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Chapter 448 Special Cases

It was already dusk when Li Ye returned to his house. As soon as he entered the door, his father Li Dai came over anxiously and said, "Ye'er, are you okay?"

"I'm fine! I've been busy all day, and was called into the palace again in the afternoon. I talked with Gao Lishi for a long time, and it just ended."

Li Dai patted his chest and said with lingering fear: "I also heard that you entered the palace, but there are rumors in the court that you killed the consort Zhang Bian. I am worried to death."

Li Ye was really annoyed. Needless to say, it must have been promoted by Zhang Jun. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "If you piss me off, I will kill him with one knife!"

"Ye'er, tell the truth. Did you kill him? I know you were not at home for a period of time last night, which coincided with the death of Prince Consort Zhang."

Li Ye couldn't explain it, so he took out Shang Fang's Emperor Sword and asked, "Father, does he know it?"

"Ah! Shangfang Emperor Sword!"

Li Dai was so frightened that he was about to bow down. Li Ye grabbed his father and said, "The sword is in my hand, why do you bow?"

"Is this given to you by the emperor?" Li Dai asked cautiously.

"Absolutely! The Emperor wants me to investigate Zhang's consort's case."

Li Dai was relieved. Since the emperor gave Shang Fang the emperor's sword to his son, it must not be the son who committed the murder.

The father and son came to the study and sat down. Li Ye smiled and asked, "What else does father know about Shang Fang's Emperor Sword?"

"It has great power. You can see a sword like a saint. Except for the prime minister, you can suspend other officials for a month. Of course, you can't suspend people for no reason. Any official who sees this sword will cooperate with you.

When handling a case, even if you kill someone, no one will dare to touch you. Precisely because murder will not be held accountable, you must kill with caution, otherwise you will be punished by God. You must remember this."

"Does this sword appear often?"

Li Dai shook his head, "This sword appeared once in Tianbao years, when your grandfather got it during the Cha Weijian case."

Li Ye frowned, "So I'm a little worried. What if I go to a small county to handle a case and the county magistrate doesn't recognize this sword?"

Li Dai smiled slightly and said: "It's impossible. All officials must be strictly trained by the Ministry of Etiquette on the basic common sense of being an official before joining the job. One of the key points is to identify, such as official uniforms, fish talismans, imperial edicts, ultimatums, tokens, and festival talismans.

Wait, among them is the Shang Fang Emperor Sword, so officials must know it."

Li Ye shook his head, "I have never been trained."

Li Dai laughed dumbly, "Okay! Tomorrow I will give you a book on basic picture and text recognition, and you can learn it yourself."

Li Ye remembered something and added: "My father's resignation has been temporarily frozen, and the imperial examination case has also been temporarily frozen. I guess we will handle it together until I investigate the case."

Li Dai nodded, "That's fine! It saves me the worry all day long."

"Father, nothing will happen to you. Maybe you will be promoted."

Li Dai was startled, "Why?"

Li Ye whispered: "I just dedicated three million gold coins to the emperor. He will consider it for the sake of money, and everything will be easy to talk about."

Li Dai was speechless and could not speak for a long time.

Early the next morning, Li Ye came to the inn outside the city and brought all one hundred of his men into the city. He had Shang Fang's Emperor's Sword, and the defenders did not dare to stop him, so he led his troops into the city.

In fact, with Li Ye's fourth-class Jiedu talisman, he can lead thirty personal guards into the city. An Beiting Jiedushi's third-class Jiedu talisman can lead fifty personal soldiers into the city, and Hexi and Hedong's Jiedu envoys are second-class.

The Jie Fu can lead eighty soldiers into the city, while An Lushan and Ge Shuhan are first-class Jie Fu, and can lead one hundred and fifty soldiers into the city, and can also build their own military camps.

But Li Ye had Shang Fang's Emperor's Sword, so the number increased to a maximum of a hundred personal guards entering the city.

Li Ye built an inn diagonally across from his home in Xuanpingfang for the soldiers to stay while he himself came to Dali Temple.

Ji Wen, the minister of Dali Temple, is a member of Gao Lishi. He has been informed by Gao Lishi that he must fully cooperate with Li Ye.

Speaking of which, Jiwen and Li Ye have a deep connection. He was a thug trained by Li Linfu. He was ruthless and ruthless. His reputation as Luo Cong Jiwang frightened the officialdom. He followed Li Linfu for ten years, and he was the highest to become the censor Zhongcheng.

