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Chapter 1413 Recovering the Aral Sea

Li Chenghua brought three thousand camels, all of which were filled with dry food, drinking water and bags.

A thousand soldiers were on horseback, and Li Chenghua transferred dry food and drinking water to the horses.

Let three thousand camels carry gold coins, and one camel can carry exactly five bags of gold coins.

After two full days of busy work, this huge gold prospecting team finally set off, heading directly to Broken Leaf City.

The gold coins in the mine completely disappeared. Hundreds of years later, a strong earthquake occurred and the mine collapsed. The gold-hiding cave was completely lost in the long river of history.

At the same time that Li Chenghua found the Golden Cave where the Holy Women were hiding, a cavalry team of 3,000 people arrived in Arhae County, located in the Yaosha River Delta.

Aral Sea County has a total population of 48,000 people, and its ethnic composition is relatively complex. Sogdians account for half, and the other half are from Western countries, including Cannibals, Persians, Khazars, Qin people, Jews, and even some from

Merchants from the Mediterranean, as well as some ethnic groups from the Caucasus Mountains, are basically all Caucasian in terms of race.

But no matter where the county residents come from, they all became citizens of the Tang Dynasty more than ten years ago.

This was once the westernmost county in the Tang Dynasty, but it was now controlled by the Anbol family.

Amber has been the prime minister of Kang for 20 years and has always controlled the economic and financial power of Kang. King Constantine of Kang has long wanted to deal with him, but Amber has deep connections in the military and made Constantine avoid him.

This time when the Tang army arrived, Constantine borrowed the power of the Tang army to control Samarkand and decisively purged the thirteen trusted generals that Anbor had placed in the army.

As the thirteen army lieutenant generals were dismissed, Amber realized that something was wrong and left Samarkand overnight and fled to his fiefdom of Alar City, which is Aral County.

His family is all in Alar City, including a bunch of his sons, nephews and several brothers, as well as more than a dozen of his wives.

The Amber family raised a thousand troops, tightly controlled tens of thousands of people in Alar City, and exploited them cruelly.

The three thousand troops of the Tang Army were composed of one thousand Hexi Army and two thousand Anxi Army. The general was named Liu Taihe, who was from Zhangye. He was a captain in Xianhai County back then and participated in the battle to capture Xianhai County. Now he is

Has been promoted to General Hu Ben Lang.

Once again, he led his army to recapture Aral Sea County.

Looking at this familiar triangular county, Liu Taihe had mixed feelings. More than ten years later, he once again came to this most distant county in the Tang Dynasty.

He will serve as the first governor of Aral Sea and lead 3,000 troops to station in Aral Sea County for five years.

Three thousand cavalry troops came to the city, and the defenders on top of the city were in chaos, ringing the alarm bell as hard as they could.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Liu Taihe's heart was full of contempt. The big bell was still left by them, and the city gate had not been replaced for more than ten years.

Liu Taihe looked at the dilapidated city gate. It was very old back then. Now it is not only old, but also dilapidated. The gate is full of cracks.

"Pass my order, two hundred cavalry will come forward and blast open the city gate with exploding arrows!"

Immediately, two hundred cavalrymen rushed up, bows and arrows drawn together, and a captain shouted, "Shoot!"

Two hundred explosive arrows were shot out at the same time, hitting the city gate intensively. 'Bang! Bang! Bang!' There was an explosion and smoke filled the air.

The soldiers on the city squatted down in fear and held their heads. The dense explosions made them extremely frightened.

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, almost no trace of the dilapidated door remained. The ground was covered with broken wood, and only a few remnants of the two doors remained on the side.

Liu Taihe waved his sword and said, "Come into the city!"

Three thousand cavalry shouted in unison, brandishing their spears and knives as they charged into the city.

Just as it was easy to capture the city, it was also easy for the Tang army to capture Aral Sea City. A thousand soldiers knelt down and surrendered. This time, the Tang army did not massacre them and accepted the surrender of the soldiers.

Immediately, a thousand soldiers surrounded An Mansion. Soon, An Bo led the entire family to surrender.

However, the Tang army showed no mercy and killed all the men in their family without leaving any one alive. All the family wealth was confiscated.

At first, the people in the city were so scared that they hid in their homes and did not dare to come out. As the red dragon flag of the Tang Dynasty was raised on the city, the people in the city finally recognized this army, which had ruled this city for two years.

The army of the Tang Dynasty was the only army that exempted them from taxes, which left a deep memory for all the people.

