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Chapter 250 Controlling the New Army

Kundu Shi led more than 2,000 cavalry and fled back to Shi Kingdom in panic.

Of course, the coalition forces would not be left with such a small number of troops. Aiguri led the Tocharian Army back to Juzhanti, while Airot led the Sogdian Army back to the Huoxun Kingdom. The Shiguo soldiers were dispersed, and many people went home.

, there were only two thousand cavalry left with Kundushi.

After running for two days, as night fell, the hungry Kundu Shi and the cavalry finally returned to Tuozhi City. The two thousand soldiers returned directly to the military camp outside the city. Kundu Shi led a dozen of his men into the city and went straight to the city.

royal palace.

Kundu was as hungry as a stone and dizzy. In the past two days, he had only eaten one grilled fish and drank a few sips of river water. He was really tired and hungry. He longed to step into the palace covered with thick Persian carpets.

Eating the rich and delicious cream of mushroom soup and the roasted brown and oily lamb on the table, I longed to lie down on the soft velvet bed and have a good sleep.

As he approached the palace, he was so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyelids and his whole body was about to collapse.

As soon as he entered the palace gate, the gate behind him suddenly closed. Countless torches lit up instantly, illuminating the palace gate into daylight. Kundushi was shocked, and the sleepiness in his eyes disappeared. He saw countless soldiers holding spears and swords in front of him.

Surround them.

"I am the king, what are you going to do?" Kundushi shouted angrily.

"You're not anymore!"

A cold voice came, and the soldiers moved out of the way, only to see brother Chebishi in armor walking over. He stared at Kundu Shi angrily, "Shi Guo's parents are looking forward to the return of their son, and his wife and children are waiting for him."

We are looking forward to the return of our husband and father, how do you explain it to them?"

Kundushi said angrily: "Winning or losing is a common matter for military strategists. People will always die in wars. What can I explain?"

Chebishi sneered and said: "It's so simple. Why don't you give me to the relatives of those fallen soldiers tomorrow and you go explain to them?"

Kundushi suddenly understood. He stared at his brother fiercely and said, "Did you steal my throne?"

"That's right! My father told me before he died that if you are arrogant and put the people of Shi Country in dire straits, I can replace you. I will follow my father's will and save Shi Country. Why not!"

Chebishi waved his hand, "Take him to the dungeon and imprison him!"

A dozen close soldiers were escorted away in despair. Several guards came up and tied Kundushi behind his back. Kundushi struggled desperately and yelled, "You ungrateful beast, I should have killed you in the first place, you treacherous and shameless person."

You are a disciple, sooner or later you will fall into my hands and see how I will cut you to pieces!"

Seeing that he was getting more and more vicious as he scolded him, Chebishi winked at one of his henchmen, who rushed forward and punched Kundushi unconscious. The soldiers dragged him down to the dungeon and imprisoned him.

Chebishi rode to the military camp again. He wanted to subdue the two thousand soldiers in the military camp.

Although Li Ye led the army and people of Bukhanna to victory in the defense battle, Li Ye also knew that this victory was only temporary. Dashi would never stop expanding eastward just because of a small failure, not to mention that only the Shi Kingdom suffered heavy losses.

The army, the Tocharian Army and the Sogdian Army each suffered more than a thousand casualties, and the losses were not large.

What's more important is that so far, the Dashi Army has only used two foreign legions, and no real elite main force of Khorasan has been dispatched. If any of the main elite Khorasan troops reaches Bukhanna, I'm afraid Bukhanna will not be able to do so.

It is the fate of the country and the family.

Realizing that a deeper crisis was coming, Li Ye decided to follow a group of Bakhna merchants eastward to Suiye Army Town ten days after his victory.

Twenty of his men were left behind by Li Ye in Bakhna to continue training three thousand new troops. Of course Li Ye had his own ideas. The Battle of Talas would break out this year, so he must have an army in his hands.

Bukhanna's ability to defend the city was not good, but his cavalry was very powerful. Historically, Bukhanna also sent troops to join the Tang army and participated in the Battle of Talas.

Li Ye hoped to control this 3,000 new army in his own hands. Twenty of his men were all new army captains, each commanding a battalion of 150 people, while Xu Jian and Yu Changyang served as left and right officers.

Captain Yi, each commanded ten battalions.

Twenty of his men fought side by side with the soldiers in this battle to defend Bakhna. It can be said that they have firmly controlled this new army.

If he leads his men to leave, he will completely lose control of these three thousand soldiers.

Of course, King Murdo and Prince Arolie also sincerely hope that the twenty Tang soldiers can stay and continue to lead the three thousand troops. Under their leadership, these three thousand new troops have become the most elite force in the history of Bukhan.

