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Chapter 1420 Black Water Mohe

Heishui Mohe is one of the three major Mohe tribes in Liaodong. Sumo Mohe established the Bohai Kingdom, which has been destroyed. Sumo Mohe as a nation has disappeared, and everyone has changed their nationality to Han.

There was also a Baishan Mohe. Some of them were killed by the Silla people, and the other part joined the Balhae Kingdom and eventually changed their nationality to Han.

Now there is only one Blackwater Mohe left.

Zhang Dian, the governor of western Liaoning, accepted two major tasks from the emperor. One was to establish a ranch in western Liaoning and become one of the seven ranches of the imperial court.

The seven ranches of the imperial court are a long-term plan of the imperial court and are actually being implemented. Currently, two ranches have been established, Hexi Ranch and Hehuang Ranch, and there are also Liaoxi Ranch and Yunzhong Ranch that are being implemented.

There are also three major vision ranches, Whale Sea Ranch, Jinshan Ranch and Yili Ranch. The Whale Mountain Ranch among them is today’s Hokkaido Ranch, and currently only a few Mao people live there.

Once the seven ranches are established, they will supply a large amount of meat to the army and the people, and will completely improve the diet structure of ordinary people in the Tang Dynasty.

The elimination of Shiweibu and Heishui Mohe was Zhang Dian's second most important task. Without Shiweibu and Heishui Mohe, the tragic history of the Song Dynasty would be lost.

According to the sixteen-character policy of the imperial court, "Eradicate the nobility, Hanize the common people, organize the people into households, divide and rule".

Zhang Dian’s first target was the Blackwater Mohe. The Blackwater Mohe is divided into ten tribes, six of which have been annexed by the Bohai Kingdom. There are also three small tribes living on Sakhalin Island, and the largest

The Blackwater tribe lives on the south bank of Blackwater and makes a living by fishing and hunting.

Although the Blackwater tribe is the largest, its population is not large. There are only more than 6,000 households and less than 30,000 people. They are divided into six small gathering tribes, distributed within 300 miles.

The reason why Heishui Mohe cannot raise its population is directly related to lifespan. Although the birth rate is high, premature death is also severe. Three out of ten children will survive, and the rest will die due to illness.

Another big problem is that life span is very short. Nobles can live longer, forty or fifty years old, but the lower class people basically live less than forty years old.

But such an inconspicuous small fishing and hunting nation was able to destroy the Liao Kingdom and the Northern Song Dynasty two hundred years later.

That morning, ten Tang troops with a thousand troops surrounded the Black Water Department from six directions. Within a range of 300 miles, ten Tang troops simultaneously launched an attack on the Mohe Black Water Department.

Countless Tang troops suddenly entered the peaceful tribe, and there was chaos as people cried for their fathers and called their mothers.

The woman stumbled and hid with her child. The man resisted, but his head was mercilessly chopped off by the soldiers of the Tang army. All the tribes living there were in chaos.

In the largest inhabited tribe, chief Wusukemeng was discussing countermeasures with several elders. They had received two migration notices from the Tang army in a row, requiring them to immediately move to the former Khitan residential area.

Of course Usukmeng refused. In their view, there was no difference between being forcibly relocated and annihilating the country.

But Wusukemeng also knew how terrifying the Tang army was. He was very anxious and eager to find a solution.

"All the tribes in Liaodong have been destroyed. Now it is finally our turn, Heishui Mohe. I plan to lead my tribe to move north. What do you think?"

An old man said slowly: "It's too cold in the north, much colder than here. It's impossible to survive in winter. I stayed in the north for a year and almost froze to death in winter."

"What should I do?"

Usukmeng was immediately anxious, "I don't want to go to the south, but I can't go to the north. Please come up with a more reliable way!"

Another old man said: "Let's go east! Go to the seaport. Wasn't the County and Li Department annexed by the Bohai Kingdom? Its seat should be vacant, and we can move there."

Everyone agreed, and Usukmeng also thought it was feasible, so he made the final decision, "Then move eastward!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden chaos outside, shouts of killing came from afar, and everyone in the big tent looked at each other.

At this time, a tribesman rushed in and said: "Great Chief, the Tang army is coming."

Wusukemeng stood up and rushed out.

He saw countless Tang army cavalry running back and forth in the camp, waving swords and spears to kill his soldiers. His soldiers were no match at all and were killed one after another.

Usukmeng shouted, rushed to his tent, got on his horse, and charged towards the Tang army with an iron gun in his hand.

