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Chapter 497 Borrowing Your Head

 Li Ye asked the entire army to rest where they were, and asked Fire Chief Fu Xin to take Yang Li to Phoenix Valley to investigate the situation. Yang Li was wearing a shabby military uniform with dirty hair. He looked like a fort garrison soldier.

Yang Li took Fu Xin and ran towards Phoenix Valley. They were still ten miles away from Phoenix Valley. Yang Li suddenly reined in his horse and said, "We are surrounded!"

Fu Xin was startled. He didn't see anything unusual at all?

Yang Li said anxiously: "When they asked, they said we were here to report that a Tang Army team was camping and resting twenty miles east of the fort. There were about a thousand people. I don't know who they are?"

This was what Li Ye specifically told Yang Li. He could not see the number of people ambushing the Tang army from the outside, nor did he know the ambush situation of the sentries on the road. If he was simply discovered, he pretended to report a message and went deep inside to check the situation.

Fu Xin nodded. At this moment, hundreds of Tang army scouts suddenly came out from all directions and surrounded them. "Who are you?"

Fu Xin quickly clasped his fists and said: "We are soldiers from Lao Huliu Fort, and we are here to report!"

"What's your last name?"

"My Excellency Fu Xin, this is my confidant Wang Si."

The captain nodded, "Follow me!"

The captain was informed in advance that if soldiers named Fu from the old Huyang garrison came over, they would be taken to see the general immediately.

The captain and the others continued westward for ten miles and arrived at the canyon. Yang Li observed the situation quietly. As expected by the governor, the soldiers of the Tang army were camping and resting in the canyon. According to visual inspection, there were four to five thousand people.

After a while, the two were taken into a marching tent. In the tent were only Chen Zhongfeng and his deputy An Kuang.

Fu Xin knelt down on one knee and said, "I would like to report to General Chen. I have something to report in my humble position."

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"At dusk today, my humble subordinate Wang Si discovered an army stationed in the old Populus euphratica forest twenty miles east of the fort."

Yang Li took a step forward and said in a loud voice with a Hexi accent: "There are about a thousand of them."

Chen Fengzhong nodded and asked again: "Didn't you go up and ask them?"

"The chief of fire asked me not to be discovered by them. I don't dare to go up and ask."

Chen Fengzhong ordered those around him, "Each give them five taels of silver!"

Fu Xin thanked him again and again, and An Kuang said next to him: "You guys are waiting outside the tent. You may have orders!"

Fu Xin and Wang Si retreated.

Chen Fengzhong nodded and said: "It looks like the target is here!"

An Kuang was also a Sogdian and Anguo native. He was promoted by Bi Sichen in an unusual way. He was originally just a small brigade commander, but now he was promoted to General Yingyanglang. Because he had no qualifications, no prestige in the army, and the soldiers were not

He would listen to him, so he let Chen Fengzhong lead the troops, but An Kuang actually made the decision.

An Kuang said coldly: "Are they reliable?"

"Should be reliable!"

"Don't tell me what I should say. I don't like to hear such ambiguous words."

Chen Fengzhong was very angry when he saw his arrogant attitude. However, he was Bi Sichen's confidant. Chen Fengzhong could only hold back his dissatisfaction and said: "What about General Yi'an's opinion?"

"Send a team of scouts to confirm, then keep an eye on the opponent and let the two of them lead the way."


An Kuang immediately called for a scout captain, gave him a few words, and said: "It would be better if these two people lead the way honestly. If you find anything unusual about them, kill them immediately!"

"Follow the order!"

The scout captain went out, and not long after, Fu Xin and Yang Li rushed west with dozens of Tang army scouts.

At two o'clock in the morning, the scout captain arrived at the old Populus euphratica forest to the west. Sure enough, he saw several bonfires in the woods. The captain did not dare to approach and could only observe from a distance.

According to the practice of the Tang Army, there is usually one bonfire for every hundred people. There are ten bonfires in the woods, which means that there are a thousand people on the other side. There should be no problem with the number of people. It can be seen that there are not many people.

The scout captain immediately sent one of his men back to report that he would continue to monitor the other party.

Not long after his men left, suddenly, countless black shadows appeared in all directions, surrounding them, and countless crossbows were pointed at them. The scout captain was stunned.

Yang Li took Fu Xin and rode away. The scout captain suddenly understood that there was something wrong with these two people and that this was a trap.

