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Chapter 1409 All gold returns to the clan

Another old farmer asked: "Are there many barbarians over there in Liaodong?"

Liu Yan waved his hand and said with a smile: "That was all in the past. Let me tell you, there are no barbarians in Liaodong anymore. They were all killed by the Tang army. There is endless fertile land over there. Just insert a willow branch and it will grow."

Dashu, if you go, you will become the new owner of that land. If you go to Liaodong, the soldiers of the Tang Army will help you build houses, the government will give you farm tools and cattle, and the food you grow will be your own, and the court will not want you.

If you have a grain of grain, the surplus can be sold to the government, and your descendants can live and work in peace and contentment, with plenty of food and clothing."

Everyone was fascinated when they heard it, ‘children and grandchildren can live and work in peace and contentment, and have enough food and clothing.’ This is the dream of all farmers.

An old farmer asked: "Is it really true that there will be no taxation for fifty years?"

"Of course, this is a personal promise made by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. How could the Emperor go back on his word even if he speaks so eloquently? In fifty years, almost three generations will not be able to collect taxes."

Speaking of this, Liu Yan raised his voice again and said: "I'm just telling you briefly. Soon, a formal announcement will come out. There will be detailed instructions at that time. Each household has 200 acres of land and how many people are required per household.

If you have brothers, separate the family quickly, and maybe you can get 400 acres of land, and then start registering. Everyone, the order of registration is very important. The sooner you register, you can choose the land first. Select the land according to the order of registration. Don’t blame me for not reminding everyone.


All the old people dispersed with their thoughts on their minds. Du You smiled and asked: "Which one does Shangshu think they will choose?"

Liu Yan smiled and said: "The final choice is still made by young people. I believe young people will choose Liaodong, but the key is to do a good job in publicity and change their prejudice against Liaodong!"

Du You also said: "I suggest that we set up a propaganda team and go to every big tent to tell everyone about the current situation in Liaodong. We should let them know that Liaodong is no longer the Liaodong it used to be."

Liu Yan nodded, "This method of the propaganda team is very good and can be implemented!"

Liu Yan immediately selected dozens of eloquent soldiers from the army. After simple training, they were divided into seven groups and rushed to the seven camps to preach the changes in Liaodong.

The effect of the propaganda was very good. The soldiers were eloquent and painted pictures of a good life to all the farmers. The common people's knowledge was very weak and most of them were easily fooled. Hundreds of thousands of people in the camp also changed from their initial doubts.

There are more and more expectations.

On the day of registration, everyone was shocked. There was a queue for several miles in front of the registration tent, almost all of which were people going to Liaodong.

Broken leaves, Li Chenghua came to the post house. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Li Fang sitting on the big stone in the courtyard, looking into the distance with a sad face. Two maids stood behind him, looking as sad as him.

Li Fang just received the news about his mother yesterday and ascended in the holy fire.

He was not sad that his mother had been martyred, but that he would never see her again.

"Now that the matter has come to this, Master, you should be more open-minded! At least you are alive, which is the greatest joy to your mother."

Li Fang shook his head, "Auntie, I am not sad about my mother's death. My mother told me since I was a child that only by dedicating your body to the holy fire can your soul be integrated into the holy fire. This is the most noble destination for all Zoroastrian believers. My mother's soul returns to the holy fire. I am happy for her.

, I’m just sad that I’ll never see her again.”

"But you still have a father. He is your only relative in the world. I believe he will take good care of you."

Li Fang took off the necklace from his neck and handed it to Li Chenghua, "This is the last souvenir my mother gave me, but I found that it looks like a map!"


Li Chenghua's heart moved. She thought of the tens of millions of gold coins missing from the Saintess Society, and quickly asked: "What kind of map is it?"

"I don't know either. Auntie, please take a look!"

Li Fang turned his back on the necklace to the sun, and a shadow appeared on the ground. The shadow looked like a winding path leading to a small door. There seemed to be a few words next to it, but he couldn't see clearly.

"I can see these words clearly under the lamp. They are Chinese characters, 'the ancestor of thousands of springs, the ancestor of ten thousand gold returns to the clan'. I don't know what it means?"

Li Chenghua secretly wondered, could it refer to Qianquan Gorge? He would have to ask King Alian.

"Master, can you lend me this necklace for a few days, and I will return it to you later!"

Li Fang nodded and handed the necklace to Li Chenghua.

