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Chapter 507 Promise a heavy reward

 At the same moment when the Tang army ambushed the Tubo army who came to attack, General Wei Boyu led 3,000 Anxi troops to attack.

They circled to the east of Dondo City. There were only 300 Tibetan troops in the city, most of them concentrated in the west city. They were also paying attention to the sneak attack tonight.

There were only a dozen Tibetan soldiers on the east city, patrolling back and forth and closely monitoring the movements outside the city.

It was impossible for the Tang army to move without being discovered by the opponent. The only way was to be quick and climb to the top of the city before the enemy's brigade came back from the West City.

Wei Boyu selected hundreds of soldiers to build a human ladder, which required four levels. The twenty soldiers at the bottom were particularly strong.

In addition, Wei Boyu selected 300 crossbowmen. They shot arrows accurately and were responsible for covering his soldiers on the way to the city.

In the darkness, hundreds of Tang soldiers rushed towards the city wall. The Tibetan soldiers patrolling on top of the city immediately spotted the Tang soldiers and started shouting.

'Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!'

The alarm bells sounded loudly, and at the same time, the alarm bells also sounded in West City.

This is when Li Fei Shouyu led a thousand men to shoot arrows at the city head in the west, pretending to attack, and restraining the defenders of the west city from returning for reinforcements.

The Tang army instantly set up three human ladders, and several Tibetan soldiers rushed up shouting. One of them stabbed out with a spear. A Tang army soldier was stabbed in the left shoulder and fell down the city screaming.

At this time, more than a dozen arrows were shot from below the city. The Tibetan soldier was hit by several arrows and fell down on his back.

Arrows rained down from the city, suppressing the twenty Tibetan soldiers at the top of the city, creating a brief opportunity for the Tang army.

Several elite soldiers of the Tang army with high martial arts skills jumped up to the top of the city, holding shields and short spears. The Tibetan soldiers immediately rushed towards them with red eyes.

Three more Tang troops rushed to the top of the city and cooperated with the Tang troops in front to protect the passage to the upper city. By this time, the arrows under the city had stopped shooting.

The fourth, fifth and sixth human ladders were also set up, and soldiers of the Tang Army began to come up to the city in a steady stream.

Fifty heavy armored infantry also climbed to the top of the city. They quickly formed a team and ran towards the West City. They met more than 200 Tibetan soldiers who came to support the West City. The fifty heavy armored infantry roared and rushed in.

Among the enemies, the cold light of Mo Dao flashed, as if chopping melons and vegetables. The torsos and limbs were all over the ground, and the heads were rolling around. The pungent smell of blood and the stench of internal organs instantly filled the city.

At this time, the east city gate was opened, and Wei Boyu shouted: "Kill!"

He led 2,500 soldiers into the city of Dondo

With absolute superiority, the Tang army completely annihilated the Tibetan army in Xiaobolu and completely captured Xiaobolu.

At this time, the logistics supply team of the Tang Army was already on the road. Five days later, tens of thousands of camels arrived at Dondo City loaded with food and supplies, as well as hundreds of thousands of sheep.

After resting, the Tang army set out again, marching towards Dabolu in a mighty manner.

Dabolucai was the home base of the Tibetan army for more than ten years. It is located to the west of the Karakoram Mountains, and three hundred miles to the south is the famous Pangong River.

Two hundred miles north of the great city of Skar is the famous K2, and two hundred miles south is Nanga Parbat. At the foot of the tall and majestic Karakoram Mountains, human beings look so small.

Dabolu's products are not fertile, and the land has high sand content and is very barren.

Because the snow-capped mountains are too high and there is not enough sunshine, the royal city of Ska does not even get any sunlight during the three months of winter.

Although the environment is not very good, it doesn’t matter who the score is compared with. If it is compared with Jiangnan, it will not be considered good anyway, but if it is compared with Ali and Qiangtang, it will be much better.

Dabolu can grow highland barley, wheat, vegetables, and fruit trees. Dabolu is especially rich in apples.

All this is due to the relatively low altitude of Dabolu, only more than 2,000 meters, so it has become an ancient road connecting the east and west.

There is a reason why the Tibetan army likes Dabolu and has been running it for more than ten years. It is so comfortable to come down from the plateau with an average altitude of 5,000 meters to a flat land of only about 2,300 meters.

It was with the land of Dabolu as its foundation that Tubo was able to expand westward step by step and compete with Dashi for Tochara and the Hezhong area.

