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Chapter 177 Evidence is flawed

The higher education institutions of the Tang Dynasty were all located in the western half of Wubenfang. There were seven higher education institutions, Taixue, Guozixue, Simenxue, Hongwenguan, Legal Studies, Calligraphy, and Arithmetic.

Each of the seven schools has its own characteristics. For example, Taixue has the largest number of students, with 3,000 people. Most of the international students who come to Datang from various countries are in Taixue.

The children of high-ranking officials and nobles above the third rank are mainly concentrated in Guozixue. The Four Schools are a place for poor children to study. Hongwen Hall is actually a class for improving the imperial examination. Children of aristocratic families who hope to pass the imperial examination will be selected to go to Hongwen Hall for further study.

As for law, calligraphy, and arithmetic, they belong to technical schools.

Of course, Li Ye could study at the Guozi School, but the courses he chose were only available at Taixue. Besides, he did not pursue fame. He could easily be an auditor at Taixue, and he would be very satisfied.

Li Ye's dormitory in Taixue was House Yi, which was not the best. House A was the best, with a single room, but Li Ye still wanted a few friends, so he chose the courtyard in House Yi, where four people lived in one room.

In the courtyard, everyone has his or her own room.

His three roommates were none other than Wei Song, Wang Qian and Lu Wei. All three of them were descendants of eunuchs. Needless to say, Wei Song was the grandson of Wei Jiansu and Wang Qian was the son of the royal censor Zhongcheng Wang Gong. He was born in Taiyuan.

Lu Wei is the son of Lu Yanzhi, a doctor in the household department.

It was already midnight when Li Ye returned to his dormitory. Since last month, he no longer had to go to the river to practice martial arts. Since he embarked on Pei Xingyan's martial arts path, he has actually parted ways with Pei Min's martial arts.

He no longer looks for breakthroughs, but values ​​stability more. In December last year, he achieved forty-three blows per breath, and until March this year, he never made another breakthrough.

Li Ye knew that his limit was forty-three swords. In the past two months, he had basically stabilized. Even if he did not go into the water for ten days and a half, he would not regress.

I'll give it a try when I turn sixteen next year. By then my body will have changed in all aspects, and I'll see if I can break through the forty-three-digit mark again.

"Aye, this is the book you want!"

Wei Song handed Li Ye the three volumes of "The Art of War" hand-written in three volumes, "According to your requirements, written horizontally from left to right, with broken sentences, in regular script, you will definitely be satisfied!"

Li Ye was overjoyed. In this case, it would be no different from the books he read in his previous life. In fact, all the art of war books he read were specially copied for him according to his requirements.

"How much? I'll give it to you."

"Six dollars!"

"The price is not expensive, I will give it to you later."

"I'm not in a hurry for money, Aye, how are things going at the restaurant?"

"Did you hear that too?"

Wei Song nodded, "Many people know that Sun Jiliang was killed and they said that you are suspected. We just discussed it and we are willing to testify. You have been with us all the time."

Li Ye was moved in his heart, "Thank you so much!"

Li Ye was not very worried. He had witnesses and evidence. After Sun Jiliang left the restaurant, he returned to the restaurant. Several bartenders, including shopkeeper Cheng, could testify. Even the drinkers on the second floor knew that less than a day after he went downstairs,

A cup of tea came back, so there was no time to commit the crime.

The next day passed peacefully, with no news and no one coming to trouble him.

On the morning of the third day, Li Ye packed his book bag and was about to go to Hongyuan Building. There was a lecture on Sogdian customs there this morning. A famous Sogdian was invited to give the lecture. Li Ye was very interested.

At this time, someone in the yard asked: "Excuse me, does Li Ye live here?"

Li Ye looked around and saw a few officials standing in the yard. He thought, "Thump!", and realized that something had happened.

"I'm Li Ye, what do you want from me?"

The leading official stepped forward and clasped his fists and said: "I am Wei Kuang, a member of the Criminal Department, and this is Wang Xin, the chief registrar of Dali Temple. The following are our followers. We would like to learn about the murder that happened in Pingkangfang the night before yesterday. Mr. Li

You are also an insider, right?"

The officials were very polite. Li Ye was the Duke of Jinshan County, and his title was like a mountain. Generally, low-level officials would not dare to be rude.

Grandfather Li Linfu told Li Ye that the officials of the Ministry of Justice were his own, so Li Ye nodded and said, "Please sit down!"

There were tables and benches in the yard. Li Ye asked the two of them to sit down, while four of his followers stood behind him.

Wei Kuang smiled slightly and said: "We shouldn't bother Mr. Li today, but yesterday the family of the deceased filed a complaint, so we have to investigate the situation!"

"Who is the deceased?"

