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Chapter 1257 Crossing the river and fighting again

At night, 50,000 troops and 20,000 Fan Yang troops gathered again, preparing to attack the south bank again.

This time they summed up the lessons from the last failure and decided to walk on two legs. On the one hand, they used a raft to cross the river, and on the other hand, they built a pontoon bridge. In fact, the modules of the pontoon bridge were already ready, and they just spliced ​​them together piece by piece.

The speed of the bridge was more than doubled.

And the Uighur army still chose the place where they crossed the river for the first time. There are two reasons. One is that the river here is the narrowest, only 25 feet, but the water is very stable. In addition, although the pontoon bridge has been destroyed by the Tang army's ship,

But most of the wooden piles are still retained, which saves a large part of the link of driving the wooden piles.

Twenty-five feet, only about seventy-five meters, a crossbow arrow can reach the other side. This time the Uighur army decided to build three pontoon bridges and launch the cavalry to the other side as quickly as possible.

The two sides have entered an open war, and there is no way to hide it. A large-scale military assembly will be discovered by the other side immediately.

On the other side of the river, 60,000 Tang army soldiers were also gathered, under the unified command of Guo Ziyi. Guo Ziyi's steady character and sophisticated methods were fully demonstrated at this moment.

He first deployed 10,000 crossbowmen by the river and temporarily built a mud bag wall three miles long and four feet high. Soldiers could lie on the mud bag wall and shoot.

In addition, Guo Ziyi also deployed a fire thunder belt. Once the Tang army collapsed, the explosion of the iron fire thunder could be used to block the enemy's pursuit.

Of course, try not to use this fire mine belt.

As night fell, Fan Yangjun's 3,000 engineering soldiers were dispatched. They put the pre-built modules into the river for splicing. Since the width of the river was only twenty-five feet, they only needed to build fifty modules. The length of one module was exactly

Six feet.

The 10,000 crossbowmen of the Tang Army were not idle. Arrows were fired at the fortification soldiers like a rain of arrows.

The fortification soldiers were crawling on the ground and on the deck to avoid the rain of arrows. Some people kept being shot and screaming.

"Raft attack!"

Zhu Si gave an order, and five thousand soldiers of Fan Yang's army rushed towards the river carrying rafts, and everyone jumped on the rafts.

They used a medium-sized leather raft. There were five soldiers in each raft, three soldiers held their shields high, and two soldiers rowed the boat. The raft sailed towards the other side.

Ten thousand crossbowmen immediately changed their targets, and arrows shot into the water like a storm. Soldiers were constantly hit by arrows and fell into the water, sheepskin bags burst, and rafts overturned.

However, the twenty-five-foot river was too short, and out of a thousand rafts, only more than three hundred overturned. The rest reached the shore smoothly, and the other soldiers came ashore shouting.

Guo Ziyi ordered: "Blow the horn and the spear infantry will attack!"

"Woo——" the horn sounded.

Ten thousand spear infantry squatted under the mud and sand wall. They immediately stood up, holding spears in their hands, and the black crowd charged towards the enemy. The two sides started a fierce battle on the shore.

At this time, the crossbowmen's target turned to the fortification soldiers who were laying the pontoon bridge.

The Tang army also had three thousand fortifications busy. They were digging six deep trenches, aiming at six pontoon bridges. Each trench was two feet wide and two hundred paces long. The trenches were filled with sharp spears.

Guo Ziyi's sophistication is reflected here. In the darkness, the enemy cavalry could not see these six deep ditches at all.

As time passed, the first batch of soldiers who came ashore in rafts were basically wiped out, and the pontoon bridge was gradually completed.

Guo Ziyi immediately ordered: "Order the crossbow army and spear army to retreat!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The gong sounded, and 10,000 spear soldiers and 10,000 crossbow troops retreated like a tide. The crossbow troops retreated behind the second defensive mud wall. They changed their quivers and put ordinary

The arrows were replaced with poisonous arrows.

Guo Ziyi ordered again, "Enter the heavy armored infantry!"

Six thousand heavy armored infantry were divided into three teams and distributed to block the three exits.

Denli Khan was overjoyed, brandished his sword and ordered: "Cavalry attack!"

