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Chapter 168 Thousand-mile pursuit (3)

After running for two more days, the war horse Mo Jin finally became too tired and foamed at the mouth. Li Ye had no choice but to dismount and lead the horse slowly.

His dry food and water bottle were on another horse. There was no food or water around him. He was surrounded by endless grassland without even a tree.

Li Ye was hungry and thirsty. He kept looking up to the sky, hoping that a bird would fly in the sky. Even if it was a crow, he would not dislike it.

After leading the horse for seven or eight miles, he suddenly found a bright jade belt in front of him. His eyes lit up, he threw down the horse and ran away. Fortunately, Mo Jin was psychic and trotted behind to follow his master.

Sure enough, it was a small river, less than a foot wide. Li Ye threw himself into the river and drank the extremely sweet river water. His horses also drank happily.

At this time, he suddenly saw a fish swimming under the water. Li Ye was overjoyed and stabbed it hard with a long spear. There was a grass carp about a foot long on the tip of the spear.

Li Ye didn't grill the fish. He only had three fire dumplings left, which were very precious. He simply cut the fish into small pieces and ate them as sashimi.

He suddenly saw a dark figure by the river not far away, so he walked quickly over. When he got closer, he discovered that it was a skeleton. It must have been dead for several months. Only the white bones were left, and there were still clothes on the outside.

Judging by his clothes, he must be an old herdsman, lying on the ground with an arrow stuck in his back.

Li Ye turned his body over with a knife and was immediately overjoyed. He also carried a skin bag filled with water on his waist. It was simply a gift from the Immortal God. He knew what he lacked most?

Li Ye washed the leather bag, filled it with water, stabbed a big fish, put it on with a rope, tied it under the horse's neck, crossed the river and continued westward.

It was getting dark, and suddenly there was a faint howl of wolves in the distance, "Ouch--"

Li Ye was shocked, these wolves were still following him.

He quickly got on his horse and looked around, but saw no wolves. At this time, he saw a black line appearing in the west. He didn't know if it was a mountain or a forest. He rode with both horses and said, "Drive!"

The war horse started running, towards the black line dozens of miles away...

Li Ye saw that the black line was not a forest, but a hilly area, two to three hundred miles long and a dozen miles wide. The highest point was about a hundred feet, but most of it was only a few dozen feet, relatively low and covered with towering trees.


Prairie wolves hold grudges very much. The wolf that Li Ye killed that sneaked up on him was a little wolf, the son of the Wolf King. It was inexperienced and eager to show off, so it sneaked up on Li Ye and was killed by Li Ye with a backhand.

Although the wolves had a feast of human flesh, the wolf king refused to let Li Ye go. He must kill Li Ye to avenge his son.

The thing is so funny. In order to avenge his son, Xue Tuo, the chief of Xue tribe, led hundreds of people to hunt down Li Ye.

The wolf king is also tracking Li Ye to avenge his son, but they are more cunning and patient, waiting for the opportunity to kill with one strike.

The hills and mountains Li Ye encountered were called Mielang Ridge. It was here that Xue Tuo killed the famous White-footed Wolf King on the grassland. In order to commemorate his achievements, Xue Tuo renamed this place Mielang Ridge.

Li Ye found a cave halfway up the mountain. It was three to four feet deep and one foot high, like a jar. The entrance was not big, but the inside was wider.

He put the horse in the cave, sat on the big rock at the entrance of the cave, plucked the feathers from a pheasant, decapitated it, and ate it raw.

He ate all the fish on the way. When he entered the mountains, he met this pheasant and it became his dinner.

Li Ye did not dare to light a fire, as it would attract people who were following him. After chewing half of a raw chicken, Li Ye took another pill and began to sit cross-legged and meditate, entering a meditative state.

This was a way for him to recover his physical strength, but it was also a kind of rest. His physical strength was rapidly recovering, and the surroundings were extremely quiet. He could only hear various unknown insects chirping one after another. Li Ye's perception and hearing became extremely sharp, and he could

Heard movement a hundred steps away.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the very faint sound of horse hoofbeats, running towards this direction from more than ten miles away, they were coming!

Li Ye slowly opened his eyes, with a cold smile on his lips.

He moved large rocks prepared in advance to block the entrance of the cave, leaving only a small gap so that no one could find the cave. The wolves might be able to smell the scent of the horses, but they couldn't get in.

Li Ye immediately ran towards the top of the mountain with a bow and arrows on his back and a sword in his hand...

Xue Tuo also arrived at Mielang Ridge with more than 200 cavalrymen. He looked at the mountains and slowly made plans for everyone.

"Our prey has been running for two hundred miles on the endless grassland. I believe he is exhausted. When he encounters such a mountain, he will definitely rest on the mountain. We divided our troops into three groups, each with sixty people, and went up the mountain to search. I

He led a hundred people to respond at the foot of the mountain.

No matter who discovers the target, he will immediately raise a fire as a signal, and I will rush to respond immediately. Don't worry! No matter how powerful he is, he can't kill too many people in a short period of time, and he will have no time to respond.

You are all brave warriors, cheer me up!"

Everyone shouted and began to divide into three groups and march up the mountain.

The leader of the Thousand Captain whispered: "Divide your troops and go up the mountain, I'm afraid the opponent will defeat them one by one!"

Xue Tuo glanced at him and said coldly: "The Han people have a saying, 'If you don't want to let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf.' If you don't create opportunities for him, how can he show up?"

"I understand the humble position!"

Xue Tuo snorted and said: "Remember, we are the eagles on the grassland, he is just a biting hare!"


At this time, Li Ye was hiding behind an unexpected boulder, about a mile away from the cave where he had hidden his horse. Standing on the boulder, he saw dozens of black spots running towards the direction where he was hiding, which was consistent with his inference.

It is inevitable for the opponent to divide into several teams and go up the mountain to search for you, but this will allow you to seize the opportunity and defeat them one by one.

Li Ye also guessed the other party's intention. The other party deliberately divided his troops and went up the mountain, sacrificing some soldiers to lure him to show up.

Then give it a try!

The sixty soldiers in the northernmost part climbed up the mountain climbing trees and rocks. It had rained not long ago and the ground was slippery. The soldiers who were used to riding horses were not used to climbing mountains. The heavy armor on their bodies became a burden and burden to them at this time.


The soldiers did not raise fire. In the darkness, they could only vaguely see the outlines of trees. The soldiers complained in low voices. It was the first time they had encountered this kind of combat environment. They were too passive and frustrated. No matter how tall they were,

They can't use martial arts either.

After climbing about forty feet, the team spread out, with more than 20 people climbing at the front, and a bunch of people in the middle. Finally, more than 10 people fell behind. Their leather boots were too slippery, making the climb very difficult.

At this time, a dark figure appeared among them. Starting from the last person, everyone supported them and said in Tiele language, 'Watch your step!'

The tone of concern was very touching, but everyone he supported lay on the ground motionless, quiet, without screaming or struggling. If you look closely, everyone is the same, with their throats cut off and their vests

He was stabbed with a knife and died instantly. He was then pushed to the ground and rolled down the mountain without anyone.

Li Ye's movements were covert and fast. Some people turned their heads and glanced, but they didn't notice the sharp blade in Li Ye's hand, or even noticed that Li Ye's armor was different from theirs.

Everyone was nervously paying attention to the sides and the top of their heads. No one could have imagined that the devil was among them, climbing with them and helping them enthusiastically.

In just a moment, the sixteen people crawling behind all fell to the ground, with blood flowing out.

Li Ye's eyes turned to the group of people in the middle again.

This chapter has been completed!
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