temple can only keep one bronze bell. All other bronze bells and statues will be taken back to the government. I have made up my mind. Let's see what else we want.


Li Ye discussed this matter with Li Mi and Liu Yan, and they all agreed with the King of Qi's decision that strategic resources such as copper and iron should indeed be concentrated.

Li Ye saw everyone talking secretly and said: "This matter can be done later. Liu Changshi and Chen Sima will be responsible. Let's start with Chang'an. Let's see how much copper and iron can be recovered from the people of Chang'an?"

The copper and iron movement still needs preparation and mobilization, but the wall demolition movement is in full swing. In fact, most people and even the powerful support the demolition of the wall. Generations of Chang'an people have suffered from the inconvenience of the wall. Those who call for the demolition of the wall

The sound never stopped, and the rulers of the Tang Dynasty considered demolishing the walls many times, but in the end they gave up.

But after Li Ye became the de facto ruler of Chang'an, Li Ye began to take action. On the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, he began to demolish the walls of the first batch of twenty-seven squares, tens of thousands of troops and tens of thousands of people.

Let's work together and use carts to continuously transport the soil from the walls out of the city.

However, a large number of bricks were left on the spot. Most of these bricks are very strong. They were fired and replaced during the Kaiyuan period and can be used to build houses.

After the square wall was demolished, many families lost a wall in their yards, and these bricks will be compensated to these families.

Pingkangfang was also among the first to demolish the courtyard walls, and the restaurants and brothels in the square were very happy. Once the walls were demolished, the guests no longer had to worry about not being able to go home at night.

So the moment the square wall fell down, gongs and drums were played in the square to celebrate, and the people in the square also cheered. The square wall was demolished, and the authoritarian suppression that had imprisoned the people for more than a hundred years disappeared. From now on, you can leave the city at any time, and you can

You can enter the city, leave your home immediately, and return to your home at any time.

Many businessmen had a unique vision. They saw the business opportunities that emerged after the village walls were demolished. The house next to the wall, which originally had the cheapest land price, suddenly turned into a golden egg. The businessmen immediately spent real money to buy the households on the edge of Pingkang Square.

The price of a house suddenly increased from the original price of 1,500 guan per mu to 5,000 guan per mu, tripling in one day and night.

The sudden wealth has left countless families confused.


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