At this time, the Tang Army cavalry discovered him, and dozens of cavalry surrounded him. Usukmeng stabbed three Tang Army cavalrymen in succession, but was unable to defeat the four-handed man with his fists, and was pierced by dozens of spears from the Tang Army cavalry.

He fell off his horse and died tragically.

None of the eight elders survived, and they were all shot dead by Tang army cavalry in the melee.

In less than a morning, the raid was over. All the surviving 26,000 people were taken prisoner. Thousands of young and strong men who rose up to resist were killed. All the noble men were also killed.

More than 26,000 people sat in large carts, carrying their meager property, and were escorted by the Tang army to migrate south.

The Tang army dispersed them all and settled them in the territory of the original Bohai Kingdom. They lived with the people of Bohai Kingdom, gave them land, food and farm tools, taught them how to farm, and gradually transformed them from a fishing and hunting people into a farming nation.

Perhaps because of the small number of people, it did not last long. Five years later, this group of Mohe people living in the black water disappeared in the long river of history.

It is already late September, and all the 300,000 Han people who migrated from Hebei have been resettled in Liaodong. This is also because Liaodong has fertile land, a vast area and sparsely populated areas, and sufficient resources for resettlement.

Three hundred thousand people were basically settled in Yingzhou, concentrated near Liucheng County and Andong County. There were large areas of farmland and crisscrossed rivers. The people built houses with the help of the Tang army and transported them from several abandoned cities in Silla.

A large amount of furniture was given to the people, and each family was also given an ox and a mule.

Bailangshui has been renamed Beijishui. There are hundreds of villages on both sides of Beijishui. Nearly 200,000 people live on both sides of Beijishui. Liucheng has returned to its heyday.

There are still nearly 100,000 people settled in Andong County. This is the location of the last Andong Protectorate, which is later known as Jinzhou. It is currently the largest port in Liaodong. A large amount of grain materials are unloaded here and distributed to Andong County.

and Liucheng County, and eventually distributed to every household.

Another 20,000 people were resettled in the Liaodong Peninsula. Although it was a bit remote, each household was given an extra fifty acres of land, which still attracted many people to move there.

In this way, together with the family members accompanying the army, the Han people in the three major settlements flourished and spread in the land of Liaodong. As the population increased, the settlements gradually spread north and east.

A hundred years later, the first county town, Heishui County, finally appeared on the banks of the Heishui River in the north, with a population of more than 30,000.

In the morning, Gao Shi was sitting in the waiting area outside the censor's room, waiting uneasily to be received.

He had previously followed the Supreme Emperor Li Dai to inspect education in various places, and was originally planning to devote himself to education. Unexpectedly, he had just received news that the emperor had summoned him to prepare for another appointment.

Gao Shi was already in his early sixties. Back then, he followed Li Ye to Suiye. Unfortunately, he had the wrong mentality and only used Suiye as a springboard to enter the officialdom.

He only stayed in Suiye for one year before returning to serve as Sima of Qingzhou. Immediately afterwards, Prince Li Heng went to Shuofang and passed by Qingzhou, which became a turning point in Gao Shi's life. He became an aide to the new emperor and served as the military governor of Huainan to stabilize the


Unfortunately, after Li Fuguo came to power, Gao Shi lost power and was quickly benched. He was promoted to Meizhou by Li Fuguo and served as the magistrate of Tongyi County.

It lasted until Li Ye ascended the throne and Li Dai became the Supreme Emperor. Gao Shi relied on his deep friendship with Li Dai to change his destiny.

Gao Shi was summoned by the emperor, and he felt very ashamed. Li Ye was his old boss. If he had followed him, he would have been at least the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and even the prime minister.

But there is no regret medicine anymore, and I don’t know why the emperor summoned him.

At this time, Wei Gao came up and whispered: "Master Gao, please come with me!"

Gao Shi got up and followed Wei Gao into the imperial study. Emperor Li Ye was looking at him with a smile.

Gao Shi quickly bowed and saluted, "The humble minister Gao Shi pays homage to Your Majesty!"

"Mr. Gao Shijun, I haven't seen you for many years. Please sit down!"

The last time they met was in Jiangning. Li Ye went to Jiangnan to sell jade pieces and official kiln porcelain in exchange for money, and met Gao Shi, who was then the governor of Huainan.

Gao Shi sat down and Li Ye asked with a smile: "How is Gao Shijun's health now?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I am relatively healthy!"

Gao Shi looks very thin, but he is in good spirits and looks good.

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said: "I invite Mr. Gao to come here because I have a new business that I want to hand over to Mr. Gao!"

Gao Shi quickly bowed and said: "Please give me your Majesty's orders. I will do my best to serve Your Majesty!"

(End of chapter)

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