Now, this army is back, and the whole city is filled with joy. People are so excited that they come out of their homes one after another, singing, dancing, and beating gongs and drums to welcome the return of the Tang army.

The Dudu's Office and the County Government were immediately established in the city. The Dudu's Office did not care about government affairs but only focused on defense. The County Government was responsible for managing government affairs. Zheng Wenqing, who joined the army from the Trade Department of the Anxi Dudu's Office, served as the county magistrate.

Zheng Wenqing was a native of Xianyang, Beijing. He studied Sogdian for four years at Taixue. After graduating from Taixue, he was assigned by the imperial court to join the army in the Trade Department of the Anxi Dudufu and was responsible for the trade between the Anxi Dudufu and Western countries.

Zheng Wenqing was promoted to another level and became the county magistrate of the westernmost county in the Tang Dynasty.

On his first day as county magistrate, Zheng Wenqing ordered a dozen Sogdian government officials to post "A letter from His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to the people in the city" all over the county.

The letter was written in Chinese and Sogdian, and contained very little content. The people in the county only remembered the last sentence.

'Every citizen or businessman in the city will be exempt from taxes for five years!'

People all over the city were rejoicing again.

This is a unique move. From ancient times to the present, from domestic to foreign countries, as long as this move is used, all people's hearts will follow, without exception.

Ordinary people are very simple and very realistic. It is useless to talk about big principles. Giving real benefits is the truth.


The whole court was very lively these days. The news of the Tang Army's victory in the Western Expedition reached Chang'an. People all over the city rejoiced, beating gongs and drums to celebrate the Tang Army's regaining control of the river. After all, this was a sign of the strength of the Tang Dynasty. Which Tang Dynasty

People don’t want their dynasty to be strong again?

As the saying goes, laymen only watch the excitement, while experts watch the door. The reason why the court officials were so happy was because the Tang Dynasty annexed Bakhna and took control of the Shi Kingdom.

One of these two countries produces gold and the other produces silver. Controlling these two countries means that the gold and silver production of Datang will greatly increase.

In the Pinxue Courtyard of Danfeng Restaurant, Right Chancellor Wei Jiansu, Left Chancellor Zhang Li, and Minister of Revenue Xiao Hua were gathering for lunch. They discussed finance and currency this morning and continued until noon, so they came over to eat together.

Of course, it is an AA system, everyone eats his own food, and finally keeps accounts separately, but they are prime ministers and have a daily lunch allowance of 30 guan, and the amount is 30 guan. As long as it does not exceed 30 guan, they can remember official expenses.

They usually eat a set meal worth ten guan, and then drink ten guan of tea. The tea they drink is not expensive, but the water, which is taken from the spring water of Zhongnan Mountain every morning.

It sounds like a luxury, but for an empire, this luxury is nothing.

"Wei Xiangguo, what is the emperor's attitude?" Xiao Hua asked tentatively.

"Of course the emperor supports it. As long as there are enough stocks and mineral resources, I think it can be implemented. It is better than paper money!"

Speaking of paper money, all three of them had a wry smile on their faces. Last winter, the emperor wanted to issue paper money. With one million taels of gold as collateral, he issued four kinds of paper money: one hundred coins, five hundred coins, one yuan and ten yuan.

As a result, civil and military officials all over the city strongly opposed it. They all thought that this was more cruel than the big money in the past. The big money was worth ten cents, and at least it was made of copper. It was ridiculous to use paper this time.

Of course, what finally made the emperor cancel the idea was not the opposition of the ministers, but also the fact that paper money is not sufficiently anti-counterfeiting. Paper money is very easy to counterfeit. This is not a counterfeit counterfeit of one or two counters that can be investigated. Counterfeit paper money will appear all over the world and pour in.

There was no way to check the market, and eventually it caused chaos and no one accepted banknotes.

Zhang Li thought for a while and said: "Let's talk to the emperor again this afternoon! I suggest that we first put up the big framework, and then fill in the details in the framework. After half a year of preparation, it can basically be implemented."

Wei Jiansu nodded, "Zhang Xiangguo is right, put up the big frame first!"

At this time, Xiao Hua whispered: "I just heard a piece of news, I don't know whether it is true or not, Dugu Shangshu is resigning."

Wei Jiansu raised his eyebrows, "Seriously?"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, "I'm just not sure!"

Recently it has been reported that Pei Zunqing is resigning, and now Dugu Lie is also resigning. Is the emperor planning to make some big move?

Zhang Li was silent for a moment and said: "I guess the emperor will talk to us about this matter in the afternoon!"


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