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Chapter 1380 Catch the suspect

In the imperial study room, Li Ye was listening to Wei Jiansu's report about the prince of Shi Wang.

"The Chinese name of this prince of the Kingdom of Shi is Shi Shuting, and the Sogdian name is Aseman. He is the first heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Shi. Five years ago, the Holy Sisters annexed the Illuminati. In order to fight against the expansion of the Holy Sisters, including Kang

The Six Nations Alliance was established by the six secular countries including the State of An, the State of Shi, the State of Mi, the State of Cao, and the State of He.

Last year, it was Shiguo's turn to be the convener of the Six-Nation Alliance, so upon being appointed by the Six-Nation Alliance, the prince of Shiguo traveled thousands of miles to Chang'an to explain to us the causes and consequences of the sneak attack on Suiye."

When Wei Jiansu said this, Li Ye interrupted and asked: "Did this prince of the Kingdom of Shi carry his credentials?"

"Yes! He brought the credentials of the Six Nations. He also came to pay homage to His Majesty as the envoy of the Six Nations and also brought the national gifts of the Six Nations."

Li Ye nodded, "Xiangguo, please continue talking!"

"Five years ago, the Holy Maidens Association began to set up its own army. The Six Nations Alliance took advantage of the Holy Maidens Association's weakness of not knowing military affairs and used a dove to occupy the magpie's nest. It sent a large number of active-duty troops from the Six Nations to join the Holy Maidens.

In name, the Holy Maiden Society has an army of 50,000, but in fact this army is controlled by the Six Nations Alliance, at least they think so. "

"Did they realize they were wrong?" Li Ye asked with a smile.

Wei Jiansu nodded, "The problem lies in this sneak attack on Broken Leaf. The Six Nations Alliance did not issue such an order at all, and they don't know what the problem is? Only then did they realize that the Saintess's army is very complicated.

They don't have full control."

"Have they guessed the reason themselves?"

Wei Jiansu smiled and said: "Of course they have guessed. They think there are three possibilities. The first is that the Saintess Order gave the order and the army directly carried it out without going through them; the second is that the garrison commander Alfonso did it without authorization and wanted to plunder the broken pieces.

Ye Fortune; The third possibility is that other forces have also infiltrated into the army. They suspect it is Dashi. They suspect it is the third possibility."


"Reporting to Your Majesty, they said that the leader of this army, Alfonso, is from Anguo. The Anguo people are most affected by Dashi. This Alfonso has converted to Dashi."

Li Ye said happily: "That's right!"

He took a piece of Eagle Letter information from the table and said with a faint smile: "This is the information Li Chenghua sent from Suiye. The other party has evacuated Suiye. Suiye City has been devastated, and the Buddhist temple and Guangming Temple in the city have been destroyed."

It was completely destroyed, so I also suspect that this sneak attack on Broken Leaf is related to Dashi."

"Your Majesty, do we still want to march westward?"

"Of course we have to march westward. Dashe is already ready to move, wanting to create disputes and force the Sogdian countries to attack them. Although this move is more vicious, it is time-consuming and just gives us the opportunity to enter the river first."

After a pause, Li Ye said again: "Go and inform Prince Shi that I will officially receive him for Hajj the day after tomorrow!"

Three thousand reinforcements from Anxi have arrived at Suiye. They brought 50,000 shi of food to solve Suiye's urgent need.

At the same time, there was news from the Saintess Society.

That morning, Li Chenghua met with the investigation team sent by the Holy Women's Association. The news of Anga's poisoning in Suiye and Suiye's sneak attack by the army had spread to the Saints' Association of Samarkand. The Jinshan Spirit of the Saint of Light was shocked again.

Angry, he immediately sent someone to Suiye to investigate the truth.

The leader of the investigation team is called Kang Mira, an old woman in her fifties. She is the left silver saint of the Saints Society, and the right silver saint is Anga who was poisoned.

Comilla looks very much like the old witch in Western fairy tales, with a hooked nose, triangular eyes, pointed jaw, and cold eyes full of suspicion.

Li Chenghua snorted coldly, "How dare you suspect that we were the ones responsible? We escorted them all the way from Chang'an just to kill them in Suiye?"

"I don't doubt your country. What I mean is that if the guards were a little tighter, they wouldn't have been poisoned collectively. Your country is careless!"

Although Kang Mira did not doubt Datang, she was obviously blaming Datang for his poor care.

Li Chenghua suddenly said angrily: "They were killed by the Saintess Society themselves. Instead of blaming others for poor care, we should first examine ourselves!"

Conilla was shocked, "Why did General Li say this?"

"The troops of your Saintess' Guild sneak attacked Suiye and sent people to ambush in advance. We have sufficient personal and material evidence that it was your Saintess' Guild who sent people to ambush Suiye City in advance and bribed the servants of the inn to poison An to death.

Ga and others."

Kang Mira quickly shook her head, "We did not arrange an army to attack Suiye, nor did we send people to sneak into Suiye in advance to ambush us. Our Holy Lady of Light was also shocked. Although the army was the army of the Saintess Society, this attack had nothing to do with the Saintess Society.