Army, King Murdo specially named them Qianquan Army.

So after careful consideration, Li Ye persuaded twenty of his men to stay. He followed a Bukhanna caravan to Suiye alone. He needed to interview Gao Xianzhi to make Gao Xianzhi fully aware of the situation in the river, and to make Gao Xianzhi understand that he was responsible for

It plays the historical responsibility of preventing the eastward expansion of food.

The caravan Li Ye followed had about 300 camels and consisted of ten merchants. The leader of the caravan was called Guan Tu. He had been to the Tang Dynasty many times and even lived in Chang'an for eight years. He could speak fluent Chinese.

Li Ye was Ba Khanna's great benefactor and the king's protector of the country. Guan Tu and other businessmen did not dare to neglect him and served him carefully along the way.

The Tang Dynasty had a distinction between actual control area and sphere of influence west of Congling.

The sphere of influence is the map of the Tang Dynasty we see today. It reaches as far west as the Aral Sea and the east bank of the Amu Darya River, as far north as Lake Balkhash, and to the south is today's Pakistan and Afghanistan. This belongs to the sphere of influence. Many small countries in this region

They all belong to the pro-Tang faction and regard the Tang Dynasty as their suzerainty.

The area actually controlled by the Tang Army was much smaller, mainly around Rehai and the Chu River Basin, and also included the Yili River Valley, where the Tang Dynasty stationed nearly two thousand troops with Suiye City as the center.

Guan Tu was well-informed and eloquent, and he chatted with Li Ye all the way.

Two camels walked side by side. Guan Tu pointed at the vast grasslands and snow-capped mountains on both sides and said with a smile: "Twenty years ago, this was the land of the Western Turks. Ten years ago, this was the territory of the Tuqishi. This

Ten years belongs to the Tang Dynasty. There is a legend that each force can only stay here for ten years at most. If the Tang army withdraws eastward, I don’t know who will rule here in the next ten years."

Li Ye knew the answer. In the next ten years of history, the Geluolu people ruled here.

He smiled and asked: "Didn't the Persian cavalry who intercepted the merchants harass this side?"

Guan Tu shook his head, "Persian cavalry only harassed the Tocharian region in the south. They did not dare to come from the north. However, the Tuqishi people from Asbrai City sometimes went south. In the past few years, it was more serious and was dealt with by the Tang army.

After a while, it stopped again in the past two years, but I heard that last autumn, the Tuqishi people were killed by the Geluolu people. There was a fierce battle between the two sides, and the entire Tuqishi cavalry army was destroyed."

Li Ye frowned, "You mean, Ashbulai City is now controlled by the Geluolu people?"

"It should be, Ye Hu, please look over there!"

Guan Tu pointed to the northeast and saw a large group of merchants worshiping the sun by the river in the northeast. Guan Tu whispered to Li Ye: "That's the Geluolu caravan, and they are probably going to break leaves as well."

"Why do they worship the sun like you?"

"Many Geluolu people, like us, have begun to believe in the great god Ahura Mazda. The Dayun Temple in Suiye was built by the Geluolu people."

Li Ye looked at the huge caravan in the distance. Everyone was carrying weapons and was quite brave. The Geluolu people had completely replaced Tuqishi and had entered the Chu River Basin. I wonder if Gao Xianzhi knew about it?

Two days later, Li Ye's caravan arrived at Suiye City. Suiye City was once the royal city of the Tuqi Shi people when they were at their most powerful. It was about the same size as Kesai City. The city walls were about eighteen miles in circumference and tall.

It is sturdy and built with large rocks, nearly three feet high.

Suiye City is not only a military town, but also a large commercial city. Businessmen from all over the world gather in Suiye to sell all kinds of goods. Here you can even see merchants from the Qin Dynasty from the far west, that is, the Eastern Roman Empire.

They couldn't afford to go to Chang'an anymore, so they purchased silk, porcelain and tea cakes from the Tang Dynasty and went to the Qin Dynasty.

The current Tang army commander in Suiye City is Chen Fengzhong, but he seems to be not in the city, but to greet the main force of the Tang army coming west.

Although Suiye is located in a distant foreign land, people can still feel the shadow of the Eastern Tang Dynasty everywhere. The style of its city gates, government offices, and many mansions all look like the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

Li Ye said goodbye to the caravan, and Guan Tu smiled and said: "We are staying at the Anji Shang Hotel, and Ye Hu can come to us at any time!"

"Thank you very much!"

Li Ye cupped his fists and saluted, then rode alone towards the military office in the north of the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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