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Chapter 296 News about the Imperial Concubine

Li Ye performed a great ceremony and paid homage, and Li Longji offered him a seat. This time, the prince, five prime ministers and Gao Lishi were all seated.

Li Longji took out Li Ye's report and said with a smile: "Thanks to the young general's trip to the Western Regions, which gave me a deep understanding of the situation in the West. Only then did I realize that the world is so vast, and that there are also distant Africa and the Roman Empire split into East and West Rome.

It turns out that our silk and porcelain were transported to distant Europe and the Eastern Roman Empire."

Li Ye bowed and said: "Europe is still a dark and ignorant era, with many small countries, which is equivalent to our Spring and Autumn Period. However, the rituals and music have collapsed, the people are dull, and the monasteries and secular kings are competing for dominance. However, Dashi is relatively strong, and

We also implement the county system, and their caliphate is very powerful."

Li Longji nodded and said: "The food envoy will come to Chang'an soon for negotiations. I would like to hear your opinion. You can speak out."

Li Ye bowed and said: "Your Majesty, first of all, it's a matter of etiquette. The other party's envoy is called Mansour. He is the younger brother of the Abbasid Caliph and the second most powerful person in the black-clothed empire. It is rumored that Abbas is in poor health.

Before long, this Mansoor will become the second Caliph of Great Eclipse."

Next to him, Yang Guozhong said displeasedly: "Who knows whether he will be the second King of Food? It's all your guess, right?"

Li Ye smiled lightly and said: "Any speculation must be based on facts. Abbas himself has no heirs. Mansour is the second most powerful figure in Dashi. He holds the military, political and financial power of Dashi, and is the caliphate of Dashi."

The legal heir, unless he dies unexpectedly, then he must be the one to inherit the caliphate."

Yang Guozhong was speechless for a moment, and Li Longji waved his hand to Yang Guozhong, indicating that he should not interrupt Li Ye's report.

"I also want to know, what exactly are we talking about when we negotiate with Dashi?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, we are actually talking about three aspects. The first is the issue of prisoners of war. Nearly 20,000 prisoners of war are mining and smelting in the Talas Silver Mine. They must be released, but under what conditions?

Second, the issue of relations between the two countries involves borders, trade, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, such as sending students from each other's university to study in each other's capital.

On the border issue, Wei Chen suggested that the current actual control boundary should be used. The northern section is bounded by the Wuhu River, which is called the Amu Darya River, and the southern section is bounded by the Mughar River, which is actually the current dividing line between Tocharia and Persia.

, Weichen has a map in the report."

Li Longji turned to the map in the report, looked at it carefully, nodded and said, "Continue!"

Li Ye leaned over and continued: "The third most critical point is the ownership of the Hezhong area. There is no doubt that the Hezhong area definitely belongs to us. This is the result of our victory over the other party. However, since it is a negotiation, we also need to make appropriate concessions.

Wei Chen suggested that they be allowed to spread the Taoist Cult normally in the Transoxiana and Tochar regions."

The prince next to him, Li Heng, frowned and said, "Didn't General Li's report say that their biggest purpose in seizing Hezhong is to spread the Taoist Cult?"

Li Ye said quickly: "His Royal Highness, you don't know. There are two ways to preach. One is for the government to force people to believe in religion, and the second is to preach normally. I know the people of Tocharo and the Hezhong area very well."

Buddhism is the main religion, and Zoroastrianism is the main religion in the Hezhong area. As long as they don’t force people to change their beliefs, even if they preach for a hundred years, it will be useless.”

Li Longji nodded, "I understand. You can write another report to me later. This time you went on a mission to the Western Regions and also participated in the Battle of Juyanhai, the Battle of Chu Shiguo and the Battle of Hezhong. You have made the greatest contribution.

You also firmly safeguarded Ning Yuan's loyalty to the Tang Dynasty, and you can be regarded as a role model for my descendants of the Tang royal family. I will definitely reward you heavily when you look back."

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty!"

"Go! Have a good rest for a few months, and I will consider letting you return to the Western Regions."