It doesn't matter, our Daguangming Temple in Suiye was also razed to the ground. If we had ordered it, we wouldn't have destroyed our own foundation."

"Hmph! Maybe you are trying to get away with the responsibility of attacking Suiye."

Kang Mira still shook her head, "If it was to escape responsibility, we would not attack Suiye at all. We are also investigating. The army is currently in Juzhanti. The Saint of Light has sent a special envoy to oversee the army to Juzhanti to investigate the truth.

, if the army did it without authorization, we will definitely punish the general severely and give the Tang Dynasty an explanation."

Li Chenghua sneered and said: "After killing so many people and looting so much wealth and food, can the problem be solved by just punishing the general?"

"We are willing to compensate for all losses to Suiye. Although this sneak attack on Suiye was not our fault, we are willing to assume corresponding responsibilities and use our utmost sincerity to solve the problem."

After saying that, Kang Mira took out another letter and handed it to Li Chenghua, "This is a letter from the Saint of Light to His Majesty the Emperor of your country. Please General Li to deliver it to your Emperor."

Li Chenghua's face softened a little, nodded and said, "Are An Jia and the others going to take their bodies back?"

Comilla shook her head, "I want to hold a ceremony to incinerate them with holy fire and let their souls return to the light. Please allow me, General."

Li Chenghua nodded, "You can hold a ceremony!"

That night, Comilla returned to Samarkand overnight without spending the night in Broken Leaf. She seemed very anxious.

Early the next morning, Li Chenghua came to the temporary government office, and an internal guard soldier hurriedly came to report, "Inform the capital and found the whereabouts of the poisoner Suba."

Li Chenghua was overjoyed, "Where is he?"

"He is in Yezhi City!"

Li Chenghua immediately ordered: "Prepare camels and go to Yezhi City!"

A quarter of an hour later, Li Chenghua led two hundred inner guard soldiers and galloped toward Yezhi City on camels.

Yezhi City is an affiliated military city of Suiye. Others include Dongcheng, Helie City, General Peluo City and Baoda Military City. These five military cities guard Suiye, but from another perspective, these five military cities

It is more like five small towns, where people of all ethnic groups live.

Yezhi City is where the Geluolu people live together. There are more than 300 households of Geluolu people living in the city, all of whom are engaged in business.

At noon, Li Chenghua led his men into Yezhi City. The internal guard soldier responsible for monitoring here came forward and said: "The boy is still at home, but he may be in some trouble!"

"What trouble will there be?" Li Chenghua asked.

"The Geluolu people here are all from the same tribe. If we arrest people directly, we may be blocked by others!"

Li Chenghua frowned and said dissatisfied: "No matter how many people there are, let's control the people in our hands!"

Everyone came to a house. It was an ordinary Geluolu house, with a courtyard wall and a door. Inside was a flat-roofed house made of mud. Almost every household here was the same.

Li Chenghua waved his hand and said, "Catch him!"

More than a dozen soldiers rushed in, and not long after, they arrested a fourteen-year-old boy, followed by a middle-aged couple, crying and screaming.

The arrival of the inner guard soldiers had already attracted the attention of the people in the city. Until the cry started, the whole city immediately came from all directions.

Hundreds of people blocked the way of the internal guards and shouted loudly.

At this time, a middle-aged man came out, and the people around him immediately fell silent. The middle-aged man said: "I am their patriarch Glenn. We have always supported the Tang Dynasty and abided by the law. Why did the Tang army want to arrest our children!"

Zhan Yannian pointed at the frightened boy Suba and shouted loudly: "He committed murder and poisoned twenty-five important people. He must be tried!"

Patriarch Glenn shook his head, "He is only fifteen years old, how could he kill so many people? Even you, the governor of Hezhong, can't just come to us and arrest people!"

Li Chenghua shouted, "Raise the crossbow!"

Two hundred elite internal guard soldiers raised their crossbows and aimed at the Sogdians. Li Chenghua raised a gold medal and said coldly: "I am the commander of the internal guard capital of the Tang Dynasty. I am appointed as the third-rank champion general. I have been awarded the title of Lord An Guo.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty ordered me to come to Suiye to investigate the case. Anyone who dares to stop me from investigating the case will be shot to death!"

Patriarch Glenn's face suddenly changed. They were all businessmen and often went to Chang'an to do business. It turned out that the woman in front of them was the famous female devil of the inner guard. It is said that when the salt case was investigated, hundreds of people, men, women and children, did not blink an eye.

Kill, why did she come to break the leaves?

At this time, an old man whispered to him: "Suba is working as a waiter in Suiye Inn. The Tang army came to arrest him. I'm afraid it's not groundless!"

The patriarch Glenn had to lower his head and sighed: "We just hope that the case will be heard fairly!"

"Our internal guards will not wrong anyone, let's go!"

The crowd urged the camels to gallop, and the Geluolu people who blocked the road got out of the way. The two hundred internal guards rushed out of Yezhi City at lightning speed and ran towards Suiye.

(End of chapter)

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