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Chapter 444 Time is running out

Gao Lishi walked into the inner hall, and the princess was supported to welcome her. She cried so hard that she said: "Gao Lishi, please give me my lord!"

Gao Lishi quickly comforted her, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I express my condolences. I will definitely report to Your Majesty, find out the truth, catch the murderer, and give an explanation to Your Majesty."

"There is no need to investigate, the truth is on the monk's head!" Zhang Jun's angry shout suddenly came from next to him.

Gao Lishi was surprised and said: "Where did Zhang Xiangguo say this?"

"The murderer is the Ksitigarbha demon Li Ye. I know it was him who killed my brother."

Gao Lishi frowned, "Does Zhang Xiangguo have any evidence?"

"He is the murderer king. Recently he wants to deal with me, my brother-murderer, and my son-murderer. Isn't that his usual approach?"

Gao Lishi shook his head, "Zhang Xiangguo, your judgment is too arbitrary and unconvincing."

Zhang Jun clenched his fists and said hysterically: "I know he was the one who killed me! The princess and I both want to report to the Holy One and ask the Holy One to make the decision for us!"

Zhang Jun was frightened. He saw his brother's tragic death with his own eyes, which frightened him out of his wits. He was extremely afraid of death. At this time, he was so afraid of Li Ye.

He must get rid of Li Ye with the help of the emperor, otherwise his whole family will be killed by him.

Gao Lishi was unhappy and said calmly: "Since Zhang Xiangguo doesn't listen to my advice, let's ask the Holy One to make a decision!"

Gao Lishi immediately sat in the carriage and returned home. When the carriage left Fenglefang, Gao Lishi ordered: "Go to Xuanpingfang!"

Dozens of warriors escorted the carriage towards Xuanpingfang.

While he was sleeping, Li Ye was woken up by a push. He asked drowsily: "What time is it?"

Xiaohong said: "It's just after the fifth watch!"

Li Ye fell down again. It was just after five o'clock. What did he ask himself to do?

Pei Sanniang said at the door: "Ye'er, get up quickly! Gao Lishi is waiting for you at the door, saying there is something urgent."

Hearing that Gao Lishi was waiting for him, Li Ye sat up, washed his face briefly, tidied up and went out. He was also wondering, what did Gao Lishi want to do with him at this time?

In the yard, Li Dai asked his wife: "What does Gao Weng want to do with Ye'er?"

"I don't know. It's something urgent."

A trace of worry flashed in Li Dai's eyes. The current situation has been very chaotic recently, and he felt that his son had fallen into it.

Li Ye got on the carriage, which started driving towards Yishanfang.

Gao Lishi asked coldly: "You should know what I am looking for you in the middle of the night!"

Li Ye shook his head, "This junior is confused. Did the Holy One summon me?"

Gao Lishi looked at him for a moment, and seeing his calm expression, he said: "The prince-in-law Zhang Bian was assassinated two hours ago!"

Li Ye was immediately shocked. He immediately thought that the man in black who was covered by the net must have something to do with him.

Li Ye frowned, "Did Gao Weng suspect that I did it?"

Gao Lishi sighed, "It's not that I doubted you. It was you who killed Zhang Jun, the prime minister of the country, Zhang Jun!"

Li Ye was furious, "What evidence does he have that I killed him? Why?"

"He said that you are the only one threatening his safety recently, and you are the biggest suspect."

Li Ye shook his head, "I have never threatened to kill him, let alone kill Taichang Qing. I am not that stupid. If I kill the emperor's consort, I can run away. What will happen to my parents?"

Gao Lishi nodded, the truth is this, but Li Ye is indeed suspicious.

He asked again: "Then tell me, how do you plan to deal with Zhang Jun?"

"What to do with Zhang Jun? Gao Weng, I don't understand!"

"Don't be pretentious. Zhang Jun has been suppressing your father. Your father is enduring the humiliation. But as soon as you came back, your father resigned. In his resignation letter, he criticized Zhang Jun for seducing government officials and killing innocent officials. This is not what your father did.

Pai, this is your style, tell me, how did you originally plan to deal with Zhang Jun?"

Li Ye sighed: "It's not that I let my father do whatever he wants. He is a dignified minister of etiquette and has his own principles. He is also a member of the prince's faction. He will not resign rashly without the prince's consent. The reason why he

He resigned in anger because his subordinate Cao Jingyao was beaten to death in prison, and my father couldn't bear it anymore."

