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Chapter 744 Leaving Qishan Road

In fact, you can't blame Li Bai for worrying about official positions. He is under great pressure now. His good friend Gao Shang is appointed as the military envoy to Huainan, Wang Changling is appointed as the supervisory envoy to Longyou and Hexi, and Wang Wei is appointed as the deputy envoy to the capital and the commander of the treasury deployment. Only his other friend Du Fu is not satisfied.

It is said that life in Chengdu was miserable.

Li Bai himself has no official position and has gone to Yong Wang Li Lin, but he has not been reused at all. Fortunately, Li Ye accepted him and granted him a fifth-grade official position, so he happily came to join him. Now something has happened again, how can he do it?

do not worry?

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "Of course it is not the Imperial Academy's Xuezheng, but it is equivalent to the Imperial College's sacrificial wine. It is the highest education official in Longyou and Hexi. I named it Helong's Superintendent. The chief officer is a doctor. Mr.

The Imperial Imperial Academy's sacrificial wine is one level lower, and is the upper level of the fifth grade."


Li Bai was shocked. It turned out that he was asked to serve as the chief supervisor of the Academy. This position was much higher than running a newspaper. The chief officer of the Imperial Academy was the Imperial Academy Jijiu, and his deputy was the Imperial Doctor.

Li Bai was extremely excited and quickly bowed and said: "I thank Your Highness for your kindness, and I am willing to serve Your Highness!"

Li Ye smiled and nodded, "I will call you Dr. Li from now on. You can discuss it with Li Mi specifically on how to do it!"

Of course Li Bai knew that His Highness only set policies and did not care about affairs. Specific affairs were handled by the chief political officer, that is, Chief Shi Li Mi.

"Then I say goodbye to my humble position!"

When Li Bai walked out of the government office, a cold wind blew, and he suddenly realized that Li Ye did not allow him to run a newspaper, but instead asked him to be in charge of academic affairs in Helong. I'm afraid it had something to do with his daughter.

He is the prospective father-in-law of King Qi! Of course he must be reused.

Li Bai laughed and went to find Li Mi with infinite joy.

After resting for ten days in Hanzhong, Li Ye led an army of 80,000 and 50,000 camels loaded with grain and supplies in two batches toward Xingzhou.

Lianyun Plank Road was originally a plank road connecting Chencang Road and Baoxie Road. Chencang Road leads to Dashan Pass, and Baoxie Road leads to Xi County.

The Lianyun Plank Road continues to extend westward, and is called the West Lianyun Plank Road. It connects Chencang Road and another northbound passage, Qishan Road.

The Qishan Road leading to Longyou has existed since ancient times and was most famous during the Three Kingdoms period. Zhuge Liang took the Qishan Road in his first northern expedition. Later, Jiang Wei also took the Qishan Road in his northern expedition, going north from Jinniu Road to Wudu County in Hanzhong.

Then go north along the West Han River and enter Longxi.

Zhuge Liang's strategy was obviously to use Longxi as a logistics center, and then cross the Longshan Mountains to enter Guanzhong. However, Guanzhong was empty of troops, so General Zhang He came up with a surprise force to attack the Longxi logistics area.

Street Pavilion is located in Qinzhou, Longxi, which is a strategically important place crossing Longshan. It is the place Zhang He must pass through from Longzhou to Longxi.

If Ma Su can hold the street pavilion, Zhang He's main force will be contained, and Zhuge Liang will have time and space to lead the main force along the Weishui River into Guanzhong.

But Ma Su lost Jieting, and Zhang He's army immediately crossed Longshan and cut off Zhuge Liang's logistical supplies. Without logistical supplies, the battle could not be fought, and Zhuge Liang had to retreat back to Hanzhong in embarrassment.

However, the southern section of Qishan Road has been damaged for many years, so the army can only take Chencang Road first, then follow the Xilianyun Plank Road to enter the northern section of Qishan Road, and go directly to Longyou Chengzhou.

The West Lianyun Plank Road is built on the cliff. Holes are first drilled, and then the wood is driven into the holes, and wooden boards are laid on the wood to form a plank road. The West Lianyun Plank Road is less than one foot wide.

You can't walk on a big cart, you can only walk by horse or camel. It's about 150 miles long and very dangerous. If your foot slips a little, you will fall off the cliff on the other side. People with a fear of heights will not be able to walk on it.

Dare not leave.

Li Ye did not want to repair the southern section of Qishan Road for the time being. In this way, if the Tibetan army wanted to invade Hanzhong, they could only take the West Lianyun Plank Road. When the situation was critical, the plank road was burned down and the Tibetan army would not be able to pass.

