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Chapter 119 Killing to save others

Although Li Ye had already killed many people from a distance, it was still far away and he couldn't feel the murderous atmosphere. But at this moment, he killed two people within ten feet, and a strong bloody aura hit his face.

Only then did he realize that he had killed someone.

But instead of having the fear of killing someone for the first time, he felt an indescribable pleasure and excitement. This pleasure made him secretly frightened. Could it be that he had a murderous and blood-devouring gene hidden in his bones?

After standing still for a moment, Li Ye dragged the bodies of the two sentries to a nearby ravine and buried them with leaves.

He tidied up a little and put the opponent's four daggers into his bag. Now he had twenty daggers. Although they were relatively heavy, they were nothing to him?

Li Ye continued to run along the woods toward the depths of the valley.

After running for about seven or eight miles, Li Ye finally found the Tongluo Army. There were about twenty tents on a large grassland. There were not many soldiers visible, but there were at least five soldiers active outside the tent.

Sixty people.

However, it was not difficult to find Li Shi. Li Ye hid in the woods and observed carefully. His eyes finally locked on a large tent in the north. This tent was closely guarded by fourteen soldiers, with two soldiers standing at the door.


Li Ye observed for a moment, and he determined that the other party was guarding rather than protecting. It could be seen from the soldiers' attitudes that the two soldiers at the door kept looking inside, which seemed very disrespectful.

If they were big shots, they would not dare to do this. Only the captured criminals would be so vigilant.

I don't know if the person in the big tent is Li Shi? Li Ye could only take a gamble at this time. He couldn't delay it until night, and the other party would most likely make an emergency retreat.

He must act immediately to rescue the person.

Li Ye quickly estimated that he needed to kill fourteen soldiers in the shortest time, and he could do it with a flying knife.

Li Ye's original plan was to escape on horseback and rush out of the valley before the opponent could fully react, but the question was where was the horse?

He observed for a while, and soon found horse tracks. About ten feet away from the target tent, a tent was full of horses, and one of the horses was still tied at the door.

Li Ye quickly planned his escape route, put some dirt on his face, and then walked towards the tent with a three-pointed two-edged knife.

The two guards didn't take Li Ye seriously at first, but seeing him getting closer and closer to the tent, they suddenly became vigilant.

At this time, Li Ye turned around and walked south, as if he was just passing by. At this moment, he saw clearly what was going on inside the tent. There was a wooden pillar in the middle, and a young man wearing a gold crown and a bright yellow warrior uniform was tied up behind his back.

On the pillar, yes, it was the Li Shi he was looking for. Only the royal family could wear bright yellow.

Li Ye squatted down with his back to the two soldiers and placed the three-pointed two-edged knife on the ground. The two guards shouted and told him to leave quickly.

Li Ye suddenly did a backflip, and two cold lights shot out from his hands.

The speed was so fast that it was almost lightning fast. Before the two soldiers could react, two flying knives accurately shot through their throats.

The two soldiers grabbed their throats and fell to the ground. Li Ye rushed into the tent like a strong wind and shot out two flying knives. The flying knives penetrated the sheepskin tent and the two soldiers from the east screamed and fell down.

Their figures faintly fell on the sheepskin tent, and they were shot dead by Li Ye.

Li Shi, who was tied to the wooden pillar, widened his eyes. He had seen many guards practicing flying knives, but none of the guards' flying knives were as powerful as the one in front of him.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless, the flying knife was so fast that the cold light was in front of you in a flash, leaving no room for reaction.

Li Ye rolled forward and swung his three-pointed two-edged knife to cut the rope.

"Untie yourself!"

Li Shi hurriedly untied the rope around him.

Li Ye squatted on the ground, and the flying knives in his hands shot out like streaks of cold light. With each cold light, a soldier outside the tent screamed and fell down.

The sheepskin tent was too thin, and the running figures of the soldiers were clearly imprinted on the large sheepskin tent, but they could not see what was going on inside the tent, which brought fatal danger to every soldier outside the tent.

In just an instant, Li Ye shot ten flying knives. Including the four people before him, all fourteen soldiers guarding the tent were killed by flying knives. Li Shi was dumbfounded by his superb flying knife skills.

"let's go!"

Li Ye pulled Li Shi and ran towards the east of the big tent, slashing up, down, left and right with his sword, 'Crack! Crack!' A big cross was made on the sheepskin tent with a three-pointed two-edged knife, and the two of them rushed forward and backward.

Out of the big tent.

