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Chapter 526: A little win over

The next morning, Prince Qing Li Cong found Yuan Siyi in embarrassment. Yuan Siyi was really angry and scolded Li Cong for his incompetence.

"If you can't even do this little thing well, how do you want me to explain it to the emperor? Do you want me to tell the emperor that Prince Qing is not resourceful and fell into Li Ye's scheme? Do you still want to be the prince?"

Li Cong said solemnly: "I beg you, Yuan Wenggao, to show your respect. This time I did underestimate the enemy without consulting my staff. I promise not to underestimate the enemy again."

Seeing his sincere attitude, Yuan Siyi lost a lot of anger and said coldly: "Don't forget, he is the son-in-law of the Dugu family. There must be a Dugu family helping him behind him. Underestimating his enemy is actually underestimating the enemy of the Dugu family.

do you understand?"

"I see!"

Yuan Siyi sighed again and said: "It is precisely because he is the son-in-law of the Dugu family that the emperor has taken action against him. Otherwise, he would have taken action against him long ago, so he gave me this task and asked me to plan it. This matter cannot be too big."

You are in a hurry, you have to slow down a little, do the first step well, and get those copies of the imperial edict. This is the most important thing for the emperor. It is estimated that the edict is still in the secret room, and you have to find a way to break the secret room."

Li Cong asked again: "That secret room is very secret. How did he build it?"

Yuan Siyi snorted, "It was made by Feilong. The emperor didn't know about it for so many years. If Gao Xianzhi hadn't reported it, he would never have thought that Feilong's things were actually hidden in Taipingfang."

Li Cong pondered for a moment and said, "I do have a way to break into the secret room!"

"any solution?"

"Use the army. General Huang Xuan of the Jinwu Guard is one of ours. Let him lead the soldiers to break open the secret room at night."

Yuan Siyi nodded, "It can be arranged. Then you go to Gao Xianzhi to learn more about Li Ye's situation and prepare for the next step of impeaching him. Remember to bring a powerful staff with you. There are some things you can't think of, but your staff can

I thought that it would be best to connect him with the prince, and to deal with him would be to deal with the prince."

"I understand, I will arrange it!"

Li Cong said goodbye and left in a hurry. Looking at his back, Yuan Siyi cursed in a low voice, "What a useless idiot!"

There is a large house in Yankangfang covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. This is the house of Gao Xianzhi. Gao Xianzhi has been dismissed from the post of Hexi Jiedushi. He is currently the general of Youyu Linwei. In fact, the position of General Linwei of Youyu is a false one.

, Gao Xianzhi was effectively dismissed from all positions.

Gao Xianzhi also knew that he was dismissed because of Feilong. In order to atone for his meritorious service, he secretly gave the emperor a secret and exposed many of Feilong's past. From this, Emperor Li Longji found out that there was actually a secret room of Feilong in Taipingfang.


Although he had made meritorious service to atone for his crime, Gao Xianzhi was still not reused, which really made him extremely frustrated.

In the study, Gao Xianzhi was drinking alone and unhappy. At this time, his eldest son Gao Huan hurriedly came over and reported outside the door: "Father, His Royal Highness Prince Qing is here to visit!"


Gao Xianzhi was startled and quickly ordered: "Please quickly invite His Highness Prince Qing to sit down in the guest hall. I will be here right away!"

Gao Xianzhi washed his face, changed clothes, and tried to hide the smell of alcohol before heading to the guest room.

Gao Xianzhi was originally Li Linfu's man, and later burned the prince's incense. After Li Linfu's death, his influence quickly declined. In addition, the prince was relatively cold and could not help at critical moments. Gao Lishi became more and more disappointed with the prince, especially this time.

Once he was dismissed from the post of governor of Hexi Province, and the prince did not say anything, which really made him completely despair of the prince.

At this time, Gao Xianzhi was a little flattered by Qing Wang Li Cong's initiative to visit, but he also knew in his heart that he did not have the capital to let Qing Wang Li Cong come to visit him, and he was afraid that the visitor was not malicious.

Gao Xianzhi walked into the distinguished guest hall, bowed and said: "I don't dare to accept the humble position of seeing His Highness Prince Qing, and having His Highness Prince Qing come to this humble residence in person!"

