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Chapter 740 The War between Officials and Officials

The next morning, Li Fuguo hurriedly came to see the emperor Li Heng. In the past few days, Li Heng was planning a major battle, preparing to use hundreds of thousands of troops to annihilate An Qingxu's army in Anyang.

But Li Heng found that once this campaign was carried out, the Central Plains and Guanzhong would be empty, and he was a little worried about the armies of Tubo and Li Ye.

Move Li Ye's army to Longyou and merge with the Tubo army. In this way, Li Ye and the Tubo army will restrain each other, and the threat to himself will disappear. This is simply a clever plan to kill two birds with one stone!

Li Heng began to feel anxious, and he had no choice but to end the negotiation immediately and kicked Li Ye to Longyou.

Since Li Fuguo takes money from others, he has to help others to eliminate disasters. He still values ​​​​reputation. He has a good reputation and has the ability to solve problems for others. Why should he worry about the money not rolling in?

At the beginning, he persuaded Li Heng to leave the most useless Li Huan in Huaixi to silence the people of the world. This allowed people who were interested to see his ability, and that's why he sent the 80,000 taels of silver today.

So he has to solve the problem for Li Ye. He knows exactly where the problem is? He also knows how to solve it?

The first step is to transfer Li Yu back and exclude the Zhengshitang from the negotiations. Many things will be easy to operate in secret.

"Your Majesty, I got a report from the supervisor last night. Someone sent dozens of large boxes to the Hanzhong Palace. They are very heavy. They said they are Xiangyang specialties. I am a little worried!"

Li Heng suddenly frowned, "Who gave it as a gift? Have you checked it?"

Li Fuguo shook his head and tried to catch him again: "The origin of the person who gave the gift is unknown. When Wei Chen's men chased him out, he had already left Chang'an City. Maybe the old slave was overthinking it, and it was just an ordinary souvenir."

Li Heng sneered, "Sending souvenirs in the middle of the night, do these people think I'm a fool?"

Li Fuguo knew that the emperor was beginning to become suspicious. He sighed and said: "I don't know whether to say it or not. If I say it, I will offend people. But if I don't say it, I will feel a thorn in my heart. I feel sorry for your majesty!"

"General, feel free to speak out, I want to hear the truth!"

"Your Majesty, the power of the monarch and the power of the prime minister have always been very clear. The negotiation with Li Ye, Lao Nu believes that it has nothing to do with the political affairs hall and should be led by your majesty. Whether Li Ye is the Jianghan Jiedushi or the Shannan Road observer, he is the

Appointed by the emperor, not by the prime minister, let alone the Zhengshitang, why is it now dominated by the Zhengshitang?"

Li Heng was a little confused, "Didn't I appoint Li Yu as the chief negotiator? What's wrong?"

Li Fuguo sighed, "Li Yu was appointed by the Zhengshitang. He only submitted it to His Majesty for approval. Li Yu's title is the special envoy of the Zhengshitang. This is wrong. He should be the emperor's special envoy, so his report was submitted to the Zhengshitang for review.

, and then submitted it to His Majesty. Cheng Yuanzhen submitted it directly to His Majesty. Your Majesty’s real representative is Cheng Yuanzhen, not Li Yu.

Now Li Yu represents the court in negotiations, and Cheng Yuanzhen supervises. This is a big mistake. In fact, the power of the prime minister has violated the power of the monarch."

Li Fuguo thought about it all night, and he finally discovered this loophole. Li Yu's report was actually handed over to the Political Affairs Hall. Perhaps because Cheng Yuanzhen also wrote a report and gave it directly to the emperor, so Li Yu naturally transferred the report to the emperor.

And submitted it to the Political Affairs Hall.

Even the Political Affairs Hall was not aware of this overreaching issue, but Li Fuguo was aware of it.

Li Heng finally understood, and his face suddenly became ugly. He said after a while: "What about the general's opinion?"

"The old slave suggested that Li Yu's qualifications as negotiator be revoked and that Cheng Yuanzhen should take over as chief negotiator to continue negotiations with Li Ye on behalf of His Majesty. Your Majesty, only Cheng Yuanzhen will truly carry out His Majesty's true intentions and let Li Ye go away as quickly as possible.

Longyou, instead of staying in Xiangyang for various reasons, so that His Majesty's plan to besiege An Qingxu cannot be implemented."

Li Fuguo's words undoubtedly spoke to Li Heng's heart. Not to mention that the political hall was indeed suspected of exceeding its authority, and more importantly, the negotiations were far away. So when can Li Ye leave Xiangyang? When can he be able to encircle and suppress Anqing without any worries?


The emperor Li Heng was an indecisive person with no independent opinions. Under Li Fuguo's repeated urging, Li Heng finally issued an order to remove Li Yu from his position as the chief negotiator and ordered him to return to Beijing immediately. Cheng Yuanzhen was appointed as the chief negotiator, with full responsibility for peace talks.

Li Ye negotiates.

The emperor's edict was issued, which immediately caused a backlash from the political hall. Soon, Wei Jiansu, the right prime minister, and Fang Guan, the left prime minister, came together to ask for an audience with the emperor.