But it was too late to understand. He had already sent someone back to report that everything was normal.

Fu Xin and Yang Li once again led Li Ye and eight thousand soldiers into the night. Fu Xin, as the fire chief of the fort, was very familiar with the terrain in this area. They led Li Ye's army around the opponent's path from the north.


This was Yang Li's role. He deliberately lured out the opponent's sentries and scouts to determine their location, and then went into the valley to find out how many people there were. According to his observation, there were about five thousand people.

They were not worried that Chen Fengzhong would kill anyone and silence them. If they were killed, Li Ye would become suspicious when he passed by the fort early tomorrow morning and the two of them had not returned all night.

Li Ye's idea is also very simple. It is winter now, and the night temperature is at least minus 20 degrees. If the soldiers lie in the snow on the cliff all night, they will be frozen into popsicles. They will definitely hide in the valley to avoid the cold, and wait.

When their team was approaching the valley, they would go up the mountain to ambush them, so they sent people to monitor them.

In this case, we can use the trick to block the five thousand soldiers in the valley.

Li Ye arrived three miles away from Phoenix Valley. The eight thousand troops were divided into two groups. Liu Yong led four thousand men to the west of the valley to intercept.

Li Ye led four thousand people to advance slowly, hundreds of steps away from the entrance of the valley. They stopped again. There were sentries above the entrance of the valley. If they moved forward, they would be discovered.

After waiting for about half an hour, a fire suddenly lit up above the valley to the west, which was a signal of the appointment.

Li Ye immediately ordered: "Enter the valley!"

He led four thousand cavalry and rushed into the valley. Suddenly, a series of rapid horn sounds sounded above the valley, "Woo-woo-"

The sentries above the valley discovered them, but it was of no use. Li Ye led the army and had already entered the valley.

The valley is not wide, only one mile at its widest point and only tens of feet at its narrowest point. The water of the Red River has frozen, the water is very small, and a large amount of the river bed is exposed.

The 500 heavy armored infantry of the Tang Army in Beiting formed a formation at the narrowest point, and the same was true on the west side. The 500 heavy armored infantry formed a formation to block the Tang Army's breakthrough in the valley.

At this time, the Tang army in the valley was in chaos. Almost all the Tang soldiers did not know what they were doing here. They thought they were here to ambush the Tibetan army. Now they themselves were surrounded by the Tibetan army.

Suddenly, a deep voice came from the cliff above, "Commanders of the three armies, listen, I am Li Ye, the governor of the river. The emperor of the Tang Dynasty has appointed me as the governor of Anxi. Bi Sichen sent you here to ambush me, trying to assassinate me, but this is not the same as the soldiers."

We have nothing to do with each other. Please put down your weapons and come out. You are still my good brothers."

Li Ye's voice was very penetrating and spread throughout the valley. All the soldiers fell silent. Only then did they wake up from a dream. It turned out that they were not here to ambush the Tibetan army, but to ambush Li Ye.

At this time, Duan Xiushi also shouted loudly: "Brothers, I am Duan Xiushi, and Li Shijun is now the new governor of Anxi. Please put down your weapons and come out, and let bygones be bygones!"

The Anxi Army had all participated in the Battle of Talos and were very familiar with Li Ye. In addition, Duan Xiushi was more familiar with him. The middle and lower-level generals of the Anxi Army reacted first and ordered their subordinates to put down their weapons and walk out of the valley.

So this was Bi Sichen's wishful thinking. He replaced the senior leaders of the Anxi Army with Sogdians and squeezed out generals such as Xi Yuanqing, Li Siye, and Bai Xiaode.

But he cannot replace the middle- and lower-level generals of the Anxi Army. At critical moments, the middle- and lower-level generals will definitely stand up.

General Ying Yanglang An Kuang ordered the entire army to break out of the encirclement, but no general was willing to listen to his order. He was anxious and angry, so he ran back to the marching tent and yelled at Chen Fengxian: "Why are you hiding here? Hurry up and organize the army to break out, otherwise everyone will

It’s all over.”

Chen Fengxian is waiting for him to come!

He suddenly pointed outside the tent and exclaimed: "Look behind you, who is he?"

An Kuang turned his head instinctively and looked around. There was nothing behind him. He suddenly understood, but it was too late. He only felt a pain in his neck and knew nothing else.

Chen Fengxian cut off his head with a knife and said coldly: "I'll lend you your head!"

This chapter has been completed!
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