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Chapter 446 Conclusive Evidence

The room became quiet, and Li Longji asked Gao Lishi: "Tell me first, how was the prince-in-law assassinated?"

Gao Lishi told the emperor in detail what he knew about the situation, and finally said: "This assassin is very cunning and knows the consort very well. He deliberately missed and was caught. He was able to face the consort, then took the opportunity to assassinate, and finally committed suicide by taking poison."

Li Longji asked Zhang Jun again, "Is this the case?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "That's right, but this person is a subordinate sent by Li Ye."

"Shut up!" Li Longji interrupted him rudely.

Zhang Jun did not dare to say any more, so Li Longji said: "You all agree with the assassination process. There is no dispute. The dispute is who sent the assassin. Zhang Xiangguo, tell me, did Li Ye really come to your house and threaten to kill you?


This kind of thing was obvious once he checked it. Zhang Jun didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore. He shook his head and said, "Not really!"

"Then why do you say Li Ye wants to kill you?"

"Your Majesty, it was my father Li Dai who wrote a resignation letter. In the resignation letter, he criticized Wei Chen for bending the law for personal gain and persecuting officials of the Ministry of Rites to death. This was Li Dai's resignation after Li Ye came back, so Wei Chen believed that this was actually Li Ye's resignation.

A declaration of war, he wants to take revenge on Wei Chen for persecuting his father. Your Majesty, he is a murderer. His way of revenge is to kill people, starting with Wei Chen's family, and Wei Chen's brother happened to be killed at this time."

Speaking of this, his voice trembled slightly, and even Li Longji could see the fear in Zhang Jun's heart. Li Longji nodded. Zhang Jun's accusation was far-fetched, but there was one thing in it that was true. If Zhang Jun really persecuted Li Ye's

Father, Li Ye will definitely not let him go when he comes back.

At this time, Princess Ningqin also whispered: "My daughter also thinks that Li Ye is the biggest suspect. The consort once said that Li Ye must hate him very much."

"Why?" Li Longji was puzzled.

"Because. Because the nickname of Ksitigarbha was given by the prince-in-law, and he then sent people to spread it all over Chang'an, so Li Ye must hate the prince-son-in-law deeply."

Li Longji's face sank. Zhang Bian was a literary leader, how could he do such a despicable thing?

Fortunately, there were no outsiders here. Li Longji said to Gao Lishi: "Both Zhang Xiangguo and the princess believe that Li Ye is suspected of murder. Does Gao Aiqing agree?"

Gao Lishi nodded, "The two families have a deep hatred. With Li Ye's character, if someone bullies his parents, he will definitely take revenge. If Zhang Xiangguo admits that he persecuted Li Dai, then Li Ye is indeed suspected of murder."

Li Longji glanced at Zhang Jun, who was immediately in a dilemma. If he did not admit to persecuting Li Dai, then Li Ye would have no motive for revenge. But if he admitted to persecuting Li Ye, wouldn't the imperial examination case be in vain?

He rolled his eyes and bowed: "The so-called persecution will have different conclusions because everyone's position is different. From Wei Chen's point of view, Wei Chen investigates the case strictly and is very strict with Li Dai, but he has no intention of persecuting him.

But in Li Ye's opinion, if Wei Chen is very harsh to his father, he is persecuting his father. Li Ye must think that Wei Chen is persecuting his father, so Wei Chen has nothing to say."

As expected of the Prime Minister, these words were so beautiful that no one could find anything wrong with them. Li Longji nodded, "Okay! Gao Aiqing, I don't want to wrongly accuse any innocent person. If Li Ye wants to prove his innocence, he must take

Show us the evidence!"

Gao Lishi said slowly: "The old minister told him this early this morning, and he also looked for it. At noon, he had already proved to the minister that he had nothing to do with the case."

Li Longji raised his eyebrows and asked, "How do you say that?"

"Your Majesty, the key is time. He came back four days ago. He only learned that his father was persecuted by Zhang Xiangguo two days ago. He actually only had one and a half days to prepare for revenge, but the assassin knew Zhang Prince Consort's habits very well. From the point of departure,

Stealing a letter, getting caught, and assassinating each other are all linked together. This requires careful arrangements over a long period of time. If any one of the links is not complete, the assassination will not be successful. Your Majesty, this is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a day and a half."

Li Longji nodded, "That makes sense. Does he have any concrete evidence?"


Gao Lishi took out the note and said, "This is the evidence he found. The prince-in-law discovered that the assassin had stepped on the spot ten days ago, and wrote a note asking the warriors not to alert the enemy. Ten days ago was June 24th, and Li Ye had just passed.

