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Chapter 227 Wakhan Corridor

At dawn, Li Ye led Ding Sheng to find Gao Xianzhi. Yesterday he told Gao Xianzhi about Ding Sheng and wanted to introduce Ding Sheng into the Modao Army. Gao Xianzhi agreed immediately, as long as the conditions were met, there would be no problem.

Gao Xianzhi looked Ding Sheng up and down, he was very similar in height and build to Mo Dao's general Li Siye, which really satisfied him.

He immediately took Li Ye and Ding Sheng to the Modao Army camp.

Entering the Modao Army camp is like entering a kingdom of giants. Everyone is over 1.9 meters tall, and they are all extremely strong and strong. There are a total of 1,200 people.

The general Li Siye was also over two meters tall. He took a deep look at Ding Sheng, handed it to Ding Sheng with a knife, pointed at a wooden stake as thick as a thigh not far away and said: "Cut this into three pieces!


Ding Sheng weighed the Mo Dao. He stepped forward, concentrated for a moment, shouted loudly, and slashed the Mo Dao. Two knives struck down, and the wooden stake became three pieces. There was a round of applause around him.

Li Siye showed a smile on his face and said to Ding Sheng: "If I guessed correctly, you are the Black Spear!"

Ding Sheng was startled, "General Li knows me?"

Li Siye nodded, "I am the leader of Tianbao's Anxi polo team for seven years. I met the Cavalry Guards in the top ten games. You are the left passer. I was thinking at that time, it would be great if this guy could join the Modao Army.

Yes, the general must be a general! Why are you here in Anxi?"

Ding Sheng sighed, "There is no need to mention the past. It is an honor for me to join the Anxi Modao Army!"

Li Siye and Gao Xianzhi discussed it in low voices, and Gao Xianzhi nodded in agreement.

Li Siye immediately said: "From now on, you are the captain of the third battalion of my Modao Army!"

"Woo——" The low horn sound sounded, and the Anxi Tang Army set off.

Ding Sheng entered the Anxi Modao Army, and Li Ye reorganized the army. Pei Xiu and An Taixuan each led one hundred and twenty men as the left and right battalions, and the remaining sixty men were divided into logistics teams, scout teams, and flag-bearing teams.

, and selected five more people to follow him as messengers.

More than 10,000 Anxi Tang troops marched toward Congling in the south to guard the capture. The Anxi Tang troops all rode on horseback. The Modao army even had two war horses, one carrying people and one carrying heavy armor. In addition, each Modao army

The soldiers also have an auxiliary soldier who puts on the armor for the Modao soldiers.

In addition to the army, there are also 5,000 camels dedicated to carrying grain, grass and military supplies.

This time the army dispatched troops from the Imperial Army in two groups. One group was led by General Xi Yuanqing, who led an army of 3,000 people in a straight line, passing through the Princess Fort where the Tang Army was stationed, crossing the Kilik Pass, and then passing through the Basu and Hunza garrisons.

The garrison first went to Xiaobolu, and then went to the Shishi Kingdom along the north bank of Poyi River. This road was mainly to cut off the Tibetan reinforcements from Dabolu, and at the same time, it also provided food supplies to the Quy Nhon army.

Another way is to cross the Hepantuo Pass and enter the Bomit River Valley Road, which is today's Wakhan Corridor, and then cross the Daxue Mountains from the Dora Pass to the Kush Mountains, and then walk for more than ten days to reach the Kingdom of Shishi.

The royal city of Shangmi City.

Li Ye followed the main army to walk along the Michuan Valley Road. This was his first time walking along the Wakhan Corridor. It was already autumn, and the temperature difference between day and night was huge. During the day, the sun was shining brightly and the ultraviolet rays were strong, making it very hot. But at night,

The temperature suddenly dropped below zero, and the soldiers had to put on thick clothes and thick leather cloaks.

Feng Changqing's face was very serious, and he was always staring ahead without uttering a single glance.

Li Ye found an opportunity and asked: "Feng Changshi seems to be very anxious? Is he worried that there are Tibetan troops stationed in the country?"

Feng Changqing said slowly: "There were still 20,000 Tibetan garrison troops in Yushi Kingdom at the beginning of the year, but we got news that by May, the Tibetan garrison in Yushi Kingdom had been reduced to 3,000 people. This is an opportunity, so we have to

Seize this opportunity to completely cut off the Tibetan army's westward advance from the south bank of the Poyi River."

