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Chapter 1312 The Eve of the Ceremony

It's already late December, less than ten days before the enthronement ceremony, all preparations have been completed, and rehearsals have begun.

Li Ye stood on the Danfeng Gate, looking at the army rehearsal. This was a part of his greetings to the people of Chang'an after he ascended the throne. It was very short, and there should be hundreds of thousands of people cheering and bowing to him in the distance.

But now there are no common people, only tens of thousands of internal guards rehearsing how to maintain order, two thousand honor guard cavalry holding long weapons standing on both sides of Danfeng Gate, and hundreds of trumpeters and drummers on both sides of the city gate.

Wei Jiansu said from the side: "Your Highness, we have made two plans. If the weather is bad on the first day of the first lunar month, this session will be canceled and the enthronement ceremony will be held directly in Hanyuan Hall."

Li Ye nodded and turned back to ask Li Chenghua, "Has the assassin's hidden danger been found?"

Li Chenghua blushed, "Not yet, but I'm working hard on it, and I've already got some ideas."

Li Ye didn't ask any more questions, and said to Pei Zunqing: "On the day of my enthronement, the time is tight. I can wait for two days to receive foreign envoys. In addition, I will inform all localities that no parades and celebrations will be held to celebrate the enthronement. Not to mention extravagance and waste, it will also disturb the people."

"Wei Chen understands and has already sent people to inform various places."

Li Ye smiled again and said: "Today is a holiday, that's it. Let's go back and rest!"

Everyone dispersed, but Li Chenghua stayed. She wanted to report the situation to the regent.

Li Ye returned to his court room, and Li Chenghua followed him, bowed and said: "Bizhi has found traces of the Khitan people. They used to hide in Chang'an City of the Han Dynasty, but now they have moved. It is estimated that Beizhi is still in the surrounding counties. They

I will come to Chang'an City the day before I ascend the throne, and I am investigating one by one, and there will be news in the next two days."

"What about the Japanese?"

Li Ye paid more attention to the twenty-five Japanese assassins. If they came from the Bohai Kingdom, it meant that the Japanese army had taken control of the Bohai Kingdom. The next step was to annex the Bohai Kingdom. In order to stop the Tang Army's Liaodong military operation, assassinating themselves became their last resort.


Li Ye found that his use of troops against the Bohai Kingdom was likely to trigger a second war between the Tang Dynasty and Japan. The first was the Battle of Baekje, and the second was the Battle of the Bohai Kingdom.

"Reporting to Your Highness, the Japanese have not investigated yet, and they already have a direction."

"What direction?"

"The other party has probably bought the house, but has not yet transferred the ownership, so the internal security guard has no record."

Li Ye smiled and said: "Let me remind you, if you want to assassinate me, the only chance is that I showed up at Danfengmen just now."

"Your Highness, the distance is too far. The people are more than 400 steps away from you, and the crossbow arrows cannot reach you!"

"The big yellow crossbow has a range of up to a thousand steps!"

"But the big yellow crossbow is too big. We can spot it at a glance among the crowd."

Li Ye said coldly: "Who said they can shoot arrows in the crowd?"

Li Chenghua suddenly woke up and quickly bowed: "I understand the humble position!"

"Go! By the way, tell Liu Wutong that the report he wrote is very good and detailed. I am very satisfied with it. He has made great contributions this time. I have decided to promote him to the rank of Tiger and Lieutenant General!"

"Thank you for your recognition of the inner guard, Your Highness. I will resign from my humble position!" Li Chenghua bowed and left.

Li Ye took Liu Wutong's memorial from the table. The memorial described the smuggling and smuggling situation in Dengzhou. It was very shocking. Led by the Huang family, a wealthy family in Dengzhou, they had blatantly carried out smuggling and smuggling for decades. An industrial chain had been formed, and fishermen were generally involved.

Smuggling had become an open secret, and local officials did not dare to offend the Huang family, so they had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

Li Ye came to the sand table with his hands behind his hands and looked carefully at Dengzhou on the sand table. Looking at the terrain, he knew that it was difficult to prevent it.

Li Ye now knew that there were a large number of Japanese and Silla women in the brothels in Chang'an, who originally came from Dengzhou by smuggling.

Li Ye did not object to the labor export of women from Japan and Silla to the Tang Dynasty, but they had to come through normal channels and not through smuggling, which made a group of human traffickers make a fortune, as well as smuggling, which seriously affected the economy.


Li Ye decided to set up a Sea Route Inspection Bureau in the Internal Guard to combat smuggling and illegal immigration in various places, and Liu Wutong was a good fit.

In fact, it would not be appropriate for Li Chenghua to serve as the commander of the internal defense for a long time. Li Ye planned to let her deal with the Zoroastrian Saints in two years, and Liu Wutong took over as the commander of the internal defense.

Li Chenghua returned to the imperial office and immediately sent someone to find Liu Wutong.

Not long after, Liu Wutong hurried over. He had just returned two days ago and continued to devote himself to the search for the assassin.

Li Chenghua was personally responsible for this case, and Liu Wutong was one of his deputies.

Li Chenghua also saw that the regent valued Liu Wutong very much. Of course, she also knew the reason. For so many years, Liu Wutong had been silently protecting the safety of the regent's parents, and he was considered a confidant of the regent.

