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Chapter 408 Crushing Battle

Hamil Bart is an out-and-out Tocharian, but he believes in the Food Cult. He served in the Eastern Legion of Food in his early years. Because of his bravery in combat, he was promoted to centurion and led a hundred soldiers to guard the infantry division.

Hayburg in the south of the country.

His good luck seemed to have ended here. The general who admired him passed away due to illness. Successive leaders of the Eastern Legion placed great emphasis on birth and blood.

Because of his humble background, Hamill could no longer be reused and stayed in Heiburg for fifteen years.

Three years ago, Abbas emerged in Khorasan and raised the banner to overthrow the Umayyad dynasty. Hamil, who had long hated the decadent Umayyad dynasty, did not hesitate to join the tide of the uprising.


Abbas was victorious, and Hamir became the third most powerful figure in the Eastern Army due to his reward for his merits, leading an army of 5,000 to guard the infantry country.

But people's temperaments often change overnight. In just a few months, Hamill became a hundred times more corrupt than the bureaucrats he hated before.

As if to make up for the unfair treatment he had suffered in the past twenty years, he began to amass money crazily and seize women crazily.

In just three years, he sucked up all the wealth of the Bushi Kingdom. The wealth accumulated by the Eastern Legion for more than ten years finally fell into his hands. He also had hundreds of wives and concubines, and gave birth to more than 20 children.


Of course, he did not dare to take all the wealth for himself, so he gave half of it to Mulu. Even so, the wealth he accumulated was still rich enough to rival the country.

At this time, the Battle of Talos broke out, and the Great Food Army was defeated by the Tang Army. The Great Food Army began to shrink across the board. Abu Muslim ordered Hamil to lead his army to withdraw to Khorasan.

Hamil knew that his wealth had long been targeted by Abu Muslim, and as long as he withdrew, he would definitely be dead.

Unwilling to give in, he looked around for a way out, and finally fixed his eyes on Ju Zhanti.

Juzhanti was occupied by the Tang army, who drove away all the residents who believed in the Dashi Cult. Then the Tang army withdrew, but Cao State did not dare to take it back, so Juzhanti became a land without an owner.

Hamir led two thousand troops loyal to him and occupied Juzhanti without hesitation, becoming the new city lord of Juzhanti.

At this time, Abu Muslim was executed and Ziyad became the new governor of Khorasan. He changed his strategy and began to secretly support Hamil in his occupation of Kuchanti.

Hamil's occupation of Kuchanti was just a strategic shift on his part, but the tens of thousands of residents of Kuchanti were in hell.

Hamill not only brutally exploited the residents of Kuzhanti, but also forced the residents to send their wives and daughters to the military camps for the enjoyment of his soldiers.

In addition, he also cut off the trade routes between Tochara and the Transoxiana countries. This was actually executing Ziad's order to cut off the connection between Tocharu and the Transoxiana countries.

He hanged more than a hundred Tocharian merchants on big trees, so that no merchants dared to fight together anymore, and at the same time, the trade between Tocharian and the river was cut off.

On the last day of August, 12,000 Tang troops arrived at the small town of Basha, about 20 miles east of Juchanti.

The 12,000 troops include 10,000 regular troops, 1,000 Modao troops and 1,000 logistics soldiers who assist the Modao troops. They are also responsible for taking care of the camels.

The Tang army was stationed outside the town to rest, and Li Ye listened to the scout's report.

"Informing the Governor, there was originally a team of twenty people stationed in the town. When we arrived, we found that the team had already evacuated. We asked the residents and they found out that they were aware of our arrival."

Li Ye formulated several plans, the best of which was that the opponent didn't know they were coming. They attacked and captured the city in one fell swoop, but it was obvious that the opponent was not as mentally retarded as he thought.

Pei Xiu said from the side: "Captain, we must have been discovered by them when we were crossing the river. They must have deployed secret sentries at the ferry."

Li Ye was silent. He also thought that it was a mistake for them to cross the river via the ancient ferry.

Wang Xuanwu said: "Captain, a sneak attack is impossible, we can only attack the city head-on!"

Li Ye glanced at the generals and said slowly: "You don't need to make a sneak attack, I can still beat them to pieces!"

