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Chapter 594 Recruit selection

 Even the refugees know that the situation at this time is calm, just the calm before the heavy rain.

War will break out again soon, and strengthening the training of new recruits is the top priority.

The Dongda Camp of the Jianghan Army is also called the Recruit Camp. All recruits must receive three months of intensive training here, which is divided into three phases: the physical fitness phase, the martial arts phase and the military formation phase.

The physical fitness period has long ended, and now are the last few days of the martial arts period. According to the new rules promulgated by Li Ye, a general selection competition will be held in the last three days to select generals and special soldiers.

The competition is fair and all soldiers can sign up, including new recruits and veterans, including Xiangyang soldiers and Hezhong soldiers.

This kind of selection mainly selects low-level generals, including fire commanders, team commanders, brigade commanders and school lieutenants. If outstanding generals are found, they can be promoted to higher positions.

The competition consists of five categories: physical fitness, weightlifting, infantry shooting and mounted shooting. There is also a single category for special skills, which is actually the selection of scout soldiers.

The first two are to select the fire chief and team leader, and the last two are to select the brigade commander and school lieutenant. The scores are divided into three levels: unqualified, qualified, and excellent. Only after reaching excellent physical fitness and weightlifting can you be eligible to participate in the rifle shooting and

You must be excellent in mounted archery and then rifle shooting before you have the chance to participate in the final mounted archery competition.

Due to openness, fairness and impartiality, the enthusiasm of the soldiers was greatly mobilized. Nearly 4,000 of the 70,000 Jianghan troops signed up to run.

The first day is the selection of basic events, that is, running and weightlifting. You run in the morning and lift weights in the afternoon. The physical fitness test is running. You go around Xiangyang City twice and run 60 miles. If you finish it within one and a half hours, you will be qualified. If you finish it within one hour, you will be qualified.

It's excellent.

If you want to be a fire chief, you must have both excellence, that is, excellent weightlifting and excellent physical fitness. If a person can lift a weight of three hundred kilograms, but his physical fitness is just passable, in this case, he cannot become a fire chief, but he can apply for a special soldier.

After all, lifting 150 kilograms is considered excellent, while lifting more than 300 kilograms is considered special, and one will be selected as a special soldier because of his special skills.

An hour after setting off, about a thousand soldiers came back. Three thousand soldiers were eliminated in the first level, but almost all of these three thousand soldiers passed the test. After all, if their physical fitness is not up to standard, they cannot even be ordinary soldiers.

, and have to go back for physical training.

In the afternoon, more than a thousand soldiers lined up in five long lines in front of several greenhouses to begin weightlifting selections.

Lifting a 100-jin stone lock is considered qualified, and lifting a 150-jin stone lock is considered excellent. After nearly two months of training, if you cannot even lift a 100-jin stone lock, you will definitely be unqualified as a regular soldier.

You have to go back and continue training.

If you can lift a weight of 150 kilograms above your head, you are a very strong man with plenty of physical strength, and you are qualified to be a fire chief. If you can still excel in double excellence and pass the step shooting, then

He can serve as captain and command fifty soldiers.

If you want to be a brigade commander, you must not only have excellent physical fitness, weightlifting and foot shooting, but also must be able to ride and shoot. At least you must meet the qualified standard. When running on horseback, you must be able to shoot ten arrows from eighty paces. At least

If more than six arrows hit the target, you are qualified, and you can serve as brigade commander.

If you can achieve excellence in both infantry and cavalry shooting, then your talent will be rare and you can serve as a school captain.

The foot shooting was over, and in the afternoon there was a riding and shooting competition. Four thousand people signed up, and in the end only 130 people were left. Li Ye looked at the final list. Most of them were veterans from Anxi.

Li Ye suddenly saw two familiar names in history from the list, Nan Jiyun and Lei Wanchun. These two were generals under Zhang Xun. How could they come to him?

This surprised Li Ye. Although he changed part of history, he also changed the fate of some people. For example, Feng Changqing should have been executed together with Gao Xianzhi, but now Feng Changqing is still alive and well. It is said that he was selected as a deputy general by Ge Shuhan.