"Liu Wutong, who holds a humble position, meets the capital!"

Li Chenghua smiled slightly and said: "I have good news for you. You performed well in Dengzhou, and His Highness has decided to promote you to the rank of General Tiger and Lieutenant Commander."

"Ah! I'm ashamed of my humble position. I haven't found the assassin yet!"

Li Chenghua nodded, "So we must work hard to find the two assassins as soon as possible!"

Liu Wutong bowed and said: "I have received the exact news that the Khitan killer has lurked into Han Chang'an City again."

"I understand. I will personally deal with the Khitan assassins. The key is the Japanese assassins. You are responsible for investigating the twenty-five Japanese assassins!"

"I humbly obey orders!"

Li Chenghua smiled slightly and said: "The regent gave me a reminder today, but we kind of ignored it. That is Guangzhaifang and Yishanfang. They are opposite Danfeng Gate."

"But the distance between Guangzhaifang and Danfeng Gate is only five hundred steps, and a crossbow arrow cannot reach it."

"The big yellow crossbow can shoot."

Liu Wutong was shocked and said quickly: "I understand, I understand, we did neglect the big yellow crossbow!"

Li Chenghua took two steps with his hands behind his back and said: "In fact, I have also checked Guangzhaifang and Yishanfang. In the past month, there have been no suspicious house buying and renting transactions in these two neighborhoods, but there is a possibility that the other party

It is possible that the transaction has been made, but the ownership has not been transferred or registered.”

"Du Tong is right, I'll go check it out now!"

At this time, Li Chenghua said with a smile: "There is one more thing! What do you think about what I talked about with my sister-in-law last time?"

Li Chenghua's daughter, Li Yan, was already seventeen years old. It was the first time for a boy to get married and for a girl to get married. Li Chenghua wanted to find a good husband for her daughter, but she fell in love with Liu Wutong's son Liu Xiaoshi, who was an upright man.

, responsible, smart and capable, tall and tall, Li Chenghua talked to Liu Wutong's wife, and Liu Wutong's wife agreed immediately, depending on Liu Wutong's attitude.

Liu Wutong smiled and said: "As long as the two children are willing, I have no objection!"

Datang is not entirely an arranged marriage. It will respect the wishes of the children. After both parents agree, it will arrange for the two children to meet. If both children like each other, then the marriage will be considered successful.

Li Chenghua nodded, "After the ceremony, I will discuss it with my sister-in-law and arrange for them to meet."

"Just make arrangements, Commander-in-Chief, I have to do my work first!"

Liu Wutong was extremely anxious. Today was the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, and there were only eight days left before the coronation ceremony. He must find the assassin as soon as possible.

Liu Wutong found the Zhuangzhai Ya people from Guangzhaifang and Yishanfang in the internal guard register. There were two people who were more active, one named Zhang Song and the other Wang Xiaoding. Of course, there were other Ya people, but these two people made a deal.


Liu Wutong wrote down the addresses of their shops and took his men to Guangzhaifang.

Zhuangzhaiya people are real estate agents. In the past dynasties, there were two most active periods for real estate agents, one was the Song Dynasty, and the other is today. In Bianliang during the Song Dynasty, there were all kinds of intermediaries, and the most were real estate agents.

Although the Tang Dynasty was not as prosperous as the Song Dynasty, it gradually became prosperous. Basically every village had a Zhuangzhai Dental Shop, one or two, which basically dealt with the business of their own shop and the shop next door, exactly the same as in later generations.

Liu Wutong found a shop called Tongyi Dental Shop, where both Zhang Song and Wang Xiaoding were from Zhuangzhai Dental Shop.

A man in his thirties came out, bowed and said, "I'm Zhang Song, is the military master looking for me?"

Zhuangzhai Ya people often deal with internal guards and are not as afraid of internal guards as other businessmen.

Liu Wutong showed his inner guard silver medal and said: "Let's investigate the situation of renting and buying houses in this area!"

The opponent turned out to be a silver medalist. Zhang Song quickly said respectfully: "Please come in and sit down!"

Liu Wutong asked his two men to wait outside. He entered the inner room and sat down at the table. Zhang Song poured them hot tea and asked, "What situation does the general want to ask about?"

"I want to know about the abnormal situation of renting and selling houses in Guangzhaifang and Yishanfang within two months!"

Liu Wutong extended the time for a month because he was worried that someone had rented a house for the assassin in advance.

"The villain has been registered in detail by the internal security guards, and there are no abnormalities."

Li Chenghua, who is registered, has sent people to investigate, and there are basically no problems.

"Is there nothing unusual at all? For example, I bought a house but haven't transferred the ownership yet."

"I don't have it here, though."

"But what?" Liu Wutong caught the topic.

"I seem to have heard Wang Xiaoding, another owner of Zhuangzhaiya, complain that the customer refused to transfer the ownership. But it was only a long time ago, almost a month ago."

Liu Wutong's heart brightened and he quickly asked: "Where can I find Wang Xiaoding?"

"I haven't seen him for several days."

Liu Wutong suddenly felt a little uneasy and asked anxiously: "Where is his home? You should know!"

Zhang Song nodded, "I know!"

(End of chapter)

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