At the fifth watch of the next day, Pei Xiu and An Taixuan's four thousand troops set off first. They did not attack the city, but ambush in the canyon to the south. Once the enemy retreated, they were responsible for ambushing and intercepting them.

Li Ye's order was to completely wipe out this army, leaving no one alive and not allowing them to escape back to Dashi.

When it was daybreak, Li Ye ordered the camels to stay temporarily in Basha Town and be guarded by a thousand logistics soldiers. He led the remaining seven thousand soldiers and set off.

At this time, the Qian Mo Dao Army has put on armor, and they will be the main force in the siege.

The team also carried three large rafts, which they made overnight in Basha Town. They used straight pine tree trunks and tied them with belts. They were about three feet long and had more than twenty rungs nailed in the middle to facilitate climbing by foot.

The top of the raft was also equipped with a large iron hook, which was mainly used to hook the city wall and prevent it from being overturned by the defenders at the top of the city.

The Mo Dao Army had been trained specifically for more than two months and had climbed thousands of times. Everyone was already skilled at their feet. Li Ye selected another 300 heavy shield bearers to serve as cover for the soldiers when they ascended the city.

At nearly noon, the army arrived at Juzhanti City and formed a formation on the city head. The troops were in order, the battle flags were flying, and the spears were like a forest. The spear tips shone coldly in the sun, full of murderous intent.

The city was full of enemy soldiers. In addition to the two thousand trusted soldiers, Hamil also ordered thousands of young men to be driven up to the city to help defend the city.

"The lord of the city is the Tang Army!" the soldiers on the top of the city shouted.

Hamil is tall and burly, about forty years old, with a big beard, holding a big sword in his hand, wearing a golden helmet and golden chain armor. This armor was a treasure stolen from the King's Palace of the Infantry Division.

Tochara is very famous, and the dozen gems inlaid on the helmet alone are extremely valuable.

Hamil always thought that the army of Bukhanna was coming to attack the city, and he knew that Bukhanna's people had always been eyeing Juzhanti.

Unexpectedly, it was the Tang Army, and Hamil suddenly became nervous. He shouted: "Don't be afraid, the city gate is newly installed, they can't break it open, everyone prepare your bows and arrows!"

At this time, a subordinate reminded: "The Tang army likes to attack from the east and attack from the west. Last time they attacked from the west city."

A sentence reminded Hamil, and he shouted to the deputy general: "Amand, you lead a thousand soldiers to defend the east city, and I will defend the west city. They are probably attacking from the west city!"

"Follow the order!"

Hamil knew that the locals were unreliable, and that in a real fight he would have to rely on his two thousand trusted soldiers.

He did not take any civilians with him, but only led a thousand soldiers to the west city.

The city of Juzhanti is divided into two parts by the river. The east and west walls are more than ten feet apart. It is impossible to cross directly from the top of the city. You must first go down to the city to cross the bridge, and then go up to the west city.

Hamil led a thousand soldiers towards the West City. He actually had selfish motives. If the East City could not be defended, he could retreat directly from the West City. Of course, how to take away the wealth he accumulated was also a headache.

Li Ye had previously thought of dividing his troops to attack Xicheng, but now it was no longer necessary. He waved his sword and ordered: "Arrow the crossbows!"

Every Tang army soldier carried a crossbow. Five thousand soldiers rushed up and quickly formed a crossbow formation two hundred steps away from the city wall. This was clearly bullying the opponent's bows and arrows. The opponent used city-defending bows and arrows.

The shooting range is about a hundred steps at most, or even less than a hundred steps. How can it compete with the powerful crossbow arrows.

Therefore, without the interference of the food army, the Tang army was like a god-like existence in the entire Hezhong region and Tochara region.

The soldiers attacking the city were fully prepared, and Li Ye gave the order, "Fire arrows!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With the rapid sound of clappers, five thousand crossbow troops fired arrows at the top of the city. The arrows were like a storm, so heavy that the defenders at the top of the city could not lift their heads.


Li Ye gave another order, and the commander of Modao Army, Black Spear, shouted: "Follow me!"

A thousand heavy armored infantry lined up and followed the general towards the city head step by step. In front of them, 300 soldiers carried three large rafts and moved towards the city wall.

Lao Gao has a bit of heat stroke today and is feeling groggy. I didn’t write well. I apologize.

This chapter has been completed!
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