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Chapter 367 First date

The two of them walked for a while.

Li Ye hesitated and said: "Senior sister, I want to explain to you the matter of gems."

Suzaku's face suddenly turned red and he said coquettishly: "I'm not that stingy. I think you must have given the gem to the imperial concubine just to do something."

"Yes, I did do it so that my grandfather could retire safely, but that gem is not the only one."

Zhuque's beautiful eyes lit up, and she said a little shyly: "Master is impatient, let's go see her quickly."

Seeing that she was embarrassed, Li Ye didn't say much and quickly followed her to Lie Feng's yard.

I saw an old lady sweeping snow in the snow with a bamboo broom!

Suzaku quickly stepped forward and grabbed the broom, "Master, didn't I tell you not to sweep?"

"Oh! I want to move, but my legs and feet are not very good."

Lie Feng put down the broom and said to Li Ye with a smile: "Fortunately, I am an old woman who reacts quickly. If I really took Suzaku to Qingcheng Mountain, she would not be able to see you off in time, so she changed her mind and went to Hanzhong, she."

"Master, what are you talking about?" Suzaku was anxious.

"I didn't say anything, just go boil water and make tea."

Zhuque picked up the kettle and glanced at Li Ye secretly. Li Ye happened to be looking at her with a smile. When their eyes touched, Zhuque's heart skipped a beat, and his pretty face turned red immediately and he ran out.

Lie Feng laughed and asked Li Ye to sit down. Li Ye smiled and asked, "Senior, are you feeling well?"

"I'm in good health, but my end is not far away, so I want to use the last few days to finish some unfinished things."

Seeing a trace of sadness in Li Ye's eyes, Lie Feng smiled slightly and said: "You are the descendant of Feilong, why can't you see through rebirth and death? Feilong once told me that life is death and death is life. He will go to another world.


"Actually, this junior can understand, but..."

Lie Feng smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I am very ashamed. Although I am a female Taoist priest, I have never chanted sutras and practiced Taoism. I killed too many people when I was young. After following Feilong, I thought I could concentrate on cultivating Taoism. Unexpectedly, I took another path. You

You should know! Feilong wants to regain the throne."

Li Ye nodded, "I'm slowly seeing many of his plans in the past."

"I once advised him, but if that didn't work, he should go overseas and build a new country! He also followed my advice and chose a Sogdian prince Shi Kun as his apprentice. He just wanted to build the Shi country and let Wang Zhongsi and Gao Xianzhi rule it successively.

The army would help him develop a foundation in the Western Regions, and then wait one day to fight back and regain his throne. However, after Shi Kun discovered his intention, he betrayed him, severely damaging his confidence."

Only then did Li Ye know the truth. He believed what Lie Feng said was true. Feilong took Shi Kun as his disciple in order to establish a country in the Western Regions. It was by no means as dirty as Shi Kun said.

Slander the reputation of Master.

"Does Master know the secret of Qiaoling?" Li Ye asked again.

"I know a little bit. In order to restore his position, Feilong tried every means to bring out all the wealth buried in Qiaoling. He found the chief craftsman who built Qiaoling, got the map, and then spent twenty years to go deep into Qiaoling at least

Twenty times, he brought out the wealth little by little and hid it in a side room of a mausoleum very close to the entrance. The last time, he took out a little bit of wealth from the mausoleum. Shi Kun betrayed him at this time, and he was almost banned.

In the mausoleum, you should have seen the wealth taken out, about thirty thousand taels of gold."

Li Ye was ashamed. It turned out that these secretive phoenixes knew that she had given out 5,000 taels of gold for disaster relief. She must have also known that it was a relic of the flying dragon.

The old lady didn't say anything, but her heart was very clear.

"Then why did Feilong go to Wutingchuan to ascend? Does Master know?"

Lie Feng shook his head, "I told you that night, don't tell me the secret between you and Fei Long. I really don't want to know."

At this time, Zhuque came in with tea, and Liefeng motioned for her to sit down too.

Li Ye smiled and said: "An interesting thing happened today. Maybe Master knows the reason."

Suzaku smiled at the side and said: "You call my master the master, should you call me the aunt?"