Longshan Pass, the defender of Longshan Pass can prove it."

Li Longji took the note and recognized it as the handwriting of the consort. He asked his daughter coldly: "Your husband discovered the assassin's location ten days ago. Don't you know?"

Princess Ningqin shook her head, "Father, my daughter never asks about the consort's affairs."

"Now you know! The person who assassinated your husband was not Li Ye. You insisted on framing him and letting the real murderer go free. You let me down so much."

Princess Ningqin burst into tears, "Father, the consort is dead, and my heart is in chaos. Zhang Xiangguo insists that Li Ye did the murder, and my daughter will listen to him."

Li Longji turned around and glared at Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun lowered his head guiltily and explained in a low voice: "When my brother died, the ministers were also frightened."

"Both of you, get out!"

After the two of them went out, Concubine Yang, who had been silent for a long time, said slowly: "Your Majesty, this Li Ye is very powerful! The evidence was found in one morning. Why not just leave the assassination case to him to investigate and find out the real culprit."


"That makes sense!"

Li Longji asked Gao Lishi: "Where is he now?"

"Just wait in the old minister's official room. The old slave asked him not to go away. Your Majesty may call you!"

Li Longji immediately ordered the servant next to him, "Go to Gao Weng's official chamber and bring Li Yexuan to see me!"

The chamberlain hurried away, and Gao Lishi said again: "There is one more thing that I want to report to Your Majesty."

"What's up?"

"Your Majesty, this time Li Ye brought back three million gold coins to present to Your Majesty."

Li Longji was startled, and Concubine Yang also covered her mouth in shock. Three million gold coins, isn't that three million dollars?

"is that true?"

Li Longji couldn't help but smile. This was like a rain after a long drought. He had spent too much this year, and his inner treasury was almost at the bottom. He was reluctant to auction those precious treasures. Just when he was worried, he

Such good news came that made him overjoyed.

Gao Lishi smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty can ask him personally, but he seems to have a request!"

"I know when that brat was willing to donate money to me for free. If his request is reasonable, I can consider it."

The economic base determines the superstructure. Money is the most important at all times, even the emperor is no exception. If he had mentioned the matter of three million yuan earlier, Zhang Jun would have gone to the side to cool off. His groundless accusation of being murdered was simply not worth mentioning.

It was untenable. Li Longji just gave him face and reluctantly admitted that Li Ye was suspected.

But Gao Lishi had good intentions. If he used three million gold coins to clear Li Ye's suspicion of killing Zhang Bian, it would inevitably dilute the strength of Li Ye's appeal.

Not long after, Li Ye hurried over, knelt down and paid homage, "Li Ye, the governor of Hezhong, a humble minister, kowtows to your majesty and wishes your majesty long live long live!"

"Captain Li, you have worked hard all the way, Ping Sheng!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Ye stood up and cast his bright eyes on Concubine Yang behind the emperor. This was the first time he saw Yang Yuhuan's full frontal appearance. It was not as simple as her beauty. Her peerless elegance was simply suffocating.

Yang Yuhuan felt a pain in her heart when she saw that Li Ye was dark and thin. She also saw Li Ye looking at her eagerly. She blushed, lowered her head, and whispered: "Your Majesty, I will leave first!"

Li Longji smiled and waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, he is my grandson, and my concubine is the elder. Don't you want to hear the story of the Western Regions? You can let General Li tell you. He has the most say. Others

It doesn’t even count.”

Yang Yuhuan was secretly happy and said quickly: "I would like to thank your majesty in advance!"

Li Longji chuckled and said to Li Ye: "If the noble concubine invites you to the palace to tell her story, don't worry. I have given you permission."

"I obey the order!"

Li Longji could only regain his glory with Mrs. Guo, so he naturally felt in his heart that he owed the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine had been clamoring to hear about the affairs of the Western Regions, and it was impossible for him to let other generals come to the palace to talk about it. Li Ye was Li Linfu's grandson and also his own.

The grandson of the royal family is only eighteen years old this year. It is most appropriate for him to chat with the imperial concubine and talk about the affairs of the Western Regions.

Li Longji changed the subject again and asked with a smile: "Gao Weng said, do you have three million gold coins to dedicate to me?"

Li Ye nodded, "The ministers are traveling day and night and cannot carry them with them. They are following behind and they will be able to reach Chang'an before the end of this month."

"is it safe?"

"Wei Chen sent a thousand troops to protect ten thousand camels. It is absolutely safe."

Li Longji smiled and asked: "Where did you get so many gold coins?"

This chapter has been completed!
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