"Is this the only way for Tubo to advance westward?" Li Ye asked again.

Feng Changqing nodded, "They only have this way. In two years, we will capture Dabolu. In this way, the dream of the Tibetan army to cross the Congling Mountains will be completely blocked."

"Then why is Feng Changshi so worried?"

Feng Changqing sighed and said: "What I'm worried about is the weather. The border supervisor's illness has caused us to send troops a month later than originally planned. If everything goes well, we can get back to Shule in time. But if something goes wrong, we will

We have to spend the winter in Shishi Kingdom. What will happen to the food supplies for more than 10,000 people?"

Li Ye said calmly: "Feng Changshi brought five thousand camels, not just to carry supplies!"

Feng Changqing took a deep look at Li Ye and nodded, "Camel is also a kind of food. In fact, when it comes to that point, there are other ways, but these methods are against my principles."

Li Ye probably guessed that the other way was to rob. He smiled and said: "Let's try our best to make it smooth!"

The eastern section of the Wakhan Corridor is relatively narrow, only three to four miles wide, with gravel roads and no grass growing. Although the conditions are very difficult, it is the only route along the southern route of the Silk Road, from the Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The Western Sogdian caravans entered the Wakhan Corridor along the Wuhu River and Bomi River, passed through Congling and arrived at Shule.

So when the team arrived at Dalongchi, they encountered several Sogdian caravans. These were the last caravans this year.

Dalongchi is the birthplace of the Wuhu River and the largest lake in the Wakhan Corridor. It has sufficient fresh water. There is a small town here with more than 20 households, where supplies can be carried out, and the army can also rest here for a day.

Li Ye also accidentally encountered the caravan of Xiao Shiguo, the caravan that came from Hexi with them, and the leader was named Slytherin.

"Excuse me, General Li, where are the Tang troops going?" Slytherin asked.

Li Ye smiled and said: "When performing a mission, it must not be leaked. Please forgive me, Old Man Shi!"

Slytherin quickly waved his hand and said: "I don't want to inquire about secrets, I want to tell you some important news. There are Tibetan troops stationed in Huntuoduo City ahead. You may not know it."

Li Ye was shocked and quickly brought Slytherin to see Feng Changqing.

Feng Changqing was shocked when he heard that thousands of Tibetan troops were stationed in many cities in Hunduo. He hurriedly asked: "There were no Tibetan troops in summer, so why are there now?"

"I don't know, I just heard from other caravans that the Tibetan army over there has to collect tolls and a gold coin for a camel. Everyone is complaining."

Feng Changqing asked a few more questions before sending Slytherin away.

Feng Changqing had a slight disability in his legs and was limping around the tent, looking extremely anxious.

He sighed and said to Li Ye: "Our intelligence is wrong. We only know that the Tibetan army in the Yushi Kingdom has decreased, but we don't know that the Tibetan army has passed the Dora Pass and entered the Bomi River."

Li Ye asked: "Is it important to carry many cities?"

Feng Changqing nodded, "Huntuoduo City is also called the Golden Fort. It is located on the road we must pass to the Dora Pass. The city is average, but the terrain is very dangerous. The Tibetan army guards the Golden Fort, so we may not be able to walk this way.


"What about canceling the war against the Kingdom of Chu?"

Feng Changqing smiled bitterly and said: "Xi Yuanqing has led an army of three thousand to the Kingdom of Yushi via Xiaobolu. If we cancel this operation, Xi Yuanqing and his three thousand brothers may not be able to come back."

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said, "Did Hunduo Duocheng also cut off the Bomi River Valley Road?"

"That's not true. The valley road over there is more than fifty miles wide. Huntuoduo City is located on the south bank of the Bomichuan River. Although the terrain there is dangerous, the caravan can completely travel along the north bank of the Bomichuan River without passing through Huntuo City.


"Then how do the Tubo people collect tolls?"

Feng Changqing thought for a while and said: "Maybe the Tibetan army built a checkpoint on the north bank of the Bomi River, and then sent troops to intercept it, so the caravan had to go through the checkpoint."

Li Ye smiled and said: "If we destroy this checkpoint first, can we deceive the city gate into opening?"

Feng Changqing understood what Li Ye meant. He thought for a moment and finally nodded.

An additional chapter will be added on weekends, and I beg you for your monthly votes! I sincerely request your support from book friends.

This chapter has been completed!
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