Li Heng knew what they were doing. He glanced at Li Fuguo. Li Fuguo sneered and said, "Your Majesty, please remain silent. Let this old slave reason with them!"

Li Heng immediately announced that the two of them had met, and they bowed. Wei Jiansu asked anxiously: "Why did Your Highness remove Li Yu from the post of special envoy for negotiation?"

Li Heng remained silent, and Li Fuguo slowly stepped forward and said, "Let me answer this question for the emperor!"

Wei Jiansu's eyes suddenly showed a look of immense hatred, and he knew that it was Li Fuguo who was behind this, because this was his own plan, not the eunuchs' plan, and Li Fuguo was doing everything possible to destroy it.

Fang Guan wanted to be more diplomatic and said quickly: "General, please speak!"

Li Fuguo said coldly: "The emperor removed Li Yu from the post of negotiator for two reasons. One reason is that the relationship between Li Yu and Li Ye is extraordinary. They not only play polo together, but they even have a friendship.

, Li Yu is Feilong’s apprentice, Li Ye is Feilong’s descendant, both prime ministers should know it!”

Wei Jiansu retorted: "Public is public and private is private. These are two different things. Li Yu refused Li Ye's banquets many times in Xiangyang, which shows that he distinguishes between public and private."

Li Fuguo sneered and said: "In my opinion, this is exactly the manifestation of the lack of distinction between public and private affairs. Under normal circumstances, negotiation is negotiation, and drinking is drinking. This is called distinction between public and private affairs. If one ignores official business and ignores personal friendship, or does not

Favoritism, or trying to cover up, which one does Wei Xiangguo think it is?"

"Of course Li Yu doesn't show favoritism!"

Li Fuguo shook his head, "The Holy One has always thought so. Until last night, someone sent dozens of heavy wooden boxes to Li Yu's house. It was not Li Yu who sent someone home. The person who came said that there was Xiang in the big box.

Li Yu's house gladly accepts this special product of the state. Is this called being unfaithful?"

Wei Jiansu was stunned, "I don't know about this."

"Of course the Prime Minister doesn't know, but I know it very well. I immediately reported it to the Emperor. The Emperor and I both believe that regardless of whether the gift is a Xiangzhou local product or not, it is better for Li Yu to avoid suspicion at this time."

Wei Jiansu pondered for a while and said: "If Your Majesty feels that Li Yu is suspected of accepting bribes and is not suitable to participate in negotiations, there is nothing wrong with it. Our political affairs hall can recommend a new negotiator to Your Majesty. Cheng Yuanzhen is only a supervisor, and he is not suitable to directly serve as the leader."


Li Fuguo was waiting for his words!

Li Fuguo said coldly: "Li Ye's Jianghan Jiedu Envoy was canonized by the Emperor, and the Shannan East Road Observer was also appointed by the Emperor. Apart from this, he did not hold any other governorships. Instead, he was granted the title of Hexi and Longyou Jiedu Envoy, who was also the Emperor.

During the canonization process, Li Ye was appointed and re-appointed by the emperor from beginning to end, so when negotiating with him, it should be the emperor who decides on the candidates. When did the political affairs hall overstep its authority and appoint candidates for negotiations on behalf of the emperor?"

Wei Jiansu's forehead was sweating. He really didn't realize this authority issue. He reacted very quickly and bowed: "Our political affairs hall only recommends candidates, and of course they are appointed by the emperor!"

"That's not right! Li Yu's report was written to the Political Affairs Hall, not to the emperor. Do you want me to bring it to Wei Xiangguo for review?"

"This. This is Li Yu's negligence. Because Cheng Yuanzhen also wrote a report, Li Yu directly submitted the report to the Political Affairs Hall. It is indeed just a small oversight, and it is definitely not an issue of ultra vires."

Li Fuguo suddenly said sternly: "But I just think this is a big deal. The power of the prime minister has exceeded the power of the king. Then there will be no need for an emperor in the future. The political affairs hall will make the decision in the Tang Dynasty. Anyway, one oversight can be explained to the world. Wei Xiangguo,

Is that what you mean?"

Wei Jiansu was sweating profusely and knelt down in front of the emperor. Fang Guan also knelt down quickly. Wei Jiansu said anxiously: "Your Majesty, I have no intention of overstepping the power of the emperor. I am just worried about Li Ye."

The asking price was too high, so Cheng Yuanzhen agreed without knowing why, which ultimately harmed the interests of Datang."

Li Fuguo was furious, what does it mean to be ignorant? Eunuchs are called ignorant when they do things. Cheng Yuanzhen is his deputy, so this is clearly humiliating himself.

Just as Li Fuguo was about to reprimand, the emperor Li Heng, who had been silent all this time, spoke up.

“Xiang Wei’s words are serious!”

Li Heng said calmly: "Li Ye is a minister of the Tang Dynasty, and internal bargaining is normal. The more he has, the less the court will have, but the total amount of the Tang Dynasty will not change. Since it is my right to negotiate with him, I will

It has been decided that Cheng Yuanzhen will be my plenipotentiary representative to negotiate with Li Ye. I believe that Cheng Yuanzhen will take the overall situation into consideration and end the negotiations as soon as possible!"

Wei Jiansu had no choice but to sigh and said: "I obey the order!"

This chapter has been completed!
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