"Is the war over?"

"Not yet. I came back to see if there is a letter from your father. Sure enough, there is a letter from your father. Your father asked you to return to Chang'an. Grandma is looking forward to you."

After a pause, Li Chenghua said: "The last group of Tang girls will leave for Chang'an the day after tomorrow. Young Master, you go back with them! Don't keep your father waiting."

Li Fang pondered for a moment and finally nodded, "I will leave the necklace with my aunt temporarily. My mother once told me that it is a key!"

"Okay! I'll keep it for you and give it to you after I return to Chang'an."

Two days later, the last batch of 800 Tang girls set off, led by Yuchi Chang'an and escorted by 5,000 Tang troops. Also returning were 40,000 camels, laden with the wealth of the Bukhana, Shi and Sabah armies. Li

Fang also returned to the Tang Dynasty with this army.

Amidst the sound of camel bells, the long team set off, heading toward the Yili River Valley.

Li Chenghua sent Li Fang away, and she immediately led her men to Shiguo.

Ten days later, Li Chenghua arrived at Tuozhi City and met King Alian.

The two sat down in the king's study, and Li Chenghua asked frankly: "King Alian, is there anything else you haven't told us about the wealth of the Saints?"

Alian shook her head, "The only wealth of the Saintess Society in the Stone Kingdom is the temple built with silver, and the rest is some land."

"I'm not asking about the land, I'm asking about the gold coins of the Saints. I think the king also knows it. After the Saints burned down, there was nothing in the warehouse. Where did the wealth accumulated by the Saints for decades go?"

"The general suspects that Jinshanling has hidden gold coins in our country of stone?"

Li Chenghua pondered for a while and said: "We have got clues that the gold coins are hidden in the Qianquan Mountain Canyon. What can the king think of?"

Alian still shook her head, "The Qianquan Mountains are thousands of miles long, and there are hundreds of canyons, large and small. General Li said this, but I don't have any clues at all!"

"Ancestor of Thousand Springs, Ten Thousand Gold Returns to the Clan, these eight words, what did Alian think of?"

Alian thought for a long time and said slowly: "Could it be Wanzu Gorge?"

“Is Wanzu Gorge the largest of all canyons?”

"No! It's a very ordinary canyon, and its name is Wanzu Gorge. The reason why I thought of it is because the Saint Sisters once mined gold there, and they mined it for forty years."

Li Chenghua asked urgently: "Where is it in Qianquan Mountain?"

"The farthest west, near Talas City, is a mine that has been abandoned for more than ten years. The canyon is very deep and winding for at least a hundred miles. I went there once twenty years ago. At the end of a very winding road, there is

It’s a very small mine, and their gold is dug out of this mine.”

Li Chenghua could already tell in his heart that this mine was probably where the gold was hidden. This meant that all the gold returned to the clan, and that all gold returned to the place of birth.

Li Chenghua was Li Ye's confidant, and she knew the emperor's secret thoughts very well. The emperor once told her when he was in Longyou, "Tang Xuanzong used the wealth from Jiangnan to build a prosperous Kaiyuan era, and he wanted to use the wealth from the world to build a more prosperous age."

The majestic Tang Dynasty.'

After the emperor ascended the throne, he launched a plan to destroy the country, destroying small countries around him and plundering their accumulated wealth, so that the Tang Dynasty's treasury was filled and developed rapidly.

This western expedition was not only a battle to control Hexi, but also a battle to plunder wealth, including the gold of Khanna and the silver of Shiguo.

There is also the Saint Women's Association. The Saint Women's Association has accumulated wealth for seventy years. After Jin Shanling's ten years of crazy wealth accumulation, the Saint Women's Association has accumulated wealth that has already exceeded the total accumulation of the nine Sogdian countries.

The Sogdian countries formed a five-nation alliance and prepared to sack the Holy Maiden Society. The kings gathered in Samarkand, and the armies also gathered in Samarkand, all for the purpose of dividing the spoils.

However, they found nothing and attracted an invasion from Dashi.

Similarly, in order to obtain the wealth of the Holy Girl Society, Li Ye used the incident of the girl in the Tang Dynasty to strongly condemn the Holy Girl Society, so that the Tang army gained the reputation of being a military commander.

Now that the hidden wealth of the Saint Sisters has gradually emerged, Li Chenghua must get this huge wealth before the Sogdian King.

(End of chapter)

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