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Chapter 1347 Discovering clues

Li Chenghua hurriedly returned to the inner guard. She immediately summoned twenty inner guard generals and deployed a strict investigation of all music studios and dance studios. She also sent an eagle letter to Luoyang, requesting that the Luoyang inner guard also organize a strict investigation operation.

An hour later, dozens of internal guards rushed to various buildings in the city to investigate.

The music studio and the dance studio have two major functions. One is a school to cultivate music and dance talents. Chang'an families all think that girls should learn some skills so that they can marry well in the future, so they send their children to learn music and dance.

But there are also young ladies from poor families who are directly given to the orchestra by their parents. In fact, they are sold to the orchestra and trained by the orchestra. After completing their studies, they start performing arts to make money for the orchestra. The pipa girl in "Pipa Xing" is this type.


The second major function of the music studio and dance studio is theater performances. They are equivalent to the theaters in Chang'an. The middle class in Chang'an go out to party with friends, either to eat and drink in restaurants, or to listen to songs and dances in the orchestra.

Or when a wealthy family entertains guests and holds a banquet, they usually invite dancers and musicians to add to the fun. The same goes for weddings and funerals.

As a result, there are many music studios and dance studios in Chang'an, more than 200 of them. They are basically a front shop and a back shop model, with performances in the front and training and training in the back.

Of course, the flesh and blood business of music studios and dance studios is also one of the main businesses. If you like a certain musician and dancer, you can take her out after paying a sum of money. For those pipa girls who have no personal freedom, they have to do whatever the manager arranges for them.

There is no choice in what to do.

Dance and music are not divided into different families. Music studios and dance studios are actually the same thing, just with different names.

The largest concentration area was Pingkangfang, where more than twenty people gathered. When the internal guards arrived, every business began to close for inspection, and all girls under the age of sixteen gathered together for questioning.

It does not mean that the girl was sold and the museum owner will be arrested and interrogated. These are two things. If there is a sale contract and the origin is clear and true, then the museum owner will first be warned and the girl will be given a deadline to regain her freedom and restore her freedom.

Civilian household registration.

Now the internal guards are focusing on interrogating girls with unknown origins, especially girls younger than fourteen years old. If the owner of the club cannot produce a contract and cannot explain her origins, the girl will be taken away. If there are more than three people in a music club with their origins

If it is unclear, then the owner of the museum will also be taken away.

There is a music studio called Xiao Yuexian in the innermost part of Pingkangfang. This music studio also has a team of internal guards coming to check, but the door of the music studio is closed tightly and there is no one inside. The captain who leads the team asks the surrounding residents and they all find out

It was said that there was a lot of people there the morning before yesterday, but I don’t know why it was closed today, and other music studios didn’t know about it either.

But one thing that other music studios know is that this Xiao Yuexian music studio is just a school, with young girls around ten years old, about fifty in total.

The captain felt something was wrong and immediately reported it to the police. Li Chenghua, who happened to be patrolling Pingkangfang, came over after hearing the news and ordered the door to be opened and a detailed search conducted.

The inner guard soldiers opened the door, swarmed in, and began a thorough search.

An abnormality was soon discovered. This Lefang actually had seven or eight dormitories. Each dormitory had more than a dozen small beds, all with bedding. Each small bed also had a small box. Everything in the box was gone. The kitchen

There were still a pile of unwashed dishes inside, and the dining table had not been cleared away. It was a mess, as if they had just left after eating.

At this time, some soldiers brought in a middle-aged woman who was the cook for this music shop.

"I was fired by them at noon the day before yesterday. They also fired everyone who worked in the music hall. I don't know where they went!"

Li Chenghua asked: "How many students are there in total? Are they all locals?"

The cook shook her head, "I remember there were fifty-five people in total. They should all be non-locals. They come from other places. There are people from all over the place. I wonder where they got them from?"

It became more and more consistent with the target of the internal security investigation. Li Chenghua asked again: "What is the name of the owner?"

"The owner's surname is Kang, and he is a barbarian."

"What about the other stewards? Are there any locals?"

"The second steward is a local, his surname is Ma. His home seems to be nearby, but I don't know exactly where it is? The coachman knows that the coachman is the second steward's cousin."

Li Chenghua asked again: "Where is the coachman's house? Do you know?"

"I know, it's in the square."

Li Chenghua immediately ordered his subordinates: "Take her to find the coachman. Once you find the coachman, go directly to the second steward and bring her over."

"Follow the order!"

The general and the cook left.