Li Ye had a clear goal and charged directly at the tent of war horses that were more than ten feet tall. Li Shi, who had obviously also practiced martial arts, followed closely behind Li Ye.

Someone shouted, and two Tongluo soldiers rushed over from the big tent on the right, holding spears, trying to block their way.

Without hesitation, Li Ye pulled out two throwing knives from the scabbard on his right shoulder. Two cold lights flashed, and the two soldiers were stabbed in the face by sharp flying knives and fell to the ground on their backs.

Three Tongluo soldiers also rushed out of the war horse's tent. They were the soldiers guarding the war horse. They rushed toward Li Ye with swords in their hands.

Li Ye ran out of flying knives, and three more flying knives were shot out. Three Tongluo soldiers fell to the ground on their backs, all of them hit in the forehead. The flying knives were so fast that they couldn't react at all.

There were loud shouts of killing in the distance, and all the Tongluo soldiers rushed over, but their target first was the big tent where the key criminals were detained.

Li Ye led Li Shi and rushed to the war horse tied outside. Li Ye cut off the reins with a knife and lifted Li Shi onto the war horse. He also jumped on the war horse. He took out a fire stick and lit a torch.

, and threw it on top of the big tent.

"They are coming!" Li Shi shouted in shock.

When Li Ye turned around, he saw dozens of soldiers fighting towards them from a few feet away. Some soldiers squatted down and raised their crossbows to aim at them.

"Drive!" Li Ye clamped his legs on the war horse, and the horse began to run.

More than a dozen crossbow bolts roared towards him with great force. Li Ye waved his three-pointed two-edged sword to block the crossbow bolts. He could feel thousands of water currents under the water, and he could also keenly feel the air currents hitting him on the battlefield.


This is actually the reason why powerful generals of all ages were able to wave their weapons to block arrows. Sometimes they couldn't see it, but they could feel the sound and airflow of arrows piercing the air.


More than a dozen crossbow bolts fired at him were accurately shot down by him.

Li Shi also played his role. He pulled the reins, controlled the direction, and shouted to the horse, "Drive! Drive!"

The war horses galloped, and the two of them rode a horse together and galloped eastward.

This was the route planned by Li Ye. He lit the horse tent on fire to attract the enemy troops, and then he fled out of the valley in the opposite direction.

But this does not mean that there is no danger, the danger still exists. As soon as they ran a few dozen steps, two more Tongluo soldiers came to kill one on the left and one on the right. They raised their spears and stabbed Li Ye fiercely.

Li Ye only had a flying knife left. He flicked his left hand and a cold light flashed through. The flying knife pierced the soldier's forehead. The Tongluo soldier screamed and fell on his back.

At this time, another soldier's spear was about to hit Li Ye, and Li Shi shouted anxiously: "Be careful!"

Li Ye, however, was not in a hurry. He thrust a three-pointed two-edged sword outward with his right hand, and then slashed at the opponent with his backhand.

Li Ye's hard-trained Suzaku Mental Technique was vividly displayed at this moment. The two seemingly simple movements were extremely fast, and the opponent could not dodge them at all.

"Poof!" Half of the Tongluo soldier's spiritual cap was cut off, and his brains spilled out.

Li Shi was so scared that he closed his eyes.

"Your Highness, sit still!"

Li Ye found that there were more than 20 cavalrymen chasing after him.

He placed the three-pointed two-edged sword across the pommel bridge, controlled the horse with both legs, took out the bow and arrow from behind, twisted around, unfurled the bow and nocked the arrow, and shot at the pursuers behind him.

A hundred and fifty paces long shot, the arrows were like lightning. The leading pursuer was hit in the chest by an arrow and fell from his horse.

Li Ye shot five more arrows in succession, and all the arrows were missed. Five more soldiers were hit and fell from their horses.

The pursuers from behind fired arrows in succession, and Li Ye blocked the arrows with a three-pointed two-edged sword. Although Li Shi was only eight or nine years old, he was already quite proficient in riding a horse and kept accelerating his horse's speed.

The two sides shot arrows at each other during the chase. Li Ye's arrow skills were sharp and his arrows were all missed. In each round of arrows, five or six people were shot and fell off their horses.

Li Ye's horses rushed through the valley entrance, followed by more than a dozen Tongluo cavalrymen in hot pursuit. At this moment, two thick trees rolled down from the top of the mountain ridge. The Tongluo cavalrymen were caught off guard, and five or six of them were knocked over.

, the cavalry behind them reined in their horses one after another.

By the time they moved away the big tree and rushed out of the valley mouth, Li Ye's horse had disappeared without a trace.

This chapter has been completed!
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