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Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Self-indulgent

Author: Gao Yue

Chapter 28 Self-indulgent

Lin's Pharmacy is a little far away from Li Ye's home. It is located in the most prosperous place in the neighborhood. Each neighborhood has its own commercial street with various stalls and shops for food, drink and entertainment. It is complete and very down-to-earth. Generally, the business is still good.


Of course, the stalls and shops in Yonghefang are more down-to-earth, but there are actually many poor people and few coins.

Lin's Drug Store is one of the more impressive of these stores. Directly opposite the drug store is the Xiao Zhang Grocery Store owned by Zhang Xiaopang's family.

Pei Sanniang and her son had just walked to the door of the drug store when they met a young clerk who said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you must be looking for my proprietor!"

"I made an appointment with him!"

The waiter looked confused: "My boss has an emergency and is out of town. He won't be back for a few days."

"Then it's the same thing with your mistress."

The waiter said with a grimace: "My mistress has not been in good health these past two days. If my third aunt has something to do, please make an appointment another day!"

No matter how stupid Pei Sanniang was, she understood that she didn't want to go on a blind date at all, so the matchmaker must have sent the wrong message. This was good, as it saved herself a piece of cloth.

Although she was a little embarrassed, Pei Sanniang was not angry. She had been living in Yonghefang for fourteen years and was already used to all kinds of embarrassment and ridicule.

"You brat, you got your wish, go back!"

Li Ye scratched his head. In fact, he wanted to see what the most beautiful girl in the family looked like. Unfortunately, he had no chance at all. The first blind date in his life ended in nothing.

In the drug store, Boss Lin was cursing the matchmaker, "Who do I think you are, Mr. Pei? Who did I think he was? Li Xiaoxiao, who has been fighting and fighting all day long, is he worthy of marrying my daughter? You can do all kinds of shit to you."

You talk like a flower with a foul mouth, get out of here! Get out of here!"

The matchmaker ran away with her head in her arms, and the 300 yuan of matchmaking money was naturally gone. Fortunately, Pei Sanniang gave her 50 yuan as an advance payment, so it was barely in vain.

The blind date was unsuccessful and had no impact on Li Ye. Xiao Cuiniang was very attentive to her, but he turned a blind eye. Li Ye's whole mind was focused on Pei Min giving him sword moves.

At nightfall, Li Ye stood in the grass in the backyard of the temple with a dagger in his hand. He had already practiced the thirteen sword techniques very well, but the directions and the strength used were different.

He slashed with his sword fiercely. This was a forward slash. The trick was three points of wrist strength, three points of elbow strength and four points of arm strength. This was not difficult. The arm strength was used in multiple ways. At the same time, the elbow strength was used in conjunction with the wrist strength. This sword had a throwing effect.

It feels like the fastest.

But Li Ye feels that these thirteen postures should not be that simple. If you work hard on each posture, you will naturally become proficient in it. In fact, it is more suitable for fat people. Isn't this prepared for you?

He also vaguely realized the true essence of the thirteen sword techniques. They actually only have one type, which is attack.

But how to integrate them and combine the thirteen postures into one? Li Ye couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Zhang Xiaopang came running out of breath. He carried a sword in his hand, which was the one he got from Wei Laizi's house. Zhang Xiaopang regarded it as a treasure and would hold it while sleeping.

"Have you mastered all the thirteen postures I taught you?"

Zhang Xiaopang nodded, "I already know how to do it, but I'm not familiar with it yet. I'm going to practice it for a few more months to get it familiar."

Zhang Xiaopang shouted loudly and struck out with his sword, which was exactly the same as his own sword just now.

Li Ye sighed, "It seems that these thirteen postures are just for you and are of no use to me!"

Zhang Xiaopang scratched his head and said, "I suddenly thought on the way just now, did Master Pei ask you to practice these thirteen postures underwater!"

Li Ye said "Ah!", jumped up, and slapped himself hard. He was so stupid! He didn't think of the most critical step, which was to let himself practice these thirteen postures at the bottom of a well.

Li Ye hugged Zhang Xiaopang's shoulders heavily, stretched out his hand and pinched his fat face, "Thank you very much, eh! This fat meat feels really good!"

Zhang Xiaopang felt as if he had been stung by a scorpion. He jumped up and wiped his face desperately, "You damn eunuch, how dare you tease me, ah! My first time is gone."

Li Ye ran to the well, took off all his clothes and pants, put his dagger on the well, and jumped in with an iron-wood club.

His laughter was still echoing at the entrance of the well, "I'm not kissing you, why are you being so sentimental?"

The ironwood cue is very heavy and does not float in the water. It sinks directly to the bottom. His feet step on the fine sand at the bottom of the well. He regards the ironwood cue as a long sword and holds the sword with both hands. The sword manual indicates that it is a two-handed sword.


He took a step forward and slashed out with his sword. The speed was much slower than on the ground, but he had a strange feeling, as if he was slashing the sword in space.

A set of thirteen moves is performed.

Li Ye suddenly realized that if the speed of his sword slashing in the water is the same as on the ground, then he has mastered it. Various moves are only used on different occasions. The essence of the thirteen-style sword technique is actually only one move:


Pei Min hurried through the corridor and came to the Fifth Young Master's yard. They were friends, not a master-servant relationship.

As soon as he reached the entrance of the courtyard, a skinny boy of fourteen or fifteen years old rushed out and almost bumped into Pei Min. Pei Min reacted very quickly and grabbed him.

The skinny young man's eyes widened and he cursed: "Dog slave, don't you have eyes?"

Pei Min's face sank, "Who are you scolding?"

Only then did the skinny boy realize that he was not a servant of the mansion. He stuck out his tongue and ran away.

Pei Min looked at his back and shook his head secretly, "They are both sons of the Fifth Young Master, why is there such a big gap?"

Walking into the courtyard, I found the fifth young master Li Dai standing in front of the study door with an angry face.

"Jingwen, what happened?"

Li Dai said bitterly: "Just now that little beast stole my white jade lion in the study, and I broke it. I asked him if he stole my white jade ruler, but he refused to admit it and ran away when I wasn't prepared.


Pei Min was a little embarrassed. The family scandal should not be made public, but the fifth young master actually told him such a thing.

He had no choice but to change the topic and said: "Aye is going to sign up to take the polo player test."

Li Dai said for a long time: "Can he pass the exam?"

"There is nothing wrong with him. King Si Ning thinks highly of him and wanted to recommend him to join the polo club directly, but he refused. The boy was very arrogant!"

"He has indeed changed a lot. It is his good fortune that he is valued by King Si Ning!"

Pei Min whispered: "Don't Jingwen want to take him back? After all, he is your son."

Li Dai hesitated for a long time, then sighed and said: "The key is that my father doesn't know his existence. I don't dare to say it, and my wife doesn't allow it. It's difficult to handle!"

Pei Min really despised Li Dai in his heart. He was talented and good in character, but he was indecisive. He was not only afraid of his father, but also extremely henpecked. Otherwise, Sanniang would not have been so miserable back then.

"There's no rush anyway, let's wait and see when the time comes!"

Li Dai went back to his room, took out one hundred taels of silver, handed it to Pei Min, "Give it to Sanniang for me!"

Pei Min shook his head, "Hey! You know she won't want it, and she is not short of money now. Her son can do it! He has earned her more than a thousand dollars, but he can do much more than your other son."

Li Dai had no choice but to take back the money and said: "When the time is right, I will definitely report it to my father and let him make the decision!"

(End of chapter)

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