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Chapter 117 Hunting Ground Ambush

Cheng Changhui was the first to shoot the arrow. He also stared at the deer king and shot an arrow before Li Ye.

Cheng Changhui was only thirteen years old, and the five-dou bow he used was a bit soft. In addition, he fired the arrow in a hurry, and the Deer King easily dodged it with a quick jump.

At this time, Li Ye's arrow also arrived. It was as fast as lightning and powerful. Moreover, his prediction was accurate. He judged that the Deer King would definitely dodge Cheng Changhui's arrow to the right.


One arrow hit the deer king's neck, and the deer king fell down immediately. Li Ye shot three more arrows in succession while running, knocking down three fat deer.

This is of course not the first time he has shot at prey. He has hunted dozens of hares and pheasants before. He has gradually become more proficient from being a little raw, and has been able to integrate polo and mounted shooting, quickly surpassing the masters.


Even Cheng Changyin praised Li Ye for being ranked among the best in the world in riding and shooting, but he didn't know that Li Ye actually only had five days of intensive training.

Of course, Li Ye was still not satisfied with his riding and shooting skills. The goal he was striving for was Pei Xingyan.

Pei Xingyan can shoot a three-stone bow and shoot an arrow through five layers of armor from a hundred steps away. The arrow will definitely penetrate the iron. This is the real super master.

The five people shot nine large deer at once, which was already a very good harvest, but they could not take the big deer north.

Li Ye and Cheng Changyin discussed for a while, and they unanimously decided to let the three Cheng brothers go back with nine big deer, and the two of them continued northward.

But the fundamental reason is that the three of them are too young. Although they are only one year younger than Li Ye, and Cheng Changdi is only a few months younger than Li Ye, their height and physique are far different from Li Ye.

Li Ye can already compete with adults on the polo field, but the three of them are obviously still junior high school students, with thin and thin bodies.

As the eldest brother, Cheng Changyin certainly couldn't let his three brothers follow him north to adventure hunting animals. He happened to shoot nine deer, so Cheng Changyin found a perfect excuse.

The three of them had no choice but to put the nine deer on their horses and carry them back.

"Brother Ye, I will keep the deer antler for you!" Cheng Changdi shouted from a distance.

"Thank you very much!"

Without the burden of their three younger brothers, Li Ye and Cheng Changyin were full of energy and ran towards the Tongren Ridge in the north.

Tongren Ridge runs east to west, is about tens of miles long, is less than a hundred feet high, and is relatively low, like a giant snake lying in the northernmost part of the forest.

The forest on Tongren Ridge is extremely dense, and there are a lot of wild animals living there, but you can't get up there on horseback, so you can only get off your horse and climb up on foot.

The two arrived at the foot of the mountain and walked eastward for more than twenty miles, but still did not find any prey. It was already noon, and they had no choice but to return to camp if they had no harvest.

"Brother Yin, wait for me below, I'll go up and take a look."

One of the two people must leave one person to watch the horse. Maybe a wild animal is watching them. If both of them get up, the horse will be in danger.

"Be careful, don't be reckless when you meet a big guy!"

"I know!"

Li Ye waved his hand and climbed up the mountain along a path.

Tongren Ridge is high in the west and low in the east. The ridge Li Ye went up to the mountain was only twenty or thirty feet long. Although the terrain was steep, Li Ye relied on his excellent skills to climb to the top of the mountain in less than a stick of incense.

The top of the mountain was full of trees, which also blocked his sight. Li Ye simply climbed up a big pine tree, and his field of vision suddenly broadened, and he could see dozens of miles around.

There is a ravine not far to the east, where you can lead your horse directly over the mountains, but it is very hidden and can only be discovered by going to a high place.

To the south are endless forests, extending all the way to Wugong County in the distance. The Wuting River is like a jade belt, flowing through the endless forest, and there is a large grassland on the east side of the jade belt.

Li Ye also saw the camp dozens of miles away.

At this moment, billowing yellow dust appeared a few miles away to the east, and many people were galloping on their horses.

After the horseback riding team ran through a section of woods that blocked his view, Li Ye saw clearly that there were more than a dozen people galloping on horseback, and a large number of cavalry were chasing behind them a hundred steps away.

The cavalry behind them drew their bows and arrows, and some people were shot off their horses.

Li Ye was shocked. He quickly climbed down the tree, as fast as an ape, and ran down the mountain at an unprecedented speed. Cheng Changyin was on the only way down the mountain.

