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Chapter 41 Moving Plan

Chapter 41 Moving Plan

Author: Gao Yue

Chapter 41 Moving Plan

Qiao Xingzhong thought for a while and said: "Buying a house in Chang'an also depends on the location. Generally, the closer it is to the Imperial City, the more expensive it is, and then it is also more expensive if it is close to Zhuque Street, and again it is more expensive if it is close to the East Market and West Market, and then there are some special houses, such as Pingkang

Square, every inch of land there is of great value.

But the cheapest housing prices are in the dozen or so squares in our southwest area. My house is an ancestral home with three acres. The current market price is about 5,000 guan per mu. The market price in Yonghefang is about 1,000 guan per mu."

Li Ye shook his head, "It's still quite expensive!"

Qiao Xingzhong chuckled, "It's been 130 years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty. How can house prices not rise? My ancestral house was bought in the second year of the Yuan Dynasty. It only cost 500 yuan. Now it has increased tenfold, especially during the Kaiyuan period.

House prices have risen the most sharply, quadrupling."

"What about outside the city?" Li Ye asked again.

"Outside the city, you should also look at the distance from the city. The east and west are expensive, and the north and south are cheap. If you go to the old Chang'an City, one acre of residential land will only cost 300 guan. If you are within one mile of Chang'an City, the price of one acre of residential land will be around 500 guan.


"Thank you, Uncle Qiao, I'll think about it again!"

"If you think about it, I can help you find a house. I know a real estate agent. He has a lot of houses for rent and sale!"

When the carriage arrived at the gate of Yonghe Square, Li Ye took the clubs and got out of the carriage, said goodbye and returned to the square.

As soon as I walked into the square, I met my neighbor Aunt Ge. Aunt Ge was considering marrying her granddaughter Xiaocuiniang into the Li family! So she was very enthusiastic when she saw Li Ye.

"Did Little Plum go to practice playing basketball? I will try to get admitted to the polo club in two years, and my little Cui Niang can also enjoy the blessings."

What kind of happiness is that? That’s nonsense!

Li Ye laughed twice and ran away quickly. Aunt Ge looked at Li Ye's back and laughed and said, "This kid is so embarrassed!"

She began to think about when to propose the marriage to Pei Sanniang and settle it as soon as possible.

Li Ye also breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Xiaopang kept his mouth tight and did not leak out his affairs. It is estimated that Xiaopang's parents did not know, otherwise it would have been known to everyone.

Leng Yue had mentioned to him before that King Si Ning had specifically instructed the Polo Department to strictly prohibit them from leaking Fei Shark's real name and home address.

Li Ye quickly returned home. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Aunt Mu chopping firewood at the door of the kitchen. Li Ye quickly stepped forward to grab the hatchet and complained: "Auntie, didn't you agree to wait for me to come back to chop wood?"

Aunt Mu wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled: "I'm afraid you'll come back late and won't have time to cook!"

"What about the little lady? She can do it too!"

Aunt Mu smiled and said nothing. Li Ye immediately understood that the work of chopping firewood was not included in Xiao Cuiniang's wages. The little lady was too skilled and would never suffer any loss.

"How did you go in the exam?" Aunt Mu asked with concern.

Li Ye gave a thumbs up, "Passed!"

"That's good. You have been practicing since you were four years old. I know you will definitely pass the exam!"

Li Ye asked while chopping firewood: "Auntie, my mother bought this yard?"

"Yes! At that time, I sold all my jewelry and spent 300 yuan to buy this compound. I lived there for fourteen years. Alas! Time flies so fast."

"Mom, I want to change my place to live. Do you think my mother will agree?"

"Where should we change?"

"I want to move outside the city!"

The reason why Li Ye wanted to go outside the city was because his uncle Pei Min told him that the effect of practicing the mind method in well water is still a little bit worse. The well water is still water and does not flow, but the water at the bottom of the river is flowing and the effect will be better.

There is also a river in the city, but the water quality is generally very dirty, and there are many flying thunder hidden in it.

It is best to go outside the city. The Fengshui River outside the west city is very good. The deepest point reaches two feet, which is six meters. The water quality is clear and the current is fast.