If the plank road is destroyed, the Helong army can retreat to Guanzhong first, take Dashan Pass and go south back to Hanzhong from Chencang Road.

Fifteen days later, 80,000 troops arrived at Shanggui in Qinzhou and were warmly welcomed by Cui Guangyuan, the governor of Qinzhou.

"Cui Shijun has made great achievements in guarding Chang'an and should be promoted. Why was he demoted to Qinzhou instead?" Li Ye asked in confusion.

Cui Guangyuan sighed and said: "I am too upright and offended Yu Chaoen. Yu Chaoen repeatedly made slanderous remarks in front of the emperor. I am lucky if I am not killed."

"Why?" Li Ye asked puzzled.

Cui Guangyuan pondered for a moment and said: "The various warehouses that Your Highness handed over to me were later controlled by Yu Chaoen. When the final settlement was made, it was found that almost all of them were less than 30% to half, and then they were no longer consistent with His Highness's accounts.

Yu Chaoen framed me, saying that His Highness and I colluded to make false accounts. In anger, I went to the Chang'an market to look for evidence, and finally caught Yu Chaoen. He sold the grain privately to Chang'an grain merchants. I reported to the emperor

After submitting the evidence, the key witness died under mysterious circumstances not long after.

Then some censors accused me of kneeling before An Lushan and calling him your majesty, so I was demoted to Qinzhou."

Li Ye smiled lightly and said: "I'm afraid the truth is far more than that!"

Cui Guangyuan nodded silently and sighed for a long time: "Later Su Zhen reminded me, and I realized that we were short of money, food and materials, and most of them went into the inner treasury. No wonder the emperor trusts the eunuchs so much, hey!"

Li Ye comforted him and said: "Cui Shijun, there is no need to feel melancholy. We only need to have a clear conscience when doing things. You should be glad that you did not join the eunuchs. At least in the eyes of future generations, you are innocent."

"Your Highness is right. I am indeed glad that I did not join the eunuchs, but once I knelt down to An Lushan is indeed a stain on me and a thorn in my heart!"

Li Ye said calmly: "In this world, there are many people who evade responsibilities, but few who endure humiliation and bear the burden. Cui Shijun does not hesitate to humiliate his reputation for the country and the people. His innocent heart and loyalty are not invisible to everyone."

Cui Guangyuan was so moved that his voice choked with sobs and he said: "With His Highness's words, Cui Guangyuan will die without regrets!"

Shanggui County is located on the south bank of the Weishui River. The open space on both sides of the Weishui River is full of shacks made of tree branches and felts. It is so dark that one cannot see the end. There are at least hundreds of thousands of shacks, large and small.

"Are these refugees?" Li Ye asked in surprise.

Cui Guangyuan nodded, "These are Han people who escaped from the Hehuang area. Tubo captured many Han people and took them to the plateau as slaves. When the news came out, it triggered a mass exodus from the Hehuang area. The court gave us some food and asked us to resettle the refugees.

, they are not allowed to cross Longshan, this is only part of it, there are more in Chengji County, we are under too much pressure."

"The food can still hold up?"

Cui Guangyuan smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest with you, Your Highness, we are indeed almost unable to hold on. As soon as spring started, we asked the court for food, but there is no news until now. Fortunately, many people fled here after the autumn harvest and they have some food reserves, so we can

Get through it.

But now is the time of drought, and each person only has two bowls of porridge per day. To keep from starving to death, it depends on whether the court can deliver the food in time, otherwise something big will happen! "

"It is estimated that the imperial court will not provide any more food. It will definitely be handled by me. I will arrange some food."

Speaking of this, Li Ye turned around and said to his soldiers: "Go quickly and invite the capital transfer envoy!"

The cavalryman immediately turned his horse's head and galloped back.

Li Ye asked again: "If I want to recruit soldiers, are there any young men willing to join me?"

"If I can have enough to eat and my family can have enough to eat, I think applicants will flock to it."

At this time, Liu Yan came on horseback. He followed Li Ye to Qinzhou to solve the refugee problem. The scouts brought them news that hundreds of thousands of refugees gathered in Qinzhou, but the reality is even crueler. The number of refugees may have exceeded one million.

Liu Yan has rich experience in resettling refugees. He also brought a group of young officials to follow him this time, and a second batch of 20,000 camels will soon arrive, specially carrying food and materials to solve the refugees' difficulties.

Liu Yan asked: "Chief Cui, are the refugees here just some? It is said that there are refugees in every county in Qinzhou?"

Cui Guangyuan nodded, "Liu Shijun is absolutely right. There are 130,000 refugee households in Shanggui County. The total number of refugee households in Qinzhou is 320,000, which is far more than one million people!"

This chapter has been completed!
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