"Brother Yin, run quickly!"

Li Ye waved his hand and shouted. At this time, Cheng Changyin also saw the dust in the distance, and he was looking out with his hand curtain.

When Cheng Changyin heard the shouting, he looked back and saw Li Ye running down the mountain almost rolling on the ground. They quickly urged their horses to run towards Li Ye.

"Aye, what's going on over there?"

Li Ye ran forward, got on his horse and said, "Someone is being chased!"

Cheng Changyin was also shocked and quickly drew out his sword.

"Who is being hunted?"

Li Ye shook his head, drew an arrow and put it on the bowstring, staring sharply at the black spot that was getting closer and closer.

In just a moment, more than a dozen guards were running dozens of steps away. Li Ye could see clearly that there were more than a dozen guards protecting a prince who was running in panic.

Cheng Changyin suddenly recognized the prince, and his eyes widened suddenly, "It's His Royal Highness Prince Guangping!"

Li Ye was shocked. He knew that King Guangping was the later Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Yu, but King Guangping himself should have never seen him. How could he look so familiar?

Li Ye had no time to think and immediately said: "Let's go up and have a look!"

The two of them came forward to greet him. Cheng Changyin came forward and waved and shouted: "Your Highness, this humble minister is Cheng Changyin!"

King Guangping is still called Li Chu, but later he changed his name to Li Yu.

He saw two hunters coming from a distance, wearing warrior uniforms with red ribbons on their left arms, which were signs of hunting. He also heard the other party calling Cheng Changyin. He was overjoyed and shouted hurriedly: "There are rebels behind us.

Help me quickly!"

King Li Chu of Guangping encountered Absi's men. Li Chu's hunting team was currently ranked second. In order to win the first place, he took his son Li Shi and thirty guards to Beishan before dawn to search for large beasts.

Unexpectedly, he was discovered by the patrol sent by Absi. Of course the opponent's general knew the importance of Li Chu, King of Guangping, and immediately sent more than a hundred people to ambush Li Chu's team, hoping to capture the father and son alive.

After a fierce battle, the guards suffered heavy casualties, and his son Li Shi was captured. Li Chu led a dozen guards to break out of the siege and fled in panic.

The general Wu Tusi led a hundred cavalry in hot pursuit. They fired arrows continuously and killed five or six people.

At this time, Li Ye had already drawn two arrows. He hid behind a big tree and stared calmly at the pursuers behind him. His eyes were sharp and unusually sharp. He could stare at the opponent's generals, their armors and other items at a glance.

The cavalry was obviously different. Everyone else was chasing after him desperately, but he was the only one waving and shouting.

Li Ye drew his bow like a full moon, and shot two arrows in succession from a distance of 150 steps. This move was one of his special polo skills, shooting stars to catch up with the moon.

However, he made a few modifications. He saw that the leader of the horse was left-handed and used his left hand to pull the reins. He would inevitably veer to the left instinctively, so his second arrow veered slightly to the left.

The arrow was in front of him like lightning, and Utus was shocked. He reacted quickly and instinctively tilted his head to the left, and the arrow missed his ear.

But Wutusi never dreamed that the God of Death was hiding behind the first arrow. When he discovered that there was another arrow behind, it was too late to dodge.

"Poof!" An arrow hit his throat with great force. The tip of the arrow came out from the back of his neck. He let out a muffled cry and fell off his horse. The horses behind him couldn't catch up and trampled over him one after another. Several horses fell down.

On the ground.

Li Ye did not stop, and shot fifteen more arrows in succession, without missing a beat. The arrows hit the vital points of the pursuing cavalry, and suddenly everyone fell on their backs.

The general fell off his horse and died. There seemed to be an ambush in front of him. The cavalry reined in their horses one after another and had no intention of pursuing them anymore.

Someone shouted twice, and the soldiers collected the bodies and turned around and retreated.

At this time, Li Chu, the king of Guangping, who had rushed a hundred steps away, turned around and came back.

Although the immediate crisis was temporarily resolved, he was more worried about his arrested son.

Li Chu already knew Li Ye's identity from Cheng Changyin. He stepped forward and saluted with clasped fists: "Thank you Mr. Ye for saving your life!"

Li Chu's figure felt familiar to Li Ye, and as soon as he spoke, Li Ye recognized it immediately.

"Are you a lynx?"

This chapter has been completed!
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