Wang Xin, the bookkeeper next to him, was immediately dissatisfied and said: "You ask questions knowingly!"

Li Ye had long been displeased with him. He always had a gloomy face after entering the yard, like a debt collector.

Li Ye's face sank and he said coldly: "What do you mean? You'd better speak clearly."

Wei Kuang quickly waved his hand and said: "As far as I'm concerned, this is what happened. The family members of the deceased Sun Jiliang believed in the indictment that Mr. Li was suspected of murder, and they asked the Ministry of Punishment to file a case!"

Li Ye sneered and said: "If the Ministry of Punishment files a case, it must have clear evidence, witness, and physical evidence. All of them are indispensable. What evidence do they have to ask the Ministry of Punishment to open a case?"

"They put forward two reasons in the indictment. First, you and the deceased had a dispute at An Ranju Restaurant before. Don't deny it!"

"Have you guys gone to An Ranju to investigate?"

Wei Kuang nodded, "I've been there and asked several people, and I roughly understand the situation. You had a dispute over a singer named Shi Lian, but the singer also died, so the investigation was incomplete."

"How do you determine the singer's death?" Li Ye asked rhetorically.

"The case of the singer was investigated by the county government. It is said that the preliminary conclusion is that she committed suicide. The case has nothing to do with us."

"Then what? What other evidence is there?"

"Also, the flying knife that killed Sun Jiliang was exactly the same as the flying knife used by Mr. Li."

Li Ye mocked: "Has anyone seen me use a flying knife?"

"Someone has seen it. It's a military flying knife."

Li Ye nodded, "Okay! Let me explain the situation one by one."

Wei Kuang winked, and an attendant immediately took out a pen and paper to record.

Li Ye said calmly: "Anranju Restaurant is my family's property, and my father is in charge of it. But he was sent to Runzhou as an official, so my father asked me to take a look at it for him when I had time. The night before yesterday

, a classmate of ours treated us to a treat, and more than twenty scholars went to the Anranju Restaurant. I was one of them, and many classmates can testify.

Then when I went upstairs, I happened to meet Sun Jiliang carrying the little singer Shi Lian downstairs. Shi Lian grabbed me and begged me to help her because Shi Lian was only thirteen years old and too young, so I stopped Sun Jiliang from taking her away.

Sun Jiliang scolded me for being nosy, and many drinkers on the second floor saw this scene.

I forcibly separated him from Shi Lian, took him downstairs, and sent him off with courtesy. Sun Jiliang's two companions and the shopkeeper can all testify. Then Sun Jiliang left, and I returned to the restaurant and went to Bai Yutang to attend the banquet. What happened

that's all."

"But will you quietly catch up with him again and kill him with a flying knife?"

Li Ye shook his head, "This is your imagination, let me put it this way! The place where Sun Jiliang was killed is at the entrance of the alley next to Shanshui Restaurant, about 350 steps away from Anranju Restaurant. I have to run there, and then run back, 700 steps."

What’s the fastest walking time?”

"I think at least one stick of incense!"

"That's right. I took Sun Jiliang downstairs from the second floor, sent him off and then returned to the second floor. There was less than half a cup of tea in between. If you suspect that shopkeeper Cheng and a few bartenders will commit perjury, then the second floor

As many drinkers can attest, I came up quickly when I went down, and I didn’t even have time to run 700 steps to kill people.”

Wei Kuang stroked his beard and said: "That makes sense, we will investigate in detail!"

The chief clerk, Wang Xin, couldn't help but said: "What about the flying knife?"

Li Ye laughed loudly: "Master Wang thinks too highly of me. I am not the only one in the Tang Dynasty who can throw knives. If I were to kill Sun Jiliang, I could smash his head to pieces with a stone, so why use a throwing knife?"


"You were angry for a moment and killed someone without having time to think about it!"

Li Ye ignored him and asked Wei Kuang, "What kind of flying knife is it? Have you brought it?"

"I didn't bring the flying knife. It's a military-standard willow leaf flying knife."

Li Ye nodded and said, "It seems I need to provide evidence!"

Li Ye went back to his room and took out a box of throwing knives, "These are the throwing knives I use. They are specially customized for me. They are all made of Utz steel. They all weigh nine taels. It doesn't matter a penny. You can use one

I took the box of twenty and checked it out. The general military standard Liuye flying knives cost between seven and a half to seven and eight yuan, and they are made of ordinary pig iron, not wootz steel like mine."

Li Ye said to Wang Xin with a mocking look on his face: "Does Master Wang want to calm down and go to the weapon shop to buy an ordinary military flying knife?"

Wang Xin's face turned red and white. It was obvious that Li Ye was not the murderer.

This chapter has been completed!
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