But these are not the real reasons. The real reason is that Li Ye wanted to find his home in his previous life. His home in his previous life was in the Zhangba Road area of ​​Yanta District. After thinking about it, it should be just outside Xicheng.

"I don't know if your mother is willing. She has been treating patients here for more than ten years, and many patients cannot live without her."

"She can go to the city and continue to see a doctor. It won't affect her. She shouldn't go to the clinic at night at most."

Aunt Mu shook her head, "You have to ask her about this, I can't make the decision!"

"What are you asking me for?" Pei Sanniang walked in from outside with a tired look on her face. She delivered a baby last night and almost stayed up all night.

"Mom, I passed the exam."

Pei Sanniang said with a smile: "I saw that the little fat boy was beaming with joy, but he still refused to tell me, but he had the answer written all over his face."

Li Ye took out the envelope from his arms and handed it to his mother, smiling and saying: "This is the real reason why the little fat face is so happy!"

Pei Sanniang opened the envelope, covered her mouth suddenly, and her eyes widened. She couldn't believe her eyes, two thousand strings!

She grabbed Li Ye's arm and asked in panic: "Tell mother, where did this come from?"

"Mom, this is the money I won by betting on myself. Only six people in the audience bet on me, and I won. All six of them made a huge profit of forty times. I wasn't the one with the most. The most was King Si Ning, who bet on me for five times.

One hundred guan, and ended up making 20,000 guan. I bet fifty taels of silver, and the little fat bet was the least, and he also made a hundred guan."

"There is such a good thing, why didn't you tell me earlier? I'll put down a thousand dollars, and we can buy a big house."

Li Ye was a little speechless. He thought his mother would blame him for betting on football, but it turned out that she blamed him for betting too little.

Pei Sanniang happily ran into the house with the envelope. Suddenly she stopped and looked at Li Ye doubtfully, "You just said you pledged fifty taels of silver. Where did the money come from?"

"I met a scoundrel in a restaurant before. He insisted on competing with me in pot throwing, but he lost to me fifty taels of silver."

Pei Sanniang said coldly: "Isn't this scoundrel the same person who poisoned our horse last night?"

Li Ye exclaimed inwardly. He, a Tang Dynasty old woman, was cute when she pretended to be confused, but once her shrewd nature was revealed, it would be terrifying.

"Mom, that scoundrel is from the Yang family. The prince has promised me that he will not harass us again, but I think it is better to move. I want to move outside the city. We can buy a house outside the city."

"Let me think about it!"

Pei Sanniang went into the house.

At this time, Zhang Xiaopang poked his head at the door and said, "Ah Ye!"

Li Ye walked out of the courtyard quickly and saw Zhang Xiaopang holding his horse bag in his hand, but the horse was gone.

"My uncle has come?"

Zhang Xiaopang nodded and said hesitantly: "There is something I have to tell you!"

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

"I might...may have to move."

Li Ye was startled, "Why did you suddenly think of moving?"

"My father actually wanted to sell the shop last year. He wanted to buy a big shop outside the city, but the money was never enough. Today I got back a hundred dollars, which is enough money. He will go and buy the shop he likes tomorrow.

Once it's down, it will be moved there soon."

Li Ye smiled and said: "Actually, I also want to move outside the west city."

Zhang Xiaopang said in surprise: "Really?"

Li Ye nodded, "My uncle said it's best to practice martial arts in river water, not well water."

"Then will your mother agree?" Zhang Xiaopang knew very well that Aunt Pei was the head of their family.

"I told her and she said she would think about it."

"Go to Sanliting! The shop my dad likes is right there."

Li Ye has never left Chang'an City until now, so how does he know about Sanliting? He only heard from Pei Min that Fengshui is very suitable for martial arts training.

Li Ye nodded, "When my mother agrees, I will go and have a look and try to get as close to you as possible."

At this time, Aunt Mu shouted in the yard: "Aye, your mother is calling you!"

"We'll talk about it later!"

Li Ye patted Xiaopang Zhang on the arm and turned back to the yard.

(End of chapter)

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