Li Ye walked out of the imperial study, and Gao Lishi followed him and said with a smile: "Young general, go and sit with my court official!"

"Sorry to disturb Gao Weng!"

Gao Lishi's court room was very close. Li Ye walked into the room. The room was very elegant. The floor was covered with thick carpets. There was a large couch with a table on it. The frame next to it was filled with memorials.

Gao Lishi asked Li Ye to sit down and asked the young eunuch to serve tea.

The two sat down across the table. Gao Lishi said with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for more than a year. The little general has changed a lot!"

"The Western Region has a lot of sunshine and strong winds and sand, and my skin has become dark and rough. My family and friends say that I feel like I have just returned from a year of hard labor."

"It feels a bit like this!"

Gao Lishi smiled again and said: "But the changes I'm talking about refer to internal changes. You are much more mature and stable than last year. Your eyes are more confident and you are more calm. Today you performed very well in front of the emperor."

Li Ye smiled and asked: "Gao Weng, tell us about this year's competition! How did the Tianpeng Polo Team perform?"

"It's not bad. We also made it to the top five, and came fourth in the top five. It seems that the best result of our Tianpeng polo team was last year, when we won third place."

Li Ye nodded, "Tianpeng is already a truly strong team."

Gao Lishi pondered for a moment and said, "Actually, I came to you because I have something important to talk about, about your grandfather!"

Li Ye immediately straightened his back and said, "Master Gao, please speak!"

"Do you know why the emperor's reward for you has been delayed?"

Li Ye shook his head and said he knew nothing.

Gao Lishi sighed and said: "Logically, your reward is your own merit and has nothing to do with your grandfather. But in fact, you are the grandson of Li Xiangguo, and your reward is closely related to your grandfather."

"If Gao Weng has anything to say, just say it!"

Gao Lishi nodded, "The emperor hopes that your grandfather will take the initiative to resign, resign from the position of prime minister, and give up the right to recommend."

Li Ye pondered and said: "Does asking my grandfather to resign have anything to do with the assassination of Yang Guozhong's son?"

"It has something to do with it. Although the emperor knows very well that the assassination of Yang Guozhong's son has nothing to do with your grandfather, this incident has affected the conflicts in the political hall. The factional struggle is serious and has affected the normal operation of the court. The emperor wants to take advantage of this.

This is an opportunity for your grandfather to resign as the person most responsible."

"Is the emperor ready to deal with the officials?"

Gao Lishi said calmly: "It has been delayed for a month, and it cannot be delayed forever. A number of important officials including Wannian County, Jingzhao Mansion, the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Taichang Temple in charge of the Jiaofang have to be dealt with.

Then, as the political affairs hall, there must be a prime minister to take responsibility, and you know that it can only be your grandfather!"

"And what does my grandfather get?"

"It's up to me to talk to him about this. You first convey the emperor's wishes to your grandfather. If your grandfather is willing to voluntarily resign, I will discuss various conditions with him."

Li Ye nodded, "I will talk to my grandfather when I go back today."

Gao Lishi smiled again and said: "In addition, the imperial concubine wants to see you!"

Li Ye was startled and said with a confused look on his face: "I have nothing to do with the imperial concubine!"

Gao Lishi smiled and said: "The imperial concubine had the same dream for several nights in a row. She dreamed that she was kidnapped by the Dashi army, and then a young Tang who broke the leaves rescued her and sent her back to Chang'an.

He is a young man from the royal family, and the Holy One believed that this dream should be about you, and then the Imperial Concubine said that she would like to see you when you come back, and the Holy One agreed."

Li Ye knew very well that the dream was just an excuse. She was still worried about what happened at Da Ci'en Temple last year. And now that her grandfather was about to retire, she would definitely want to confirm it with herself.

Li Ye nodded, "Your Majesty wants to see this junior, and this junior should obey her orders!"

"Okay! I will make arrangements. The time is tomorrow afternoon. Come to my place tomorrow afternoon, and I will take you to see the imperial concubine."

This chapter has been completed!
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