Not long after, Huben Lang hurried Wang Qian back, cupped his fists and said: "I'm reporting to the capital, I'm going to other music studios to investigate the news about this music studio, and found that its previous name was Daguang Music Studio, and it was changed to Xiao Guang Music Studio last year.

Yuexian Music Square."

Li Chenghua's eyes lit up, wasn't Daguang Lefang one of the gangs Xu Wuliang told him about?

At this time, his subordinates came to report, "The coachman has been missing since the day before yesterday, and the manager named Ma Er has also disappeared."

"Did you say where you were going?"

"The coachman told his family that they were going to Longyou."

Li Chenghua was basically certain that these were a group of abducted child slaves.

She immediately ordered Wang Qian, General Wang Qian: "General Wang can lead five hundred cavalry to pursue westward along the Xianyang Road. All large vehicles on the road must be inspected!"

"I humbly obey orders!"

Wang Qian led five hundred cavalry to leave Chang'an overnight and pursue westward.

There is a mansion covering an area of ​​about five acres in Yanshoufang. The owner is Liu Qinggui, a big businessman in the wine business. Logically speaking, a businessman is not qualified to live in a mansion of five acres. However, in the second year of Zhide, Liu Qinggui donated it to the emperor Li Heng.

With five thousand guan of money, he supported the Tang army and was granted the title of earl, so he was eligible to live in a five-acre house and marry a three-bedroom concubine.

After the title was liquidated last year, Liu Qinggui was not eligible for the title and was deprived of it. However, the court allowed him to keep his house and concubine.

Liu Qinggui has been really uneasy these days. He is a wine merchant in name, but in fact he is one of the largest human traffickers in the Tang Dynasty. Starting from the Tianbao period, he colluded with several Sogdian businessmen and brought together hundreds of thousands of people.

Thousands of girls are trafficked to the West, making huge profits.

Now that the imperial court has implemented the abolition of slavery, the business of selling girls will be difficult to do. It doesn't matter if he doesn't do it. It doesn't matter if he gets rid of the last few sales and washes his hands from now on, but he is afraid that the past things will be exposed.

He also knew that selling girls from the Tang Dynasty to the West was the greatest evil. Once discovered by the court, the lives of the whole family could not be saved.

Liu Qinggui has been uneasy since the abolition of slavery, but what really frightens him is what happened last night. The internal guards searched for underage girls in various music studios in Chang'an, especially those with unknown origins.

If found out, the owner of the museum will also be arrested.

Liu Qinggui immediately realized that the imperial court had discovered the trafficking of girls, and began targeted searches. The music studio was indeed the place where Liu Qinggui trained girls. He trained them until they were eleven or twelve years old, and then sent them to Samarkand.

Merchants sold them to noble families in Western countries. Music girls from the Tang Dynasty were extremely popular and expensive.

However, the music studios he cooperates with are basically not in Chang'an City, but in various counties in Jingzhao Prefecture, which are relatively hidden. There is only one in Chang'an, Xiao Yuexian Music Studio, which was actually opened by him, and the other Kang Guo

Hu people also account for 30% of the population.

Fortunately, they happened to send away a group of fifty-five girls the day before yesterday. Only one day later, something happened in Chang'an.

At this time, Liu Qinggui's eldest son Liu Jiao hurried back and reported to his father: "I have asked about it. A total of seventeen music leaders were arrested last night, but they have nothing to do with us. No one who knows my father is currently in Chang'an.

, please don’t worry, father!”

Liu Qinggui breathed a sigh of relief. He was indeed very covert and never interfered directly. It was three Sogdian barbarians who came forward. He was hiding behind the scenes and controlling him. Unless these three barbarians were caught, no one could confess him.


Among the three, Liu Qinggui was most worried about Kong Shibo, the chief steward of Xiao Yuexian Lefang. This guy had just left Chang'an the day before. He must not be caught by the internal guards.

Liu Jiao saw his father's worries and comforted him: "Don't worry, father. After arriving in Longyou, there will be a special smuggling informant to deal with them. They will definitely not be found out."

Liu Qinggui nodded. The saddest place in Longyou is the Wushaoling inventory point. Once you pass that inventory point, you will be completely safe.

Liu Qinggui said to his son again: "I estimate that the internal guards will soon investigate all the counties in Jingzhao Prefecture. You should immediately notify the music studios and arrange for all my young ladies to go to the countryside. Go and notify them now!"

"My child obeys!"

Liu anxiously hurried away.

Liu Qinggui sighed, walked to the window, and looked to the west. Once Kang Shibai and the others entered the Hexi Corridor, they would be safe.

(End of chapter)

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