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Chapter 648 Desperate

Junshan Island is not far from Baling County. Soon we saw the dark land. Junshan Island is very small, only about one square kilometer. However, the island has lush jungles, green peaks, and many caves. It is easy to store a large amount of money and food.


It was only the first watch at this time, and the island was pitch black. Wang Xiaoru hesitated and said: "It's better to wait until dawn tomorrow before going to the island!"


Liu Julin categorically rejected, "If they destroy the money and food, the prince's army will be doomed, and they must go to the island immediately to take back the money and food!"

Wang Xiaoru was silent for a moment. His entourage named Lei had just told him that he had one to two thousand troops to guard the money and food. Of course, Wang Ruxiao had expected this.

But Wang Xiaoru was very worried. Two hundred warships! What would happen if they were taken away by the island's defenders?

But if we send too few troops and are ambushed and annihilated by the soldiers on the island, the gain outweighs the loss.

Wang Xiaoru was in a dilemma.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Liu Julin immediately said anxiously: "If the general is worried about his own safety, it doesn't matter. The general will guard the ship and I will lead the army to the island. If I die in battle, the general will go and explain to the prince!"

This threat was so serious that Wang Xiaoru couldn't keep it off his face. Thinking that he couldn't explain it to the prince, he could only nod his head and said: "How can you let the military advisor lead the troops? I will lead the troops to the island now!"

He immediately ordered two hundred large ships to surround Junshan Island. The naval forces disembarked and gathered to the southeast. Only a few soldiers were left on board to guard the ships. The two hundred large ships were not allowed to dock and were moored with ropes to the rocks on the shore.

In this way, enemy troops on the island can't get on the big ship during a sneak attack.

This was not a solution at all, and it barely solved Wang Xiaoru's worries about losing his ship.

Liu Julin was a civil servant, so he naturally did not disembark. Instead, Lei Wanchun was the guide and led thousands of soldiers to the island. The soldiers all held torches and snaked towards the island like a fire dragon.

Just as thousands of soldiers left, countless water ghosts appeared from the water and climbed onto the ship. They launched a surprise attack on the soldiers guarding the ship. Five hundred soldiers guarded the ship and were assigned to two hundred large ships. Each ship also

Just two or three people.

This is where Li Ye's thinking was careful. If he directly used a small boat to seize the ship, it would be easy to be discovered. The soldiers guarding the ship would sound the alarm, causing the soldiers on the island to come back. So he simply boarded the ship with water ghosts first and killed the soldiers guarding the ship.

, even if some individuals escape, it will not have much impact.

Almost all the soldiers left behind on the ship stood at the bow and looked at the island. The water ghosts climbed up from the stern of the ship and attacked silently. They succeeded one after another and killed the soldiers guarding the ship. Then hundreds of small boats filled with Jianghan navy troops followed.

Appeared in the night

Lei Wanchun led thousands of soldiers on a meandering march. Wang Xiaoru looked around vigilantly, but found no signs of an ambush. He felt slightly uneasy. In fact, he had long felt that something was wrong. Kang Chuyuan was not a thief.

Why hide millions of money and food in a cave?

It's just that Liu Julin's words were accurate, and he was a military advisor, so Wang Xiaoru had no choice but to believe him.

Gradually, they came to the middle of Junshan Island. Suddenly, a continuous sound of horns came from behind, "Woo--Woo--"

The soldiers stopped and looked back.

Just then, a soldier shouted: "Why is the guide missing?"

Wang Xiaoru turned his head and was stunned. The guide named Lei who was walking in front just now was nowhere to be seen.

"No, it's a scam!"

Wang Xiaoru came to his senses and shouted: "The army turns around and returns to the ship! Return to the ship!"

Thousands of soldiers turned around and ran towards the shore. When they reached the shore, they were dumbfounded. There was no trace of their big ship.

At the foot of Baling City, 15,000 troops led by Li Zhan were also surrounded. In the night, 20,000 cavalry galloped back and forth, cutting them into countless small pieces. The cavalry shouted: "We are sent by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Army, put down your weapons, sit down where you are, and let everyone go home!"

There was no fighting in the darkness, and even if there were sporadic fighting, they were quickly resolved. In panic, the soldiers who were cut and surrounded one by one chose to sit down. The opponent was the army sent by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. They were all their own soldiers.

They lost their determination to fight tooth and nail.

The three hundred personal guards led by Li Zhen were also surrounded by three thousand cavalry. In the light of the fire, dense crossbows were aimed at them.

Li Zhen was extremely angry, but he did not dare to act rashly. He knew very well that if he resisted, he would be shot into a hedgehog.

"Who exactly are you?"

The other party was indeed from the Tang Army, but Li Zhen had a vague feeling that the other party was not Kang Chuyuan's.

At this time, a general wearing a golden helmet came out of the team and laughed loudly: "I am Li Ye, the governor of Jianghan. Your Highness, don't be afraid. I have no ill intentions!"

