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Chapter 257 Secretly assassinating Chen Cang

At the first watch, 20,000 Tang troops crossed the Zhenzhu River and marched to the city. Tang soldiers stood on both sides of the Juzhanti River. Each man held a torch, and they gathered into a sea of ​​fire, illuminating both sides of the river like daylight.

The Tocharian legionnaires in the city are also well prepared. They are mainly distributed on both sides of the city wall and on both sides of the river in the city. There are troops deployed at the entrances of the north and south rivers, with 3,700 soldiers deployed.

In addition, 300 soldiers were deployed on several other city walls. This was mainly a warning deployment. Once the enemy was discovered to be attacking the city wall, an alarm would be sounded, and the food army soldiers in the city would evacuate in time.

General Aiguli stood at the top of the city and watched every move of the Tang army. Hundreds of medium-sized rafts were put into the river, and the soldiers began to line up to board the rafts. It was obvious that his judgment was not wrong. The Tang army was going to use Ju Zhan to raise the army.

He entered the weakly defended area of ​​​​the river and entered the city on a raft.

"Archers at the ready!" Egouri shouted.

Nearly three thousand defenders, armed with bows and arrows, were ready.

In the southwest corner of Juzhanti City, not far away is a forest. The forest covers a large area and stretches for more than ten miles. Li Ye and his three hundred soldiers are lurking in this forest.

There were also defenders patrolling the city top. It was more of a formal patrol, just for show. Since they had already determined that the Tang army would come in from the river, they naturally would not put any effort into the defense of the city head.

Therefore, there is not a single patrolling soldier in the southwest corner. This is a typical formal defense. It looks very serious, but in fact it is full of loopholes.

Li Ye waved his hand gently, and he led thirty of his men towards the city wall, and soon rushed to the bottom of the city. The soldiers stood close to the city. Li Ye, carrying a long branch and a rope ladder on his back, silently climbed up the two floors.

For him, the height of the building was only a matter of ten seconds. In just a moment, he climbed to the top of the city.

Li Ye carefully looked around. He could see soldiers patrolling the west wall, but they were at least two miles away from him. The soldiers patrolling the north wall were also at least one mile away.

He put the rope ladder on the battlement on the west wall and threw it down. His soldiers immediately climbed up the rope ladder.

Li Ye took off the long stick from his back and jumped up to the top of the city. He did not alert the enemy troops and squatted directly against the top of the city. The patrolling soldiers in the distance could not see him at all.

At this time, thirty of his men came up to the city one after another, and they followed Li Ye and squatted against the wall, trying their best to buy time for the soldiers behind. Two hundred and fifty of his men ran out of the woods and rushed towards the city wall together.

After a while, they gathered under the five-hanging siege rope ladder and began to climb up quickly.

Pei Xiu was the first to come up, followed by dozens of his men who also came up to the city one after another. Only then did Li Ye lead fifty men and rush to the north gate.

There were hundreds of soldiers from the Food Army above the north city gate. There was a mechanism to open the city gate, so there must be defenders here. Li Ye led his men and ran towards the top of the city gate. When they were thirty steps away, the opponent finally realized something was wrong.

, shouted: "There is an enemy situation!"

Li Ye shouted, "Fire the arrow!"

Fifty soldiers fired arrows together, and the arrows were like a rain of arrows. The defenders were caught off guard and were shot down one after another.

Li Ye shouted loudly and led his men to fight. Seeing that the opponent was outnumbered, more than seventy Dashi soldiers also fought and fought. Li Ye was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, charging into the enemy group and breaking through the armor.

It flew up and down, killing enemy soldiers with heads rolling, and everywhere they passed was bloody.

There is also a broken city at the head of the north city. There are three hundred soldiers at the broken city, holding bows and arrows, ready to guard against the Tang army entering the city from the northern river.

Although the main force of the Tang army was assembled outside the south city, the general Aiguli was also afraid that the Tang army would sneak into the city from the north, so he also deployed hundreds of soldiers to the north.

The fierce battle above the North City Gate alarmed three hundred crossbowmen, and they immediately sounded the alarm.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" means that the Tang army made a sneak attack from the north.

Ai Guli led thousands of soldiers who were waiting impatiently. Although more than 2,000 Tang soldiers boarded the rafts, they were still unwilling to set off, making the Dashi soldiers very anxious.