After Li Linfu lost power, Ji Wen wanted to join Yang Guozhong, but Yang Guozhong thought he had too many enemies in the officialdom and refused to accept him. At this time, Gao Lishi reached out to him, and Ji Wen switched his allegiance to Gao Lishi. Among the five major forces, he was the

From the Dragon Sect.

Ji Wen personally came to the gate to greet Li Ye, "Captain Li, I haven't seen you for many years!"

Li Ye smiled and said: "I am on temporary duty, so please take care of me!"

"You were arranged by the Emperor, and you have Shang Fang's Emperor Sword. It's easy to talk about anything. Please come to my official room to talk about it."

The two came to the minister's room in Dali Temple. Ji Wen asked his men to serve tea and asked: "After Governor Li comes back, can he go visit his grandfather's grave?"

"Not yet, I plan to go in August."

Ji Wen sighed, "When my ancestor was immortal, I also went to guard his spirit for three days. After all, he was a great help to me. One can't forget his roots!"

Li Ye didn't know how credible this sentence was. He nodded and returned to the topic, "Is Dali Temple involved in the Prince Consort case?"

"Yes! Zhengshitang designated the Criminal Department, Yushitai and Dali Temple to jointly investigate the case. I have no control over this matter and let them handle it."

Li Ye heard something in his words and asked, "Isn't it Qingji Siji who makes the decision in Dali Temple?"

Ji Wen smiled and said: "I can only say that it is not entirely up to me. There are some parts that I really can't control. Cheng Xiao, the young minister of Dali Temple, is a member of the Prime Minister Zhang Jun. You have dealt with him in Heyang. He was originally

It's Dali Si Zhi. Heyang has made great contributions in solving the case and has been promoted to Shaoqing two levels in a row. If I could take care of it, your father's subordinate Cao Jingyao would not have been beaten to death."

Li Ye said: "I mainly need a deputy. My father recommended Peng Haiyan, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple, to me. He should be here!"

Peng Haiyan was one of Li Dai's people. Li Dai found out about Gao Lishi's relationship and transferred him from Jingzhao Mansion to Dali Temple as the Prime Minister of Dali Temple. He was a sixth-rank official and was responsible for reviewing major cases in Henan Road and Hedong Road. He served as the prime minister of Dali Temple.

One of the six prime ministers, he has real power in his hands.

Ji Wen nodded, "He is here. He is a master in investigating crimes. He has more than a dozen people under him, all of whom are quite capable. I will hand them all over to you. What else does the Governor need?"

"I may handle the case in the name of Dali Temple, and I will also borrow thirty sets of Dali Temple Tiqi costumes and waistbands."

"No problem, I'll take care of it for the Governor."

Ji Wen lowered his voice and said: "Let the Governor investigate the case. Almost no one knows about it. The Governor can put on a little makeup and try not to take out Shang Fang's Emperor Sword. I will set up an independent case handling team from Dali Temple."

Li Ye smiled and asked: "How to put on makeup?"

Ji Wen smiled slightly, took out a small leather bag from the drawer, and handed it to Li Ye, "There are five sets of extremely thin human skin masks in it. Give them to the governor!"

Gaosheng Inn in Xuanpingfang was booked by Li Ye. It was a large inn, diagonally opposite Li Ye's house. It could accommodate up to two hundred people. Li Ye booked it all for 50 guan per day, but he had Gaosheng

The owner of the inn thanked him for the VIP bronze medal given to him, which was half price. It only cost twenty-five guan per month, so the inn could protect its capital.

Peng Haiyan simply moved in with fifteen of his subordinates. His subordinates were all experts in handling cases and often went to Henan Road and Hedong Road to handle cases.

In a courtyard, Li Ye was deducing the case with Peng Haiyan and several of his subordinates.

Peng Haiyan had already understood the case in detail. He pondered for a moment and said: "In fact, there are many flaws in it. The murderer was able to commit suicide by taking poison. Usually when the murderer is knocked down, someone will pinch the back of his neck and prevent him from moving. But he

He could actually turn his head and bite off the buttons on his clothes.

Moreover, the two buttons are said to be very conspicuous. When you catch him, you should usually pull them off. Also, the various habits of Prince Consort Zhang Bian can be clearly seen by the other party, so there must be an insider among the warriors."

Li Ye nodded, "There must be someone who presses the back of the neck. If he doesn't press others, he will press it. It's just that this person is pretending and his hands are loose, so the assassin gets the chance to commit suicide. This person who presses the neck is the most suspect."

"Does the Governor know any of these warriors?"

Li Ye smiled and said: "There is really one person!"

This chapter has been completed!
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