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Chapter 596: Will bring evil to each other

 The Qingshan Tower of the Yang family was originally established with special approval from the emperor because of the assassinations of Yang Xi and Yang Xuangui. It was actually a warrior organization. There were 500 warriors at the beginning, but after a few years of development, there were more than 1,000 warriors.

, but according to the official registration there are still only 500 people.

The Qingshan Tower of the Yang family already had more than a thousand people, so it was no longer suitable to be stationed in the city. It happened that the emperor Li Longji awarded Prince Qing's Tianqing Manor to Yang Guozhong, and Yang Guozhong simply used the Tianqing Manor as a base for his warriors.

Tianqing Manor was renamed Qingshan Manor.

Qingshan Manor is located in the east of the city, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery. It covers an area of ​​20 hectares and is surrounded by walls. There is no wheat planted in the manor, and it is all lawn. It was the horse racing land of King Qing. Yang Guozhong built it in the manor.

There are more than 20 large wooden houses, making it a place where Qingshan Tower warriors can garrison.

At the third watch, 10,000 soldiers entered Qingshan Manor from all directions and soon surrounded dozens of wooden houses.

General Guan Chongsi waved his hand, and the soldiers kicked open the door and rushed into the house.

Without a bloody battle, more than 1,300 warriors from Qingshan Manor were escorted out. All were captured as strong men and incorporated into the army. Only the leader Yang Jian happened to be visiting relatives in the city and escaped.

The next morning, Yang Jian spread the news, and several important figures in the Yang family held urgent discussions.

Including Yang Guozhong, Yang Qi, Yang Wei, Mrs. Guo Guo and Mrs. Korea, a total of five people gathered together for urgent discussion.

"Ge Shuhan is just deliberately provocative and doesn't take our Yang family seriously at all."

Yang Qi gritted his teeth and said to Guo Guo's wife Yang Yupei: "Third sister, you must tell the emperor about this and beg him to make the decision for us!"

Yang Yupei has never been interested in the Tianqinglou warriors. She has never been able to use them, and she has to spend a lot of money to support them every year. Yang Yupei has long had objections.

She raised her eyebrows and said, "You have three great men, one is the prime minister, one is the secretary and overseer, and the other is the minister, and you don't know what to do? But you come to ask me a woman, are you embarrassed?"

After all, Yang Guozhong had been the prime minister for several years. He knew that some things were not visible to the public. He said slowly: "We have a handle at Qingshan Tower. The emperor only approved five hundred warriors, but in fact we expanded to 1,300.

The Emperor approved us as warriors, but we changed it to armored cavalry without permission. If Ge Shuhan seized on these two points to make excuses, we would be very passive and even be attacked by a group of courtiers. We would only suffer a loss in this matter.


Yang Qi and Yang Wei said angrily: "There are more than a thousand people! Is this all?"

Yang Guozhong said with a fierce look in his eyes: "Since Ge Shuhan has been in the first grade of junior high school, we will be in the fifteenth grade. Just wait! As long as he has something to fall into my hands, I will never let him go."

Ge Shuhan's sneak attack on the Yang family caused a huge loss to the Yang family, and also caused deep resentment between Yang Guozhong and Ge Shuhan.

Time flashed to the beginning of August. The two armies of Shi Siming and Cai Xide in Hebei were very unsatisfactory and suffered repeated defeats. Their opponents were Li Guangbi, who commanded the Hedong Army, and Guo Ziyi, who commanded the Shuofang Army.

The defeat of the Yan army in Hebei put great pressure on An Lushan. He had a very bad temper and often whipped the people around him. He looked like the solemn and noble prime minister, and his face was often whipped with bloodstains.

Ge Shuhan was also cunning and cunning, and insisted on guarding the natural dangers of Tongguan, making it impossible for the Yan army to attack for a long time.

An Lushan finally couldn't bear it anymore and gave Cui Qianyou half a month to capture Tongguan, otherwise he would come to see him.

Prime Minister Yan Zhuang was also sent to Shaanxi Province by An Lushan to supervise the war. If Tongguan could not be captured before the end of August, he would also be executed.

In the big tent, Yan Zhuang and Cui Qianyou discussed countermeasures.