But he should not have affected the fate of the people in the Central Plains region.

In fact, Li Ye didn't know that both he and Feilong affected the history of the Tang Dynasty. The Anlu Mountain Rebellion was originally supposed to break out in December of the 14th year of Tianbao's reign, which was more than half a year ahead of schedule.

In history, Zhang Xun should have started recruiting troops in the spring of Tianbao's fifteenth year, and it was then that Lei Wanchun and Nan Jiyun defected to him.

Now it is July of the fourteenth year of Tianbao. Zhang Xun has just begun to recruit troops, but Li Ye has already defeated An Qingxu's 60,000 troops in Dengzhou, which excited the entire Central Plains. A large number of people with lofty ideals rushed to Xiangyang from all over the world to join the army. Lei

Wan Chun and Nan Jiyun were also among them.

This is where history changed.

The mounted shooting began. Each knight galloped for two hundred paces, and ten wooden targets were erected eighty paces away. To be considered excellent, you must at least hit eight out of ten targets. If you also pay attention to position, you will be the best among the best.


The cavalrymen galloped past one after another, and their results were all good. They were basically all qualified, and at least 30% of them were excellent.

At this time, it was the turn of a tall cavalryman, about thirty years old. The examiner Yue Chengfeng whispered to Li Ye: "Jie Du Envoy, this person is Lei Wanchun. He is currently serving as brigade commander."

Brigadier General? Li Ye was stunned for a moment and asked quickly: "When will he recruit the army?"

"He was one of the first batch of soldiers recruited by Li Xiangguo to join the army. He was appointed as the captain. He performed well in the Battle of Nanyang and was promoted to brigade commander."

It suddenly dawned on Li Ye that Lei Wanchun had joined the Hanjiang Army a long time ago, and so should Nan Jiyun.

Lei Wanchun galloped on horseback, bowed and nocked arrows, and the arrows hit the wooden target. Seven of them hit the vital part of the chest, arousing applause from all around.

"Not bad! He is indeed a famous general of the Middle Tang Dynasty."

The next cavalryman to appear was a tall and straight man with a very heroic appearance, about 27 or 28 years old. This man was Nan Jiyun. He and Lei Wanchun were sworn brothers and joined the army together.

In the sound of drums, Nan Jiyun galloped on his horse, unhurriedly drew his bow and set an arrow, one arrow was as fast as another, and the arrow hit the head and throat of the wooden target, and there was cheering all around.

His archery skills are superb and he truly deserves his reputation.

Li Ye immediately ordered two people to come to see him. Lei Wanchun and Nan Jiyun were brought to Li Ye. They knelt down on one knee and clasped their fists and said, "I'm sorry to see you as the Jiedushi!"

Li Ye smiled and asked, "Where are you from?"

Lei Wanchun clasped his fists and said: "Lei Wanchun, who is a humble servant, is from Zhuozhou, Hebei Province. This is my sworn brother Nan Jiyun."

Nan Jiyun also clasped his fists and said, "I am from Dunqiu County, Weizhou!"

"Both of you are from Hebei, why did you come to Xiangyang to join the army?"

"Reporting to the Jiedu Envoy, An Lushan was about to rebel. Everyone in Hebei knew it, but the imperial armaments were slack. We were anxious and recruited local warriors to prepare for the country. Unexpectedly, we were arrested by the governor of Xiangzhou and said that we were a gathering of bandits.

We had no choice but to flee to the Central Plains. Later, we heard that the Shannan East Road Observation Envoy was recruiting soldiers in Xiangyang. This was the only local official in the Central Plains preparing for war, so we rushed to join the army."

Li Ye understood that it was his father who had started recruiting troops before Anlushan's rebellion that attracted Lei Wanchun and Nan Jiyun.

Li Ye said happily: "You two are highly skilled in martial arts and brave in battle. It's a pity to be captains. From now on, I will appoint you two as Eagle Strikers."

Lei Wanchun and Nan Jiyun were overjoyed and clasped their fists together and said: "I am willing to serve for the Jiedushi!"

This chapter has been completed!
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