Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1124 Setting up an ambush at night

At the third watch, a cavalry force of 3,000 people came from the northeast in a circuitous way. This army was led by Tian Shenyu's general Hong Tao.

Tian Shenyu has received an order from his brother, ordering him to immediately lead his army to retreat to Shuozhou. No one dares to disobey Tian Shengong's order, except Tian Shenyu.

To be precise, Tian Shenyu was not Tian Shengong's subordinate. He was the governor of Caozhou, Quan Bianzhou. He was defeated by Li Zhengji and had to lead more than 16,000 remnant troops to Hedong to defect to his brother Tian Shengong. Tian Shengong arranged

In Yunzhou, he asked the court for him the official position of governor of Yunzhou.

Although Tian Shenyu would still listen to his brother's order to withdraw south, he would not hand over Yunzhou so readily. He wanted to test the strength of Guan Long's army.

Tian Shenyu's target was of course not the 50,000 Guanlong troops stationed in camp to rest, but the logistics team twenty miles away.

Of course Tian Shenyu had his own idea. As long as each of the three thousand cavalry he sent assassinated five camels, the logistics team would be unable to support them and they would have to temporarily retreat to Fengzhou, and the army would also have to retreat.

As for Li Ye using this as an excuse to start a war, Tian Shenyu didn't know. He knew very well that if Li Ye really wanted to start a war with them, he could find any excuse.

But he estimated that Li Ye's thoughts must be with the imperial court at the moment, and he would not consider starting a war with them for the time being.

The moonlight is very good tonight, and the entire land and mountains are painted silvery white by the moonlight. There is no need to light a torch to illuminate the road, and you can see clearly from miles away.

In fact, this is the normal situation in Yunzhou and even the grassland. It is sunny most of the time.

Hong Tao led 3,000 cavalry around to the north and went directly to the baggage camp in the south.

The sound of the hoofbeats of three thousand cavalrymen was earth-shattering, and the earth was shaking. Many camels stood up in fear. At this time, there was no need for the cavalry to cover up. Under the bright moonlight, they rushed like a flood towards the logistics camp three miles away.

Less than two miles away from the logistics camp, an accident occurred suddenly. The horses neighed violently. The cavalrymen running in front fell down one after another. They and their horses rolled several feet away. In an instant, hundreds of cavalrymen and their horses fell down.

There are countless horse pits and thorns on the ground.

The cavalry behind them tried their best to pull the horses. Suddenly, a fire broke out on the ground. The fire was so fierce that in the blink of an eye it rushed hundreds of feet and was dozens of feet wide, completely engulfing the three thousand cavalry.

Countless crossbowmen appeared on both sides, and the overwhelming crossbow arrows shot into the flames. Countless soldiers who were frightened by the flames were killed by arrows. The last dozens of cavalry rushed out of the flames, but they were already surrounded. The soldiers dismounted one after another.

, knelt down and surrendered.

At this time, Lei Wanchun came out of the team and shouted: "Stop shooting!"

Ten thousand crossbowmen stopped shooting, and the fire gradually extinguished. The ground was full of dead people and horses, huddled together in a burning ball, and it was pitch black.

Lei Wanchun cursed in disgust, "You deserve to die!"

Tian Shenyu's army was very undisciplined. They retreated from Caozhou to Hedong, burning, killing and raping all the way. They committed many evil acts. Although they were also Tang troops, Lei Wanchun did not hesitate to kill them.

Lei Wanchun only sent the two youngest cavalrymen back to report the news, while dozens of others were beheaded and executed.

Tian Shenyu received a report from two survivors. The entire army of three thousand cavalry was destroyed and burned to death. They did not even take prisoners of war. Tian Shenyu was frightened for a while. He knew that Li Ye's army was ruthless on the outside and lenient on the inside.

The Han people were relatively tolerant and focused on capturing prisoners of war, but this time they actually killed all their own men.

Tian Shenyu knew very well that his army must have harmed the people too much, and Qi King Li Ye could not tolerate it. He was really afraid and did not dare to stay any longer, so he immediately led the remaining army to retreat towards Shuofang.

This time he did not dare to loot Yunzhong County. If he angered Li Ye again at this time, I am afraid that Li Ye would not let him go now.

In the afternoon of the next day, Lei Wanchun led an army to occupy Yunzhong County, which is Datong City and Pingcheng, the former capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

This is a tall and solid city with a circumference of more than 30 miles and a population of more than 100,000. This is the logistics center for the Guanlong and Tang armies.

According to Li Ye's appointment, Wei Feng was appointed as the governor of Yunzhou. Originally, Yunzhou was the governor state, and Tian Shenyu was appointed as the governor and also the governor. However, Tian Shenyu ran away and the prefecture had no chief official, so Li Ye asked Wei Feng to serve as the governor.


After resting for three days, Lei Wanchun left 30,000 troops to guard Yunzhong County. He continued to lead 20,000 troops and 20,000 camels to kill Yuzhou in a mighty manner.

In the Chang'an Firearms and Powder Department, Li Ye stared solemnly at a stone house two hundred steps away, and the gunpowder craftsmen also stared at the stone house.

In the stone house, a death row prisoner was following Li Ye's order to mix one part nitric acid, two parts sulfuric acid and half a part glycerin.

This is an extremely dangerous operation, and a violent explosion will occur if you are not careful. Of course, if it is handled properly, the death row prisoner will also be pardoned.

This death row prisoner was also specially selected by Li Ye. He was a doctor. Because his wife had an affair with a patient, he poisoned his wife and adulterer to death.

It stands to reason that he should be sentenced to death, but there were many people interceding on his behalf, so Li Ye gave him a chance. If he was willing to prepare nitroglycerin for himself, he could be pardoned.

Li Ye mainly liked his steady hand and precise dispensing.

Not long after, the doctor on death row came out tremblingly. He also knew the danger and was sweating profusely.

Li Ye went up to him and asked, "How is it?"

"It has been completed according to His Highness's instructions!"

"What color?" Li Ye asked.

"A light yellow oil."

The color was right, Li Ye asked again, "Did you stir it evenly with a porcelain rod?"

The other party nodded, "It's been stirred evenly."

Although nitroglycerin is prone to explosion, it generally will not explode as long as it is not violently shaken or heated.

There is generally no problem in storage, but it is very easy to explode due to shaking during transportation.

So later, diatomaceous earth was used to absorb nitroglycerin, which was an explosive. It was much safer at this time. Unless it was ignited, it would not explode.

Li Ye entered the room and took a look. There was an open porcelain basin on the small table in the room. There was about two kilograms of oily liquid in it, which was light yellow in color.

Li Ye nodded, then pointed to the two kilograms of diatomaceous earth ground into powder next to him and said: "Pour the sand in, stir them slowly and evenly, and then you will be fine. Remember, it must be slow and even.


Everyone exited again, leaving the doctor to operate alone.

About a quarter of an hour later, the doctor came out again. His legs were shaking. He bowed to Li Ye and said, "The mixture has been evenly mixed!"

Li Ye walked into the stone house again and saw that in the porcelain basin on the table, the originally white sand turned into light yellow and condensed into a lump. He only needed to dry it in the shade and crush it into powder with a wooden board.

This is dynamite.

Li Ye immediately ordered, "Go and get a small iron fire thunder quickly!"

(End of chapter)

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