Lie Feng chuckled and said: "It's just a title, there's no need to argue. If we were to argue, his aunt is my apprentice, his mother is my grandniece, but he himself is the descendant of Feilong. Wouldn't it be even more confusing, so he is not one of us?"

As a fellow-minded person, this kind of seniority does not need to be valued, and it has nothing to do with him."

Zhuque hurriedly said: "This is just a joke, Aye, please continue to tell interesting things!"

Li Ye smiled and continued: "This morning, when I was cleaning out old things at home, I found three kilograms and three taels of golden beans in my bed, and a note, which turned out to be the second year of Tongtian, given to Shangguan Wan'er by the Queen.

, Shangguan Wan'er hid it in the bed."

Zhuque said in surprise: "There is such a good thing, three kilograms of gold! It was not discovered? It was Shangguan Wan'er's secret!"

The two of them looked at Liefeng together. Liefeng pondered for a moment and said: "In the second year of Tongtian, about fifty-five years ago, I was less than twenty years old at that time. I should have just arrived at the side of the current emperor and became his

Personal Guard, it was too long ago. At that time, in Luoyang, it was common for the empress to give gold. She should give gold beans and put them under the bed to ward off evil spirits. Maybe it was hidden too secretly and has never been discovered. You are in the Taipingfang building.

Found it in the house?"

Li Ye shook his head, "It was my grandfather's second house in Xuanpingfang. That house was also given by the emperor."

Lie Feng said with a smile: "Go to the Taipingfang house and search again, you might find something else. It's not that secret room, it's somewhere else. I don't know where exactly, but I know that Feilong has hidden something there.

, something that can surprise you.”

"What will it be?"

"I don't know what it is, but you should know what Fei Long likes!"

After drinking tea, Lie Feng lost energy and began to doze off. Li Ye got up and left, and Suzaku sent Li Ye out of the Taoist palace.

Suzaku sighed and said: "Master's martial arts skills have been completely lost. She is always lethargic and starts to get confused. What she said one moment is forgotten the next moment. But the strange thing is that she has a very good memory and remembers everything about her youth.

Remember it clearly."

Li Ye knew that Liefeng's deadline was coming.

When the two of them walked to the door of the Taoist temple, Li Ye smiled and said, "Are you free tomorrow?"

Suzaku thought for a while and smiled: "Senior Sister will come to accompany Master tomorrow, I may have time."

"Come to my house in Taipingfang and let's hunt for treasure together!"

Zhuque's pretty eyes lit up and she smiled sweetly: "Okay! When Master said it, my heart was moved."

"I knew you were moved, and I was moved too, that's why I invited you."

"Just the two of us? Auntie isn't coming?" Suzaku asked in a low voice.

"It's just the two of us the first time. If you really can't find it, call her again. My old lady is always the most active in treasure hunting."

"Okay! If you can't find it, I'll look for it with my aunt next time."

Li Ye gently pulled her hand, "Then I'm leaving!"

Zhuque's pretty face turned red immediately, "Go ahead! I will come to Taipingfang tomorrow morning."

Li Ye called a bullock cart and left slowly. From a distance, he saw Suzaku standing at the door of the Taoist temple, watching him.

Li Ye felt a surge of sweetness in his heart. This was the first time in his two lives that he had tasted this kind of love.

Back at the house, it was still dark, and there was still half an hour before the gate was closed. Li Ye wrote a note and asked someone to send it to Chen Huan at Pingkangfang. Qiao Bin had to report for duty tomorrow, and he had to first

Notify Chen Huan.

My father has not come back yet, and now until the end of the year, he will come back very late every day. There are endless things to deal with every day, and there are all kinds of conflicts for you to mediate every day.

His father has not been serving as Jingzhao Shaoqing for a long time, but Li Ye can feel his changes. He is becoming more and more mature, shrewd and capable. If he goes to fight in the sea, his father will grow rapidly.

stand up.

Li Ye just hopes that his father will not be assassinated. This is also the fundamental reason why Li Ye is willing to accept the nickname Ksitigarbha. Anyone who wants to attack his father must consider his revenge.

This chapter has been completed!
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