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Chapter 807 Pie on the head

Liang Fei hesitated for a moment and said slowly: "The recruitment of civil servants this time is actually just for the imperial court to see. We don't want the imperial court to be too sensitive. It is actually an imperial examination. Of course, there are civil servants who can join the army, but it is not just

Limited to this.

Some people will also be appointed as county magistrates, county magistrates, military civilians, etc. In addition to the two hundred examination admission quotas, there are fifty special quotas, twenty contribution quotas, and thirty prestige quotas. What I got is

Contribution quota.”

Wei Yingwu and Du You were speechless for a long time. It turned out that this careless young man Liang had already obtained the quota.

"Did your family donate money?" Du You asked sourly.

Liang Fei shook his head, "There is a big mountain in Mianzhou, my hometown, called Laojun Mountain, because it is rich in a kind of mineral, which seems to be a saltpeter mine. Our family spent 10,000 yuan to buy Laojun Mountain in more than ten years. Later, the river

The Long Army wanted the mountain, so our family donated the mountain to the Helong Army, and then we got a quota for contribution."

Wei Yingwu and Du You looked at each other and realized that they had donated a mine.

"What does reputation quota mean?" Wei Yingwu asked.

"They are children of famous families, famous people in the world, like my two brothers, one is a Webster and the other is a Du family. They are both from famous families in Chang'an. In fact, you can give it a try and maybe you can get a prestigious spot."

Du You smiled bitterly and said: "It's too late now, let's talk about it after the exam tomorrow!"

After dinner, the three of them went back to the inn. Wei Yingwu and Du You came to the room, feeling a little heavy. Wei Yingwu sighed and said, "Actually, I should have thought that there is no such simple thing. I am too naive."

"It's okay! After all, the recruitment quota is not occupied. The special quotas are calculated separately."

"But it's different! Didn't you hear Xiao Liang say that there are also county magistrate and other positions? This must be for special places."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door from outside, and Liang Fei said hurriedly: "Brothers, open the door quickly!"

Wei Yingwu stepped forward and opened the door, and Liang Fei rushed in like a gust of wind, "You guys, come with me!"

The two of them were startled, "What's wrong, dear brother?"

Liang Fei closed the door and whispered: "I just went to the Government Affairs Office to register, and then an official asked me if I knew you. I said I did, and the official asked you to come over quickly."

Wei Yingwu and Du You's eyes widened. They didn't get any special quota! If they had, they would definitely know what was going on?

"Xiao Liang, are you right?" Du You asked doubtfully.

"How could I have made a mistake! Wei Yingwu, Du You, from Duling in Chang'an, are there anyone else besides you two? Come with me quickly, the carriage is waiting below!"

The two of them were surprised and happy. They hurriedly packed their clothes, followed Liang Fei downstairs, got on the carriage hired by Liang Fei, and headed all the way to the Government Office.

The day before the exam is the registration day for special quotas, because we are afraid that the news will spread too early and have a bad impact.

It was dusk now, and the lights in the government office were still bright. After looking at the roster, an official invited Wei Yingwu and Du You to the door of a room to sit down and wait.

After a while, the manager came out of the room and said, "Wei Yingwu, please come in!"

Wei Yingwu stood up, calmed down his inner tension, and then walked into the room. Sitting in the room was an official about fifty years old, with two officials behind him.

"Student Wei Yingwu meets the envoy!"

The official smiled and waved his hands: "Master Wei, please sit down!"

Wei Yingwu sat down uneasily. The official was Chen Huan, who was responsible for determining the special quota.

"Actually, generally, scholars with special quotas don't need to be interviewed by me. They can just register directly. But you and Du You are special. You probably didn't get the recommendation letter for special quotas."

Wei Yingwu shook his head, they really didn't get it.

Chen Huan then said slowly: "In fact, we have given a special quota to Jingzhao Webster, Wei Dun, you know!"

Wei Yingwu nodded, of course he knew that Wei Dun, the great-nephew of Right Prime Minister Wei Jiansu and the son of Weilun, the governor of Shangzhou, was the real son of a famous family, and his concubine could not compare with him.

