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Chapter 1385 Accidental Capsulation

Within a few days after the Silla court surrendered to the Tang army, battles on two other battlefields also ended one after another.

The defenders of Pyongyang attempted to ambush the Tang army in the suburbs, but were discovered by Tang army scouts. Nan Jiyun led his troops to detour behind Silla and carried out a counter-ambush. The Silla army discovered that the ambush was discovered by the Tang army, and when it retreated hastily, it fell into the Tang army's ambush circle. Ten thousand

The soldiers of the Silla Army were ambushed and wiped out by the Tang Army.

The Battle of Xiongzhou that happened almost at the same time almost replicated the Battle of Hanzhou City. The Tang army used firearms to blow open the city gate and entered the city. In just over an hour, 10,000 Silla soldiers were killed in a street battle with the Tang army.

Kill them all.

At this point, Silla's last 80,000 troops were completely wiped out by the Tang army. They faced the same ending as Nanzhao. A small country without an army could only be slaughtered by big powers.

The reason why Li Ye did not use the methods used to deal with the Khitan and the Xi Kingdom to directly destroy Silla, but used the Nanzhao model to deal with Silla, was also based on long-term considerations. The first thing is to have a good reputation. This is the most important. Silla is not

Tribes like the Khitan and Xi did not kill the princesses of the Tang Dynasty like the Khitan and Xi. The Tang Dynasty had strong enough public support to eliminate them.

Silla has always been a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, a younger brother of the Tang Dynasty, and a completely reasonable and legal country. The Tang Dynasty had no reason to destroy it. Even if Li Ye forcibly destroyed it, it would leave a bad mark in the history books.


But Li Ye had another perfect reason for sending troops, which was to restore the territory of the Tang Dynasty in the fourth year of Xianqing Dynasty. The territories of Goguryeo and Baekje belonged to the Tang Dynasty, but they were shamelessly stolen by Silla.

Therefore, Li Ye's attempt to restore the territory of the Tang Dynasty in the fourth year of Xianqing's reign was completely reasonable and legal, and would win the support of all classes in the Tang Dynasty. This was a famous move.

Therefore, since the army is famous, there is no need to destroy Silla and limit itself to passiveness. You can use the method of slowing down the acquisition. As long as the Tang Dynasty continues to operate for ten or twenty years, the final annexation of Silla will be a matter of course.

One month after the Tang Dynasty seized the capital of Silla, Jin Zhenzhi, the special envoy for negotiation, returned to Silla without shame and committed suicide in Dengzhou Shenhai.

At the same time, Ma Lin's dispatch also arrived at the court, and the Silla army was completely wiped out. The King of Silla and the Silla court surrendered to Kaesong.

Li Ye urgently held a political meeting meeting.

"The news I just received is that King Jin Ganyun of Silla Huigong surrendered to the Tang army in Kaicheng. It is indeed something that cannot be obtained at the negotiation table and can only be obtained on the battlefield."

Zhang Lixiao asked: "Does Your Majesty still want to negotiate with Silla?"

Li Ye shook his head, "The defeated general is not qualified to negotiate with us anymore. Silla's army has been completely annihilated. Now Silla is just a fish on the chopping board. It is up to us to decide how to deal with this fish."

"Does your Majesty have any good plans?" Zhang Li asked again.

Li Ye smiled and said: "I only have a few basic plans. The first is to determine the boundaries for the fourth year of Xianqing; the second is that Silla is not allowed to have troops; the third is that the Tang army will station troops in Silla; except for these three

Apart from the plan, other plans require everyone to come up with suggestions. In short, I have only one purpose, to make Silla willingly merge with the Tang Dynasty within twenty years."

Wei Jiansu smiled and said: "Wei Chen has a few ideas that can be used as suggestions."

"Wei Xiangguo, please tell me?"

Wei Jiansu said unhurriedly: "Wei Chen's first idea is about the political structure of Silla. The biggest characteristic of Silla is that the branches are weak and the branches are strong. The king of Silla basically has no power, and Silla

The aristocratic power of Luo is very powerful, and the aristocratic power of Silla is the same as the aristocratic power of Goguryeo, becoming the biggest obstacle to our future annexation of Silla, so the first step we can take is to cut off the aristocratic power of Silla."

Li Ye nodded, and Wei Jiansu's first suggestion came to his heart. Using Nanzhao's plan does not necessarily mean copying Nanzhao's plan. The reason why Nanzhao can retain it is because Nanzhao still has five

They are estranged brothers who want to separate from Nanzhao. Therefore, Nanzhao does not have enough military strength. Sooner or later, it will split into Liuzhao again. Now it has begun to show signs. Two Zhaozhao have left independently, leaving Nanzhao with only Four Zhaos.


The same goes for Silla. It needs to be transformed according to its own characteristics. If the Silla aristocracy is not completely eradicated, it will not be possible to unite the hearts of Silla even in fifty years, let alone fifty years. The lesson of Goguryeo lies there.

Destroying the nobility of Silla also destroyed the intellectuals of Silla, and the remaining peasants would return home in just ten years.

"Wei Xiangguo, continue!"

"The second suggestion Wei Chen wants to make is to return the land to the people, to return all the land to the government, and then set up various conditions, such as taking the initiative to send his son to school, taking the initiative to speak Chinese, wearing Hanfu, and taking the initiative to return to the Tang Dynasty.