Li Cong laughed dryly and said: "Father is not in good health and cannot receive you, so let me come and talk to General Gao to understand some situations. General, there is no need to be formal!"

After saying that, he smiled and introduced the scribes around him to Gao Xianzhi, "This is my staff Zhang Tongru!"

"I've admired you for a long time! I've admired you for a long time!"

Zhang Tongru smiled and said nothing. He was actually An Lushan's staff, including the warriors around Li Cong and the warrior commander Yu Hua. They were all arranged by An Lushan. This was a way for An Lushan to support Li Cong.

Gao Xianzhi asked Li Cong to sit at the head of the table and asked the maid to serve tea.

Li Cong smelled a distinct smell of alcohol and knew that Gao Xianzhi had been drinking just now. It was afternoon now, so he was actually drinking at home. It was interesting!

Li Cong smiled and said slowly: "General Gao should be very familiar with Li Ye's situation in Anxi and Suiye!"

Gao Xianzhi was slightly startled. Why did he ask about Li Ye? He was a little hesitant, not knowing what the other party meant.

Li Cong glanced at him and said calmly: "Actually, it's not me who asked. I have no contact with Li Ye and I have no interest in him. It's the emperor who wants to know. Especially after the emperor read General Gao's secret report, he is more interested in Li Ye."

Pay attention, General Gao still doesn’t understand what I mean?”

Gao Xianzhi's heart pounded. He understood what the other party meant. Li Ye was Feilong's heir. If the emperor wanted to eliminate Feilong's influence, he would also attack Li Ye. The first one would be himself, and the next one would naturally be Li Ye.

The emperor wanted to use himself to deal with Li Ye. Could this be his opportunity?

If stepping on Li Ye allowed him to regain military power, he would never frown.

There was no time for him to think about it, so he quickly said: "Although I don't know much about it, I have a lot of relatives in Anxi, and I can probably learn something about it from them."

"That's good! As the saying goes, the emperor is far away when the mountain is high. The emperor was very worried that Li Ye would have undue ambitions for the throne because of his status as a royal family. Especially after he had disloyalty, he would be far away when the emperor was far away.

There will definitely be a lot of transgressions, and from these transgressions, we can judge his disobedience, so General Gao should know something about it!"

This request put Gao Xianzhi in a bit of a dilemma. What kind of transgression did Li Ye do? Li Ye was still young! Does he know what transgression is?

After thinking for a long time, Gao Xianzhi remembered something and said to Qing Wang Li Cong: "Li Ye once negotiated with Dashi on behalf of the Tang Dynasty. He finalized the border between the two countries with the envoys of Dashi without the consent of the imperial court, and without the approval of the imperial court and the emperor.

Permission means that Datang has signed the agreement, which should be signed and sealed by the emperor."

Li Cong quickly glanced at Zhang Tongru, who nodded slightly, indicating that this point could be considered an overstep.

"What else?" Li Cong continued to ask.

"There must be others, but I may not have paid attention to them. I need to write to Anxi to ask him. I guess he overstepped his authority in suppressing Bi Sichen, and he must also have exceeded the rules in attacking Big and Little Bolu."

Gao Xianzhi was very confident in attacking Big and Small Bolu. He had committed many acts that exceeded his authority back then. It would be fine if the court did not pursue them, but if the court did pursue them, he would not be able to bear the consequences.

Li Cong nodded, "I expect General Gao to send me more and better news. As long as General Gao is loyal to the emperor, I believe General Gao will definitely change his position to a real position."

Gao Xianzhi understood what Li Cong meant. They are also generals. Some generals have false duties, and some generals have real duties, such as General Longwu, General Qianniuwei, General Jianmenwei, and General Jinwuwei.

, these generals have actual armies under their command, but the left and right guards, the left and right Xiaowei, the left and right Weiwei, and the left and right Yulin troops are just empty positions, and there is no actual army below them.

He stood up and said with tears of gratitude: "His Royal Highness King Qing's kindness of knowing me and meeting him will be borne in mind. I am willing to do my best for His Highness."

Although showing loyalty at this time was a bit disgusting, Gao Xianzhi knew that this was his best opportunity, and if he didn't seize it, he might not have another chance in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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