"The Du family also has a quota, and the one recommended by the Du family is not Du You."

Wei Yingwu was silent for a moment and asked: "Since we don't meet the recommendation and don't have a recommendation letter, why did you come to us?"

"That's the problem. In fact, you have a letter of recommendation, which is a letter of recommendation given to you by His Highness King Qi."


Wei Yingwu was stunned for a moment. He had no interaction with King Qi, so why did King Qi write a letter of recommendation to him?

Chen Huan said calmly: "It probably has something to do with your family. His Highness values ​​the Jingzhao family very much, so it is normal to give him an extra spot."

Wei Yingwu nodded and could only understand it this way.

Chen Huan smiled slightly and said: "You will still take the exam as usual tomorrow. If you can pass the exam, you will not need to occupy the special quota, but don't worry, I might as well give you a thorough explanation. Since His Highness has written a letter of recommendation for you,

Then you will not be civil servants, but more likely to be ninth-grade officials or eighth-grade officials. Which one you are will depend on your performance."

After a pause, Chen Huan smiled and asked: "What are your personal wishes for becoming an official?"

“Students want to become officials in the county and accumulate low-level experience!”

"Helong is a border area, so it may be more difficult in the county."

"You're still young in a humble job, so it doesn't hurt to work harder!"

Chen Huan nodded, "Go ahead! Have a good exam tomorrow."

Wei Yingwu walked out of the government office in a dreamlike state and sat on the steps in a daze. He felt as if he had been hit by a pie falling from the sky.

Not long after, Du You also sat down next to him, with a confused look on his face. The two of them didn't speak, just sat there quietly.

It wasn't until Liang Fei called them to get in the car that they woke up from a dream.

Wei Yingwu patted Du You's arm, "Let's go! Go back and have a good rest, and do your best to take the exam tomorrow. When the official appointment is made, we will have a good celebration."

Before dawn the next day, more than 10,000 scholars gathered at the military camp outside the city. This was a temporary examination site. Today's civil service examination only took one day. As Liang Fei said, the first question was a test of classics and the reading capacity of the scholars.

The second question is about judging cases, mainly civil cases, and the third question is about reading calligraphy.

The main part of it is the examination and judgment of cases, which is actually the content of the official examination.


As the bell rang, the exam began. In each big tent, the candidates were writing in a hurry.

Among them, the first question is the simplest. As long as the system has read the book, the first question can be answered by directly filling in the answers in the blanks at the back. Everyone does it the most smoothly. Many people can solve it in just one stick of incense.

Finished answering thirty questions.

But on the second question, some people started to scratch their heads. There is no way to cheat on this question. Everyone around you may encounter different questions. This can help you distance yourself.

Excellent people are familiar with the law, the regulations are clear, and the judgments are well-founded. And the better people can combine the law with human feelings. This is the best answer.

But for most scholars, they don't understand the terms of the law, they only understand human feelings, and they can only make judgments based on human feelings.

In this way, the answer score will not be too high, and Li Ye's intention is also very obvious. He wants to recruit experienced civil servants, and then combined with the special quota, it is a perfect recruitment.

At the same time, Yongxian County is also conducting examinations simultaneously, but Yongxian scholars have an additional multiple-choice question: If your score does not meet the requirements of the magistrate, you can only be recruited as a civil servant. Are you willing to go to Longyou to write essays?


Fill in yes or no.

There is also a note below: The salary of civil servants is 5 guan per month, plus various subsidies and rewards, and the annual income is about 80 guan. Housing is provided by the government, and the price of goods in Longyou is about half that of Chang'an.

There is also a warning below the note: Please choose carefully. If you fail to register after being admitted, you will be recorded on the list of dishonest people in Helong Jiedu Prefecture and will never be admitted.

This is to prevent candidates from regretting it after being admitted, so the ugly words come first.

This multiple-choice question puts many scholars into a dilemma.

In the end, half of the people chose no. They only wanted to be judges, not civil servants.

Of course, all the examination papers of these scholars were invalid.

This chapter has been completed!
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