Gao Lishi stared at Li Ye, "Don't interrupt, answer my question, how did you originally plan to deal with Zhang Jun?"

Li Ye said helplessly: "I didn't want to deal with him. I just came back. How could I think of a way to deal with Zhang Jun in such a hurry? I did suggest that my father resign and that he should retreat in order to advance, because I knew that the emperor would not approve his resignation.

Gao Weng will not forget it! Why did the emperor appoint my father as the Minister of Rites?"

Gao Lishi nodded, "I will not forget that because of Lan Cui Pavilion, the emperor gave you the compensation and appointed your father as the minister of rites. But how can you be sure that the emperor will always repay this favor? The emperor has appointed your father as the minister of rites twice.

As a minister, will he be appointed a third time?"

"Because I still have a trump card."

Gao Lishi smiled and said: "I guess this is the real reason why you are so confident. What's your trump card?"

"I gave Mrs. Guo an extremely precious gem."

Gao Lishi shook his head, "Not enough!"

Li Ye said slowly: "I plan to dedicate another three million dinar gold coins to the emperor!"

Gao Lishi was shocked, "Three million, are you serious?"

Li Ye nodded, "We are already on the way. We estimate that we will arrive in Chang'an this month."

"Three million gold coins, do you have any other demands?"

"Indeed, but considering my father's official position, I think it won't be a big problem."

Gao Lishi smiled and said: "Three million gold coins are equivalent to three million coins. It is really a timely help to the emperor. Your father can even become the prime minister. This is indeed a trump card."

Gao Lishi pondered for a moment and said to Li Ye in a low voice: "Zhang Jun will definitely cry to the emperor, and with the princess's family ties, the emperor will be furious and will inevitably be confused. I will give you one day. Before tomorrow night, you have to find out that you are not the murderer."

Strong evidence."

Li Ye sighed, "Where should I go to find it?"

"You must find out that you are indeed suspected. Your father's resignation letter contains anger against Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun will make a fuss about this matter and prove that you have murderous motives. If you cannot prove your innocence, you will be very passive. I

Let me provide you with a clue! When Zhang Bian was killed, many warriors from his house were present. Go find out for yourself and come to me before dark tomorrow."

Gao Lishi immediately waved his hand, "Stop!"

The carriage stopped slowly at the gate of Yishanfang, and Gao Lishi looked at Li Ye calmly.

Li Ye nodded, opened the door and got out of the carriage.

The carriage then drove into Yishan Square, and the gate slowly closed.

The eastern sky was already turning white. Looking at the empty long street, Li Ye took a deep breath of fresh air and ran quickly towards Yanshoufang.

Zhang Ping's home is in Yanshoufang. He just sent his parents, wife and children away last night, and he was the only one left at home. He was sleeping soundly when he was startled by a noise. He slowly opened his eyes and suddenly found a black figure in front of him.

He was so frightened that his hair stood on end and he reached under the pillow to feel for the knife.

"Little Fatty, it's me!"

Hearing the voice of Li Ye, his heart dropped to the ground, "Brother, you scared me to death!"

Li Ye frowned and asked, "Why do you put so many bottles and cans on the ground?"

Zhang Ping said proudly: "I made some arrangements so that the killer will alert me when he comes in!"

Li Ye shook his head contemptuously, "Your arrangement is useless against professional killers. I kicked over the jar on purpose to wake you up. You should change your place of residence as a precaution."

"That's right! I'll move at dawn."

When Li Ye saw him saying that wind is like rain, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Don't worry, I have something to do with you!"

"By the way, it's still dark, what do you want me to do?" Zhang Ping asked as he glanced out the window.

"I'm in trouble and need your help. The prince-in-law Zhang Bian was assassinated last night, and Prime Minister Zhang Jun insisted that it was me."

Zhang Ping sat up and said: "Whatever evidence he has, he can't blame a deer for a horse!"

Li Ye smiled and nodded, "I've made some progress. He actually knows how to call a deer a horse. He has no evidence. But if he and the princess insist that I killed him and framed me, the emperor may be stupid and believe it. So I have to commit suicide."

Prove innocence!"

"How do you want me to help you?"

"I want to find witnesses to find out the whole story. Gao Lishi told me that when Zhang Bian was killed, several warriors from his family were present at the scene. I want to find these warriors who were present."

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "You have really found the right person. The warriors in various powerful houses basically come from my martial arts school. I can find them for you. It only takes one morning!"

This chapter has been completed!
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