If you are loyal to the Tang Dynasty, you can be granted land. No matter which country the farmers are in, they are very realistic. As long as they have land, can reduce taxes and have enough to eat, then they will be loyal to whoever they want, without considering any feelings about family and country.

This is very obvious among the farmers in Kyushu, Japan, and Weichen believes the same is true for the farmers in Silla."

Li Ye greatly appreciated Wei Jiansu's two plans. With Wei Jiansu's introduction, everyone spoke one after another.

Dugu Lie suggested that all weapons of Silla be confiscated, the use of pig iron in Silla be strictly restricted, and all iron farm tools should be publicly owned, and should be provided when used and taken back after use.

Xiao Hua suggested destroying Silla's copper coins, using only Tang Dynasty copper coins, and implementing Datang taxes at the same time.

Liu Yan suggested destroying all history books and books in Silla, searching for the roots of all families in the Central Plains, and convincing the Silla people that their ancestors were descendants of the Han people who stayed on the peninsula during the Han Dynasty.

Ma Lin soon received a handwritten eagle letter from the emperor Li Ye, asking him to exterminate the Silla nobles except the king and his children, send the women to the Tang Dynasty, execute all the men except young children, and return the property to the officials.


Ma Lin immediately invited his staff Zhang Sishui to discuss countermeasures.

Zhang Sisi is about forty years old, very shrewd and experienced, and good at making clever plans.

He read the emperor's handwriting, nodded and said: "It was actually written by the emperor himself, which shows that this matter is extremely important and extremely secret. We cannot kill them directly, as it will arouse their resistance, so we can use tactics."

"Sir, do you have any good ideas?"

Zhang Sishui smiled slightly and said: "The best way is to move the capital. Didn't you say before that you would move the capital to Hanzhou?

Hanzhou has the best and most land in Silla. Although the nobles are unwilling to move the capital, they will not resist strongly. As long as the general says that those who move the capital will not confiscate property and land, most nobles will reluctantly agree to move the capital.


When moving the capital, it will be divided into royal camp, noble camp and civilian camp. Of course, the treatment will be different. These nobles will definitely support it, and they will not be willing to mix with the civilians.

Then on the basis of the separate camps, they are further divided into male camps and female camps. Young children must be with the female camp. After walking two hundred miles to Rongzhou, the team can travel by boat instead. I heard that this

It rained heavily during the season, and then the night sailing encountered wind and rain and unfortunately sank several ships, including noble ships and civilian ships. No one would say anything, except that they were unlucky."

Ma Lin nodded, "What if someone swims ashore?"

"How is it possible? The cabin is locked. How could they escape?"

"What about the money they're carrying?"

Zhang Sishui narrowed his eyes and said: "As long as the cabin door is locked and the money cannot escape, it will be there during the salvage, and then a little bit will be distributed to the female relatives, and it will be sealed."

Ma Lin thought for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "That's it!"

Relocating the capital was something that had been decided long ago. Although the nobles opposed it strongly, Ma Lin became fierce. Those who were unwilling to move the capital would be deprived of all their property. The whole family was not made slaves. On the contrary, those who were willing to move the capital could retain the land on both sides of the Han River.

In this way, under the coercion and inducement of the Tang army, 300,000 people from Silla Jincheng moved their capital to Beicheng.

In order to facilitate management, the Tang army divided everyone into eight camps. One was the royal camp, which was limited to King Huigong Jin Ganyun and his children and concubines, with a total of more than 100 people. The second was the noble camp, including all the

There are more than a thousand certified nobles and their families. In order to facilitate management, they are divided into men's camp and women's camp, children's camp and mothers' camp. The rest is common people's camp, which is also divided into men's camp and women's camp.

It rained all the way and the weather was humid. The army moving the capital moved very slowly. It took eight days to cover 200 miles. The team was exhausted.

At this time, Ma Lin decided to transport everyone to Hanzhou by ship. This decision won unanimous welcome from everyone. The royal family left by ship first, the noble women's camp also left by ship, and the noble men also boarded a semi-old ship.

A ship of ten thousand stones.

The nobles and the royal family left first in large ships with thousands of stones, followed by the common people in ordinary ships.

Three days later, the fleet encountered heavy rain on the river eighty miles east of Hanzhou. In the middle of the night, more than a dozen ships capsized in the wind and rain, including a large ship carrying more than 500 nobles.

, everyone died unfortunately.

When they arrived in Hanzhou, the people in Jincheng got the news that the ships had capsized due to heavy rain. Fourteen ships had capsized and more than 3,000 people had died. Both noble women and commoner women knelt down by the river and cried loudly.

The Tang army quickly found more than 2,000 corpses and transported them to Hanzhou. The next step was to identify the corpses and bury them. The Tang army also gave each family of nobles who died 300 taels of silver, and ordinary people gave 50 taels of silver.

With practical benefits, we first appease the women who have lost their family members.

Of course, this time the nobles in the capital were eliminated. There were still many nobles living in various parts of Silla. Ma Lin spent three years and used various means to eradicate all the nobles in various parts of Silla.

Five years later, the king of Silla died of illness. Several of his sons died of illness one after another. The only eldest son refused to return to Silla in Chang'an. Silla had no heir and was declared destroyed.

At this time, all the officials in the prefectures and counties of Xinluo were officials sent from Chang'an, and there were no local officials, and all the court officials had died in the disaster five years ago.

Before you know it, Silla became history.

(End of chapter)

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