The opponent was indeed Li Ye's army. Li Zhen had guessed it just now. He shouted: "His Royal Highness, King Lu, we are all Tang troops and have reached a transit agreement. We are not enemies. May I ask what your Highness's intention is to lead the army to surround us?"


Li Ye smiled and said: "Your Highness, it seems that there is a misunderstanding. Kang Chuyuan supported his own troops and proclaimed himself the Overlord of Southern Chu. I sent troops to annihilate Kang Chuyuan according to the emperor's order. I thought that your highness's army was Kang Chuyuan's night attack on Baling County, so I ambush him in Baling County."


Li Zhen was not a three-year-old child, so how could he believe Li Ye's words? He gritted his teeth and said: "Since it is a misunderstanding, please get out of the way and let us leave!"

"Of course His Highness can leave. As long as you put down your weapons, I promise not to stop you and let Your Highness go!"

"What about my men?"

"If they are willing to follow His Highness, I will also let them go."

"What if you go back on your word?"

Li Ye laughed loudly, stopped laughing, and said coldly: "For your father's sake, I spared you once. If you don't know what to do, this is where you will be buried!"

Li Zhen had no choice but to order: "Everyone put down their weapons!"

His men threw their spears and swords on the ground one after another, and Li Ye sternly ordered: "Throw away the bows, arrows and shields too!"

Li Zhen gritted his teeth and said, "Just do it!"

The three hundred soldiers had no choice but to throw away their bows, arrows and shields. Li Ye waved his hand and the cavalry surrounding them from the south moved out of the way.

Li Ye smiled lightly and said, "Please, Your Highness!"

Li Zhen snorted, "Let's go!"

He led three hundred personal guards and galloped towards the south.

Li Zhan's escape became the last straw for his army. Hearing that the general had given up on them and fled, the rest of the army surrendered, took off their armor, put down their weapons, and were escorted to the camp by the Jianghan army.

Li Zhen led three hundred soldiers and ran for more than ten miles. They waited on horseback for a quarter of an hour, but did not see a single soldier coming. Li Zhen knew that Li Ye would not let go of his men at all. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh and urged his horse.

Run towards Tanzhou.

It was getting brighter, and the Yongwang Army soldiers on Junshan Island finally saw clearly the situation on the water. They saw hundreds of medium-sized warships parked on the water a few miles away, all of which were full of soldiers, and their two hundred warships were

No shadow of the ship can be seen.

A general asked in a low voice: "General, are they Kang Chuyuan's navy?"

Wang Xiaoru shook his head, "Probably not!"

He had figured it out at this time. It was a trap from beginning to end, including Wang Yu and Liu Julin of King Yong. They were all part of the trap. The other party deceived them into Dongting Lake and took away their big ship. Li Zhen

The army is expected to be in trouble.

How could Kang Chuyuan have such great courage? Only one person could do it, King Lu Li Ye. Li Ye should be trying to seize his own warship. In this way, Li Ye became the overlord of the Yangtze River, even the lower reaches of Jiangdu.

The navy couldn't compete with him, and Kang Chuyuan was probably destroyed by him.

After thinking about this, Wang Xiaoru felt extremely melancholy. King Yong looked menacing, but he was no match for Li Ye. King Yong was hesitant and refused to attack Kang Chuyuan, which gave Li Ye an excuse to send troops. Once Yuezhou was lost, the entire Dongting

The prefectures and counties surrounding the lake cannot be saved.

At this time, a small boat came, and a soldier on the boat shot a letter arrow ashore. A soldier picked it up and presented it to Wang Xiaoru.

Wang Xiaoru read the letter, and it turned out to be a handwritten letter written by Li Ye to him.

‘The General of the Hussars of the Tang Dynasty, the Observer of the East Road of Shannan, the Envoy of Jianghan Festival, Taiwei, King of Lu Li Ye sent a message to the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Yangtze River Navy of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Xiaoru’.

Wang Xiaoru opened the letter and read it carefully. The letter first praised him as a general of the Yangtze River Navy for maintaining the safety and order of the Yangtze River year after year. Then he changed the topic and criticized him for being a soldier of the Tang Dynasty, but he watched the fall of the two capitals and the Northern Datang.

The people were massacred and remained indifferent, but instead tried to support Li Lin in his fight against the imperial court. This was definitely not what a qualified Tang Dynasty soldier would do.

At the end of the letter, it was stated that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty would not kill the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. They could choose to either join the Jianghan Army and fight against An Lushan's rebels, or take off their military uniforms and go home to work in the fields.

Wang Xiaoru looked back at the panicked soldiers. There was no food on the island. He had to cut down trees and swim back to the shore, but he still could not escape the fate of being captured.

Wang Xiaoru could only sigh, "Raise the white flag, we surrender!"


This chapter has been completed!
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