Therefore, as long as Dabolu is completely destroyed, the foundation of Tubo's westward expansion will basically be removed. For at least ten years, Tubo will not be able to expand westward, and they can only go south to attack Tianzhu.

That morning, Li Ye led his army to reach Dabolu. It was beyond Li Ye's expectation. He had always thought that Dabolu was a plateau of four to five kilometers, but in fact it was not high and the terrain was flat.

No wonder Feng Changqing was able to lead his army to defeat Dabolu in history.

More importantly, Tubo was defeated in the Longyou Company, and all the fertile land was taken away. As a result, Tubo's national power was seriously weakened, with insufficient population and insufficient military strength. Coupled with the strong opposition from internal aristocratic forces, the Tubo army had begun to shrink.

There were 30,000 troops stationed in Big and Little Bolu, but now there are only 10,000 left.

After annihilating Xiao Bolu's 3,000 men, Da Bolu's troops were only left with 7,000 men. This was a rare opportunity. In Li Siye's words, it was a God-given opportunity.

There were still fifty miles away from Ska, the capital of King Dabolu. Li Ye ordered the entire army to rest where they were. He asked the soldiers to set up a marching tent and summoned the generals to discuss the battle plan.

"According to the intelligence collected by the Quy Nhon Army for us, the terrain around Ska City is flat and can be used as a battlefield. I am considering sending 10,000 troops ahead to lure the Tibetan army out of the city to fight. What do you think?"

Liu Yong pondered for a while and asked: "Does Jiedushi want to use Dunhuang City's strategy again?"

Li Ye nodded, "I have this idea!"

All the Anxi generals asked about the strategy of Dunhuang City, and Li Ye briefly described the battle of Shazhou.

Li Siye smiled and said: "If the Tibetan army loses the city of Ska and evacuates eastward, will they starve to death on the way?"

Li Ye shook his head, "The Tubo people are not stupid. Just like the Tubo army in Dunhuang, they know that the retreat is no man's land. They will definitely look for a decisive battle with us. What I mean is a decisive battle with 30,000 troops against 7,000 Tubo troops."

"According to the confessions of Tibetan officials, the name of the Tibetan military commander is Shang Jiezan. Is the military governor familiar with him?"

Li Ye nodded, "This man is very famous. He is the leader of the Nang family, the most powerful person in Tubo. He is also one of the four generals of the Tubo army. He has been fighting against the Tang army in Longyou and Jiannan for a long time. I don't know how he

Will it be in Dabolu?

But it is certain that this person is the backbone of the Tibetan army's efforts to expand westward. In this battle, we must kill Shang Jiezan at all costs. My words are here today. Anyone who gets Shang Jiezan's head, whether a soldier or a general, will

They will all be promoted to two ranks and receive a reward of 10,000 guan."

After Li Ye made some arrangements, he personally led an army of 10,000 people and marched toward the city of Ska, fifty miles away.

The commander-in-chief of Dabolu was indeed Shang Jiezan. Shang Jiezan suffered several defeats in Longyou and felt embarrassed, so he took the initiative to apply to come to Dabolu to take charge of the army.

He was indeed the staunchest supporter of the westward expansion route among the Tubo army. He had always advocated a truce with the Tang Dynasty, and focused on westward expansion, seizing the strategically important Tocharian territory. He could occupy the middle of the river to the north and the south to the south.

You can invade Tianzhu, and fight for Anxi if you go east.

At the same time, Tochar was also rich in wheat, which enabled the Tibetan army to receive sufficient food supply.

More importantly, the Tocharian army was too weak. There were many small countries and they were easy to conquer. They were not as powerful as the Tang army.

At this moment, Shizhang Jiezan was standing on the top of the city, staring into the distance. He had just received news that a patrol had discovered that a Tang army was coming from dozens of miles away towards the royal city, with a number of about ten thousand.

Shang Jiezan immediately realized that Xiao Bolu had been lost and the entire three thousand defenders had been destroyed.

But the opponent actually only had 10,000 people, which made Shang Jiezan full of doubts. Can 10,000 Tang troops capture Xiaobolu?

If there were only 10,000 Tang troops, Xiao Bolu would not have received any news at all.

There must be more than 10,000 people. What does the other party want to do?

They want to deceive themselves into leaving the city. In all likelihood, they want to use superior force to annihilate themselves in the wild.

Shang Jiezan sneered, "Are you that easy to deceive?"


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