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Chapter 26 Stadium nickname

Chapter 26 Stadium Nickname

Author: Gao Yue

Chapter 26 Stadium Nickname

Pei Min's eyes softened, and he took a polo club and handed it to Li Ye, "This is the heaviest iron-wood club, weighing thirty pounds. From today on, you can use this!"

Li Ye took the ironwood club, his hand sank, and it was cold. The so-called ironwood turned out to be a dark wood, which was at least three times heavier than his own club.

"Uncle, my nephew was almost killed by Wei Laizi yesterday, can you teach me some tricks?"

Pei Min said calmly: "Isn't your swing just a trick?"

"Isn't the golf swing too easy?"


Pei Min sneered, took Li Ye's jujube cue, and swung it towards him. The club instantly enlarged and appeared in front of his eyes. Li Ye had no time to react. He was staggered by the club and almost fell headfirst.

On the ground.

"Ah! It's too fast!"

"You understand! Any move is not simple. As long as you are fast enough and powerful enough, the opponent will not be able to resist you. Even if Wei Laizi strikes first, you can kill him with one sword."

Li Ye thought about Pei Min's swing speed just now. It was so fast that even his shadow couldn't keep up. Then he thought about the sword that Wei Laizi struck at him last night. It was like a slow-motion replay. It was so different.


"I understand, when I swing underwater, I am practicing speed and strength!"

Pei Min nodded, "You have to practice hard. Every time you swing, you have to think about how to make the speed faster and find that feeling of acceleration, just like you find the feeling of control when playing golf."

Li Ye hesitated for a moment, "Do you feel the acceleration?"

"Of course there is. From unintentional to intentional, from intentional to control, with strong control, you can control your speed and power as you wish."

Li Ye nodded silently, took off his coat, picked up the ironwood club, and jumped into the well.

As soon as Li Ye went into the well, Fatty Zhang came running over. He panted and asked, "Uncle Pei, am I late?"

"Fortunately, Li Ye came early."

Pei Min asked him with a smile: "After practicing for a few days, do your feet feel heavier?"

Zhang Xiaopang scratched his head and said, "That's true. I'm still wondering why the more you practice, the more you regress?"

Pei Min smiled slightly and said: "This exercise has an interesting name, it's called Winter and Summer Exercise. If you start practicing it on the winter solstice, your feet will become heavier and heavier. It will be the heaviest on the summer solstice and you can't even lift your feet.

Then you continue to practice backwards, and your feet will become lighter and lighter. By the day before the winter solstice, your feet will be as light as flying, and you have mastered it. But this year, you cannot stop practicing for a day, and any interruption will be in vain."

"But. I started practicing on February 15th. Will I practice until February 14th next year?"

"That's right, let's get started!"

Zhang Xiaopang took a deep breath from his lower abdomen, moved his energy to his Dantian, straightened his back and squatted into a horse stance.

Pei Min walked to the edge of the well and stared at Li Ye down the well. After looking at it for a moment, there was an incredible look on his face. This was thirty kilograms of iron wood. This kid could actually swing it eight times in one dive. How is it possible?


At dawn the next day, when Li Ye woke up, he unexpectedly found a thin roll of yellow silk beside his pillow. He quickly sat up and opened the silk. It turned out that there were various moves. A man performed thirteen postures, but they were all simple.

, chop, chop, stab, pick, gouge...

Each move is divided into directions, and the use of various powers is explained in detail next to it.

This was definitely not given to him by Pei Min. Pei Min only gave him one move, quick.

This should have been given to him by his mother. It is good, but will it conflict with the moves taught by Pei Min?

Li Ye read the annotation carefully and found that all the use of power had the same purpose, faster! Faster!

This is the essence of Pei Min’s martial arts!

Unknowingly, Li Ye was fascinated by it.

"Ah Ye!"

Aunt Mu shouted in the yard: "Aren't you going to sign up today?"

Ah! I almost forgot about this.

Li Ye hurriedly put away the yellow silk cloth and ran towards the toilet.

