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Chapter 1211 The serial plan

Hu Lie pondered for a moment and asked, "What the outside army wants to know most is whether Tian Shenyu has any ideas or preparations to set fire to the city?"

The shopkeeper nodded, "This is the important information I want to give you. Tian Shenyu has arranged thirty-two ignition points in the city. Once he is defeated, he will light the whole city on fire and let the people in the city bury him with him. It can be said that he is crazy.


The shopkeeper took out a map and handed it to Hu Lie, "Thirty-two ignition positions are all marked in detail."

Hu Lie put away the map. He was also a little worried. There were hundreds of thousands of people in Taiyuan City. If the whole city caught fire, these hundreds of thousands of people would be in danger.

"The shopkeeper thinks Tian Shenyu's army will carry out such a crazy order?"

"Their soldiers will definitely execute it, but other soldiers may not. But as long as there are thirty-two soldiers squatting at the ignition point, they will definitely light the fire once they receive the order."

Speaking of this, the shopkeeper frowned and said, "The key is, how can you go out of the city to deliver the letter?"

Hu Lie smiled and said: "Now I have been caught as a civilian and participated in controlling the trebuchet. I will be on duty in the second half of the night. Can I sneak out of the city?"

The shopkeeper knew that Hu Lie's parents had passed away. Although he had brothers and sisters, they were not in Taiyuan City. He would not harm his family if he went out of the city.

"Be careful, the information is very important and must be sent to the coach."

Hu Lie nodded, stood up and left.

At the third watch, there was a changing of the guard on top of the city, and a large number of troops and civilians went up to the city to take over their posts.

Four generals secretly came to a private house, which was the home of one of the generals. His parents, wife and children were all at home.

Four generals sat down in the study. One of them took out a letter from his arms. The others' letters were confiscated. Only this letter was preserved. The general stuffed it into the crack in the wall. Tian Shenyu's personal soldier

Went to search him, but couldn't find it.

The four of them took turns to read the letter written by Li Ye, the prisoner, to the soldiers in the city. One general said: "It's his business if Tian Shenyu wants to die. No one will stop him, but he will drag the whole city to bury him with him.

That won’t work.”

"That's right. We all have family members in the city. If he dies, will my children also die with him?"

The four generals were all former subordinates of Maeda Kamiko, and their families were all in the city. Their common interests brought them together.

"No matter how many there are, as long as the Tang army enters the city, we must immediately stop Tian Shenyu from setting fire, especially controlling the fire oil depot is the key."

Tian Shenyu's kerosene depot is located next to the government office in the north of the city. It was originally a grain depot and was requisitioned by Tian Shenyu to store kerosene. It was also because kerosene was too dangerous that Tian Shenyu did not dare to put it together with other grain and grass supplies.

It is placed alone in a warehouse.

The four people immediately declared that for the sake of their own lives and that of their families, they must prevent Tian Shenyu from using kerosene to burn the city.

At dawn the next day, Guo Ziyi sent someone to invite several generals to his handsome tent. He smiled and said to everyone: "I'm sorry to disturb your rest last night. At the fourth watch last night, one of our scouts in the city ventured out of the city.

Send a letter and bring us this!"

Guo Ziyi spread a map on the table, "This is important information obtained by the intelligence station in the city. Tian Shenyu arranged thirty-two ignition points in the city. It is said that each ignition point has one of his soldiers."

The three of them looked at the map carefully together. Gao Xiuyan frowned and said, "They are very scattered. They are basically all in residential areas!"

Guo Ziyi nodded, "There are two key questions here. First, when did he notify the ignition soldiers? Second, how did he notify the ignition soldiers? As long as we grasp these two key points, we can minimize the losses.


Everyone has reached a consensus that it is impossible to attack Taiyuan without losses, and they can only do their best to minimize the losses.

"Tian Shenyu must have ordered the whole city to be set on fire after the situation was over. His method of ordering was nothing more than launching rockets, so we could buy a little time."

Guo Ziyi said in a deep voice: "We must set up thirty-two special teams, each with a hundred people, preferably cavalry. Each team is responsible for a target and rush over as quickly as possible to eliminate the risk."

At this time, Tian Shengong pointed to the northeast of the city and said: "This is Cang City. There is a beacon inside. The beacon raises fire and can be seen throughout the city. If Tian Shenyu wants to set fire to the whole city, lighting the beacon is the best signal."

Guo Ziyi nodded, "Then don't rush to attack Cangcheng. To prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry, light the beacons in advance. After we have removed all thirty-two ignition points, it will not be too late to attack Cangcheng."

Guo Ziyi glanced at the crowd again and said: "The attack on Taiyuan cannot be delayed any longer. I will attack at two o'clock tonight. Do you have any opinions?"

Before the second watch, tens of thousands of Tang army cavalry slowly approached the city wall along both sides of the Fen River, and finally stopped two miles away from the city wall.

Tens of thousands of Tang troops held torches, lighting up both sides of the Fen River as if it were daytime.

An ice wall was built on the Fen River, filled with mud and sand bags, about two feet high, and connected to the city wall on both sides.

Two thousand barrels of kerosene and countless hay were spread behind the ice wall, which stretched for a mile, including in the river and on both sides. Even if the opponent captured the ice wall and rushed into the city, they would be greeted by a trap of fire.

At the top of the city on both sides are twenty trebuchets, with huge boulders in their trebuchets, ready for battle.

Soldiers were standing around the trebuchet, and soldiers were also standing on both sides of the Fen River in the city.

Tian Shenyu stood on the top of the city and sneered in his heart. He had long known that the opponent must be attacking Fenhe River and rushed into the city with sled boats loaded with soldiers.

I have the sharpest fire oil weapon, how can I let the other party get what they want?

At this time, Guo Ziyi gave an order, and thousands of crossbowmen rushed out and fired arrows at the top of the city together. The arrows shot towards the top of the city like locusts.

The civilians and soldiers at the top of the city squatted down one after another, and the trebuchets and bows and arrows on the top of the city also fired. Arrows shot down from the top of the city like a rapid rain, mixed with twenty huge rocks. Although the range was only one hundred and fifty steps,

But the inertia was strong, and the boulder hit the ice heavily, roaring towards the crowd of Tang soldiers.

Two huge rocks smashed into the crowd. The soldiers of the Tang army were unable to dodge and were knocked over by dozens of people.

Other soldiers realized that it was not safe on the ice and moved to the shore one after another.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, and the Tang army suddenly switched to rockets. Countless arrows were shot into Fenhe City, and the river surface suddenly burst into flames.

"Damn it!"

Tian Shenyu cursed secretly, the other party actually saw through the fire trap he had set.

At this time, a soldier rushed over, knelt down on one knee and reported, "Lord, there are troops gathering outside the east city!"

Tian Shenyu was immediately surprised. Is Dongcheng the enemy's real attack point?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was that the other party must have known that there was kerosene on the river for a long time, but they were reluctant to use rockets just to buy Dongcheng time.

Tian Shenyu was very anxious and immediately ordered: "Except Nancheng, the troops from other cities must gather towards Dongcheng!"

He also got on his horse, rushed down the corridor, and rushed towards the east city with thousands of people.

At this time, soldiers from all walks of life were running towards the east city. Tian Shenyu had just rushed to the city gate when he heard three earth-shattering explosions in a row: ‘Boom! Boom! Boom!’.

The whole ground was shaking, the explosion was deafening, and many soldiers were unable to stand and fell to the ground.

Tian Shen Yuxin fell into the abyss. He suddenly turned back and looked towards Beicheng. He saw thick smoke filling the sky above Beicheng, forming three huge mushroom clouds.

(End of chapter)

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