Cui Qianyou said slowly: "If I can deceive Ge Shuhan out of Tongguan, then I will be sure of this battle. According to the information I have obtained, Ge Shuhan is a soft-spoken person. The key lies in his two lieutenants, Wang Sili." I tend to use surprise troops and are more greedy to attack. My army has been relatively weak several times. Wang Sili persuaded his brother Shuhan to fight out of Tongguan several times, but he was strongly discouraged by another deputy general Feng Changqing, so Feng Changqing is a big man. The question is, if I can get rid of Feng Changqing, I will be sure to lure Ge Shuhan out of prison."

Yan Zhuang squinted his eyes and thought for a moment and said: "Feng Changqing had been sitting on the bench for two years. It is said that Li Longji disliked this person very much, mainly because he did not give gifts and offended two eunuchs, one Yuan Siyi and the other a border officer. Cheng, then we can also use Yuan Siyi to kill Feng Changqing. I can use a little trick to kill him, and then use the conflict between Yang Guozhong and Ge Shuhan. After this set of punches, the situation in Tongguan will be as follows Our direction is gone."

Cui Qianyou nodded, "I completely agree with Xiangguo's countermeasures!"

General Huang Xuan of Jinwu Guard was formerly a subordinate of King Qing Li Cong. After Li Cong's death, Huang Xuan joined Yuan Siyi in time and became Yuan Siyi's dog. He obeyed Yuan Siyi's words. It was for this reason that Yuan Siyi tried his best to keep him. , so that he would not be liquidated.

That evening, a eunuch found Huang Xuan who was about to patrol the streets and handed him a note.

Huang Xuan squinted after reading the note and nodded, "Please tell Mr. Yuan to ensure that things are done properly!"

At nightfall, the rumbling drums are beating, the city gate has been closed, now it is time to close the square gate, and the Jinwu Guards begin to dispatch.

Huang Xuan led a Jinwu Guard patrol team to Chongxian Square in Chang'an County. He saw someone asking to open the door at the gate of the square. When he saw a patrol soldier coming, the person turned around and ran away.

Huang Xuan ordered: "Catch him!"

The soldiers galloped forward on horseback and caught up with the man in a moment. The soldiers got off their horses and caught him. The man was struggling desperately, and suddenly more than ten gold ingots fell from his arms. The soldiers pinned the man firmly to the ground and tied him up. .

Huang Xuan urged his horse forward, pointed his riding whip and asked: "Who are you, who dare to carry gold on the road?"

The man lowered his head and said: "The villain's name is Zheng Hu, and he is a servant!"


Huang Xuan drew his sword and put it on his neck, "If you don't tell the truth, I will kill you with one sword!"

The man plopped down and begged on his knees: "General, I'm just going to give you a gift."

"Who are you giving gold to?"

"Give me the title of General Changqing."

Huang Xuan waved his hand and said, "Search his whole body!"

The soldiers searched his body and soon found a note in his hair and a waistband.

The man broke away from the soldiers and ran away desperately. Huang Xuan sneered in his heart, drew his bow and shot an arrow, "Pfft!" Hitting the back of the heart, the man screamed and fell down. The soldiers ran up and said: "Pfft!"

General Huang, this man has died of anger!"

Huang Xuan looked at the badge and said, "It doesn't matter life or death, I already know who he is."

He immediately ordered: "Send the body to the county government, and we will go to Daming Palace!"

During the war, the imperial court would have a prime minister on duty every night. What a coincidence, the prime minister on duty tonight was Yang Guozhong.

Yang Guozhong heard that the Jinwu Guards had caught a spy from Anlushan during their patrol. He was immediately interested and summoned Huang Xuan. Huang Xuan presented three hundred taels of gold, a letter and a waistband, "This is from the spy."

We found the man who was very skilled in martial arts, so we couldn't capture him alive, so we had to shoot him with arrows."

"Who is that person?" Yang Guozhong asked.

"He is Liu Luogu's subordinate Zheng Qihu. I know from his humble position that this person is Liu Luogu's right-hand man. This is his waist card."

Yang Guozhong looked at the badge, nodded, then picked up the note and looked at it carefully. It turned out to be a letter written by Liu Luogu to Feng Changqing, asking him to try to prevent the Tang army from leaving Tongguan.

Yang Guozhong was a little puzzled. Why did he want to prevent the Tang army from leaving Tongguan?

He ordered: "Go and find Mr. Wang!"

This chapter has been completed!
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