Polo was originally a means of training cavalry. Later it was gradually popularized and became popular in the Tang Dynasty. It became the national sport of the Tang Dynasty. For this reason, the Polo Department was set up for special management. The Polo Department was an official organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War, which was equivalent to the later generations.

Football Association.

The Polo Federation is equivalent to the Chinese Super League Co., Ltd. affiliated to the Football Association. It is responsible for operating the Datang Polo League and is also responsible for supervising various other informal competitions.

The Polo Administration conducts the polo entrance examination on the first day of March every year, which is also the professional player certification examination.

If you pass the exam, you will become a professional golfer. If you are recruited by the 26 registered teams of the Polo Federation, you will be an exclusive professional golfer, and everyone will refer to it as a white golfer.

If there is no team recruitment, then he is a black golfer, and his official name is called an individual professional golfer.

Playing polo is recognized as a high-paying profession. Polo players receive a monthly salary, with a minimum of 30 guan. There are bounties for winning, so they can earn from 500 to 1,000 guan per year.

Black golfers have no salary and rely mainly on donations and bounties. For example, Qiao Xingzhong gave Li Ye 50 taels of silver, which was a fundraiser. After winning the game, Li Lin, the heir apparent, gave Li Ye 100 taels of silver, which was a bounty.

Black golfers want to make money mainly based on their reputation and ability. If they are famous and have ability, they can earn hundreds or thousands of dollars a year.

At the same time, polo is the national sport of the Tang Dynasty, with tens of millions of fans. Almost every kid from a wealthy family wants to become an outstanding polo player who is admired by everyone.

You can make quick money by playing polo, and you can become famous if you play well. It can be said that you gain both fame and fortune. Many parents spend a lot of money to train their sons to play polo since childhood. Various polo crash courses can be seen everywhere.

The gymnasium, martial arts field, and music studio have become the three most famous training courses in Chang'an, and training courses can be found everywhere in Chang'an.

The square in front of the Polo Office was crowded with people. Today was the first day of registration, and thousands of young people came from all directions.

Not only the children of Chang'an, but also many young people from other big cities, it feels a bit like the imperial examination.

Today, in addition to Qiao Bin, those who signed up with Li Ye were also Ma Jinsong and another rich kid named Du Wang.

Originally there were two kids from rich families, but they felt that their level was not good enough, so they gave up.

The poor are rich in culture and martial arts, and polo belongs to the category of martial arts. A slightly better horse costs hundreds of dollars, and there are also the expenses of raising a horse, not to mention expensive horse gear. Most poor families cannot afford it.

, so only Li Ye signed up in the entire Yonghefang.

Du Wang, who was traveling with them, had relatives in the Polo Office. He got several blank registration forms, and the four of them found a tavern to fill out the forms.

"What is a name?"

After Li Ye filled in his name and address, he found a name below. He was a little confused.

Qiao Bin smiled and said: "A name is a nickname, it is very important. Like Xiao Fei Long, no one knows his real name. They only know that he is Xiao Fei Long."

"What if the names are repeated?" Li Ye asked again.

Ma Jinsong laughed at the side and said: "After passing the exam, if the review finds that the name is repeated, or there is a taboo, then a new name will be given."

Of course Li Ye wanted to give him a cooler nickname. He originally wanted to call him "Decepticon", but the word tiger was taboo. The ancestor of the Li family was named Li Hu, so the tiger in the Tang Dynasty could only be called "Decepticon", "Decepticon".

'That's ugly.

For example, a Tang poem written by Li Guang goes, "The grass in the dark forest is frightened by the wind, and the general draws his bow at night."

It is obviously about shooting a tiger, but there is not a single word "tiger" in the whole poem. Cao Jingfeng is not to create an atmosphere, but because the author is from the Tang Dynasty and he wants to live a few more years.

Of course, there are so many flat-headed people named Zhang Hu, Li Hu, and Wang Hu. Their status is so humble that no one cares whether they violate taboos.

Li Ye thought about it and wrote the name "Flying Shark". When he practiced at the bottom of the well every night, what he thought of was not the toad, but the shark in the water.

(End of chapter)

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