Zhu Si's army had already lost 15,000 men, but he had no choice. If he hid at this time, he would never get any good results.

He could only grit his teeth and order: "Attack!"

Twenty thousand Huihe cavalry and ten thousand Fanyang Army infantry rushed towards the three pontoon bridges. This time the pontoon bridges were built wide and strong, and the cavalry could run on the pontoon bridges.

With only a width of 75 meters, 30,000 people rushed to the other side in an instant. The sound of bangs sounded, and 10,000 crossbowmen once again fired arrows at the charging enemy troops. They fired arrows from the side, and the horses and soldiers were hit by arrows.

At this time, an accident happened. Many cavalrymen were running and suddenly disappeared. They fell into the deep pits on both sides, and the sharp spears pierced the men and horses.

Many cavalrymen discovered the deep pit in front of them. They were shocked and tried to rein in their horses. However, they were suddenly bumped into by the cavalry behind them. The cavalrymen and horses in front fell into the pit and were immediately pierced by spears and died.


The same goes for the infantry. Soldiers kept missing and falling into the pit, or they screamed and were squeezed into the pit by the soldiers behind them.

But most people are not aware of the dangers on both sides, and many people think that the screams come from being hit by arrows.

Of course, arrows are more dangerous. The arrows are like raindrops. Soldiers can dodge them, but war horses cannot. They are constantly hit by poisoned arrows. The onset of poison is delayed. After about a quarter of an hour, the war horses will be poisoned and collapse.

The cavalry rushed forward like a tide, and groups of cavalry fell into the deep pit, but a large group of enemy troops still reached the entrance of the passage.

What greeted them was the sharp heavy armored infantry. I saw the cold light of a Mo Dao flashing, slashing up and down, blood immediately spattered, and the corpses fell. The heavy armored infantry had a clear division of labor. Some were responsible for cutting off the horse's legs, and some were responsible for killing the cavalry.


Only the horses neighed miserably. Countless horses had their front legs cut off while running and fell down. Before the cavalry could get up, a cold light flashed through and the corpses were immediately separated.

The cavalry rushed onto the pontoon bridge one after another and fought towards the other side. The pontoon bridge was a one-way line, they could only move forward but could not reverse.

But after more than 8,000 people rushed out of each pontoon bridge, the speed began to slow down and the pontoon bridge became congested.

Denli Khan frowned, feeling something was wrong. What happened ahead? Is the pontoon out of order?

But it’s impossible. Why are all three floating bridges blocked?

Denli Khan immediately ordered his soldiers: "Go and see what's going on?"

Several soldiers got off their horses and ran forward along the edge of the pontoon.

The blockage of the pontoon bridge is a major signal, which means that the enemy leader is about to discover the trap.

Seeing that the enemy troops were almost on the bridge, Guo Ziyi immediately ordered: "Send a rocket signal!"

‘Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!’ Nine gunpowder arrows flew into the sky, shining brightly in the sky.

Under the three pontoons, dozens of water ghosts suddenly appeared. They lit special waterproof fire tubes, and each match rope was lit. The water ghosts immediately dived and escaped.

In just a moment, a series of explosions occurred on the three pontoon bridges, with fire and thunderous explosions. The three pontoon bridges were blown to pieces, and the soldiers crowded on the bridge were also blown to pieces. Thousands of people fell into the water.

Denli Khan was stunned. He actually knew that the Tang army had sharp firearms, but he forgot about them.

The enemy troops on the shore were also in chaos. Countless barrels of kerosene were thrown at their heads, followed by fires, and the shore was even more blazing.

In extreme panic, the soldiers fled in all directions, but without exception they fell into the pits on both sides and were pierced by spears. Fires also broke out in the pits. Thousands of soldiers cried and howled in the fire, and finally died in the incomparable fire.

die in pain,

In this battle, the Uighur cavalry were killed, burned to death, stabbed to death by falling into deep pits, blown to death by iron fire thunder, and fell into the river and drowned. A total of more than 18,400 people were killed, and Zhu Si entered the battle one after another.

All 15,000 Fan Yang's troops were killed in battle.

In just ten days, Zhu Si only had 5,000 soldiers left in his hands.

(End of chapter)

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