At this moment, a rapid alarm bell suddenly sounded from the direction of Beicheng. Eguli was shocked and immediately realized that he had been fooled.

The Tang army came from the north, and he shouted: "Everyone must mount their horses and prepare to break out of the city!"

Since they knew they were going to the city, it was just a show of force for the Tang army to ride on rafts outside the city. It was impossible for them to forcefully attack the city from the river.

Eguli felt extremely regretful. If he had known earlier, he should not have been so aggressive. Retreating in time was the right choice.

The 3,500 troops got on their horses and rushed toward the north gate.

At this time, Li Ye's men arrived and had wiped out all the soldiers on the north city. They opened the city gate and Li Siye, who was waiting outside the city, led 1,500 Mo swordsmen into the city and formed a wall of swords.

, waiting coldly for the enemy to come forward.

Li Ye was leading 200 soldiers to fight fiercely with the 300 enemy troops guarding the breach, killing the enemy troops to the point of peeing, corpses piling up, and the last dozens of soldiers had to jump from the top of the city into the river below.

Under the city, Ai Guli led 3,500 cavalry to the north city gate, and happened to encounter the Tang army's Modao army. This was their first encounter with the Modao army, and they had no idea how powerful this army was.

Aiguli turned around and saw that the south city gate had been opened, and tens of thousands of Tang troops had entered the city. The situation was critical. Aiguli shouted anxiously: "Create a bloody road and rush out!"

He took the lead and stabbed Li Siye with his spear. Li Siye gave a loud shout and slashed with the Mo Dao in his hand like lightning. The power was astonishing. He immediately cut Eguli and his horse into two pieces. Hundreds of others followed and killed him.

The soldiers were unable to dodge and were chopped into pieces by the activated Mo Dao formation. Each soldier was chopped at least two or three times.

The most cruel thing about Mo Dao is that it has a long blade and is extremely sharp. When it is cut, the body will inevitably be divided into two parts. Either it will be cut in half, or the head will be split in half, or the neck, hands and feet will be broken. The deceased will never be intact.

The corpse was extremely bloody.

After three rounds of impact, not a single Mo Dao Army soldier fell. Instead, nearly 800 Dashi soldiers were chopped into pieces, and 1,500 Mo Dao Army stepped forward step by step, trampling on their flesh, blood, and brains. The air

It was filled with the pungent smell of blood and the disgusting stench of internal organs.

But for the soldiers of the Modao Army, this had long been a common occurrence and they did not take it seriously. The Dashi cavalry was so frightened that they fled back desperately for their lives. However, the cavalry behind them were also blocked by the soldiers of the Tang Army who came from Nancheng. They had no way out.


Many of the Tocharian cavalrymen were so frightened that they lost control of their bowels and cried out in despair when they saw the swordsman from hell coming to kill them.

But it was useless to cry out and beg for mercy. The heavy armored infantrymen of the Tang Army flew with their Mo Dao, killing the enemy cavalry with blood and flesh flying everywhere. Like cutting wheat, pieces of enemy troops were chopped into pieces by the large formation of Mo Dao.

Li Ye stood on the top of the city and silently looked at the most powerful army in the world. He secretly made up his mind to make this army his subordinates and serve him.

Gao Xianzhi issued an order to kill all prisoners of war who would not accept them.

There were shouts of killing everywhere in the city. The Tang army could not tell the difference between civilians and enemy soldiers, and all young men who appeared on the street were killed.

Half an hour later, the shouts of killing gradually stopped, and all the large Tocharian legions in the city were killed, and hundreds of ordinary people were also killed.

Next came the disposal of the corpse and the aftermath. The so-called aftermath meant collecting money. This was what Gao Xianzhi was criticized for. Although he did not give all of it to himself, but also gave some to the soldiers, after all, most of the money came from within the city.

Private looting and looting.

This is also the Anxi food chain. At the top is the powerful Tang army, and below are the various Hu countries. In the eyes of the Anxi Tang army, these weak Hu countries are like ants, allowing them to bully, crush or slaughter.

During the Han and Tang dynasties, the reason why the Han army or the Tang army was so coercive was also related to this idea of ​​hegemony. All small countries were afraid of the powerful military power of the Celestial Empire, so they had to send princes as hostages, and all nations had to come to court.

At this time, a soldier came to Li Ye and said: "Commander Gao, please come over, General Li!"

This chapter has been completed!
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